Patrick Daly authored
Requires CONFIG_LOG_BUF_MAGIC; otherwise no error checking will be performed. A log record is valid if: 1) The magic value matches 2) the length recorded in the header matches the sum of the lengths of the subelements. If a log record fails this check, perform a linear search to find the next matching log record. Change-Id: I584350c8bc1bf93c2d956fa1e05db8207cc2d40d
dmesglib.py 5.66 KiB
# Copyright (c) 2014, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
# only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
import re
import string
from parser_util import cleanupString
LOG_MAGIC = 0x5d7aefca
class DmesgLib(object):
def __init__(self, ramdump, outfile):
self.ramdump = ramdump
self.wrap_cnt = 0
self.outfile = outfile
if (self.ramdump.sizeof('struct printk_log') is None):
self.struct_name = 'struct log'
self.struct_name = 'struct printk_log'
def log_from_idx(self, idx, logbuf):
len_offset = self.ramdump.field_offset(self.struct_name, 'len')
msg = logbuf + idx
msg_len = self.ramdump.read_u16(msg + len_offset)
if (msg_len == 0):
return logbuf
return msg
def log_next(self, idx, logbuf):
len_offset = self.ramdump.field_offset(self.struct_name, 'len')
msg = idx
msg_len = self.ramdump.read_u16(msg + len_offset)
if (msg_len == 0):
self.wrap_cnt += 1
return logbuf
return idx + msg_len
def verify_log_helper(self, msg, verbose):
# return early if CONFIG_LOG_BUF_MAGIC is not defined
log_align_addr = self.ramdump.addr_lookup('__log_align')
if (log_align_addr is None):
return True
len_offset = self.ramdump.field_offset(self.struct_name, 'len')
text_offset = self.ramdump.field_offset(self.struct_name, 'text_len')
dict_offset = self.ramdump.field_offset(self.struct_name, 'dict_len')
magic_offset = self.ramdump.field_offset(self.struct_name, 'magic')
msg_len = self.ramdump.read_u16(msg + len_offset)
text_len = self.ramdump.read_u16(msg + text_offset)
dict_len = self.ramdump.read_u16(msg + dict_offset)
magic = self.ramdump.read_u32(msg + magic_offset)
log_size = self.ramdump.sizeof(self.struct_name)
log_align = self.ramdump.read_u32(log_align_addr)
is_logwrap_marker = not bool(text_len | msg_len | dict_len)
err = []
if (magic != LOG_MAGIC):
err.append('Bad Magic')
computed_msg_len = (text_len + dict_len + log_size + log_align - 1) & ~(log_align - 1)
if (not is_logwrap_marker and (msg_len != computed_msg_len)):
err.append('Bad length')
err = ' '.join(err)
if (err):
if (verbose):
f = '--------- Corrupted Dmesg {} for record @ {:x} ---------\n'.format(err, msg)
f = self.ramdump.hexdump(msg - 0x40, 0xC0)
return False
return True
def verify_log(self, msg, logbuf_addr, last_idx):
logbuf_size = self.ramdump.sizeof('__log_buf')
log_size = self.ramdump.sizeof(self.struct_name)
verbose = True
while msg != logbuf_addr + last_idx:
if (self.verify_log_helper(msg, verbose)):
return msg
verbose = False
msg = msg + 0x4
if (msg > logbuf_addr + logbuf_size - log_size):
msg = logbuf_addr
self.wrap_cnt += 1
return logbuf_addr + last_idx
def extract_dmesg_flat(self):
addr = self.ramdump.read_word(self.ramdump.addr_lookup('log_buf'))
size = self.ramdump.read_word(self.ramdump.addr_lookup('log_buf_len'))
dmesg = self.ramdump.read_physical(self.ramdump.virt_to_phys(addr), size)
self.outfile.write(cleanupString(dmesg.decode('ascii', 'ignore')) + '\n')
def extract_dmesg_binary(self):
first_idx_addr = self.ramdump.addr_lookup('log_first_idx')
last_idx_addr = self.ramdump.addr_lookup('log_next_idx')
logbuf_addr = self.ramdump.read_word(self.ramdump.addr_lookup('log_buf'))
time_offset = self.ramdump.field_offset(self.struct_name, 'ts_nsec')
len_offset = self.ramdump.field_offset(self.struct_name, 'len')
text_len_offset = self.ramdump.field_offset(self.struct_name, 'text_len')
log_size = self.ramdump.sizeof(self.struct_name)
first_idx = self.ramdump.read_u32(first_idx_addr)
last_idx = self.ramdump.read_u32(last_idx_addr)
curr_idx = logbuf_addr + first_idx
while curr_idx != logbuf_addr + last_idx and self.wrap_cnt < 2:
timestamp = self.ramdump.read_dword(curr_idx + time_offset)
text_len = self.ramdump.read_u16(curr_idx + text_len_offset)
text_str = self.ramdump.read_cstring(curr_idx + log_size, text_len)
for partial in text_str.split('\n'):
f = '[{0:>5}.{1:0>6d}] {2}\n'.format(
timestamp / 1000000000, (timestamp % 1000000000) / 1000, partial)
curr_idx = self.log_next(curr_idx, logbuf_addr)
curr_idx = self.verify_log(curr_idx, logbuf_addr, last_idx)
def extract_dmesg(self):
if re.search('3.7.\d', self.ramdump.version) is not None:
elif re.search('3\.10\.\d', self.ramdump.version) is not None:
elif re.search('3\.14\.\d', self.ramdump.version) is not None: