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Commit 9238b9ea authored by Guillaume Valadon's avatar Guillaume Valadon Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #378 from gpotter2/master

[DOCS] Installation + Links fixed (Windows)
parents 9c8f1a7d 56ffcb6e
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......@@ -5,3 +5,5 @@ build/
......@@ -20,7 +20,17 @@ injecting your own 802.11 frames, combining technics (VLAN hopping+ARP
cache poisoning, VOIP decoding on WEP encrypted channel, ...),
# Installation #
Scapy works without any external Python modules on Linux and BSD like operating systems. On Windows, you need to install some mandatory dependencies as described in the documentation.
To benefit from all Scapy features, you might want to install Python modules, such as matplotlib or cryptography.
See the [tutorial]( and follow the instructions to install scapy.
## Tutorial ##
To begin with scapy, see the
[interactive tutorial](
[the quick demo: an interactive session](
@echo off
title Build scapy docs
set /P CLEAR=Clear build ? (y/n)
If /I "%CLEAR%"=="y" goto yes
If /I "%CLEAR%"=="n" goto no
echo Unknown answer !
del /F /Q /S _build >nul 2>&1
echo Build cleared !
mkdir _build >nul 2>&1
cd _build
mkdir html doctrees pickle >nul 2>&1
cd ..
sphinx-build -b pickle -d _build/doctrees . _build/pickle
sphinx-build -b html -d _build/doctrees . _build/html
......@@ -4,10 +4,7 @@ Credits
- Philippe Biondi is Scapy's author. He has also written most of the documentation.
- Pierre Lalet and Guillaume Valadon are the current most active maintainers and contributors.
- Fred Raynal wrote the chapter on building and dissecting packets.
- Sebastien Martini added some details in "Handling default values: automatic computation".
- Peter Kacherginsky contributed several tutorial sections, one-liners and recipes.
- Dirk Loss integrated and restructured the existing docs to make this book.
He has also written the installation instructions for Windows.
- Dirk Loss integrated and restructured the existing docs to make this book.
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ master_doc = 'index'
# General substitutions.
project = 'Scapy'
copyright = '2008, 2009 Philippe Biondi and the Scapy community'
copyright = '2008, 2016 Philippe Biondi and the Scapy community'
# The default replacements for |version| and |release|, also used in various
# other places throughout the built documents.
......@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ Download and Installation
0. Install *Python 2*.
1. Download and install *Scapy*.
2. (For non-Linux platforms): Install *libpcap and libdnet* and their Python wrappers.
3. (Optional): Install *additional software* for special features.
0. Install `Python 2.7.X <>`_.
1. `Download and install Scapy. <#installing-scapy-v2-x>`_
2. `Follow the platform specific instructions (depedencies) <#platform-specific-instructions>`_.
3. (Optional): `Install additional software <#optional-packages>`_ for `special features <#optional-software-for-special-features>`_.
4. Run Scapy with root privileges.
Each of these steps can be done in a different way dependent on your platform and on the version of Scapy you want to use.
......@@ -38,19 +38,22 @@ So please also have a look at the platform specific chapters on how to install t
.. note::
The following steps apply to Unix-like operating systems (Linux, BSD, Mac OS X).
For Windows, see the special chapter below.
For Windows, see the `special chapter <#windows>`_ below.
Make sure you have Python installed before you go on.
Latest release
.. note::
To get the latest versions, with bugsfixes and new features, but maybe not as stable, see the `development version <#current-development-version>`_.
Download the `latest version <>`_ to a temporary directory and install it in the standard `distutils <>`_ way::
$ cd /tmp
$ wget
$ unzip
$ cd scapy-2.*
$ cd scapy
$ sudo python install
Alternatively, you can execute the zip file::
......@@ -106,8 +109,8 @@ Then you can always update to the latest version::
$ sudo python install
Installing Scapy v1.2
Installing Scapy v1.2 (Deprecated)
As Scapy v1 consists only of one single Python file, installation is easy:
Just download the last version and run it with your Python interpreter::
......@@ -115,12 +118,6 @@ Just download the last version and run it with your Python interpreter::
$ wget
$ sudo python
.. index::
single: scapy-bpf
On BSD systems, you can also try the latest version of `Scapy-bpf <>`_ (`development repository <>`_). It doesn't need libpcap or libdnet.
Optional software for special features
......@@ -131,7 +128,7 @@ Here are the topics involved and some examples that you can use to try if your i
.. index::
single: plot()
* Plotting. ``plot()`` needs `Gnuplot-py <>`_ which needs `GnuPlot <>`_ and `NumPy <>`_.
* Plotting. ``plot()`` needs `Gnuplot-py <>`_ which needs `GnuPlot <>`_ and `NumPy <>`__.
.. code-block:: python
......@@ -190,18 +187,7 @@ Here are the topics involved and some examples that you can use to try if your i
* VOIP. ``voip_play()`` needs `SoX <>`_.
* IPsec Crypto Support. ``SecurityAssociation()`` needs `Pycrypto <>`_. Combined AEAD modes such as GCM and CCM require pycrypto2.7a1, which is only available from source (no pip or package).
.. code-block:: text
# pycrypto 2.6 install
sudo pip install pycrypto
# pycrypto 2.7a1 install
curl -sL | tar xz
cd pycrypto-2.7a1
python build
sudo python install
* IPsec Crypto Support. ``SecurityAssociation()`` needs `Pycrypto 2.7a1 <>`_. Combined AEAD modes such as GCM and CCM are not available yet because of cryptography restrictions.
Platform-specific instructions
......@@ -299,8 +285,8 @@ Here's how to install Scapy on OpenBSD 5.9+
$ doas python2.7 install
Optional packages
Optional packages (OpenBSD only)
......@@ -369,48 +355,100 @@ Scapy is primarily being developed for Unix-like systems and works best on those
You need the following software packages in order to install Scapy on Windows:
* `Python <>`_: `python-2.7.12.msi <>`_. After installation, add the Python installation directory and its \Scripts subdirectory to your PATH. Depending on your Python version, the defaults would be ``C:\Python27`` and ``C:\Python27\Scripts`` respectively.
* `Scapy <>`_: `latest development version <>`_ from the `Git repository <>`_. Unzip the archive, open a command prompt in that directory and run "python install".
* `pywin32 <>`_: ` <>`_ (64bits) or `pywin32-220.win32-py2.7.exe <>`_ (32bits)
* `WinPcap <>`_: `WinPcap_4_1_3.exe <>`_. You might want to choose "[x] Automatically start the WinPcap driver at boot time", so that non-privileged users can sniff, especially under Vista and Windows 7. If you want to use the ethernet vendor database to resolve MAC addresses or use the ``wireshark()`` command, download `Wireshark <>`_ which already includes WinPcap.
* `pypcap <>`_: `pcap-1.1-scapy-20090720.win32-py25.exe <>`_ `pcap-1.1-scapy-20090720.win32-py2.6.exe <>`_. This is a *special version for Scapy*, as the original leads to some timing problems. Now works on Vista and Windows 7, too. Under Vista/Win7 please right-click on the installer and choose "Run as administrator".
* `libdnet <>`_: `dnet-1.12.win32-py2.5.exe <>`_ `dnet-1.12.win32-py2.6.exe <>`_. Under Vista/Win7 please right-click on the installer and choose "Run as administrator"
* `pyreadline <>`_: ` <>`_ (64bits) or `pyreadline-2.1.win32.exe <>`_ (32bits)
* `pyreadline <>`_: ` <>`_ (64bits) or `pyreadline-2.1.win32.exe <>`_ (32bits)
* `Scapy <>`_: `latest development version <>`_ from the `Git repository <>`_. Unzip the archive, open a command prompt in that directory and run "python install".
Just download the files and run the setup program. Choosing the default installation options should be safe.
For your convenience direct links are given to the versions I used (for Python 2.5 and Python 2.6). If these links do not work or if you are using a different Python version, just visit the homepage of the respective package and look for a Windows binary. As a last resort, search the web for the filename.
For your convenience direct links are given to the version that is supported (Python 2.7). If these links do not work or if you are using a different Python version (which will surely not work), just visit the homepage of the respective package and look for a Windows binary. As a last resort, search the web for the filename.
After all packages are installed, open a command prompt (cmd.exe) and run Scapy by typing ``scapy``. If you have set the PATH correctly, this will find a little batch file in your ``C:\Python26\Scripts`` directory and instruct the Python interpreter to load Scapy.
After all packages are installed, open a command prompt (cmd.exe) and run Scapy by typing ``scapy``. If you have set the PATH correctly, this will find a little batch file in your ``C:\Python27\Scripts`` directory and instruct the Python interpreter to load Scapy.
If really nothing seems to work, consider skipping the Windows version and using Scapy from a Linux Live CD -- either in a virtual machine on your Windows host or by booting from CDROM: An older version of Scapy is already included in grml and BackTrack for example. While using the Live CD you can easily upgrade to the latest Scapy version by typing ``cd /tmp && wget``.
Optional packages
Plotting (``plot``)
.. note::
If you are using OpenBSD, follow `this <#optional-packages-openbsd-only>`__ instead
1. (Recommanded) Auto install: Using pip
Plotting (``plot``):
* `GnuPlot <>`_: ` <>`_. Extract the zip file (e.g. to ``c:\gnuplot``) and add the ``gnuplot\bin`` directory to your PATH.
* `NumPy <>`_: `numpy-1.3.0-win32-superpack-python2.5.exe <>`_ `numpy-1.3.0-win32-superpack-python2.6.exe <>`_. Gnuplot-py 1.8 needs NumPy.
* `Gnuplot-py <>`_: ` <>`_. Extract to temp dir, open command prompt, change to tempdir and type ``python install``.
* GnuPlot and Gnuplot-py need a manual install.
* Install Numpy:
.. code-block:: text
2D Graphics (``psdump``, ``pdfdump``)
# pip install numpy
2D Graphics (``psdump``, ``pdfdump``):
* MikTeX need a manual install.
* Install pyx:
.. code-block:: text
* `PyX <>`_: `PyX-0.10.tar.gz <>`_. Extract to temp dir, open command prompt, change to tempdir and type ``python install``
* `MikTeX <>`_: `Basic MiKTeX 2.8 Installer <>`_. PyX needs a LaTeX installation. Choose an installation directory WITHOUT spaces (e.g. ``C:\MikTex2.8`` and add the ``(INSTALLDIR)\miktex\bin`` subdirectory to your PATH.
# pip install pyx
Graphs (conversations):
* Install graphviz:
Graphs (conversations)
.. code-block:: text
# pip install graphviz
3D Graphics (trace3d):
* Install VPython:
.. code-block:: text
# pip install vpython
WEP decryption:
* Install cryptography:
.. code-block:: text
# pip install cryptography
* Nmap and Queso need to be installed manualy.
2. (Advanced) Manual install
Plotting (``plot``)
* `GnuPlot <>`_: `gp504-win64-mingw.exe <>`_ (64bits) or `gp504-win32-mingw.exe <>`_ (32bits).
* `NumPy <>`_: ` <>`_. Extract to temp dir, open command prompt, change to tempdir and type ``python install``. Gnuplot-py 1.8 needs NumPy.
* `Gnuplot-py <>`_: ` <>`_. As numpy, use a tempdir.
* `Graphviz <>`_: `graphviz-2.24.exe <>`_. Add ``(INSTALLDIR)\ATT\Graphviz\bin`` to your PATH.
2D Graphics (``psdump``, ``pdfdump``)
3D Graphics (trace3d)
* `PyX <>`_: `PyX-0.14.1.tar.gz <>`_. Extract to temp dir, open command prompt, change to tempdir and type ``python install``
* `MikTeX <>`_: `Basic MiKTeX 2.8 Installer <>`_. PyX needs a LaTeX installation. Choose an installation directory WITHOUT spaces (e.g. ``C:\MikTex2.8`` and check that the ``(INSTALLDIR)\miktex\bin`` subdirectory is added to your PATH.
* `VPython <>`_: `VPython-Win-Py2.5-3.2.11.exe <>`_. No binary installer for Python 2.6 seems to be available yet.
Graphs (conversations)
WEP decryption
* `Graphviz <>`_: `graphviz-2.38.exe <>`_. Add ``(INSTALLDIR)\ATT\Graphviz\bin`` to your PATH.
3D Graphics (trace3d)
* `VPython <>`_: `VPython-Win-64-Py2.7-6.11.exe <>`_ (64bits) or `VPython-Win-32-Py2.7-6.11.exe <>`_ (32bits).
WEP decryption
* `cryptography <>`_: `HowTo <>`_
* `Nmap <>`_. `nmap-4.20-setup.exe <>`_. If you use the default installation directory, Scapy should automatically find the fingerprints file.
* Queso: `queso-980922.tar.gz <>`_. Extract the tar.gz file (e.g. using `7-Zip <>`_) and put ``queso.conf`` into your Scapy directory
......@@ -427,7 +465,7 @@ Known bugs
* You may not be able to capture WLAN traffic on Windows. Reasons are explained on the Wireshark wiki and in the WinPcap FAQ. Try switching off promiscuous mode with ``conf.sniff_promisc=False``.
* Packets cannot be sent to localhost (or local IP addresses on your own host).
* Packets sometimes cannot be sent to localhost (or local IP addresses on your own host).
* The ``voip_play()`` functions do not work because they output the sound via ``/dev/dsp`` which is not available on Windows.
......@@ -446,6 +484,8 @@ The instructions to build the HTML version are: ::
cd doc/scapy
make html
Or on windows, simply run ``BuildDoc.bat``
You can now open the resulting HTML file ``_build/html/index.html`` in your favorite web browser.
To use the ReadTheDocs' template, you will have to install the corresponding theme with: ::
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