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Created with Raphaël 2.2.025Jan2425242524252423242322232223222322212221201918171817181718171617161716171615161516151615141514131211121112111011109109898989878787654343231Dec3028272322212221222120212019201920192019181718171817161514131413Don't audit access for postinstall_mnt_dirEnsure that memory and binder_driver tracepoints are available in user buildsMerge "Add more neverallows to app_zygote policy." am: c7fb2809bf am: 8dc3148a0fMerge "Add more neverallows to app_zygote policy." am: c7fb2809bfMerge "Add more neverallows to app_zygote policy."Merge "Add more neverallows to app_zygote policy."Merge "Split system and product sepolicy hashes." am: 6c9d368ab1 am: 07b658ccd4Merge "Split system and product sepolicy hashes." am: 6c9d368ab1Move selinux_denial_metadata to /vendor.Merge "Split system and product sepolicy hashes."Merge "Split system and product sepolicy hashes."Sepolicy: Initial Apexd pre-/postinstall rulesMerge "Update sepolicy with new native boot flag for activity_manager" am: 055286fc94 am: d5315561bcMerge "Sepolicy: Allow apexd to log to kmsg" am: a1198e58c3 am: f27a6f881dMerge "Update sepolicy with new native boot flag for activity_manager" am: 055286fc94Merge "Sepolicy: Allow apexd to log to kmsg" am: a1198e58c3Merge "Update sepolicy with new native boot flag for activity_manager"Merge "Sepolicy: Allow apexd to log to kmsg"Merge "Update sepolicy with new native boot flag for activity_manager"Merge "Sepolicy: Allow apexd to log to kmsg"disallow priv-apps from following untrusted app symlinks.Add more neverallows to app_zygote policy.Merge "Add sepolicy for simpleperf_app_runner." am: 31bd80439f am: fc44e546bdMerge "Allow system_server to write to bpf maps" am: b761636b9d am: ac0b2ee2fdMerge "Add sepolicy for simpleperf_app_runner." am: 31bd80439fMerge "Allow system_server to write to bpf maps" am: b761636b9dUpdate sepolicy with new native boot flag for activity_managerMerge "Add sepolicy for simpleperf_app_runner."Merge "Allow system_server to write to bpf maps"Merge "Add sepolicy for simpleperf_app_runner."Merge "Allow system_server to write to bpf maps"[automerger skipped] Track SELinux denial caused by webview zygote. am: 0375302f41 am: 4049c2d971Track SELinux denial caused by webview zygote. am: 0375302f41Track SELinux denial caused by webview zygote.Sepolicy: Allow apexd to log to kmsgTrack SELinux denial caused by webview zygote.Merge "Track SELinux denial caused by webview zygote."Merge "Allow lazy HAL to run" am: b6388fe753 am: a8ee48d499Merge "Allow lazy HAL to run" am: b6388fe753Merge "Allow lazy HAL to run"