- Apr 27, 2017
Abodunrinwa Toki authored
Test: bit FrameworksCoreTests:android.view.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerTest Bug: 34780396 Change-Id: I8b98fef913df571e55474ea2529f71750874941c
- Apr 26, 2017
Philip Cuadra authored
Bluetooth needs the capability to set audio-related threads to be RT scheduled. Grant it sys_nice. system_server needs to set priority for the Bluetooth HAL. Allow it. Bug 37518404 Test: Play Bluetooth audio, confirm RT scheduling with systrace Merged-In: Iaf7b85a11a51883744d72a50addfd320b6fbbc2f Change-Id: Iaf7b85a11a51883744d72a50addfd320b6fbbc2f (cherry picked from commit 6eee6eb2)
- Apr 21, 2017
Chia-I Wu authored
Bug: 37152880 Bug: 37554633 Test: adb shell am hang --allow-restart Test: adb shell dumpstate Change-Id: Ie68607f3e3245a40056bdde7dd810ddf212b4295
Alex Klyubin authored
This adds fine-grained policy about who can register and find which HwBinder services in hwservicemanager. Test: Play movie in Netflix and Google Play Movies Test: Play video in YouTube app and YouTube web page Test: In Google Camera app, take photo (HDR+ and conventional), record video (slow motion and normal), and check that photos look fine and videos play back with sound. Test: Cast screen to a Google Cast device Test: Get location fix in Google Maps Test: Make and receive a phone call, check that sound works both ways and that disconnecting the call frome either end works fine. Test: Run RsHelloCompute RenderScript demo app Test: Run fast subset of media CTS tests: make and install CtsMediaTestCases.apk adb shell am instrument -e size small \ -w 'android.media.cts/android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner' Test: Play music using Google Play music Test: Adjust screen brightness via the slider in Quick Settings Test: adb bugreport Test: Enroll in fingerprint screen unlock, unlock screen using fingerprint Test: Apply OTA update: Make some visible change, e.g., rename Settings app. make otatools && \ make dist Ensure device has network connectivity ota_call.py -s <serial here> --file out/dist/sailfish-ota-*.zip Confirm the change is now live on the device Bug: 34454312 (cherry picked from commit 632bc494) Merged-In: Iecf74000e6c68f01299667486f3c767912c076d3 Change-Id: I7a9a487beaf6f30c52ce08e04d415624da49dd31
- Apr 17, 2017
Alex Klyubin authored
This commit marks system_server and app domains (except isolated_app) as clients of Graphics Allocator HAL. This makes the policy cleaner and prepares ground for restricting access to HwBinder services. Test: Play video in YouTube app and in Google Chrome YouTube web page Test: Using Google Camera app, take an HDR+ photo, a conventional photo, record a video with sound and a slow motion video with sound, then check that photos look good and videos play back fine, including sound. Bug: 34454312 Change-Id: Iea04d38fa5520432f06af94570fa6ce16ed7979a
- Apr 16, 2017
Martijn Coenen authored
The new binder_call() lines had to be added because this change removes mediacodec from binderservicedomain (on full-treble), hence domains that could previously reach mediacodec with binder_call(domain, binderservicedomain) now need explicit calls instead. Test: Youtube, Netflix, Maps, Chrome, Music Change-Id: I3325ce20d9304bc07659fd435554cbcbacbc9829
- Apr 14, 2017
Martijn Coenen authored
Since hal_graphics_composer_default is now no longer a member of binderservicedomain, these domains would no longer be able to use filedescriptors from it. Bug: 36569525 Bug: 35706331 Test: marlin boots, YouTube, Maps, Camera, video Change-Id: I4c110cf7530983470ae079e4fbc8cf11aa0fab7f
- Apr 12, 2017
Alex Klyubin authored
All HALs which are represented by hal_* attributes in SELinux policy are required to run in binderized mode on Treble devices. This commit thus makes the SELinux policy for Treble devices no longer associate domains in hal_x_client with hal_x attribute, which is what was granting domains hosting clients of hal_x the rules needed to run this HAL in-process. The result is that core components have now less access. This commit has no effect on non-Treble devices. Test: Device boots -- no new denials Test: Play movie using Google Play Movies and Netflix Test: Play YouTube clip in YouTube app and in Chrome Test: Unlock lock screen using fingerprint Test: Using Google Camera, take a photo, an HDR+ photo, record a video with sound, a slow motion video with sound. Photos and videos display/play back fine (incl. sound). Test: adb screencap Test: $ monitor take screenshot Test: In all tests, no deials to do with hal_*, except pre-existing denials to do with hal_gnss. Bug: 37160141 Bug: 34274385 Bug: 34170079 Change-Id: I1ca91d43592b466114af13898f5909f41e59b521
Jorge Lucangeli Obes authored
With build/core eaa9d88cf, system_server should not be loading code from /data. Add an auditallow rule to report violations. Bug: 37214733 Test: Boot marlin, no SELinux audit lines for system_server. Change-Id: I2e25eb144503274025bd4fc9bb519555851f6521 (cherry picked from commit 665128fa)
- Apr 07, 2017
Donghyun Cho authored
Bug: 36562029 Test: m -j40 and CEC functionality works well Change-Id: I5a693e65abdd5139a848d939149a475056cc41e8
- Apr 06, 2017
Sandeep Patil authored
The change makes 'vendor_overlay_file' accessible only to few platform domains like idmap, system_server, zygote and appdomain. The overlay files contains RROs (runtime resource overlays) Bug: 36681210 Test: Boot sailfish (treble device) from wiped flashall Test: Connect to wifi and launch chrome to load few websites. Test: Launch camera and record + playback video Change-Id: I3596ca89ad51d0e7d78c75121f22ea71209ee332 Signed-off-by:
Sandeep Patil <sspatil@google.com>
- Apr 05, 2017
Sandeep Patil authored
The CL splits /vendor labeling from /system. Which was allowing all processes read, execute access to /vendor. Following directories will remain world readable /vendor/etc /vendor/lib(64)/hw/ Following are currently world readable but their scope will be minimized to platform processes that require access /vendor/app /vendor/framework/ /vendor/overlay Files labelled with 'same_process_hal_file' are allowed to be read + executed from by the world. This is for Same process HALs and their dependencies. Bug: 36527360 Bug: 36832490 Bug: 36681210 Bug: 36680116 Bug: 36690845 Bug: 36697328 Bug: 36696623 Bug: 36806861 Bug: 36656392 Bug: 36696623 Bug: 36792803 All of the tests were done on sailfish, angler, bullhead, dragon Test: Boot and connect to wifi Test: Run chrome and load websites, play video in youtube, load maps w/ current location, take pictures and record video in camera, playback recorded video. Test: Connect to BT headset and ensure BT audio playback works. Test: OTA sideload using recovery Test: CTS SELinuxHostTest pass Change-Id: I278435b72f7551a28f3c229f720ca608b77a7029 Signed-off-by:
Sandeep Patil <sspatil@google.com>
- Apr 04, 2017
Amit Mahajan authored
Test: manual (verified no denials in basic telephony operations) Bug: 36613472 Change-Id: I31274adee2cb6293102446cd2d6d547c50616836
- Mar 31, 2017
Shubang authored
Test: build, flash; adb shell lshal Bug: 36562029 Change-Id: If8f6d8dbd99d31e6627fa4b7c1fd4faea3b75cf2
Alex Klyubin authored
This futher restricts neverallows for sockets which may be exposed as filesystem nodes. This is achieved by labelling all such sockets created by core/non-vendor domains using the new coredomain_socket attribute, and then adding neverallow rules targeting that attribute. This has now effect on what domains are permitted to do. This only changes neverallow rules. Test: mmm system/sepolicy Bug: 36577153 (cherry picked from commit cf2ffdf0) Change-Id: Iffeee571a2ff61fb9515fa6849d060649636524e
- Mar 29, 2017
Sandeep Patil authored
*mac_permissions.xml files need to be explicitly labeled as they are now split cross system and vendor and won't have the generic world readable 'system_file' or 'rootfs' label. Bug: 36003167 Test: no new 'mac_perms_file' denials at boot complete on sailfish Test: successfully booted into recovery without denials and sideloaded OTA update. Test: Launch 'chrome' and succesfully load a website. Test: Launch Camera and take a picture. Test: Launch Camera and record a video, succesfully playback recorded video Change-Id: I1c882872bb78d1242ba273756ef0dc27487f58fc Signed-off-by:
Sandeep Patil <sspatil@google.com>
Sandeep Patil authored
file_context files need to be explicitly labeled as they are now split across system and vendor and won't have the generic world readable 'system_file' label. Bug: 36002414 Test: no new 'file_context' denials at boot complete on sailfish Test: successfully booted into recovery without denials and sideloaded OTA update. Test: ./cts-tradefed run singleCommand cts --skip-device-info \ --skip-preconditions --skip-connectivity-check --abi \ arm64-v8a --module CtsSecurityHostTestCases -t \ android.security.cts.SELinuxHostTest#testAospFileContexts Change-Id: I603157e9fa7d1de3679d41e343de397631666273 Signed-off-by:
Sandeep Patil <sspatil@google.com>
- Mar 25, 2017
Steven Moreland authored
Test: `adb shell am hang --allow-restart` -> Watchdog dumps hal traces (eventually) Bug: 36414311 Change-Id: I57e6875998b1f06a7deec1b8774facb75148d2c1
- Mar 24, 2017
Alex Klyubin authored
This change associates all domains which are clients of Allocator HAL with hal_allocator_client and the, required for all HAL client domains, halclientdomain. This enables this commit to remove the now unnecessary hwallocator_use macro because its binder_call(..., hal_allocator_server) is covered by binder_call(hal_allocator_client, hal_allocator_server) added in this commit. Unfortunately apps, except isolated app, are clients of Allocator HAL as well. This makes it hard to use the hal_client_domain(..., hal_allocator) macro because it translates into "typeattribute" which currently does not support being provided with a set of types, such as { appdomain -isolated_app }. As a workaround, hopefully until typeattribute is improved, this commit expresses the necessary association operation in CIL. private/technical_debt.cil introduced by this commit is appended into the platform policy CIL file, thus ensuring that the hack has effect on the final monolithic policy. P. S. This change also removes Allocator HAL access from isolated_app. Isolated app shouldn't have access to this HAL anyway. Test: Google Play Music plays back radios Test: Google Camera records video with sound and that video is then successfully played back with sound Test: YouTube app plays back clips with sound Test: YouTube in Chrome plays back clips with sound Bug: 34170079 Change-Id: Id00bba6fde83e7cf04fb58bc1c353c2f66333f92
Alex Klyubin authored
On PRODUCT_FULL_TREBLE devices, non-vendor domains (except vendor apps) are not permitted to use Binder. This commit thus: * groups non-vendor domains using the new "coredomain" attribute, * adds neverallow rules restricting Binder use to coredomain and appdomain only, and * temporarily exempts the domains which are currently violating this rule from this restriction. These domains are grouped using the new "binder_in_vendor_violators" attribute. The attribute is needed because the types corresponding to violators are not exposed to the public policy where the neverallow rules are. Test: mmm system/sepolicy Test: Device boots, no new denials Test: In Chrome, navigate to ip6.me, play a YouTube video Test: YouTube: play a video Test: Netflix: play a movie Test: Google Camera: take a photo, take an HDR+ photo, record video with sound, record slow motion video with sound. Confirm videos play back fine and with sound. Bug: 35870313 Change-Id: I0cd1a80b60bcbde358ce0f7a47b90f4435a45c95
- Mar 23, 2017
Kevin Schoedel authored
The vrmanager system service connects to vr_window_manager to provide access to controller data for 2d embedding. This is intended to be removed when the relevant parts of vr_window_manager are moved into VrCore (b/36506799). Bug: 35619424 Test: manual on device Change-Id: I9c645882bf1a14a85bbc4c2312164381b23aaa54
- Mar 22, 2017
Jeff Vander Stoep authored
ASAN builds may require additional permissions to launch processes with ASAN wrappers. In this case, system_server needs permission to execute /system/bin/sh. Create with_asan() macro which can be used exclusively on debug builds. Note this means that ASAN builds with these additional permission will not pass the security portion of CTS - like any other debug build. Addresses: avc: denied { execute } for name="sh" dev="dm-0" ino=571 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 tclass=file Test: lunch aosp_marlin-userdebug; cd system/sepolicy; mm SANITIZE_TARGET=address; Verify permissions granted using with_asan() are granted. Test: lunch aosp_marlin-userdebug; cd system/sepolicy; mm; Verify permissions granted using with_asan() are not granted. Test: lunch aosp_marlin-user; cd system/sepolicy; mm SANITIZE_TARGET=address; Verify permissions granted using with_asan() are not granted. Bug: 36138508 Change-Id: I6e39ada4bacd71687a593023f16b45bc16cd7ef8
Roshan Pius authored
Now that the android wifi framework has fully switched over to HIDL, remove the sepolicy permissions for accessing wpa_supplicant using socket control interface. While there, also removed the redundant |hwbinder_use|. Bug: 35707797 Test: Device boots up and able to connect to wifi networks. Test: Wifi integration tests passed. Change-Id: I55e24b852558d1a905b189116879179d62bdc76c
- Mar 18, 2017
Alex Klyubin authored
This switches Boot Control HAL policy to the design which enables us to conditionally remove unnecessary rules from domains which are clients of Boot Control HAL. Domains which are clients of Boot Control HAL, such as update_server, are granted rules targeting hal_bootctl only when the Boot Control HAL runs in passthrough mode (i.e., inside the client's process). When the HAL runs in binderized mode (i.e., in another process/domain, with clients talking to the HAL over HwBinder IPC), rules targeting hal_bootctl are not granted to client domains. Domains which offer a binderized implementation of Boot Control HAL, such as hal_bootctl_default domain, are always granted rules targeting hal_bootctl. P. S. This commit removes direct access to Boot Control HAL from system_server because system_server is not a client of this HAL. This commit also removes bootctrl_block_device type which is no longer used. Finally, boot_control_hal attribute is removed because it is now covered by the hal_bootctl attribute. Test: Device boots up, no new denials Test: Reboot into recovery, sideload OTA update succeeds Test: Apply OTA update via update_engine: 1. make dist 2. Ensure device has network connectivity 3. ota_call.py -s <serial here> out/dist/sailfish-ota-*.zip Bug: 34170079 Change-Id: I9c410c092069e431a3852b66c04c4d2a9f1a25cf
- Mar 17, 2017
Alex Klyubin authored
This switches most remaining HALs to the _client/_server approach. To unblock efforts blocked on majority of HALs having to use this model, this change does not remove unnecessary rules from clients of these HALs. That work will be performed in follow-up commits. This commit only adds allow rules and thus does not break existing functionality. The HALs not yet on the _client/_server model after this commit are: * Allocator HAL, because it's non-trivial to declare all apps except isolated apps as clients of this HAL, which they are. * Boot HAL, because it's still on the non-attributized model and I'm waiting for update_engine folks to answer a couple of questions which will let me refactor the policy of this HAL. Test: mmm system/sepolicy Test: Device boots, no new denials Test: Device boots in recovery mode, no new denials Bug: 34170079 Change-Id: I03e6bcec2fa02f14bdf17d11f7367b62c68a14b9
- Mar 15, 2017
Yifan Hong authored
Test: no log spam for graphics allocator Test: dmesg | audit2allow does not show denial for hal_graphics_allocator_default Test: system is responsive after boot (because android.hardware.graphics.allocator@2.0::IAllocator getService() will not be blocked) Bug: 36220026 Change-Id: I3e103f88988fe4a94888e92ee8c5b1f27845ad9e
Fyodor Kupolov authored
Untrusted apps should only access /data/preloads/media and demo directory. Bug: 36197686 Test: Verified retail mode. Checked non-privileged APK cannot access /data/preloads Change-Id: I8e9c21ff6aba799aa31bf06893cdf60dafc04446
- Mar 14, 2017
Alex Klyubin authored
This switches Sensors HAL policy to the design which enables us to conditionally remove unnecessary rules from domains which are clients of Sensors HAL. Domains which are clients of Sensors HAL, such as system_server, are granted rules targeting hal_sensors only when the Sensors HAL runs in passthrough mode (i.e., inside the client's process). When the HAL runs in binderized mode (i.e., in another process/domain, with clients talking to the HAL over HwBinder IPC), rules targeting hal_sensors are not granted to client domains. Domains which offer a binderized implementation of Sensors HAL, such as hal_sensors_default domain, are always granted rules targeting hal_sensors. P. S. This commit also removes allow system_server sensors_device:chr_file rw_file_perms because this is device-specific and thus not needed in device-agnostic policy. The device-specific policy of the affected devices already has this rule. Test: Device boots, no new denials Test: adb shell dumpsys sensorservice lists tons of sensors Test: Proprietary sensors test app indicates that there are sensors and that the app can register to listen for updates for sensors and that such updates arrive to the app. Bug: 34170079 Change-Id: I61bf779070eabcb64ae73724d62b6e837319a668
- Mar 07, 2017
Calin Juravle authored
We simplified the way we track whether or not a dex file is used by other apps. DexManager in the framework keeps track of the data and we no longer need file markers on disk. Test: device boots, foreign dex markers are not created anymore Bug: 32871170 Change-Id: I464ed6b09439cf0342020ee07596f9aa8ae53b62
Roshan Pius authored
Note: The existing rules allowing socket communication will be removed once we migrate over to HIDL completely. (cherry-pick of 2a9595ed) Bug: 34603782 Test: Able to connect to wifi networks. Test: Will be sending for full wifi integration tests (go/wifi-test-request) Change-Id: I9ee238fd0017ec330f6eb67ef9049211f7bd4615
- Mar 03, 2017
Roshan Pius authored
The new wifi HAL manages the wlan driver and hence needs to be able to load/unload the driver. The "wlan.driver.status" is used to indicate the state of the driver to the rest of the system. There are .rc scripts for example which wait for the state of this property. Denials: 03-01 13:31:43.394 476 476 W android.hardwar: type=1400 audit(0.0:7243): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:wifi_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10578 scontext=u:r:hal_wifi_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:wifi_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 03-01 13:31:43.399 476 476 E libc : Access denied finding property "wlan.driver.status" Bug: 35765841 Test: Denials no longer seen Change-Id: I502494af7140864934038ef51cb0326ba3902c63
- Feb 28, 2017
Chong Zhang authored
Also allow media.extractor to use media.cas for descrambling. bug: 22804304 Change-Id: Id283b31badecb11011211a776ba9ff5167a9019d
- Feb 24, 2017
Roshan Pius authored
Note: The existing rules allowing socket communication will be removed once we migrate over to HIDL completely. Bug: 34603782 Test: Able to connect to wifi networks. Test: Will be sending for full wifi integration tests (go/wifi-test-request) Change-Id: I9ee238fd0017ec330f6eb67ef9049211f7bd4615
mukesh agrawal authored
Previously, we'd restricted WifiService's use of the kernel's tracing feature to just userdebug_or_eng builds. This restriction was in place because the feature had not yet been reviewed from a privacy perspective. Now that the feature has passed privacy review, enable the feature on all builds. Note that other safeguards remain in place (on all builds): - The set of events to be monitored is configured by init, rather than WifiService (part of system_server). This privilege separation prevents a compromised system_server from tracing additional information. - The trace events are kept only in RAM, until/unless WifiService receives a dump request. (This would happen, for example, in the case of adb dumpsys, or generating a bugreport.) Bug: 35679234 Test: manual (see below) Manual test details: - flash device - connect device to a wifi network $ adb shell dumpsys wifi | grep rdev_connect [should see at least one matching line] Change-Id: I85070054857d75177d0bcdeb9b2c95bfd7e3b6bc
- Feb 22, 2017
Alex Klyubin authored
This switches Wi-Fi HAL policy to the design which enables us to conditionally remove unnecessary rules from domains which are clients of Wi-Fi HAL. Domains which are clients of Wi-Fi HAL, such as system_server domain, are granted rules targeting hal_wifi only when the Wi-Fi HAL runs in passthrough mode (i.e., inside the client's process). When the HAL runs in binderized mode (i.e., in another process/domain, with clients talking to the HAL over HwBinder IPC), rules targeting hal_wifi are not granted to client domains. Domains which offer a binderized implementation of Wi-Fi HAL, such as hal_wifi_default domain, are always granted rules targeting hal_wifi. Test: Setup Wizard (incl. adding a Google Account) completes fine with Wi-Fi connectivity only Test: Toggle Wi-Fi off, on, off, on Test: Use System UI to see list of WLANs and connect to one which does not require a password, and to one which requries a PSK Test: ip6.me loads fine in Chrome over Wi-Fi Bug: 34170079 Change-Id: I7a216a06727c88b7f2c23d529f67307e83bed17f
Alex Klyubin authored
This switches Fingerprint HAL policy to the design which enables us to conditionally remove unnecessary rules from domains which are clients of Bluetooth HAL. Domains which are clients of Fingerprint HAL, such as system_server domain, are granted rules targeting hal_fingerprint only when the Fingerprint HAL runs in passthrough mode (i.e., inside the client's process). When the HAL runs in binderized mode (i.e., in another process/domain, with clients talking to the HAL over HwBinder IPC), rules targeting hal_fingerprint are not granted to client domains. Domains which offer a binderized implementation of Fingerprint HAL, such as hal_fingerprint_default domain, are always granted rules targeting hal_fingerprint. NOTE: This commit also removes unnecessary allow rules from Fingerprint HAL, such access to servicemanager (not hwservicemanager) and access to keystore daemon over Binder IPC. Fingerprint HAL does not use this functionality anyway and shouldn't use it either. Test: Enable fingerprint + PIN secure lock screen, confirm it unlocks with fingerprint or PIN Test: Disable PIN (and thus fingerprint) secure lock screen Test: make FingerprintDialog, install, make a fake purchase Test: Add fingerprint_hidl_hal_test to device.mk, build & add to device, adb shell stop, adb shell /data/nativetest64/fingerprint_hidl_hal_test/fingerprint_hidl_hal_test -- all tests pass Bug: 34170079 Change-Id: I6951c0f0640194c743ff7049357c77f5f21b71a1
- Feb 17, 2017
Alex Klyubin authored
This switches DRM HAL policy to the design which enables us to conditionally remove unnecessary rules from domains which are clients of DRM HAL. Domains which are clients of DRM HAL, such as mediadrmserver domain, are granted rules targeting hal_drm only when the DRM HAL runs in passthrough mode (i.e., inside the client's process). When the HAL runs in binderized mode (i.e., in another process/domain, with clients talking to the HAL over HwBinder IPC), rules targeting hal_drm are not granted to client domains. Domains which offer a binderized implementation of DRM HAL, such as hal_drm_default domain, are always granted rules targeting hal_drm. Test: Play movie using Google Play Movies Test: Play movie using Netflix Bug: 34170079 Change-Id: I3ab0e84818ccd61e54b90f7ade3509b7dbf86fb9
Alex Klyubin authored
This switches Bluetooth HAL policy to the design which enables us to conditionally remove unnecessary rules from domains which are clients of Bluetooth HAL. Domains which are clients of Bluetooth HAL, such as bluetooth domain, are granted rules targeting hal_bluetooth only when the Bluetooth HAL runs in passthrough mode (i.e., inside the client's process). When the HAL runs in binderized mode (i.e., in another process/domain, with clients talking to the HAL over HwBinder IPC), rules targeting hal_bluetooth are not granted to client domains. Domains which offer a binderized implementation of Bluetooth HAL, such as hal_bluetooth_default domain, are always granted rules targeting hal_bluetooth. Test: Toggle Bluetooth off and on Test: Pair with another Android, and transfer a file to that Android over Bluetooth Test: Pair with a Bluetooth speaker, play music through that speaker over Bluetooth Test: Add bluetooth_hidl_hal_test to device.mk, build & add to device, adb shell stop, adb shell /data/nativetest64/bluetooth_hidl_hal_test/bluetooth_hidl_hal_test Bug: 34170079 Change-Id: I05c3ccf1e98cbbc1450a81bb1000c4fb75eb8a83
- Feb 15, 2017
Nick Kralevich authored
Commit https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/common/+/f0ce0eee added CAP_SYS_RESOURCE as a capability check which would allow access to sensitive /proc/PID files. However, in an SELinux based world, allowing this access causes CAP_SYS_RESOURCE to duplicate what CAP_SYS_PTRACE (without :process ptrace) already provides. Use CAP_SYS_PTRACE instead of CAP_SYS_RESOURCE. Add a neverallow rule to prevent system_server from using this capability to ptrace attach to any other process. This limits the capability of system_server to only reading sensitive /proc files, but not ptrace() access. Test: Device boots, functionality remains identical, no sys_resource denials from system_server. Bug: 34951864 Change-Id: I04d745b436ad75ee1ebecf0a61c6891858022e34
Eino-Ville Talvala authored
Much like audio, the camera HAL may need to have key threads running in SCHED_FIFO or similar priority. Allow system_server to raise thread priority for camera HALs to make this possible. Test: Video recording works, with EIS. No logspam about EIS failure. Bug: 35389145 Change-Id: I1d92f9f10dc3aff22ce56b8b9cc57db043631919