diff --git a/linux-ramdump-parser-v2/parsers/cpr_info.py b/linux-ramdump-parser-v2/parsers/cpr_info.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d72b7f1c246c85c1dcdf93e576a00dd2bc03c5fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux-ramdump-parser-v2/parsers/cpr_info.py
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
+# only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+import linux_list
+from print_out import print_out_str
+from parser_util import register_parser, RamParser, cleanupString
+from collections import defaultdict
+@register_parser('--cpr-info', 'Print CPR information')
+class CPRInfo(RamParser):
+    def __init__(self, *args):
+        super(CPRInfo, self).__init__(*args)
+        self.head = ''
+        self.cprinfo_fields = ['speed_bin', 'cpr_fuse_revision', 'cpr_fuse_map_match', 'num_fuse_corners', 'num_corners', 'corner']
+        self.voltages = ['ceiling_volt', 'open_loop_volt', 'last_volt', 'floor_volt']
+        self.corner_info = ['cpr_fuse_target_quot', 'quot_adjust', 'corner_map']
+        self.value_list = defaultdict(list)
+        self.attr_list = defaultdict(list)
+        self.output = []
+    def print_cpr_target_quot(self):
+        tmp = '{0:20}'.format('Target quotient')
+        for i in range(self.attr_list['num_corners']):
+            a = self.value_list['corner_map'][i]
+            b = self.value_list['cpr_fuse_target_quot'][a-1] - self.value_list['quot_adjust'][i]
+            tmp += '{0:10} '.format(b)
+        tmp += '\n'
+        self.output.append(tmp)
+    def print_cpr_info(self):
+        tmp = ''
+        # Print RO_SEL value
+        num_fuse_corn = self.attr_list['num_fuse_corners']
+        if num_fuse_corn is not None:
+            self.output.append('{:40}{:10d}\n'.format('ro_sel', self.value_list['cpr_fuse_ro_sel'][num_fuse_corn-1]))
+        # Print all available RO_SEL values
+        tmp += '{:40}'.format('cpr_fuse_ro_sel')
+        for ro_sel in self.value_list['cpr_fuse_ro_sel']:
+            tmp += '{:10} '.format(ro_sel)
+        tmp += '\n\n'
+        self.output.append(tmp)
+        tmp = ''
+        self.output.append('{:20}'.format('Corner'))
+        for i in range(self.attr_list['num_corners']):
+            tmp += '{:10} '.format(i + 1)
+        tmp += '\n'
+        for volt in self.voltages:
+            tmp += '{:20}'.format(volt)
+            for i in self.value_list[volt]:
+                tmp += '{:10} '.format(i)
+            tmp += '\n'
+        self.output.append(tmp)
+    def get_cpr(self):
+        # Return if the cpr_regulator_list is not available
+        cpr = self.ramdump.addr_lookup('cpr_regulator_list')
+        if cpr is None:
+            self.output_file.write("NOTE: 'cpr_regulator_list' list not found to extract cpr information")
+            return
+        head = self.ramdump.read_word(cpr)
+        self.head = cpr
+        node_offset = self.ramdump.field_offset('struct cpr_regulator', 'list')
+        cpr_walker = linux_list.ListWalker(self.ramdump, head, node_offset)
+        cpr_walker.walk(head, self.cpr_walker)
+    def get_cpr_fuse_ro_sel(self, node):
+        entry_offset = self.ramdump.sibling_field_addr(node, 'struct cpr_regulator', 'list', 'cpr_fuse_ro_sel')
+        entry_addr = self.ramdump.read_word(entry_offset)
+        i = 1
+        while i <= self.attr_list['num_fuse_corners']:
+            value = self.ramdump.read_int(self.ramdump.array_index(entry_addr, "int", i))
+            self.value_list['cpr_fuse_ro_sel'].append(value)
+            i += 1
+    def get_cpr_volts(self, node, listing):
+        i = 1
+        num_corn = self.attr_list['num_corners']
+        while i <= num_corn:
+            i += 1
+            for entry in listing:
+                entry_offset = self.ramdump.sibling_field_addr(node, 'struct cpr_regulator', 'list', entry)
+                entry_addr = self.ramdump.read_word(entry_offset)
+                i = 1
+                while i <= num_corn:
+                    value = self.ramdump.read_int(self.ramdump.array_index(entry_addr, "int", i))
+                    self.value_list[entry].append(value)
+                    i += 1
+    def get_cpr_attrs(self, node):
+        for attr in self.cprinfo_fields:
+            attr_offset = self.ramdump.field_offset('struct cpr_regulator', attr)
+            if attr_offset is not None:
+                value = self.ramdump.read_s32(node + attr_offset)
+                self.attr_list[attr] = value
+                tmp = '{:40}{:10}\n'.format(attr, value)
+                self.output.append(tmp)
+        attr_offset = self.ramdump.field_offset('struct cpr_regulator', 'cpr_fuse_redundant')
+        if attr_offset is not None:
+            value = self.ramdump.read_bool(node + attr_offset)
+            # add an extra line here as this is the last attribute before the corner table
+            tmp = '{:40} {:10}\n'.format('cpr_fuse_redundant', int(value))
+            self.output.append(tmp)
+    def cpr_walker(self, node):
+        if node == self.head:
+            return
+        rdesc_addr = self.ramdump.sibling_field_addr(node, 'struct cpr_regulator', 'list', 'rdesc')
+        rdesc_ptr = self.ramdump.read_word(rdesc_addr + self.ramdump.field_offset('struct regulator_desc', 'name'))
+        cpr_name = self.ramdump.read_cstring(rdesc_ptr, 48)
+        cpr_enable = self.ramdump.read_u32(node + self.ramdump.field_offset('struct cpr_regulator', 'enable'))
+        vdd_apc_addr = self.ramdump.read_word(self.ramdump.sibling_field_addr(node, 'struct cpr_regulator', 'list', 'vdd_apc'))
+        vdd_apc_uv = self.ramdump.read_u32(vdd_apc_addr + self.ramdump.field_offset('struct regulator', 'min_uV'))
+        self.output.append("{:40}{:10s}\n".format('CPR Regulator', cpr_name))
+        self.output.append("{:40}{:10}\n".format('CPR Enabled', cpr_enable))
+        self.output.append("{:40}{:10d}\n".format('Current Voltage', vdd_apc_uv))
+        self.get_cpr_attrs(node)
+        self.get_cpr_volts(node, self.voltages)
+        self.get_cpr_volts(node, self.corner_info)
+        self.get_cpr_fuse_ro_sel(node)
+        self.print_cpr_info()
+        self.print_cpr_target_quot()
+        # print new line for each regulator struct
+        self.output.append('\n')
+        self.attr_list.clear()
+        self.value_list.clear()
+    def parse(self):
+        self.output_file = self.ramdump.open_file('cprinfo.txt')
+        self.get_cpr()
+        for i in self.output:
+            self.output_file.write(i)
+        self.output_file.close()
diff --git a/linux-ramdump-parser-v2/ramdump.py b/linux-ramdump-parser-v2/ramdump.py
index 9bc7127c42cd66cdf46e99f9a8f43edb88ef6ad4..681daa0a5d269fe9c0aa8411d4b9bca637cde49c 100644
--- a/linux-ramdump-parser-v2/ramdump.py
+++ b/linux-ramdump-parser-v2/ramdump.py
@@ -1130,6 +1130,15 @@ class RamDump():
             return s[0]
+    def read_bool(self, address, virtual=True, trace=False, cpu=None):
+        if trace:
+            print_out_str('reading {0:x}'.format(address))
+        s = self.read_string(address, '<?', virtual, trace, cpu)
+        if s is None:
+            return None
+        else:
+            return s[0]
     # returns a value guaranteed to be 64 bits
     def read_u64(self, address, virtual=True, trace=False, cpu=None):
         if trace:
@@ -1140,6 +1149,16 @@ class RamDump():
             return s[0]
+    # returns a value guaranteed to be 32 bits
+    def read_s32(self, address, virtual=True, trace=False, cpu=None):
+        if trace:
+            print_out_str('reading {0:x}'.format(address))
+        s = self.read_string(address, '<i', virtual, trace, cpu)
+        if s is None:
+            return None
+        else:
+            return s[0]
     # returns a value guaranteed to be 32 bits
     def read_u32(self, address, virtual=True, trace=False, cpu=None):
         if trace: