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Created with Raphaël 2.2.021Jan201918171817181718171617161716171615161516151615141514131211121112111011109109898989878787654343231Dec30282723222122212221202120192019201920191817181718171615141314131213121112111211101110976Initial sepolicy for app_zygote.Snap for 5246992 from 0d7c9ea595b323cc9ffbe8b0e356dc3ab838929c to q-keystone-qcom-releaseMerge "Merge QP1A.190107.001" into q-keystone-qcom-devSnap for 5246489 from 2adbea050121bf8e7e466278e48e46e5adabe7b0 to qt-releaseFix permissions for bluetooth tethering.[layout compilation] Modify sepolicy to allow installd to run viewcompiler am: f8dfb5f83b am: e82f50b4d2[layout compilation] Modify sepolicy to allow installd to run viewcompiler am: f8dfb5f83b[layout compilation] Modify sepolicy to allow installd to run viewcompilerSplit mapping file into system and product partsRename plat_pub_policy -> pub_policyRemove obsolete mapping build rules.[layout compilation] Modify sepolicy to allow installd to run viewcompilerMerge "Allow system server to access zram sysfs"Merge " remove some build-log spam" am: d25f1303de am: 0686460e79Merge " remove some build-log spam" am: d25f1303deMerge " remove some build-log spam"Merge " remove some build-log spam"Merge "Add SELinux policies for blastula pool sockets." am: 0f466d76d9 am: b260bc494aMerge "Add SELinux policies for blastula pool sockets." am: 0f466d76d9Merge "Add SELinux policies for blastula pool sockets."Merge "Add SELinux policies for blastula pool sockets." remove some build-log spam[automerger skipped] Allow init to set powerctl property am: 05477957eb -s ours[automerger skipped] Allow init to set powerctl propertyMerge "Allow installd sufficient permissions to rollback_data_file." am: ea8b87fd36 am: 2fc0ba210bMerge "Allow installd sufficient permissions to rollback_data_file." am: ea8b87fd36Merge "Allow installd sufficient permissions to rollback_data_file."Merge "Allow installd sufficient permissions to rollback_data_file."Merge "rs: add tests to ensure rs cannot abuse app data" am: 3a7f33b44d am: 7a711626c3Merge "rs: add tests to ensure rs cannot abuse app data" am: 3a7f33b44dMerge "rs: add tests to ensure rs cannot abuse app data"Merge "rs: add tests to ensure rs cannot abuse app data"Merge "Revoke ftrace selinux access from dumpstate" am: a0fb112a8a am: 35747091b5Merge "Revoke ftrace selinux access from dumpstate" am: a0fb112a8aMerge "Add the testharness service to sepolicy rules" am: 1fefa6c0e8 am: a587f0d4d3Merge "Revoke ftrace selinux access from dumpstate"Merge "Revoke ftrace selinux access from dumpstate"Merge "Add the testharness service to sepolicy rules" am: 1fefa6c0e8Merge "Add the testharness service to sepolicy rules"Merge "Add the testharness service to sepolicy rules"