diff --git a/private/compat/28.0/28.0.cil b/private/compat/28.0/28.0.cil
index 18f5b01a1ce6313447349526b47697c05f675a24..6e82651a4740c51329fc1ad534d26b39c92a3d5d 100644
--- a/private/compat/28.0/28.0.cil
+++ b/private/compat/28.0/28.0.cil
@@ -6,13 +6,9 @@
 (type thermalcallback_hwservice)
 (type untrusted_v2_app)
-;; TODO: remove once P sepolicy is pushed to AOSP.
-(type vold_socket)
-(typeattribute vold_socket_28_0)
-(expandtypeattribute (vold_socket_28_0) true)
-(typeattributeset vold_socket_28_0 (vold_socket))
-;; TODO b/111680480: remove once we have consistent P sepolicy on all devices.
+;; Public 28.0 SEPolicy is divergent on different devices w.r.t
+;; exported_audio_prop type. We need this typeattribute declaration so that the
+;; mapping file compiles with vendor policies without exported_audio_prop type.
 (typeattribute exported_audio_prop_28_0)
 (expandtypeattribute (accessibility_service_28_0) true)