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  • Tri Vo's avatar
    Constrain cgroups access. · 9899568f
    Tri Vo authored
    What changed:
    - Removed cgroup access from untrusted and priv apps.
    - Settings app writes to /dev/stune/foreground/tasks, so system_app domain
    retains access to cgroup.
    - libcutils exports API to /dev/{cpuset, stune}/*. This API seems to be used
    abundantly in native code. So added a blanket allow rule for (coredomain - apps)
    to access cgroups.
    - For now, only audit cgroup access from vendor domains. Ultimately, we want to
    either constrain vendor access to individual domains or, even better, remove
    vendor access and have platform manage cgroups exclusively.
    Bug: 110043362
    Test: adb shell setprop ro.config.per_app_memcg true, device correctly populates
    /dev/memcg on a per app basis on a device that supports that.
    Test: aosp_sailfish, wahoo boot without cgroup denials
    Change-Id: I9e441b26792f1edb1663c660bcff422ec7a6332b