From 4cfc596fb52fa952d3e62ecd9e1bd703c5a29ca3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Monu Surana <>
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2014 11:56:12 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] linux-ramdump-parser-v2: Dump all the linux clocks in the

Dump clock name, count, prepare_count, rate, clock structure
for all the clocks in the system.

Change-Id: I34dc3512e156319b6f93ca0f4a1c38a44ba55561
 linux-ramdump-parser-v2/parsers/ | 175 +++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 175 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 linux-ramdump-parser-v2/parsers/

diff --git a/linux-ramdump-parser-v2/parsers/ b/linux-ramdump-parser-v2/parsers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cdc8f5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux-ramdump-parser-v2/parsers/
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
+# only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+import linux_list
+from print_out import print_out_str
+from parser_util import register_parser, RamParser
+@register_parser('--clock-dump', 'Dump all the clocks in the system')
+class ClockDumps(RamParser) :
+    def __init__(self, *args):
+        super(ClockDumps, self).__init__(*args)
+        self.enabled_clocks = []
+        self.disabled_clocks = []
+        self.prepared_clocks = []
+        self.head = ''
+    def print_header(self, type, title):
+        if type == 'CLK_PROVIDERS':
+            self.output_file.write("--------------------------------------------\n")
+            self.output_file.write("{0} from of_clk_providers list\n".format(title))
+            self.output_file.write("--------------------------------------------\n")
+            self.output_file.write("  {0:40} {1:21} {2:25} {3:10} {4:40}\n".format('CLOCK NAME', 'COUNT/PREPARE_COUNT', 'RATE', 'CUR_LEVEL', 'CLOCK STRUCTURE'))
+        elif type == 'CLOCKS':
+            self.output_file.write("----------------------------------\n")
+            self.output_file.write("{0} from clocks list\n".format(title))
+            self.output_file.write("----------------------------------\n")
+            self.output_file.write("  {0:40} {1:25} {2:20} {3:21} {4:25} {5:10} {6:40}\n".format('CLOCK NAME', 'DEVID', 'CONID', 'COUNT/PREPARE_COUNT', 'RATE', 'CUR_LEVEL', 'CLOCK STRUCTURE'))
+    def printclocks(self, type):
+        if len(self.disabled_clocks):
+            self.print_header(type, "Disabled Clocks")
+            for clocks in self.disabled_clocks:
+                self.output_file.write('D ' + clocks)
+        if len(self.enabled_clocks):
+            self.output_file.write("\n")
+            self.print_header(type, "Enabled Clocks")
+            for clocks in self.enabled_clocks:
+                self.output_file.write('E ' + clocks)
+        if len(self.prepared_clocks):
+            self.output_file.write("\n")
+            self.print_header(type, "Prepared Clocks")
+            for clocks in self.prepared_clocks:
+                self.output_file.write('P ' + clocks)
+    def get_clocks(self):
+        clocks = self.ramdump.addr_lookup('clocks')
+        if clocks is None:
+            self.output_file.write("NOTE: 'clocks' list not found to extract the clocks information")
+            return
+        head = self.ramdump.read_word(clocks, True)
+        self.head = clocks
+        node_offset = self.ramdump.field_offset('struct clk_lookup', 'node')
+        clocks_walker = linux_list.ListWalker(self.ramdump, head, node_offset)
+        clocks_walker.walk(head, self.clocks_walker)
+    def clocks_walker(self, node):
+        if node == self.head:
+            return
+        devid_address = node + self.ramdump.field_offset('struct clk_lookup', 'dev_id')
+        devid = self.ramdump.read_cstring(self.ramdump.read_word(devid_address, True), 48)
+        conid_address = node + self.ramdump.field_offset('struct clk_lookup', 'con_id')
+        conid = self.ramdump.read_cstring(self.ramdump.read_word(conid_address, True), 48)
+        clock_address = node + self.ramdump.field_offset('struct clk_lookup', 'clk')
+        clk = self.ramdump.read_word(clock_address, True)
+        dbg_name_address = clk + self.ramdump.field_offset('struct clk', 'dbg_name')
+        dbg_name = self.ramdump.read_cstring(self.ramdump.read_word(dbg_name_address, True), 48)
+        rate_address = clk + self.ramdump.field_offset('struct clk', 'rate')
+        rate = self.ramdump.read_word(rate_address, True)
+        count_address = clk + self.ramdump.field_offset('struct clk', 'count')
+        count = self.ramdump.read_word(count_address, True)
+        prepare_count_address = clk + self.ramdump.field_offset('struct clk', 'prepare_count')
+        prepare_count = self.ramdump.read_word(prepare_count_address, True)
+        vdd_class_address = clk + self.ramdump.field_offset('struct clk', 'vdd_class')
+        vdd_class = self.ramdump.read_word(vdd_class_address, True)
+        if vdd_class != 0:
+            cur_level_address = vdd_class + self.ramdump.field_offset('struct clk_vdd_class', 'cur_level')
+            cur_level = self.ramdump.read_word(cur_level_address, True)
+        else:
+            cur_level = "NULL"
+        output = "{0:40} {1:<25} {2:20} {3:<2}/ {4:<17} {5:<25} {6:<10} v.v (struct clk *)0x{7:<20x}\n".format(
+            dbg_name, devid, conid, count, prepare_count, rate, cur_level, clk)
+        if count > 0:
+            self.enabled_clocks.append(output)
+        elif prepare_count > 0:
+            self.prepared_clocks.append(output)
+        else:
+            self.disabled_clocks.append(output)
+    def get_clk_providers(self):
+        clocks = self.ramdump.addr_lookup('of_clk_providers')
+        if clocks is None:
+            self.output_file.write("NOTE: 'of_clk_providers' list not found to extract the clocks information")
+            return
+        self.enabled_clocks = []
+        self.disabled_clocks = []
+        self.prepared_clocks = []
+        self.head = clocks
+        head = self.ramdump.read_word(clocks, True)
+        node_offset = self.ramdump.field_offset('struct clk_lookup', 'node')
+        clk_providers_walker = linux_list.ListWalker(self.ramdump, head, node_offset)
+        clk_providers_walker.walk(head, self.clk_providers_walker)
+    def clk_providers_walker(self, node):
+        if node == self.head:
+            return
+        data_address = node + self.ramdump.field_offset('struct of_clk_provider', 'data')
+        node_address = node + self.ramdump.field_offset('struct of_clk_provider', 'node')
+        data = self.ramdump.read_word(data_address, True)
+        node = self.ramdump.read_word(node_address, True)
+        table_address = data + self.ramdump.field_offset('struct of_msm_provider_data', 'table')
+        size_address = data + self.ramdump.field_offset('struct of_msm_provider_data', 'size')
+        table = self.ramdump.read_word(table_address, True)
+        size = self.ramdump.read_word(size_address, True)
+        counter = 0
+        while counter < size:
+            clock_address = table + self.ramdump.field_offset('struct clk_lookup', 'clk')
+            clk = self.ramdump.read_word(clock_address, True)
+            dbg_name_address = clk + self.ramdump.field_offset('struct clk', 'dbg_name')
+            dbg_name = self.ramdump.read_cstring(self.ramdump.read_word(dbg_name_address, True), 48)
+            rate_address = clk + self.ramdump.field_offset('struct clk', 'rate')
+            rate = self.ramdump.read_word(rate_address, True)
+            count_address = clk + self.ramdump.field_offset('struct clk', 'count')
+            count = self.ramdump.read_word(count_address, True)
+            prepare_count_address = clk + self.ramdump.field_offset('struct clk', 'prepare_count')
+            prepare_count = self.ramdump.read_word(prepare_count_address, True)
+            vdd_class_address = clk + self.ramdump.field_offset('struct clk', 'vdd_class')
+            vdd_class = self.ramdump.read_word(vdd_class_address, True)
+            if vdd_class != 0:
+                cur_level_address = vdd_class + self.ramdump.field_offset('struct clk_vdd_class', 'cur_level')
+                cur_level = self.ramdump.read_word(cur_level_address, True)
+            else:
+                cur_level = "NULL"
+            output = "{0:40} {1:<2}/ {2:<17} {3:<25} {4:<10} v.v (struct clk *)0x{5:<20x}\n".format(dbg_name, count, prepare_count, rate, cur_level, clk)
+            if count > 0:
+                self.enabled_clocks.append(output)
+            elif prepare_count > 0:
+                self.prepared_clocks.append(output)
+            else:
+                self.disabled_clocks.append(output)
+            counter = counter + 1
+            table = table + self.ramdump.sizeof('struct clk_lookup')
+    def parse(self):
+        self.output_file = self.ramdump.open_file('ClockDumps.txt')
+        self.get_clocks()
+        self.printclocks('CLOCKS')
+        self.get_clk_providers()
+        self.printclocks('CLK_PROVIDERS')
+        self.output_file.close()
+        print_out_str("--- Wrote the output to ClockDumps.txt")