From 8f7173b01601040ae17810d07dea37a895f94ddd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alex Klyubin <>
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2017 14:47:53 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Test CIL policy when building it

Prior to this commit, there was a bug in generated CIL where it
wouldn't compile using secilc. The reason was that the build script
was stripping out all lines containing "neverallow" from CIL files,
accidentally removing lines which were not neverallow statements,
such as lmx lines referencing app_neverallows.te.

The commit fixes the build script's CIL neverallow filter to filter
out only neverallow* statements, as originally intended. Moreover, to
catch non-compiling CIL policy earlier in the future, this commit runs
secilc on the policy at build time. In particular, it tests that
platform policy compiles on its own and that nonplatform + platform +
mappig policy compiles as well.

Test: CIL policy builds and compiles on-device using secilc
Bug: 31363362
Change-Id: I769aeb3d8c913a5599f1a2195c69460ece7f6465
--- | 75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 63 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 712a0ad9a..cdfb55422 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -238,10 +238,17 @@ $(plat_policy_nvr): $(plat_policy.conf) $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/checkpolicy
 	@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
 	$(hide) $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/checkpolicy -M -C -c $(POLICYVERS) -o $@ $<
-$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE): $(plat_policy_nvr)
+$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE): PRIVATE_CIL_FILES := $(plat_policy_nvr)
+$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE): $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/secilc $(plat_policy_nvr)
 	@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
-	grep -v neverallow $< > $@
+	# Strip out neverallow statements. They aren't needed on-device and their presence
+	# significantly slows down on-device compilation (e.g., from 400 ms to 6,400 ms on
+	# sailfish-eng).
+	grep -v '^(neverallow' $(PRIVATE_CIL_FILES) > $@
+	# Confirm that the resulting policy compiles
+	$(hide) $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/secilc -M true -c $(POLICYVERS) $@ -o /dev/null -f /dev/null
+built_plat_cil := $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE)
 plat_policy.conf :=
@@ -269,8 +276,12 @@ mapping_policy_nvr := $(addsuffix /$(BOARD_SEPOLICY_VERS).cil, $(PLAT_PRIVATE_PO
 $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE): $(mapping_policy_nvr)
-	grep -v neverallow $< > $@
+	# Strip out neverallow statements. They aren't needed on-device and their presence
+	# significantly slows down on-device compilation (e.g., from 400 ms to 6,400 ms on
+	# sailfish-eng).
+	grep -v '^(neverallow' $< > $@
+built_mapping_cil := $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE)
 current_mapping.cil :=
@@ -321,9 +332,18 @@ $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/version_policy
 	@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
 	$(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/version_policy -b $< -t $(PRIVATE_TGT_POL) -n $(PRIVATE_VERS) -o $@
-$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE): $(nonplat_policy_nvr)
+$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE): PRIVATE_DEP_CIL_FILES := $(built_plat_cil) $(built_mapping_cil)
+$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE): $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/secilc $(nonplat_policy_nvr) $(built_plat_cil) \
 	@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
-	grep -v neverallow $< > $@
+	# Strip out neverallow statements. They aren't needed on-device and their presence
+	# significantly slows down on-device compilation (e.g., from 400 ms to 6,400 ms on
+	# sailfish-eng).
+	grep -v '^(neverallow' $(PRIVATE_NONPLAT_CIL_FILES) > $@
+	# Confirm that the resulting policy compiles combined with platform and mapping policies
+	$(hide) $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/secilc -M true -c $(POLICYVERS) \
+		$(PRIVATE_DEP_CIL_FILES) $@ -o /dev/null -f /dev/null
 nonplat_policy.conf :=
 nonplat_policy_raw :=
@@ -421,10 +441,17 @@ $(plat_policy_nvr.recovery): $(plat_policy.recovery.conf) $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES
 	@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
 	$(hide) $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/checkpolicy -M -C -c $(POLICYVERS) -o $@ $<
-$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE): $(plat_policy_nvr.recovery)
+$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE): PRIVATE_CIL_FILES := $(plat_policy_nvr.recovery)
+$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE): $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/secilc $(plat_policy_nvr.recovery)
 	@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
-	grep -v neverallow $< > $@
+	# Strip out neverallow statements. They aren't needed on-device and their presence
+	# significantly slows down on-device compilation (e.g., from 400 ms to 6,400 ms on
+	# sailfish-eng).
+	grep -v '^(neverallow' $(PRIVATE_CIL_FILES) > $@
+	# Confirm that the resulting policy compiles
+	$(hide) $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/secilc -M true -c $(POLICYVERS) $@ -o /dev/null -f /dev/null
+built_plat_cil.recovery := $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE)
 plat_policy.recovery.conf :=
@@ -453,8 +480,12 @@ $(PLAT_PRIVATE_POLICY)/mapping)
 $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE): $(mapping_policy_nvr.recovery)
-	grep -v neverallow $< > $@
+	# Strip out neverallow statements. They aren't needed on-device and their presence
+	# significantly slows down on-device compilation (e.g., from 400 ms to 6,400 ms on
+	# sailfish-eng).
+	grep -v '^(neverallow' $< > $@
+built_mapping_cil.recovery := $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE)
 current_mapping.recovery.cil :=
@@ -467,6 +498,12 @@ LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(TARGET_ROOT_OUT)
 include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/
+# nonplat_policy.recovery.conf - A combination of the non-platform private,
+# vendor and the exported platform policy associated with the version the
+# non-platform policy targets.  This needs attributization and to be combined
+# with the platform-provided policy.  Like plat_pub_policy.recovery.conf, this
+# needs to make use of the reqd_policy_mask files from private policy in order
+# to use checkpolicy.
 nonplat_policy.recovery.conf := $(intermediates)/nonplat_policy.recovery.conf
 $(nonplat_policy.recovery.conf): PRIVATE_MLS_SENS := $(MLS_SENS)
 $(nonplat_policy.recovery.conf): PRIVATE_MLS_CATS := $(MLS_CATS)
@@ -501,9 +538,19 @@ $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/version_policy
 	@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
 	$(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/version_policy -b $< -t $(PRIVATE_TGT_POL) -n $(PRIVATE_VERS) -o $@
-$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE): $(nonplat_policy_nvr.recovery)
+$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE): PRIVATE_NONPLAT_CIL_FILES := $(nonplat_policy_nvr.recovery)
+$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE): PRIVATE_DEP_CIL_FILES := $(built_plat_cil.recovery) \
+$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE): $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/secilc $(nonplat_policy_nvr.recovery) \
+$(built_plat_cil.recovery) $(built_mapping_cil.recovery)
 	@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
-	grep -v neverallow $< > $@
+	# Strip out neverallow statements. They aren't needed on-device and their presence
+	# significantly slows down on-device compilation (e.g., from 400 ms to 6,400 ms on
+	# sailfish-eng).
+	grep -v '^(neverallow' $(PRIVATE_NONPLAT_CIL_FILES) > $@
+	# Confirm that the resulting policy compiles combined with platform and mapping policies
+	$(hide) $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/secilc -M true -c $(POLICYVERS) \
+		$(PRIVATE_DEP_CIL_FILES) $@ -o /dev/null -f /dev/null
 nonplat_policy.recovery.conf :=
 nonplat_policy_raw.recovery :=
@@ -975,6 +1022,10 @@ built_nonplat_fc :=
 built_general_sepolicy :=
 built_general_sepolicy.conf :=
 built_nl :=
+built_plat_cil :=
+built_plat_cil.recovery :=
+built_mapping_cil :=
+built_mapping_cil.recovery :=
 built_plat_pc :=
 built_nonplat_pc :=
 built_nonplat_sc :=