diff --git a/scapy/fields.py b/scapy/fields.py
index fc41b7600b4000df9cc31d0c6abd1ab4ee3aa2e4..a7b511a86c40d5f0b7218ca3d85b53b76ce8b6ae 100644
--- a/scapy/fields.py
+++ b/scapy/fields.py
@@ -435,15 +435,15 @@ class PacketLenField(PacketField):
 class PacketListField(PacketField):
-    __slots__ = ["count_from", "length_from"]
+    __slots__ = ["count_from", "length_from", "next_cls_cb"]
     islist = 1
-    def __init__(self, name, default, cls, count_from=None, length_from=None):
+    def __init__(self, name, default, cls=None, count_from=None, length_from=None, next_cls_cb=None):
         if default is None:
             default = []  # Create a new list for each instance
         PacketField.__init__(self, name, default, cls)
         self.count_from = count_from
         self.length_from = length_from
+        self.next_cls_cb = next_cls_cb
     def any2i(self, pkt, x):
         if not isinstance(x, list):
@@ -462,11 +462,14 @@ class PacketListField(PacketField):
             return [p if isinstance(p, bytes) else p.copy() for p in x]
     def getfield(self, pkt, s):
-        c = l = None
+        c = l = cls = None
         if self.length_from is not None:
             l = self.length_from(pkt)
         elif self.count_from is not None:
             c = self.count_from(pkt)
+        if self.next_cls_cb is not None:
+            cls = self.next_cls_cb(pkt, [], None, s)
+            c = 1
         lst = []
         ret = b""
@@ -479,7 +482,10 @@ class PacketListField(PacketField):
                 c -= 1
-                p = self.m2i(pkt,remain)
+                if cls is not None:
+                    p = cls(remain)
+                else:
+                    p = self.m2i(pkt, remain)
             except Exception:
                 if conf.debug_dissector:
@@ -490,6 +496,10 @@ class PacketListField(PacketField):
                     pad = p[conf.padding_layer]
                     remain = pad.load
+                    if self.next_cls_cb is not None:
+                        cls = self.next_cls_cb(pkt, lst, p, remain)
+                        if cls is not None:
+                            c += 1
                     remain = b""
diff --git a/test/fields.uts b/test/fields.uts
index 815d3676850f83624f0b6b191ea84043d43919a7..80bc459512001874282f13826d4690a1fdf4a6c5 100644
--- a/test/fields.uts
+++ b/test/fields.uts
@@ -328,6 +328,196 @@ assert( str(a) == str(b) )
 assert TCPOptionsField("test", "").getfield(TCP(dataofs=0), "") == ('', [])
++ PacketListField tests
+= Create a layer
+~ field lengthfield
+class TestPLF(Packet):
+    name="test"
+    fields_desc=[ FieldLenField("len", None, count_of="plist"),
+                  PacketListField("plist", None, IP, count_from=lambda pkt:pkt.len) ]
+= Test the PacketListField assembly
+~ field lengthfield
+_ == "\x00\x00"
+= Test the PacketListField assembly 2
+~ field lengthfield
+x.plist=[IP()/TCP(), IP()/UDP()]
+= Test disassembly
+~ field lengthfield
+x=TestPLF(plist=[IP()/TCP(seq=1234567), IP()/UDP()])
+IP in _ and TCP in _ and UDP in _ and _[TCP].seq == 1234567
+= Nested PacketListField
+~ field lengthfield
+IP in _ and TCP in _ and UDP in _ and _[TCP].seq == 111111 and _[TCP:2].seq==222222 and _[TCP:3].seq == 333333
+= Complex packet
+~ field lengthfield ccc
+class TestPkt(Packet):
+    fields_desc = [ ByteField("f1",65),
+                    ShortField("f2",0x4244) ]
+    def extract_padding(self, p):
+        return "", p
+class TestPLF2(Packet):
+    fields_desc = [ FieldLenField("len1", None, count_of="plist",fmt="H", adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+2),
+                    FieldLenField("len2", None, length_of="plist",fmt="I", adjust=lambda pkt,x:(x+1)/2),
+                    PacketListField("plist", None, TestPkt, length_from=lambda x:(x.len2*2)/3*3) ]
+assert( _ == "\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00" )
+assert(_ == '\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x03ABDdBD')
+a /= "123456"
+b = TestPLF2(str(a))
+assert(b.len1 == 4 and b.len2 == 3)
+assert(b[TestPkt].f1 == 65 and b[TestPkt].f2 == 0x4244)
+assert(b[TestPkt:2].f1 == 100)
+assert(Raw in b and b[Raw].load == "123456")
+b = TestPLF2(str(a))
+assert(b.len1 == 5 and b.len2 == 5)
+assert(b[TestPkt].f1 == 65 and b[TestPkt].f2 == 0x4244)
+assert(b[TestPkt:2].f1 == 100)
+assert(b[TestPkt:3].f1 == 200)
+assert(b.getlayer(TestPkt,4) is None)
+assert(Raw in b and b[Raw].load == "123456")
+assert( str(a) == str(b) )
+= Create layers for heterogeneous PacketListField
+~ field lengthfield
+TestPLFH1 = type('TestPLFH1', (Packet,), {
+    'name': 'test1',
+    'fields_desc': [ByteField('data', 0)],
+    'guess_payload_class': lambda self, p: conf.padding_layer,
+    }
+TestPLFH2 = type('TestPLFH2', (Packet,), {
+    'name': 'test2',
+    'fields_desc': [ShortField('data', 0)],
+    'guess_payload_class': lambda self, p: conf.padding_layer,
+    }
+class TestPLFH3(Packet):
+    name = 'test3'
+    fields_desc = [
+        PacketListField(
+            'data', [],
+            next_cls_cb=lambda pkt, lst, p, remain: pkt.detect_next_packet(lst, p, remain)
+        )
+    ]
+    def detect_next_packet(self, lst, p, remain):
+        if len(remain) < 3:
+            return None
+        if isinstance(p, type(None)):
+            return TestPLFH1
+        if p.data & 3 == 1:
+            return TestPLFH1
+        if p.data & 3 == 2:
+            return TestPLFH2
+        return None
+= Test heterogeneous PacketListField
+~ field lengthfield
+p = TestPLFH3('\x02\x01\x01\xc1\x02\x80\x04toto')
+assert(isinstance(p.data[0], TestPLFH1))
+assert(p.data[0].data == 0x2)
+assert(isinstance(p.data[1], TestPLFH2))
+assert(p.data[1].data == 0x101)
+assert(isinstance(p.data[2], TestPLFH1))
+assert(p.data[2].data == 0xc1)
+assert(isinstance(p.data[3], TestPLFH1))
+assert(p.data[3].data == 0x2)
+assert(isinstance(p.data[4], TestPLFH2))
+assert(p.data[4].data == 0x8004)
+assert(isinstance(p.payload, conf.raw_layer))
+assert(p.payload.load == 'toto')
+p = TestPLFH3('\x02\x01\x01\xc1\x02\x80\x02to')
+assert(isinstance(p.data[0], TestPLFH1))
+assert(p.data[0].data == 0x2)
+assert(isinstance(p.data[1], TestPLFH2))
+assert(p.data[1].data == 0x101)
+assert(isinstance(p.data[2], TestPLFH1))
+assert(p.data[2].data == 0xc1)
+assert(isinstance(p.data[3], TestPLFH1))
+assert(p.data[3].data == 0x2)
+assert(isinstance(p.data[4], TestPLFH2))
+assert(p.data[4].data == 0x8002)
+assert(isinstance(p.payload, conf.raw_layer))
+assert(p.payload.load == 'to')
+= Create layers for heterogeneous PacketListField with memory
+~ field lengthfield
+TestPLFH4 = type('TestPLFH4', (Packet,), {
+    'name': 'test4',
+    'fields_desc': [ByteField('data', 0)],
+    'guess_payload_class': lambda self, p: conf.padding_layer,
+    }
+TestPLFH5 = type('TestPLFH5', (Packet,), {
+    'name': 'test5',
+    'fields_desc': [ShortField('data', 0)],
+    'guess_payload_class': lambda self, p: conf.padding_layer,
+    }
+class TestPLFH6(Packet):
+    __slots__ = ['_memory']
+    name = 'test6'
+    fields_desc = [
+        PacketListField(
+            'data', [],
+            next_cls_cb=lambda pkt, lst, p, remain: pkt.detect_next_packet(lst, p, remain)
+        )
+    ]
+    def detect_next_packet(self, lst, p, remain):
+        if isinstance(p, type(None)):
+            self._memory = [TestPLFH4] * 3 + [TestPLFH5]
+        try:
+            return self._memory.pop(0)
+        except IndexError:
+            return None
+= Test heterogeneous PacketListField with memory
+~ field lengthfield
+p = TestPLFH6('\x01\x02\x03\xc1\x02toto')
+assert(isinstance(p.data[0], TestPLFH4))
+assert(p.data[0].data == 0x1)
+assert(isinstance(p.data[1], TestPLFH4))
+assert(p.data[1].data == 0x2)
+assert(isinstance(p.data[2], TestPLFH4))
+assert(p.data[2].data == 0x3)
+assert(isinstance(p.data[3], TestPLFH5))
+assert(p.data[3].data == 0xc102)
+assert(isinstance(p.payload, conf.raw_layer))
+assert(p.payload.load == 'toto')
 + Tests on MultiFlagsField