From 51c74ed4613fa15d7643616a3298ddee1662a2fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ankur Bansal <>
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2018 14:40:09 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] lrdp_v2 : Fix for broken

In case of task list corruption, is not printing
all the task, Now printing the task in both forward and backward
direction to get all the task.

Change-Id: I83c5656e15ed20e4aa880823528054ba2aea05fa
 linux-ramdump-parser-v2/parsers/ | 126 ++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 104 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
 mode change 100755 => 100644 linux-ramdump-parser-v2/parsers/

diff --git a/linux-ramdump-parser-v2/parsers/ b/linux-ramdump-parser-v2/parsers/
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 3fce780..984dae4
--- a/linux-ramdump-parser-v2/parsers/
+++ b/linux-ramdump-parser-v2/parsers/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012-2013, 2015, 2017 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2013, 2015, 2017-2018 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import string
 from print_out import print_out_str
 from parser_util import register_parser, RamParser, cleanupString
 def find_panic(ramdump, addr_stack, thread_task_name):
     if ramdump.arm64:
         stack_size = 0x4000
@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ def dump_thread_group(ramdump, thread_group, task_out, check_for_panic=0):
     offset_pid = ramdump.field_offset('struct task_struct', 'pid')
     offset_stack = ramdump.field_offset('struct task_struct', 'stack')
     offset_state = ramdump.field_offset('struct task_struct', 'state')
+    offset_prio = ramdump.field_offset('struct task_struct', 'prio')
     offset_exit_state = ramdump.field_offset(
         'struct task_struct', 'exit_state')
     orig_thread_group = thread_group
@@ -65,13 +67,17 @@ def dump_thread_group(ramdump, thread_group, task_out, check_for_panic=0):
         next_thread_start = thread_group - offset_thread_group
         next_thread_comm = next_thread_start + offset_comm
         next_thread_pid = next_thread_start + offset_pid
+        next_thread_prio = next_thread_start + offset_prio
         next_thread_stack = next_thread_start + offset_stack
         next_thread_state = next_thread_start + offset_state
         next_thread_exit_state = next_thread_start + offset_exit_state
         next_thread_info = ramdump.get_thread_info_addr(next_thread_start)
         thread_task_name = cleanupString(
             ramdump.read_cstring(next_thread_comm, 16))
-        if thread_task_name is None:
+        if thread_task_name is None or thread_task_name == "":
+            return
+        thread_task_prio = ramdump.read_int(next_thread_prio)
+        if thread_task_prio is None:
         thread_task_pid = ramdump.read_int(next_thread_pid)
         if thread_task_pid is None:
@@ -96,8 +102,11 @@ def dump_thread_group(ramdump, thread_group, task_out, check_for_panic=0):
                 first = 1
-            task_out.write('    Task name: {0} pid: {1} cpu: {2}\n    state: 0x{3:x} exit_state: 0x{4:x} stack base: 0x{5:x}\n'.format(
-                thread_task_name, thread_task_pid, task_cpu, task_state, task_exit_state, addr_stack))
+            task_out.write('    Task name: {0} pid: {1} cpu: {2} start: {'
+                           '6:x}\n    state: 0x{3:x} exit_state: 0x{4:x}'
+                           ' stack base: 0x{5:x} Prio: {7}\n'.format(
+                thread_task_name, thread_task_pid, task_cpu, task_state,
+                task_exit_state, addr_stack, next_thread_start, thread_task_prio))
             task_out.write('    Stack:\n')
@@ -127,14 +136,9 @@ def dump_thread_group(ramdump, thread_group, task_out, check_for_panic=0):
 def do_dump_stacks(ramdump, check_for_panic=0):
     offset_tasks = ramdump.field_offset('struct task_struct', 'tasks')
-    offset_comm = ramdump.field_offset('struct task_struct', 'comm')
-    offset_stack = ramdump.field_offset('struct task_struct', 'stack')
+    prev_offset = ramdump.field_offset('struct list_head','prev')
     offset_thread_group = ramdump.field_offset(
         'struct task_struct', 'thread_group')
-    offset_pid = ramdump.field_offset('struct task_struct', 'pid')
-    offset_state = ramdump.field_offset('struct task_struct', 'state')
-    offset_exit_state = ramdump.field_offset(
-        'struct task_struct', 'exit_state')
     init_addr = ramdump.address_of('init_task')
     init_next_task = init_addr + offset_tasks
     orig_init_next_task = init_next_task
@@ -149,7 +153,38 @@ def do_dump_stacks(ramdump, check_for_panic=0):
                           task_out, check_for_panic)
         next_task = ramdump.read_word(init_next_task)
         if next_task is None:
-            return
+            init_next_task = init_addr + offset_tasks
+            init_next_task = init_next_task + prev_offset
+            init_next_task = ramdump.read_word(init_next_task)
+            init_thread_group = init_next_task - offset_tasks \
+                                + offset_thread_group
+            while True:
+                dump_thread_group(ramdump, init_thread_group,
+                                  task_out, check_for_panic)
+                init_next_task = init_next_task + prev_offset
+                orig_init_next_task = init_next_task
+                next_task = ramdump.read_word(init_next_task)
+                if next_task is None:
+                    break
+                if (next_task == init_next_task) and (next_task !=
+                                    orig_init_next_task):
+                    if not check_for_panic:
+                        task_out.write(
+                            '!!! Cycle in task list! the list is corrupt!\n')
+                        break
+                if (next_task in seen_tasks):
+                    break
+                seen_tasks.append(next_task)
+                init_next_task = next_task
+                init_thread_group = init_next_task - offset_tasks\
+                                    + offset_thread_group
+                if init_next_task == orig_init_next_task:
+                    break
+            task_out.write('\n\n!!!Some task might be missing in task.txt')
+            break
         if (next_task == init_next_task) and (next_task != orig_init_next_task):
             if not check_for_panic:
@@ -177,9 +212,11 @@ def do_dump_task_timestamps(ramdump):
         'struct task_struct', 'thread_group')
     offset_pid = ramdump.field_offset('struct task_struct', 'pid')
     init_addr = ramdump.address_of('init_task')
+    prev_offset = ramdump.field_offset('struct list_head','prev')
     init_next_task = init_addr + offset_tasks
     orig_init_next_task = init_next_task
     init_thread_group = init_addr + offset_thread_group
+    count = 0
     seen_tasks = []
     task_out = []
     no_of_cpus = ramdump.get_num_cpus()
@@ -189,10 +226,40 @@ def do_dump_task_timestamps(ramdump):
     while True:
         ret = dump_thread_group_timestamps(ramdump, init_thread_group,t)
-        if ret == False:
-            break
+        if ret is False:
+            count = 1
         next_task = ramdump.read_word(init_next_task)
         if next_task is None:
+            init_next_task = init_addr + offset_tasks
+            init_next_task = init_next_task + prev_offset
+            init_next_task = ramdump.read_word(init_next_task)
+            init_thread_group = init_next_task - offset_tasks \
+                                + offset_thread_group
+            while True:
+                ret = dump_thread_group_timestamps(ramdump,
+                                init_thread_group, t)
+                if ret is False:
+                    count = 1
+                init_next_task = init_next_task + prev_offset
+                orig_init_next_task = init_next_task
+                next_task = ramdump.read_word(init_next_task)
+                next_task = ramdump.read_word(init_next_task)
+                if next_task is None:
+                    break
+                if (next_task == init_next_task) and (
+                    next_task != orig_init_next_task):
+                    break
+                if (next_task in seen_tasks):
+                    break
+                seen_tasks.append(next_task)
+                init_next_task = next_task
+                init_thread_group = init_next_task - offset_tasks + offset_thread_group
+                if init_next_task == orig_init_next_task:
+                    break
         if (next_task == init_next_task) and (next_task != orig_init_next_task):
@@ -208,15 +275,21 @@ def do_dump_task_timestamps(ramdump):
         if init_next_task == orig_init_next_task:
     for i in range(0, no_of_cpus):
-        t[i] = sorted(t[i],key=lambda l:l[2], reverse=True)
-        str = '{0:<17s}{1:>8s}{2:>18s}{3:>18s}{4:>18s}{5:>17s}\n'.format(
-            'Task name', 'PID', 'Exec_Started_at', 'Last_Queued_at',
-            'Total_wait_time', 'No_of_times_exec')
+        if count == 1:
+            task_out[i].write('!!!Note : Some thread may be missing\n\n')
+        t[i] = sorted(t[i], key=lambda l:l[2], reverse=True)
+        str = '{0:<17s}{1:>8s}{2:>18s}{3:>18s}{4:>18s}{5:>17s}' \
+              ' {6:>8s}\n'.format(
+                    'Task name', 'PID', 'Exec_Started_at',
+                    'Last_Queued_at', 'Total_wait_time',
+                    'No_of_times_exec', 'Prio')
         for item in t[i]:
-            str = '{0:<17s}{1:8d}{2:18.9f}{3:18.9f}{4:18.9f}{5:17d}\n'.format(
-                item[0], item[1], item[2]/1000000000.0,
-                item[3]/1000000000.0, item[4]/1000000000.0, item[5])
+            str = '{0:<17s}{1:8d}{2:18.9f}{3:18.9f}{4:18.9f}{5:17d}{6:8d}\n'\
+                    .format(
+                        item[0], item[1], item[2]/1000000000.0,
+                        item[3]/1000000000.0, item[4]/1000000000.0,
+                        item[5], item[6])
         print_out_str('---wrote tasks to tasks_sched_stats{0}.txt'.format(i))
@@ -228,6 +301,7 @@ def dump_thread_group_timestamps(ramdump, thread_group, t):
     offset_pid = ramdump.field_offset('struct task_struct', 'pid')
     offset_task = ramdump.field_offset('struct thread_info', 'task')
     offset_stack = ramdump.field_offset('struct task_struct', 'stack')
+    offset_prio = ramdump.field_offset('struct task_struct', 'prio')
     offset_schedinfo = ramdump.field_offset('struct task_struct', 'sched_info')
     offset_last_arrival = offset_schedinfo + ramdump.field_offset('struct sched_info', 'last_arrival')
     offset_last_queued = offset_schedinfo + ramdump.field_offset('struct sched_info', 'last_queued')
@@ -241,6 +315,7 @@ def dump_thread_group_timestamps(ramdump, thread_group, t):
         next_thread_start = thread_group - offset_thread_group
         next_thread_comm = next_thread_start + offset_comm
         next_thread_pid = next_thread_start + offset_pid
+        next_thread_prio = next_thread_start + offset_prio
         next_thread_last_arrival = next_thread_start + offset_last_arrival
         next_thread_last_queued = next_thread_start + offset_last_queued
         next_thread_pcount = next_thread_start + offset_last_pcount
@@ -255,15 +330,22 @@ def dump_thread_group_timestamps(ramdump, thread_group, t):
         thread_task_name = cleanupString(
             ramdump.read_cstring(next_thread_comm, 16))
         thread_task_pid = ramdump.read_int(next_thread_pid)
+        thread_task_prio = ramdump.read_int(next_thread_prio)
+        if thread_task_prio is None:
+            return False
         cpu_no = ramdump.get_task_cpu(next_thread_start, threadinfo)
+        if cpu_no >= ramdump.get_num_cpus():
+            return False
         if not ramdump.is_thread_info_in_task():
             thread_info_task = ramdump.read_word(threadinfo + offset_task)
             if next_thread_start != thread_info_task:
                 print_out_str('!!!! Task list or Thread info corruption\n{0}  {1}'.format(next_thread_start,thread_info_task))
                 return False
-        t[cpu_no].append([thread_task_name, thread_task_pid, ramdump.read_u64(next_thread_last_arrival),
+        t[cpu_no].append([thread_task_name, thread_task_pid,
+            ramdump.read_u64(next_thread_last_arrival),
-            ramdump.read_u64(next_thread_run_delay),ramdump.read_word(next_thread_pcount)])
+            ramdump.read_u64(next_thread_run_delay),ramdump.read_word(
+                next_thread_pcount),thread_task_prio])
         next_thr = ramdump.read_word(thread_group)
         if (next_thr == thread_group) and (next_thr != orig_thread_group):
             print_out_str('!!!! Cycle in thread group! The list is corrupt!\n')