From 55d6038f9105dcf160461e2269d255f744075707 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Steven Cahail <>
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 16:31:54 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] ipc_logging: Add ipc_logging extraction script

Add ipc_logging extraction script and documentation. This script is used
to extract IPC Logging data from memory dumps.

Change-Id: I5173ae394eea1d8f66592a73d61879fde4bb2e68
 ipc_logging/ | 1752 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ipc_logging/readme.txt     |   26 +
 2 files changed, 1778 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 ipc_logging/
 create mode 100644 ipc_logging/readme.txt

diff --git a/ipc_logging/ b/ipc_logging/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..885fe8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipc_logging/
@@ -0,0 +1,1752 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Copyright (c) 2015, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+      copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+      disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+      with the distribution.
+    * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its
+      contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+      from this software without specific prior written permission.
+IPC Logging Extraction Tool
+Can be used on RAM dumps (files containing binary data that are produced after
+a crash) to extract logs generated by IPC Logging. The dumps must be given in
+the order they were written, so that all data can be found.
+import struct
+import sys
+import ctypes
+import logging
+import os
+import collections
+import math
+from optparse import OptionParser
+MAGIC = 0x52784425L
+NMAGIC = ctypes.c_uint32(~MAGIC).value
+CTX_MAGIC = 0x25874452
+CTX_NMAGIC = ctypes.c_uint32(~CTX_MAGIC).value
+def hex_to_str(chars, width, nLineLimit=None):
+	"""
+	Converts a binary string to a hex dump.
+	:param chars: The string to convert.
+	:param width: The width of the hex output.
+	:param nLineLimit: The maximum length of the hex output, in lines.
+	:return: The hex dump as a string.
+	"""
+	output = []
+	offset = 0
+	nLines = 0
+	while chars:
+		line = chars[:width]
+		chars = chars[width:]
+		strBlankHex = '   ' * (width - len(line))
+		strHex = ' '.join("%02x" % ord(c) for c in line) + strBlankHex
+		strOut = "%08x %s %s" % (offset, strHex, quotechars(line))
+		offset += width
+		output.append(strOut)
+		nLines += 1
+		if nLineLimit and nLines > nLineLimit:
+			output.append("...")
+			break
+	return '\n'.join(output) + '\n'
+def quotechars(chars):
+	return ''.join(['.', c][c.isalnum()] for c in chars)
+def str_to_hex(strHex):
+	"""
+	Converts a space-separated string of hex bytes into a binary string.
+	:param strHex: The space-separated string of hex bytes.
+	Example:
+		str_to_hex("01 02 0A 0B") ==> "\x01\x02\x0a\x0b"
+	:return: The binary string.
+	"""
+	return ''.join([chr(int(x.strip(), 16)) for x in strHex.split()])
+# Element types
+#enum {
+# Message types
+#enum {
+# TSV values
+#struct tsv_header {
+#	unsigned char type;
+#	unsigned char size; /* size of data field */
+PAGE_HEADER_SIZE = 4*4 + 2*2 + 2*4
+PAGE_SIZE = 4*1024
+class LogTSV(object):
+	"""Handles processing message/value headers"""
+	def __init__(self):
+		pass
+	def unpack(self, data):
+		"""
+		Unpacks a TSV message. This is a wrapper around the
+		:func:`~struct.unpack()` function from the :mod:`struct` module.
+		:param data: The binary data to be unpacked.
+		:return: The TSV message with the header stripped off.
+		"""
+		assert len(data) >= 2, "Invalid message size %d" % (len(data))
+		self.msg_type, self.msg_size = struct.unpack('BB', data[0:2])
+		return data[2:]
+	def pack(self, msg_type, msg_size):
+		"""
+		Packs a new TSV message structure. This is a wrapper around the
+		:func:`~struct.pack()` function from the :mod:`struct` module.
+		:param msg_type: The TSV msg_type to be packed into the new \
+				TSV message structure.
+		:param msg_size: The TSV msg_size to be packed into the new \
+				TSV message structure.
+		:return: The TSV message structure packed into a binary string.
+		"""
+		return struct.pack('BB', msg_type, msg_size)
+class TsvTimestamp(object):
+	"""Handles processing TSV Timestamps"""
+	def unpack(self, data):
+		"""
+		Unpacks a TSV timestamp. This is a wrapper around the
+		:func:`~struct.unpack()` function from the :mod:`struct` module.
+		:return: The unpacked timestamp.
+		**Side Effects**: The unpacked timestamp is saved as an instance \
+				variable, ``self.fTimestamp``, which can be accessed as a \
+				string through the :meth:`__str__()` method of this class. \
+				This method is used by :class:`LogMessageString` to get \
+				the timestamp in order to dump it to the logs.
+		"""
+		tsv = LogTSV()
+		data = tsv.unpack(data)
+		assert tsv.msg_type == TSV_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, "timestamp"
+		assert tsv.msg_size == 8, "msg size"
+		# read 64-bit timestamp
+		timestamp_ns, = struct.unpack('<Q', data[0:8])
+		data = data[8:]
+		self.fTimestamp =  timestamp_ns * 1.0E-9
+		return data
+	def pack(self, fTimestamp):
+		"""
+		Packs a timestamp into a new TSV structure. This is a wrapper around the
+		:func:`~struct.pack()` function from the :mod:`struct` module.
+		:param fTimestamp: The TSV timestamp to be packed into a new TSV \
+				message structure.
+		:return: A TSV message structure with *fTimestamp* packed \
+				into the binary string.
+		"""
+		self.fTimestamp = fTimestamp
+		tsv = LogTSV()
+		data = tsv.pack(TSV_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, 8)
+		data += struct.pack('<Q', fTimestamp * 1.0E9)
+		return data
+	def __str__(self):
+		return '%16.9f' % (self.fTimestamp)
+class TsvByteArray(object):
+	"""Handles processing TSV byte arrays."""
+	def unpack(self, data):
+		"""
+		Unpacks a TSV byte array. This is a wrapper around the
+		:func:`~struct.unpack()` function from the :mod:`struct` module.
+		:param data: The binary data to be unpacked.
+		:return: The header data of the TSV message.
+		**Side Effects**: The byte array data is saved as an instance \
+				variable, ``self.strByteArray``, which can be accessed as a \
+				string through the :meth:`__str__()` method of this class. \
+				This method is used by :class:`LogMessageString` to get \
+				the byte array data as a string in order to dump it to the logs.
+		"""
+		tsv = LogTSV()
+		data = tsv.unpack(data)
+		assert tsv.msg_type == TSV_TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY, \
+				"%d != %d" % (tsv.msg_type, TSV_TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY)
+		# read byte array
+		self.strByteArray = data[:tsv.msg_size]
+		data = data[tsv.msg_size:]
+		return data
+	def pack(self, data):
+		"""
+		Packs a new TSV message structure, using the TSV byte array in *data*.
+		This is a wrapper around the :func:`~struct.pack()` function from the
+		:mod:`struct` module.
+		:param data: The data to be packed into the new TSV message structure.
+		:return: The new structure as binary data, with *data* appended to the \
+				end.
+		"""
+		tsv = LogTSV()
+		lst = tsv.pack(TSV_TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY, len(data))
+		lst += data
+		return lst
+	def __str__(self):
+		return self.strByteArray
+class LogMessageString(object):
+	"""Handles processing TSV message strings."""
+	def unpack(self, data, tsv):
+		"""
+		Unpacks a new TSV message string. To do this, it is first
+		necessary to unpack the timestamp using :meth:`TsvTimestamp.unpack()`,
+		and proceed to use unpack the byte array from the result using
+		:meth:`TsvByteArray.unpack()`. The result of this call is what is
+		returned.
+		:param data: The data containing the TSV string message to be unpacked
+		:param tsv: The :class:`LogTSV` object that was used to unpack *data*
+		:return: The TSV message string data
+		**Side Effects**: The timestamp and the message extracted from *data* \
+				are stored as instance variables, and can be printed using the \
+				:meth:`__str__` method of this class. This :meth:`__str__()` \
+				method is used to dump the logs in their \
+				'[timestamp] <message>' format.
+		"""
+		assert tsv.msg_type == TSV_TYPE_STRING, "invalid message type"
+		# TSV_TYPE_STRING - message type
+		self.timestamp = TsvTimestamp()
+		data = self.timestamp.unpack(data)
+		self.strMessage = TsvByteArray()
+		data = self.strMessage.unpack(data)
+		return data
+	def pack(self, fTimestamp, strMessage):
+		"""
+		Packs a new TSV LogMessageString structure.
+		:param fTimestamp: The timestamp to be packed into the structure
+		:param strMessage: The string message to be packed into the structure
+		:return: The packed TSV LogMessageString structure
+		"""
+		self.timestamp = TsvTimestamp()
+		data =self.timestamp.pack(fTimestamp)
+		data += TsvByteArray().pack(strMessage)
+		tsv = LogTSV()
+		data = tsv.pack(TSV_TYPE_STRING, len(data)) + data
+		self.strMessage = strMessage
+		return data
+	def __str__(self):
+		return '[%s] %s' % (self.timestamp, self.strMessage)
+class LogContext(object):
+	"""
+	A single context in a version 1 or greater IPC Logging log.
+	.. code-block:: c
+		struct ipc_log_context {
+			uint32_t magic;
+			uint32_t nmagic;
+			uint32_t version;
+			uint16_t user_version;
+			uint16_t header_size;
+			uint64_t log_id;
+			/* Local data structures below ... */
+		};
+	The purpose of the log context is to contain the above information about
+	the log. One log consists of one to several pages. Thus, pages and contexts
+	are associated by log ID, the one piece of information that is common
+	between them in their C structs.
+	"""
+	headerBinaryFormat = '<IIIHHQ20s'
+	headerBinaryFormatSize = struct.calcsize(headerBinaryFormat)
+	def __init__(self):
+ = None
+	def unpack(self, data):
+		"""
+		Unpacks an ipc_log_context structure, and assigns the contents
+		into instance variables of this class. This is a wrapper around
+		the :func:`~struct.unpack()` function from the :mod:`struct` module.
+		:param data: The binary ipc_log_context structure to be unpacked.
+		:return: :const:`True` if the unpack completes successfully, \
+				:const:`False` if not.
+		**Side Effects**: If the unpack is successful, the contexts are \
+				assigned to instance variables. In this way, :meth:`unpack()` \
+				acts as a sort of constructor. This is common to all the \
+				unpack methods.
+		"""
+ = data
+		self.magic, self.nmagic, self.version, self.user_version, \
+			self.header_size, self.log_id, = \
+				struct.unpack(self.headerBinaryFormat,
+ ='\0')
+		if self.magic == CTX_MAGIC and self.nmagic == CTX_NMAGIC:
+			return True
+		return False
+	def pack(self, nVersion, nUserVersion, nHeaderSize, nLogId, nName):
+		"""
+		Packs a new ipc_log_context structure using the given elements. This
+		function is especially useful in unit testing, as it provides the
+		ability to create structures and then unpack them using the
+		:meth:`unpack()` method.
+		:param nVersion: The IPC Logging version
+		:param nUserVersion: The user version
+		:param nHeaderSize: The header size
+		:param nLogId: The log ID
+		:param nName: The context name
+		:return: The packed binary data.
+		"""
+ = struct.pack(self.headerBinaryFormat, CTX_MAGIC, CTX_NMAGIC,
+				nVersion, nUserVersion, nHeaderSize, nLogId, nName)
+	def log_info(self):
+		"""
+		If DEBUG logging is turned on (command line parameter -v), logs the
+		instance variables of this LogContext to the output file. See the Python
+		:mod:`logging` module documentation and the IPC Logging main function
+		for more info on logging.
+		This method logs the ``version``, ``user_version``, ``log_id``,
+		``header_size``, and ``name`` variables to the logging output file.
+		"""
+		logging.debug("\tversion:      %d" % (self.version))
+		logging.debug("\tuser version: %d" % (self.user_version))
+		logging.debug("\tlog id:       %x" % (self.log_id))
+		logging.debug("\theader_size:  %x" % (self.header_size))
+		logging.debug("\tname:         %s" % (
+class LogPage(object):
+	"""
+	LogPage base class. New versions of IPC Logging will require new descendants
+	of this class, as their :meth:`~LogPage_v0.unpack()` methods will change,
+	among other things. In IPC Logging version 1, the children of
+	:class:`LogPage` include :class:`LogPage_v0` and :class:`LogPage_v1`. There
+	is another class, :class:`LogPageVersionUnknown`, which is not in this
+	inheritance hierarchy; this is because it does not use the methods or data
+	needed by the rest of the :class:`LogPage` classes.
+	Note that this is not an abstract class. The reason for this is to allow
+	new methods to be added here without forcing child classes to define them.
+	"""
+	def __init__(self):
+ = None
+		self.previousPage = None
+		self.previousData = None
+		self.nextPage = None
+		self.nextData = None
+		self.iterated = False
+		self.page_header_size = PAGE_HEADER_SIZE
+		self.unknown_messages_data = None
+	def pack_continue(self, strPayload):
+		"""
+		Packs a new page structure.  The *strPayload* can be empty and
+		additional payload can be added using :meth:`pack_continue()`.
+		Returns: Overflow data (*strPayload* that didn't fit into the page) or
+		:const:`None` if all fit.
+		"""
+ += strPayload
+		if len( > PAGE_SIZE:
+			overflowData =[PAGE_SIZE:]
+ =[0:PAGE_SIZE]
+		else:
+			return None
+	def __iter__(self):
+		"""Message iterator"""
+		self.iterated = True
+		self.previousData = None
+		logging.debug("Iterating log id %d, page %d" % \
+				(self.log_id, self.page_num))
+		self.log_info()
+		if self.read_offset == FULL_PAGE_WRITE_OFFSET \
+				and self.write_offset == FULL_PAGE_WRITE_OFFSET:
+			# page is either empty or full, but only the page with
+			# valid read/write pointers knows if we have data
+			self.iter_data =[self.page_header_size:]
+			logging.debug("\tfull/empty case")
+		elif self.write_offset == FULL_PAGE_WRITE_OFFSET:
+			# page is full
+			read_iter = self.read_offset + self.page_header_size
+			self.iter_data =[read_iter:]
+			logging.debug("\tfull case")
+		elif self.read_offset == FULL_PAGE_WRITE_OFFSET:
+			# page hasn't been read, but has only been partially written
+			write_iter = self.write_offset + self.page_header_size
+			self.iter_data =[self.page_header_size:write_iter]
+			logging.debug("\tpartial write, no read")
+		elif self.read_offset >= self.write_offset:
+			# almost full buffer
+			read_iter = self.read_offset + self.page_header_size
+			write_iter = self.write_offset + self.page_header_size
+			self.iter_data =[read_iter:]
+			self.previousData =[self.page_header_size:write_iter]
+			if self.page_num == 0 and self.read_offset == self.write_offset:
+				self.iter_data =[self.page_header_size:]
+				self.previousData = None
+				logging.debug("\talmost full - first page offsets equal")
+			logging.debug("\talmost full")
+		else:
+			# almost empty buffer
+			read_iter = self.read_offset + self.page_header_size
+			write_iter = self.write_offset + self.page_header_size
+			self.iter_data =[read_iter:write_iter]
+			logging.debug("\talmost empty")
+		# prepend data from previous page
+		if self.previousPage and self.previousPage.nextData:
+			logging.debug("Pulling previous data len")
+			logging.debug(hex_to_str(self.previousPage.nextData, 16, 10))
+			self.iter_data = self.previousPage.nextData + self.iter_data
+		return PageIterator(self)
+	def next(self):
+		# handles full-buffer condition where write pointer
+		# is behind the read pointer
+		if self.nextPage and self.nextPage.previousData:
+			self.iter_data += self.nextPage.previousData
+			self.nextPage.previousData = None
+		if len(self.iter_data) < 2:
+			# not enough data to retrieve message header
+			logging.debug("Pushing data to continue\n%s" % \
+					(hex_to_str(self.iter_data, 16, 10)))
+			self.nextData = self.iter_data
+			self.iter_data = None
+			raise StopIteration
+		while True:
+			try:
+				tsv = LogTSV()
+				data = tsv.unpack(self.iter_data)
+				if tsv.msg_size > len(data):
+					# not enough data left to extract entire message
+					logging.debug("Pushing data to continue\n%s" % \
+							(hex_to_str(self.iter_data, 16, 10)))
+					self.nextData = self.iter_data
+					self.iter_data = None
+					raise StopIteration
+				# TODO - this needs to be replaced with a dictionary for the
+				# message deserialization types for custom deserialization
+				# functions
+				if tsv.msg_type == 0:
+					# no more messages
+					raise StopIteration
+				if tsv.msg_type == TSV_TYPE_STRING:
+					self.iter_data = data
+					msg = LogMessageString()
+					self.iter_data = msg.unpack(self.iter_data, tsv)
+					return msg
+				else:
+					debug_str = "Unknown message type 0x%x\n%s" % \
+						(tsv.msg_type, hex_to_str(self.iter_data, 16, 10))
+					logging.debug(debug_str)
+					assert False, debug_str
+			except StopIteration:
+				raise
+class LogPageVersionUnknown(object):
+	"""
+	This class is used before the version of the log being parsed is known. It
+	only unpacks the magic numbers and the page number from the data that is
+	found by :func:`cmdParse()`, in order to determine the version.
+	This class can only be used to discover whether the log is a version 0 log
+	or a version 1 (or greater) log. See :meth:`isVersionOneOrGreater()` for
+	more details.
+	"""
+	def __init__(self):
+ = None
+		self.version = None
+		self.headerMagicFormat = '<II'
+		self.headerMagicFormatSize = struct.calcsize(self.headerMagicFormat)
+		self.versionDataFormat = '<I'
+		self.versionDataFormatSize = struct.calcsize(self.versionDataFormat)
+	def unpack(self, data):
+		"""
+		Partially unpacks a page structure in order to inspect the magic number.
+		This is a wrapper around the :func:`~struct.unpack()` function from the
+		:mod:`struct` module.
+		:param data: The binary data to be unpacked.
+		:return: :const:`True` if the unpack is successful, :const:`False` if \
+				not.
+		**Side Effects**: The unpacked values are assigned to instance \
+				variables of this LogPageVersionUnknown instance.
+		"""
+		self.magic, self.nmagic = \
+				struct.unpack(self.headerMagicFormat,
+		if self.magic == MAGIC and self.nmagic == NMAGIC:
+			return True
+		return False
+	def isVersionOneOrGreater(self, data):
+		"""
+		This method determines whether the log is version 0, or version 1 or
+		greater. The top bit of ``self.version_data`` will be 1 if the log
+		version is at least 1, and 0 if not. Note that this function should
+		only be called after calling :meth:`unpack()`.
+		:return: :const:`True` if the version is 1 or greater, \
+				:const:`False` otherwise.
+		**Side Effects**: This method unpacks the version data and stores \
+				the result in an instance variable.
+		"""
+		endSize = self.headerMagicFormatSize + self.versionDataFormatSize
+		version_data = \
+				struct.unpack(self.versionDataFormat,
+		self.version_data = version_data[0]
+		mask = 0x80000000
+		result = (self.version_data & mask) >= 0x80000000
+		return result
+class LogPage_v0(LogPage):
+	"""
+	A single page in a version 0 IPC Logging log. This class is a descendant of
+	:class:`LogPage`.
+	.. code-block:: c
+		struct ipc_log_page_header {
+			uint32_t magic;
+			uint32_t nmagic; /* inverse of magic number */
+			uint32_t log_id; /* owner of log */
+			uint32_t page_num;
+			uint16_t read_offset;
+			uint16_t write_offset;
+			struct list_head list;
+		};
+	"""
+	def __init__(self):
+		# Call the parent constructor
+		super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
+		self.headerBinaryFormat = '<IIIIHH'
+		self.headerBinaryFormatSize = struct.calcsize(self.headerBinaryFormat)
+	def sortAndLink(self, lstPages, bSort):
+		"""
+		Given a list of pages in ascending page number order,
+		sort them chronologically and link the pages together.
+		This must be called before iterating over items in a page.
+		:param lstPages: The list of pages to be sorted
+		:param bSort: A boolean indicating whether the logs are full or \
+				partially full. If they are full, bSort is :const:`True`.
+		:return: The sorted and linked list of pages.
+		**Side Effects**: If the starting page cannot be found, this \
+				method will fail an assertion.
+		"""
+		# Convert lstPages deque to a regular Python list
+		lstPages = list(lstPages)
+		# Sort pages chronologically by finding the first active page.
+		# Since the pages are filled in order by page-id, the first
+		# non-full page is the last page written to.
+		if bSort:
+			for n in range(len(lstPages)):
+				if lstPages[0].write_offset != FULL_PAGE_WRITE_OFFSET:
+					break
+				lstPages.append(lstPages.pop(0))
+			assert lstPages[0].write_offset != FULL_PAGE_WRITE_OFFSET, \
+					"Unable to find starting page"
+		# link pages
+		numPages = len(lstPages)
+		nMaxPage = 0
+		for n in range(numPages):
+			page = lstPages[n]
+			nMaxPage = max(nMaxPage, page.page_num)
+			page.previousPage = lstPages[n - 1]
+			page.nextPage = lstPages[(n + 1) % numPages]
+			page.iterated = False
+		assert (nMaxPage + 1) == numPages, \
+				"Missing log pages: max page %d, num pages %d" % \
+					(nMaxPage, numPages)
+		return lstPages
+	def log_info(self):
+		"""
+		If DEBUG logging is turned on (command line parameter -v), logs the
+		instance variables of this LogPage_v0 to the output file. See the Python
+		:mod:`logging` module documentation and the IPC Logging main function
+		for more info on logging.
+		This method only logs the ``read_offset`` and
+		``write_offset`` variables as the others are logged elsewhere.
+		"""
+		logging.debug("\tread index:  %x" % (self.read_offset))
+		logging.debug("\twrite index: %x" % (self.write_offset))
+	def debug_save_log_pages(self, fIn, filename, data):
+		"""
+		Writes a binary file containing the data for the current page. This
+		is a helper to :func:`cmdParse`, and is particularly useful in
+		debugging.
+		:param fIn: The input file currently being processed by the caller
+		:param filename: The name of the input file currently being processed
+		:param data: The binary data for the current page
+		**Side Effects**: Writes an output file containing the binary data \
+				for the current page.
+		"""
+		# Get just the filename, instead of the whole path.
+		# Otherwise the file open call will fail.
+		filename = os.path.split(filename)[1]
+		strDebugFileName = 'log-%d-%d-%s-%u.bin' % (self.log_id, self.page_num,
+			filename, fIn.tell() - PAGE_SIZE)
+		if options.output_dir:
+			strDebugFileName = \
+					os.path.join(options.output_dir, strDebugFileName)
+"Writing debug file '%s'\n", strDebugFileName)
+		fOut = open(strDebugFileName, 'wb')
+		fOut.write(data)
+		fOut.close()
+	def unpack(self, data):
+		"""
+		Unpacks an ipc_log_page version 0 structure, and assigns the contents
+		into instance variables of this class. This is a wrapper around
+		the :func:`~struct.unpack()` function from the :mod:`struct` module.
+		:param data: The binary ipc_log_context structure to be unpacked.
+		:return: :const:`True` if the unpack completes successfully, \
+				:const:`False` if not.
+		**Side Effects**: If the unpack is successful, the contexts are \
+				assigned to instance variables. In this way, :meth:`unpack()` \
+				acts as a sort of constructor. This is common to all the \
+				unpack methods.
+		"""
+ = data
+		self.magic, self.nmagic, self.log_id, self.page_num, self.read_offset, \
+				self.write_offset = struct.unpack(self.headerBinaryFormat,
+		# Mask off the top bit of page_num, which is used to indicate
+		# a version 1 or greater page
+		mask = 0x7FFFFFFF
+		self.page_num = self.page_num & mask
+		if self.magic == MAGIC and self.nmagic == NMAGIC:
+			return True
+		return False
+	def pack(self, nLogId, nPageNum, nReadOffset, nWriteOffset, strPayload):
+		"""
+		Packs a new version 0 page structure.  *strPayload* can be empty and
+		additional payload can be added using :meth:`~LogPage.pack_continue()`.
+		:param nLogId: The log ID to be packed into the new structure
+		:param nPageNum: The page number
+		:param nReadOffset: The read offset
+		:param nWriteOffset: The write offset
+		:param strPayload: The payload of the new structure
+		:return: Overflow data (*strPayload* that didn't fit into the page) or \
+				:const:`None` if all fit.
+		"""
+		data = struct.pack(self.headerBinaryFormat, MAGIC, NMAGIC,
+				nLogId, nPageNum, nReadOffset, nWriteOffset)
+		# add padding for list structures
+		data += '\0' * (self.page_header_size - len(data))
+		# append message payload
+ = data + strPayload or ''
+		if len( > PAGE_SIZE:
+			data =[PAGE_SIZE:]
+ =[0:PAGE_SIZE]
+			return data
+		else:
+			return None
+class LogPage_v1(LogPage):
+	"""
+	A single page in a version 0 IPC Logging log. This class is a descendant of
+	:class:`LogPage`.
+	.. code-block:: c
+		struct ipc_log_page_header {
+			uint32_t magic;
+			uint32_t nmagic;
+			uint32_t page_num;
+			uint16_t read_offset;
+			uint16_t write_offset;
+			uint64_t log_id;
+			uint64_t start_time;
+			uint64_t end_time;
+			int64_t context_offset;
+			/* add local data structures after this point */
+			struct list_head list;
+			uint16_t nd_read_offset;
+		};
+	"""
+	def __init__(self):
+		# Call the parent constructor
+		super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
+		self.headerBinaryFormat = '<IIIHHQQQq'
+		self.headerBinaryFormatSize = struct.calcsize(self.headerBinaryFormat)
+		self.context = LogContext()
+		self.context.header_size = DEFAULT_CTX_HEADER_SIZE
+		self.page_header_size = self.context.header_size
+	def sortAndLink(self, lstPages, bSort):
+		"""
+		Given a list of pages in ascending page number order,
+		sort them chronologically and link the pages together.
+		This must be called before iterating over items in a page.
+		:param lstPages: The list of pages to be sorted
+		:param bSort: A boolean indicating whether the logs are full or \
+				partially full. If they are full, bSort is :const:`True`.
+		:return: The sorted and linked list of pages.
+		**Side Effects**: If the starting page cannot be found, this \
+				method will fail an assertion.
+		"""
+		# Sort pages chronologically by finding the first active page.
+		# Since the pages are filled in order by page-id, the first
+		# non-full page is the last page written to.
+		if bSort:
+			# Rotate to lowest non-zero end time
+			min_end_time = None
+			min_start_time = None
+			min_end_position = 0
+			min_start_position = 0
+			for n in range(len(lstPages)):
+				cur_end_time = lstPages[n].get_end_time()
+				if cur_end_time == 0:
+					continue
+				if not min_end_time:
+					min_end_time = cur_end_time
+					min_end_position = n
+					continue
+				if cur_end_time > 0 and cur_end_time < min_end_time:
+					min_end_time = cur_end_time
+					min_end_position = n
+			min_position = min_end_position
+			if lstPages[min_end_position].read_offset == 0:
+				for n in range(len(lstPages)):
+					cur_start_time = lstPages[n].get_start_time()
+					if cur_start_time == 0:
+						continue
+					if not min_start_time:
+						min_start_time = cur_start_time
+						min_start_position = n
+						continue
+					if cur_start_time > 0 and cur_start_time < min_start_time:
+						min_start_time = cur_start_time
+						min_start_position = n
+				if lstPages[min_start_position].read_offset != 0:
+					min_position = min_start_position
+			lstPages.rotate(-min_position)
+			lstPages = list(lstPages)
+		# link pages
+		numPages = len(lstPages)
+		nMaxPage = 0
+		for n in range(numPages):
+			page = lstPages[n]
+			nMaxPage = max(nMaxPage, page.page_num)
+			page.previousPage = lstPages[n - 1]
+			page.nextPage = lstPages[(n + 1) % numPages]
+		assert (nMaxPage + 1) == numPages, \
+				"Missing log pages: max page %d, num pages %d" % \
+					(nMaxPage, numPages)
+		return lstPages
+	def log_info(self):
+		"""
+		If DEBUG logging is turned on (command line parameter -v), logs the
+		instance variables of this LogPage_v1 to the output file. See the Python
+		:mod:`logging` module documentation and the IPC Logging main function
+		for more info on logging.
+		This method logs the ``read_offset``, ``write_offset``, ``start_time``,
+		``end_time``, and ``context_offset`` variables.
+		"""
+		logging.debug("\tread index:  %x" % (self.read_offset))
+		logging.debug("\twrite index: %x" % (self.write_offset))
+		logging.debug("\tstart_time (seconds): %f" % (self.start_time * math.pow(10, -9)))
+		logging.debug("\tend_time (seconds): %f" % (self.end_time * math.pow(10, -9)))
+		logging.debug("\tcontext_offset: %x" % (self.context_offset))
+	def debug_save_log_pages(self, fIn, filename, data, name):
+		"""
+		If DEBUG logging is turned on, writes a binary file containing the data
+		for the current page. This is a helper to :func:`cmdParse`.
+		:param fIn: The input file currently being processed by the caller
+		:param filename: The name of the input file currently being processed
+		:param data: The binary data for the current page
+		**Side Effects**: Writes an output file containing the binary data \
+				for the current page.
+		"""
+		# Get just the filename, instead of the whole path.
+		# Otherwise the file open call will fail.
+		filename = os.path.split(filename)[1]
+		strDebugFileName = 'log-%s-%d-%s-%u.bin' % (name, self.page_num,
+			filename, fIn.tell() - PAGE_SIZE)
+		if options.output_dir:
+			strDebugFileName = \
+					os.path.join(options.output_dir, strDebugFileName)
+"Writing debug file '%s'\n", strDebugFileName)
+		fOut = open(strDebugFileName, 'wb')
+		fOut.write(data)
+		fOut.close()
+	def unpack(self, data):
+		"""
+		Unpacks an ipc_log_page version 1 structure, and assigns the contents
+		into instance variables of this class. This is a wrapper around
+		the :func:`~struct.unpack()` function from the :mod:`struct` module.
+		:param data: The binary ipc_log_context structure to be unpacked.
+		:return: :const:`True` if the unpack completes successfully, \
+				:const:`False` if not.
+		**Side Effects**: If the unpack is successful, the contexts are \
+				assigned to instance variables. In this way, :meth:`unpack()` \
+				acts as a sort of constructor. This is common to all the \
+				unpack methods.
+		"""
+		self.magic, self.nmagic, self.page_num, self.read_offset, \
+				self.write_offset, self.log_id, self.start_time, \
+				self.end_time, self.context_offset = \
+				struct.unpack(self.headerBinaryFormat,
+		# Mask off the top bit of page_num, which is used to indicate
+		# a version 1 or greater page
+		mask = 0x7FFFFFFF
+		self.page_num = self.page_num & mask
+		if self.magic == MAGIC and self.nmagic == NMAGIC:
+			return True
+		return False
+	def pack(self, nPageNum, nReadOffset, nWriteOffset, nLogId,
+			nStartTime, nEndTime, nContextOffset, strPayload):
+		"""
+		Packs a new version 1 page structure.  *strPayload* can be empty and
+		additional payload can be added using :meth:`~LogPage.pack_continue()`.
+		:param nPageNum: The page number to be packed into the new structure
+		:param nReadOffset: The read offset
+		:param nWriteOffset: The write offset
+		:param nLogId: The log ID
+		:param nStartTime: The start time
+		:param nEndTime: The end time
+		:param nContextOffset: The context offset
+		:param strPayload: The payload of the new structure
+		:return: Overflow data (*strPayload* that didn't fit into the page) or \
+				:const:`None` if all fit.
+		"""
+		data = struct.pack(self.headerBinaryFormat, MAGIC, NMAGIC,
+				nPageNum, nReadOffset, nWriteOffset, nLogId, nStartTime,
+				nEndTime, nContextOffset)
+		# add padding for list structures
+		data += '\0' * (self.page_header_size - len(data))
+		# append message payload
+ = data + strPayload or ''
+		if len( > PAGE_SIZE:
+			data =[PAGE_SIZE:]
+ =[0:PAGE_SIZE]
+			return data
+		else:
+			return None
+	def setContext(self, context):
+		"""
+		Sets the ``context`` field of this log page to *context*, and sets the
+		``page_header_size`` field to the context header size
+		(``context.header_size``). This method should be used whenever a page's
+		context is changed in order to make sure the page's information about
+		its context is consistent.
+		:param context: The :class:`LogContext` object to be assigned to this \
+				page
+		"""
+		self.context = context
+		self.page_header_size = self.context.header_size
+	#@staticmethod
+	def get_end_time(self):
+		return self.end_time
+	#@staticmethod
+	def get_start_time(self):
+		return self.start_time
+class PageIterator(object):
+	"""
+	An iterator object for use by the :class:`LogPage` iterator method.
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, page):
+ = page
+	def __iter__(self):
+		# TODO - clear all iteration flags
+		logging.debug("Starting iteration through page %d" % \
+				(
+	def next(self):
+		while True:
+			try:
+				return
+			except StopIteration:
+				logging.debug("Trying next page")
+ =
+				if
+					logging.debug("Page %d already iterated" % \
+							(
+					raise
+				logging.debug("Iterating through page %d" % \
+						(
+				# This isn't right.  The page iterator is just discarded
+				# and then we are calling the .next.
+def dumpLogHelper(fout, pages, numPages, bSort):
+	"""
+	Handles iterating through the TSV messages in each :class:`LogPage` object
+	and dumping them to the output file for the current log ID. This function
+	is called by :func:`dumpLogWithRetry()`.
+	:param fout: The output file for the log currently being processed by \
+			:func:`dumpLogWithRetry()`.
+	:param pages: A list containing the :class:`LogPage` objects for the log \
+			currently being processed.
+	:param numPages: The number of pages in *pages*.
+	:param bSort: A boolean indicating whether all pages in the log are \
+			completely filled, or if some are partially full. If they are \
+			full, bSort is :const:`True`.
+	:return: :const:`True` if the messages are processed with no errors, \
+			:const:`False` if errors are encountered during iteration or \
+			during parsing of the TSV messages within the :class:`LogPage` \
+			objects.
+	"""
+	# sort pages chronologically
+	try:
+		lstPages = collections.deque()
+		presentKey = None
+		for key in pages.keys():
+			if not presentKey:
+				presentKey = key
+			lstPages.append(pages[key])
+		lstPages = pages[presentKey].sortAndLink(lstPages, bSort)
+	except AssertionError as e:
+		strMsg = "Exception: %s" % (str(e))
+		logging.error(strMsg)
+		fout.write(strMsg + '\n')
+		return False
+	# dump data in pages
+	try:
+		page = lstPages[0]
+		logging.debug("Extracting messages from %d" % (page.page_num))
+		last_unknown_data = ''
+		for x in page:
+			if page.unknown_messages_data and \
+					page.unknown_messages_data != last_unknown_data:
+				fout.write(str(page.unknown_messages_data) + "\n")
+				last_unknown_data = page.unknown_messages_data
+			fout.write("\n" + str(x).strip())
+	except AssertionError as e:
+		strMsg = "Exception: %s" % (str(e))
+		logging.debug(strMsg)
+		fout.write(strMsg + '\n')
+		return False
+	return True
+def dumpLogWithRetry(logId, name, version, pages, numPages, test):
+	"""
+	This function is called by :func:`dumpLogs()` and :func:`cmdTest()`. It
+	handles creating output files for the parsed logs and writing data to them.
+	A significant part of this work is delegated to :func:`dumpLogHelper()`.
+	:param logId: The log ID currently being processed
+	:param name: The name of the log context
+	:param version: The version of the log
+	:param pages: List of pages to process and dump to the output file
+	:param numPages: The number of pages in the current log
+	:param test: True if this function was called by cmdTest
+	"""
+	if version >= 1:
+		strFileName = "ipc-log-%s.txt" % (str(name))
+		titleStr = "Log name: %s (%d pages)\n" % (str(name), numPages)
+	else:
+		strFileName = "ipc-log-%s.txt" % (str(logId))
+		titleStr = "Log id %s (%d pages)\n" % (str(logId), numPages)
+	if test:
+		strFileName = "ipc-log-%s.txt" % (str(name))
+	if options.output_dir:
+		strFileName = \
+				os.path.join(options.output_dir, strFileName)
+	fout = open(strFileName, 'w')
+"Writing log file '%s'" % (strFileName))
+	fout.write('-'*70 + "\n")
+	fout.write(titleStr)
+	fout.write('-'*70 + "\n")
+	# Parse logs assuming they have wrapped (are full)
+	fout.write("Parsing as a full log\n")
+	bSuccess = dumpLogHelper(fout, pages, numPages, True)
+	if not bSuccess:
+		# If that fails, try assuming that they are partially-full
+		strMsg = "Unable to parse as full log, retrying as partial log"
+		fout.write(strMsg + '\n')
+		bSuccess = dumpLogHelper(fout, pages, numPages, False)
+	if bSuccess:
+		strMsg = "Log extracted successfully"
+		fout.write('\n' + strMsg + '\n')
+	else:
+		strMsg = "Could not extract log successfully. See %s for details." % \
+				(strFileName)
+		if version == 0:
+			v0_expl_str = \
+You are parsing a v0 log. If you collected logs using debugfs before the system
+crashed, it may have adversely affected the RAM dumps. Collect the logs again
+without using debugfs, or use the newest version of IPC Logging if possible.
+This issue has been resolved in v1 and above.
+			fout.write(v0_expl_str)
+	# Add a newline to stdout output
+	fout.close()
+def get_context(start_of_page, fIn, page, dictContexts, lstFiles, fileCount):
+	'''
+	Called by :func:`cmdParse()` in order the find and read the context for
+	the log page currently being processed. The context is found by reading
+	*page.context_offset* and using it to find the position of the context in
+	the "logical file" created by :func:`get_files_info()`. Once the input file
+	and position where the context resides have been calculated, the context can
+	be read, assigned to the *page.context* field, and added to the log ID-to-
+	context dictionary *dictContexts* using the :func:`read_context()` function.
+	:param start_of_page: The starting position in the current file of the \
+			page currently being processed
+	:param fIn: The input file
+	:param page: The page currently being processed
+	:param dictContexts: The dictionary that maintains the \
+			log ID-to-:class:`LogContext` mapping.
+	:param lstFiles: The "logical file" data structure, a list of dictionaries \
+			containing the name, starting position, and ending position of \
+			each input file.
+	:param fileCount: An index into *lstFiles*, which indicates the file \
+			currently being processed. For example, if *lstFiles* contains \
+			three input files and we are processing the second one, fileCount \
+			is 1.
+	:return: A :class:`LogContext` object containing the context that was \
+			found. If no context is found, returns :const:`None`.
+	**Side Effects**: There are some performance side effects in this \
+			function, as :meth:``, :meth:``, and \
+			:meth:`file.tell()` are performed several times in order to \
+			extract the context based on *page.context_offset*. Since there \
+			may be multiple files and the context may not be in the current \
+			file, the other files may need to be opened and closed in order \
+			to find the context. \
+	'''
+	context = LogContext()
+	start_of_file = lstFiles[fileCount]['start']
+	end_of_file = lstFiles[fileCount]['end']
+	file_position = start_of_file + start_of_page + page.context_offset
+	data = None
+	logging.debug("start of file: 0x%x, end of file: 0x%x, " + \
+			"start of page: 0x%x, context offset: 0x%x, file position: 0x%x,",
+			start_of_file, end_of_file, start_of_page, page.context_offset,
+			file_position)
+	for inFile in lstFiles:
+		if inFile['start'] <= file_position <= inFile['end']:
+			# If the position is in the current file, don't open and close a
+			# temporary file - use fIn
+			if inFile['start'] == start_of_file:
+				saved_position = fIn.tell()
+ - start_of_file)
+				data =
+			else:
+				tempIn = open(inFile['name'], 'rb')
+ - inFile['start'])
+				data =
+				tempIn.close()
+			break
+	assert data is not None, "Context not found"
+	context = read_context(page, data, dictContexts)
+	return context
+def read_context(page, data, dictContexts):
+	'''
+	Read a context from *data* and make it the context of *page* using
+	:meth:`LogPage_v1.setContext()`. Then update the log ID-to-context
+	dictionary (*dictContexts*), and return the context. In short, find
+	a log context in *data*, perform some bookkeeping, and return the context.
+	This is a helper function to :func:`get_context()`, which is a helper to
+	:func:`cmdParse()`.
+	:param page: The page to which the found context will be assigned
+	:param data: The data to be read
+	:param dictContexts: The dictionary where the context will be placed, if \
+			a new context is read
+	:return: The new context if successful, None if not.
+	'''
+	context = LogContext()
+	if data and len(data) >= CTX_READ_SIZE and context.unpack(data):
+		page.setContext(context)
+		if not context.log_id in dictContexts:
+"Found log context: %s" % (
+			context.log_info()
+			# Log a single newline to the output
+			dictContexts[page.log_id] = context
+		return context
+	else:
+		return None
+def check_log_consistency(dictLogs, dictContexts):
+	'''
+	Creates two sets:
+	* The set of log IDs gained from reading each page
+	* The set of log IDs gained from reading each context
+	Takes the intersection and makes sure that the intersection
+	equals both sets, i.e. that all log IDs found from reading pages
+	were found reading contexts, and vice-versa.
+	:param dictLogs: The dictionary of log IDs to :class:`LogPage` objects
+	:param dictContext: The dictionary of log IDs to :class:`LogContext` objects
+	:return: The difference of the two sets, contained in a :class:`set`.
+	'''
+	diff = None
+	context_log_ids = set(dictContexts.keys())
+	page_log_ids = set(dictLogs.keys())
+	intersection = context_log_ids.intersection(page_log_ids)
+	if intersection == page_log_ids == context_log_ids:
+		logging.debug("Logs are consistent - the same log IDs are " + \
+				"found in pages and contexts.")
+	else:
+		logging.error("Logs inconsistent.")
+		logging.error("Logs from contexts: %s",
+				str([hex(n) for n in context_log_ids]))
+		logging.error("Logs from pages: %s",
+				str([hex(n) for n in page_log_ids]))
+		if len(page_log_ids) > len(context_log_ids):
+			diff = page_log_ids - context_log_ids
+			logging.error("IDs from pages, but not contexts: %s",
+					str([hex(n) for n in diff]))
+		else:
+			diff = context_log_ids - page_log_ids
+			logging.error("IDs from contexts, but not pages: %s",
+					str([hex(n) for n in diff]))
+	return diff
+def calc_file_size(fIn):
+	"""
+	Calculates the size of an input file.
+	:param fIn: The input file
+	:return: The file size, which is also the ending position relative to the \
+			start of the input file.
+	**Side Effects**: This function uses :meth:`` and \
+			:meth:`file.tell()` to calculate the file size, which can have \
+			performance considerations. The original seek position of the file \
+			is saved at the beginning of the function and is restored before \
+			returning.
+	"""
+	saved_file_position = fIn.tell()
+, 2)
+	file_size = fIn.tell()
+	return file_size
+def get_files_info(files):
+	"""
+	Calculates the size of each input file and uses this information to build
+	a "logical file" data structure, which is a list of dictionaries, with one
+	dictionary per input file. Each dictionary contains the name of the file,
+	the starting position of the file, the ending position of the file, and
+	the size of the file. The starting position of the second file in the list
+	is the ending position of the first file in the list, and so on. Once the
+	structure is completely built, it can be used to index any position in any
+	of the input files as if they were one big file, without reading this big
+	file into memory. This allows the retrieval of contexts located in a
+	different file than their pages.
+	The file size calculation is done using the :func:`calc_file_size()`
+	function.
+	:param files: The list of input files
+	:return: The "logical file" data structure, a list of dictionaries \
+			containing information about each of the input files
+	"""
+	lstFiles = []
+	fileCount = 0
+	for strFile in files:
+		fileStart = 0
+		if fileCount > 0:
+			fileStart = (lstFiles[fileCount-1]['end'])
+		strFileSplit = strFile.split(':', 1)
+		fileName = strFileSplit[0]
+		if len(strFileSplit) > 1:
+			fileStart = int(strFileSplit[1], 16)
+		lstFiles.append(\
+				{'name': fileName, 'start': fileStart, 'end': 0, 'size': 0})
+		fIn = open(fileName, 'rb')
+		file_size = calc_file_size(fIn)
+		lstFiles[fileCount]['end'] = fileStart + file_size
+		lstFiles[fileCount]['size'] = file_size
+		fileCount += 1
+	return lstFiles
+def cmdParse(options):
+	"""
+	The top-level function, which is called from the main entry point to the
+	program if the ``parse`` command-line option is given. This function creates
+	two dictionaries, ``dictLogs`` and ``dictContexts``, which have log IDs as
+	keys and :class:`LogPage` and :class:`LogContext` objects as values,
+	respectively. It then populates these dictionaries by going through
+	each input file and reading data page-by-page. After all data has been read,
+	this function calls :func:`dumpLogs()` to dump the parsed logs to output
+	files.
+	:param options: Contains the list of input files
+	"""
+	dictLogs = {}
+	dictContexts = {}
+	fileCount = 0
+	version = 0
+	versionIsOneOrGreater = False
+	lstFiles = get_files_info(options.args)
+	# scan files for log pages
+	for strFile in options.args:
+		fileName = strFile.split(':', 1)[0]
+		fIn = open(fileName,'rb')
+"Parsing '%s'" % (fileName))
+"-" * 70)
+		sys.stdout.flush()
+		page = LogPageVersionUnknown()
+		context = LogContext()
+		file_size = lstFiles[fileCount]['size']
+		while True:
+			start_of_page = fIn.tell()
+			data =
+			# PAGE_SIZE - 16 = 4080
+			if not data or len(data) + 4080 < PAGE_SIZE:
+				break
+			if page.unpack(data):
+				data +=
+				if page.isVersionOneOrGreater(data):
+					versionIsOneOrGreater = True
+					page = LogPage_v1()
+				else:
+					versionIsOneOrGreater = False
+					page = LogPage_v0()
+				if page.unpack(data):
+					if versionIsOneOrGreater:
+						if not page.log_id in dictContexts:
+							context = get_context(start_of_page, fIn, page,
+									dictContexts, lstFiles, fileCount)
+						else:
+							context = dictContexts[page.log_id]
+							page.setContext(context)
+						if context is None:
+							logging.debug("Context at 0x%x had no data, " + \
+									"skipping this page", page.context_offset)
+							if options.debug_enabled:
+								page.log_info()
+							page = LogPageVersionUnknown()
+							continue
+						version = context.version
+					if not page.log_id in dictLogs:
+						dictLogs[page.log_id] = {}
+					if dictLogs[page.log_id].has_key(page.page_num):
+						logging.error("Duplicate page found log id 0x%x," + \
+								"page %d", page.log_id, page.page_num)
+					dictLogs[page.log_id][page.page_num] = page
+					if versionIsOneOrGreater:
+								"Found log page - context: %s, id: 0x%x, " + \
+								"page: %d",, \
+								page.log_id, page.page_num)
+						page.log_info()
+						sys.stdout.flush()
+					else:
+"Found log page: id 0x%x, page %d" % \
+								(page.log_id, page.page_num))
+						page.log_info()
+						sys.stdout.flush()
+					# for debug mode, save the extracted log pages
+					if options.debug_enabled:
+						if version >= 1:
+							page.debug_save_log_pages(fIn, fileName, data,
+						else:
+							page.debug_save_log_pages(fIn, fileName, data)
+					page = LogPageVersionUnknown()
+		fIn.close()
+		fileCount += 1
+	# Check that log_ids received from contexts and from pages match
+	if versionIsOneOrGreater:
+		check_log_consistency(dictLogs, dictContexts)
+		dumpLogs(dictLogs, version)
+	else:
+		dumpLogs(dictLogs, 0)
+	logging.debug("lstFiles: " + str(lstFiles))
+def dumpLogs(dictLogs, version):
+	"""
+	Dump logs from the dictionary of log IDs to logs built by
+	:func:`cmdParse()`. This is called at the end of :func:`cmdParse()`,
+	after all files have been processed and the dictionary has been built.
+	:param dictLogs: The dictionary built by :func:`cmdParse()`.
+	:param version: The IPC Logging version.
+	**Side Effects**: The :func:`dumpLogWithRetry()` function is called, \
+			which dumps the parsed logs to output files.
+	"""
+	# dump the logs
+	logs = dictLogs.keys()
+	logs.sort()
+	logging.debug("Logs: %s", logs)
+	for key in logs:
+		pages = dictLogs[key]
+		numPages = len(pages.keys())
+		if version >= 1:
+			first_page_in_log = dictLogs[key].keys()[0]
+			name = dictLogs[key][first_page_in_log]
+		else:
+			name = None
+		dumpLogWithRetry(key, name, version, pages, numPages, False)
+def cmdTest(options):
+	"""
+	Parses the provided log page files in order and extracts the logs. This is
+	useful for testing and for dealing with failure cases (such as duplicate
+	logs due to left-over log pages from previous boot cycles).
+	:param options: Contains the list of input files.
+	"""
+	dictPages = {}
+	version = 0
+	numPages = 0
+	# load existing files
+	lstFiles = options.args
+	for f in lstFiles:
+		data = open(f, 'rb').read()
+		page = LogPageVersionUnknown()
+		assert page.unpack(data) == True, "Unable to open file '%s'" % (f)
+		if page.isVersionOneOrGreater(data):
+			page = LogPage_v1()
+			page.unpack(data)
+			version = 1
+		else:
+			page = LogPage_v0()
+			page.unpack(data)
+			version = 0
+		numPages += 1
+		dictPages[page.page_num] = page
+"Loaded '%s' log id %d, page %d" % \
+				(f, page.log_id, page.page_num))
+		page.log_info()
+	# Use only the last pathname component, as the rest of the path is
+	# added in dumpLogWithRetry()
+	if options.output_dir:
+		filename = os.path.split(lstFiles[0])[1]
+	else:
+		filename = lstFiles[0]
+	# dump the logs (in the same order provided)
+	dumpLogWithRetry(page.log_id, 'test-log-%s' % (filename),
+			version, dictPages, numPages, True)
+class LoggingFormatter(logging.Formatter):
+	"""
+	Custom logging formatter that prints all INFO messages without formatting
+	and all other messages with the appropriate level name.
+	See :mod:`logging` documentation for more info on Python logging.
+	"""
+	infoFormat = '%(message)s'
+	defaultFormat = '%(levelname)s %(module)s:%(lineno)d: %(message)s'
+	def __init__(self, fmt=defaultFormat):
+		logging.Formatter.__init__(self, fmt)
+	def format(self, record):
+		if record.levelno == logging.INFO:
+			self._fmt = self.infoFormat
+		else:
+			self._fmt = self.defaultFormat
+		return logging.Formatter.format(self, record)
+# Main Program Entry Point
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	# Parse command line
+	strUsage = """\
+%prog CMD [OPTIONS]
+%prog parse MEMORY_FILE(s)
+%prog parse MEMORY_FILE MEMORY_FILE_2:<starting address>
+Parses the provided input files (memory dump files) and extracts the logs.
+\t%prog parse DDRCS0.BIN DDRCS1.BIN
+\t%prog parse DDRCS0_0.BIN DDRCS0_1.BIN DDRCS1_0.BIN DDRCS1_1.BIN
+\t%prog parse DDRCS0_0.BIN DDRCS0_1.BIN DDRCS1_0.BIN:0x80000000 DDRCS1_1.BIN
+\t%prog parse DDRCS0_0.BIN:0x00000000 DDRCS0_1.BIN:0x30000000 DDRCS1_0.BIN:0x80000000 DDRCS1_1.BIN:0xb0000000
+It is only necessary to provide the starting address of a memory dump file if
+the dumps are not contiguous in memory. Whether or not the dumps are contiguous,
+along with their starting addresses, can be found in the file load.cmm which
+is usually included in crash dumps. Starting addresses must be provided in
+%prog test LOG_PAGE_FILE(s)
+Parses the provided log pages files in order and extracts the logs.  This is
+useful for testing and for dealing with failure cases (such as duplicate logs
+due to left-over log pages from previous boot cycles).
+\t%prog test log-1-0.bin log-1-1.bin log-1-2.bin
+General Options
+Debug logging can be enabled using the count -v or --verbose option.  The
+log level based upon the number of occurrences of the -v option will be one of
+the following:
+	DEBUG			(-v)
+Logging can be turned off entirely using this option.
+\t%prog parse -q DDRCS0.BIN DDRCS1.BIN
+Output Directory
+All output can be redirected to another directory, using -o or --output.
+This is helpful if the memory dump files you're parsing are in a location that
+is read-only. Use the -o, or --output, option, and provide the path to an
+output directory. The ipc_logging script will create the directory if it
+doesn't exist. All output will go to that directory. The script's own logging
+will go to stdout as well as a file in the specified directory.
+\t%prog parse -o ~/test_output DDRCS0.BIN DDRCS1.BIN
+\t%prog test -v -o ~/test_output LOG_PAGE_FILE(s)
+	parser = OptionParser(usage=strUsage)
+	if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+		parser.error('Command required')
+	strCmd = (sys.argv[1]).lower()
+	parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
+	  action="count", dest="verbosity", default=2,
+	  help="Log program status to stdout (-v = debug)"
+	)
+	parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet",
+	  action="count", dest="quiet", default=False,
+	  help="Log no program status to stdout (-q = quiet)"
+	)
+	parser.add_option("-o", "--output",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="output_dir",
+			help="If the current directory can't be written to, specify \
+					a path for an output directory. The path is \
+					OS-independent, and can be absolute or relative.")
+	(options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[2:])
+	options.cmd = strCmd
+	if args:
+		# extract positions args (args not associated with flags)
+		options.args = args
+	# Configure logging format
+	loggingHandler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+	loggingHandler.setFormatter(LoggingFormatter())
+	logging.root.addHandler(loggingHandler)
+	# Set Log level
+	LOG_LEVELS = {	3: logging.DEBUG,
+					2: logging.INFO,
+					1: logging.WARNING,
+					0: logging.ERROR,
+				  }
+	assert LOG_LEVELS.has_key(options.verbosity), "Unknown log level %d" % \
+			(options.verbosity)
+	logging.root.setLevel(LOG_LEVELS[options.verbosity])
+	if logging.root.getEffectiveLevel >= 2 and options.quiet:
+		logging.root.setLevel(LOG_LEVELS[1])
+	options.debug_enabled = False
+	if options.verbosity >= 3:
+		options.debug_enabled = True
+	if not options.cmd or options.cmd == "help":
+			parser.error('No command/help specified')
+			exit(1)
+	if options.output_dir:
+		options.output_dir = \
+				os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(options.output_dir))
+		# Create output directory if it does not exist
+		if not os.path.isdir(options.output_dir):
+			os.makedirs(options.output_dir)
+		# Create logging handler to take output in this directory
+		output_logging_handler = \
+				logging.FileHandler(\
+				os.path.join(options.output_dir, "logging_output.txt"),
+				"w")
+		output_logging_handler.setFormatter(LoggingFormatter())
+		logging.root.addHandler(output_logging_handler)
+"Output path: " + options.output_dir)
+	dictCmds = {'parse': cmdParse,
+				'test': cmdTest,
+				}
+	# run the requested command
+	if not dictCmds.has_key(options.cmd):
+			parser.error("Unknown command '%s'" % (options.cmd))
+	dictCmds[options.cmd](options)
+	if options.output_dir:
+		output_logging_handler.close()
diff --git a/ipc_logging/readme.txt b/ipc_logging/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2c8927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipc_logging/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+IPC Logging Extraction Script
+Quick Start
+To extract IPC logging info from RAM Dumps, use the script as follows:
+python parse <RAM dump 1> <RAM dump 2> <RAM dump N>
+This will give you just the parsed output. If you would also like to
+output each log page's data in binary format, along with more verbose
+output, use the -v option:
+python parse -v <RAM dump 1> <RAM dump 2> <RAM dump N>
+Before running the script, consult the load.cmm file from the crash dumps
+(if it is available) to make sure the dumps are contiguous and in the normal
+order, and modify the above commands as necessary. Run the script with no
+arguments for more usage information.
+If the load.cmm file is not available and the script cannot parse the dumps
+with the default command, contact for assistance.
+Advanced Usage
+To see more usage options, run the with no arguments.