From 3ae4ed49f3624a15f5985881e8230ca71ec64747 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Steven Cahail <>
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2015 14:24:49 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] ipc_logging: Update logging, output directory configurations

It is necessary to allow the script to get included as a module by other
scripts. Currently, the logging and output directory configuration are
performed in the script's main function, and the options from parsing
the command line are not passed from function to function.

Create two new functions for the logging and output directory
configuraiton, and pass the command-line options object to each
function that uses it. This allows the options to be passed in from
other scripts.

Change-Id: Ibf34d72cd70620bcbcc00e48141a87a721b1f987
 ipc_logging/ | 144 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 95 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ipc_logging/ b/ipc_logging/
index 1e1c239..b360c16 100644
--- a/ipc_logging/
+++ b/ipc_logging/
@@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ class LogPage_v0(LogPage):
 		logging.debug("\tread index:  %x" % (self.read_offset))
 		logging.debug("\twrite index: %x" % (self.write_offset))
-	def debug_save_log_pages(self, fIn, filename, data):
+	def debug_save_log_pages(self, fIn, filename, data, options):
 		Writes a binary file containing the data for the current page. This
 		is a helper to :func:`cmdParse`, and is particularly useful in
@@ -708,6 +708,8 @@ class LogPage_v0(LogPage):
 		:param fIn: The input file currently being processed by the caller
 		:param filename: The name of the input file currently being processed
 		:param data: The binary data for the current page
+		:param options: Configuration options containing options.output_dir for
+						the output directory
 		**Side Effects**: Writes an output file containing the binary data \
 				for the current page.
@@ -911,7 +913,7 @@ class LogPage_v1(LogPage):
 		logging.debug("\tend_time (seconds): %f" % (self.end_time * math.pow(10, -9)))
 		logging.debug("\tcontext_offset: %x" % (self.context_offset))
-	def debug_save_log_pages(self, fIn, filename, data, name):
+	def debug_save_log_pages(self, fIn, filename, data, name, options):
 		If DEBUG logging is turned on, writes a binary file containing the data
 		for the current page. This is a helper to :func:`cmdParse`.
@@ -919,6 +921,8 @@ class LogPage_v1(LogPage):
 		:param fIn: The input file currently being processed by the caller
 		:param filename: The name of the input file currently being processed
 		:param data: The binary data for the current page
+		:param options: Configuration options containing options.output_dir for
+						the output directory
 		**Side Effects**: Writes an output file containing the binary data \
 				for the current page.
@@ -1119,7 +1123,7 @@ def dumpLogHelper(fout, pages, numPages, bSort):
 	return True
-def dumpLogWithRetry(logId, name, version, pages, numPages, test):
+def dumpLogWithRetry(logId, name, version, pages, numPages, test, options):
 	This function is called by :func:`dumpLogs()` and :func:`cmdTest()`. It
 	handles creating output files for the parsed logs and writing data to them.
@@ -1131,6 +1135,8 @@ def dumpLogWithRetry(logId, name, version, pages, numPages, test):
 	:param pages: List of pages to process and dump to the output file
 	:param numPages: The number of pages in the current log
 	:param test: True if this function was called by cmdTest
+	:param options: Configuration options containing options.output_dir for the
+					output directory
 	if version >= 1:
 		strFileName = "ipc-log-%s.txt" % (str(name))
@@ -1405,7 +1411,12 @@ def cmdParse(options):
 	this function calls :func:`dumpLogs()` to dump the parsed logs to output
-	:param options: Contains the list of input files
+	:param options: Configuration options containing options.output_dir for the
+					output directory, options.debug_enabled, a flag for
+					discerning whether the extraction script is running in debug
+					mode, and options.args, the list of input files. All
+					configuration options are passed through to helper
+					functions.
 	dictLogs = {}
 	dictContexts = {}
@@ -1498,9 +1509,10 @@ def cmdParse(options):
 					if options.debug_enabled:
 						if version >= 1:
 							page.debug_save_log_pages(fIn, fileName, data,
+, options)
-							page.debug_save_log_pages(fIn, fileName, data)
+							page.debug_save_log_pages(fIn, fileName, data,
+									options)
 					page = LogPageVersionUnknown()
@@ -1510,13 +1522,13 @@ def cmdParse(options):
 	# Check that log_ids received from contexts and from pages match
 	if versionIsOneOrGreater:
 		check_log_consistency(dictLogs, dictContexts)
-		dumpLogs(dictLogs, version)
+		dumpLogs(dictLogs, version, options)
-		dumpLogs(dictLogs, 0)
+		dumpLogs(dictLogs, 0, options)
 	logging.debug("lstFiles: " + str(lstFiles))
-def dumpLogs(dictLogs, version):
+def dumpLogs(dictLogs, version, options):
 	Dump logs from the dictionary of log IDs to logs built by
 	:func:`cmdParse()`. This is called at the end of :func:`cmdParse()`,
@@ -1524,6 +1536,7 @@ def dumpLogs(dictLogs, version):
 	:param dictLogs: The dictionary built by :func:`cmdParse()`.
 	:param version: The IPC Logging version.
+	:param options: Configuration options passed through to helper functions
 	**Side Effects**: The :func:`dumpLogWithRetry()` function is called, \
 			which dumps the parsed logs to output files.
@@ -1542,7 +1555,7 @@ def dumpLogs(dictLogs, version):
 			name = None
-		dumpLogWithRetry(key, name, version, pages, numPages, False)
+		dumpLogWithRetry(key, name, version, pages, numPages, False, options)
 def cmdTest(options):
@@ -1550,7 +1563,12 @@ def cmdTest(options):
 	useful for testing and for dealing with failure cases (such as duplicate
 	logs due to left-over log pages from previous boot cycles).
-	:param options: Contains the list of input files.
+	:param options: Configuration options containing options.output_dir for
+					the output directory, and options.args, the list of input
+					files, and options.arch_64, the flag indicating if the log
+					pages should be interpreted as 64-bit dumps or not. All
+					configuration options are passed through to helper
+					functions.
 	dictPages = {}
 	version = 0
@@ -1604,7 +1622,7 @@ def cmdTest(options):
 	# dump the logs (in the same order provided)
 	dumpLogWithRetry(page.log_id, 'test-log-%s' % (filename),
-			version, dictPages, numPages, True)
+			version, dictPages, numPages, True, options)
 class LoggingFormatter(logging.Formatter):
@@ -1626,6 +1644,69 @@ class LoggingFormatter(logging.Formatter):
 			self._fmt = self.defaultFormat
 		return logging.Formatter.format(self, record)
+def configure_logging(options, stdout):
+	"""
+	Configure the logging options.
+	:param options: The options object, which contains options.verbosity for
+					the logging verbosity and options.debug_enabled to indicate
+					whether the extraction script is running in debug mode.
+	:param stdout:	Whether or not to create a logging handler for stdout
+	"""
+	if stdout:
+		loggingHandler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+		loggingHandler.setFormatter(LoggingFormatter())
+		logging.root.addHandler(loggingHandler)
+	# Set Log level
+	LOG_LEVELS = {	3: logging.DEBUG,
+					2: logging.INFO,
+					1: logging.WARNING,
+					0: logging.ERROR,
+				  }
+	assert LOG_LEVELS.has_key(options.verbosity), "Unknown log level %d" % \
+			(options.verbosity)
+	logging.root.setLevel(LOG_LEVELS[options.verbosity])
+	if logging.root.getEffectiveLevel >= 2 and options.quiet:
+		logging.root.setLevel(LOG_LEVELS[1])
+	options.debug_enabled = False
+	if options.verbosity >= 3:
+		options.debug_enabled = True
+def set_output_directory(options):
+	"""
+	Set up the output directory.
+	:param options: Configuration options containing options.output_dir for the
+					output directory
+	:return: The output logging handler object, or None if no output directory
+			was provided by the user.
+	"""
+	if not options.output_dir:
+		return None
+	options.output_dir = \
+			os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(options.output_dir))
+	# Create output directory if it does not exist
+	if not os.path.isdir(options.output_dir):
+		os.makedirs(options.output_dir)
+	# Create logging handler to take output in this directory
+	output_logging_handler = \
+			logging.FileHandler(\
+			os.path.join(options.output_dir, "ipc_extraction_report.txt"),
+			"w")
+	output_logging_handler.setFormatter(LoggingFormatter())
+	logging.root.addHandler(output_logging_handler)
+"Output path: " + options.output_dir)
+	return output_logging_handler
 # Main Program Entry Point
@@ -1747,48 +1828,13 @@ Examples:
 		options.args = args
 	# Configure logging format
-	loggingHandler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
-	loggingHandler.setFormatter(LoggingFormatter())
-	logging.root.addHandler(loggingHandler)
-	# Set Log level
-	LOG_LEVELS = {	3: logging.DEBUG,
-					2: logging.INFO,
-					1: logging.WARNING,
-					0: logging.ERROR,
-				  }
-	assert LOG_LEVELS.has_key(options.verbosity), "Unknown log level %d" % \
-			(options.verbosity)
-	logging.root.setLevel(LOG_LEVELS[options.verbosity])
-	if logging.root.getEffectiveLevel >= 2 and options.quiet:
-		logging.root.setLevel(LOG_LEVELS[1])
-	options.debug_enabled = False
-	if options.verbosity >= 3:
-		options.debug_enabled = True
+	configure_logging(options, True)
 	if not options.cmd or options.cmd == "help":
 			parser.error('No command/help specified')
-	if options.output_dir:
-		options.output_dir = \
-				os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(options.output_dir))
-		# Create output directory if it does not exist
-		if not os.path.isdir(options.output_dir):
-			os.makedirs(options.output_dir)
-		# Create logging handler to take output in this directory
-		output_logging_handler = \
-				logging.FileHandler(\
-				os.path.join(options.output_dir, "logging_output.txt"),
-				"w")
-		output_logging_handler.setFormatter(LoggingFormatter())
-		logging.root.addHandler(output_logging_handler)
-"Output path: " + options.output_dir)
+	output_logging_handler = set_output_directory(options)
 	dictCmds = {'parse': cmdParse,
 				'test': cmdTest,