diff --git a/scapy/contrib/gtp.py b/scapy/contrib/gtp.py
index e7febc233dc517ced65ed9882eb712d682856aee..bf2a64c7965fdc3dc106199549acb38c20b87699 100644
--- a/scapy/contrib/gtp.py
+++ b/scapy/contrib/gtp.py
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env python
-## Copyright (C) 2014 Guillaume Valadon <guillaume.valadon@ssi.gouv.fr>
-##               2014 Alexis Sultan    <alexis.sultan@sfr.com>
+## Copyright (C) 2017 Alexis Sultan    <alexis.sultan@sfr.com>
+##               2017 Alessio Deiana <adeiana@gmail.com>
+##               2014 Guillaume Valadon <guillaume.valadon@ssi.gouv.fr>
 ##               2012 ffranz <ffranz@iniqua.com>
 ## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
@@ -15,13 +16,24 @@ import logging
 from scapy.packet import *
 from scapy.fields import *
 from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP
+from scapy.layers.inet6 import IP6Field
 # GTP Data types
+RATType = {
+    1: "UTRAN",
+    2: "GETRAN",
+    3: "WLAN",
+    4: "GAN",
+    5: "HSPA"
 GTPmessageType = {   1: "echo_request",
                      2: "echo_response",
                     16: "create_pdp_context_req",
                     17: "create_pdp_context_res",
+                    18: "update_pdp_context_req",
+                    19: "update_pdp_context_resp",
                     20: "delete_pdp_context_req",
                     21: "delete_pdp_context_res",
                     26: "error_indication",
@@ -33,6 +45,7 @@ IEType = {   1: "Cause",
              3: "RAI",
              4: "TLLI",
              5: "P_TMSI",
+             8: "IE_ReorderingRequired",
             14: "Recovery",
             15: "SelectionMode",
             16: "TEIDI",
@@ -42,6 +55,7 @@ IEType = {   1: "Cause",
             26: "ChargingChrt",
             27: "TraceReference",
             28: "TraceType",
+           127: "ChargingId",
            128: "EndUserAddress",
            131: "AccessPointName",
            132: "ProtocolConfigurationOptions",
@@ -49,10 +63,15 @@ IEType = {   1: "Cause",
            134: "MSInternationalNumber",
            135: "QoS",
            148: "CommonFlags",
+           149: "APNRestriction",
            151: "RatType",
            152: "UserLocationInformation",
            153: "MSTimeZone",
-           154: "IMEI" }
+           154: "IMEI",
+           181: "MSInfoChangeReportingAction",
+           184: "BearerControlMode",
+           191: "EvolvedAllocationRetentionPriority",
+           255: "PrivateExtention"}
 CauseValues = {  0: "Request IMSI",
                  1: "Request IMEI",
@@ -106,27 +125,32 @@ Selection_Mode = { 11111100: "MS or APN",
                    11111110: "NET",
                    11111111: "FutureUse" }
-TeardownInd_value = { 254: "False",
-                      255: "True" }
+TrueFalse_value = {254: "False",
+                   255: "True"}
 class TBCDByteField(StrFixedLenField):
     def i2h(self, pkt, val):
-        ret = []
-        for v in val:
-           byte = ord(v)
-           left = byte >> 4
-           right = byte & 0xF
-           if left == 0xF:
-               ret += [ "%d" % right ]
-           else:
-               ret += [ "%d" % right, "%d" % left ]
-        return "".join(ret)
+        return val
     def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
         return repr(self.i2h(pkt,x))
+    def m2i(self, pkt, val):
+        ret = []
+        for v in val:
+            byte = ord(v)
+            left = byte >> 4
+            right = byte & 0xf
+            if left == 0xf:
+                ret += [TBCD_TO_ASCII[right]]
+            else:
+                ret += [TBCD_TO_ASCII[right], TBCD_TO_ASCII[left]]
+        return "".join(ret)
     def i2m(self, pkt, val):
+        val = str(val)
         ret_string = ""
         for i in xrange(0, len(val), 2):
             tmp = val[i:i+2]
@@ -136,6 +160,10 @@ class TBCDByteField(StrFixedLenField):
               ret_string += chr(int("F" + tmp[0], 16))
         return ret_string
+TBCD_TO_ASCII = "0123456789*#abc"
 class GTPHeader(Packet):
     # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12)
     name = "GTP Header"
@@ -164,6 +192,7 @@ class GTPHeader(Packet):
                 self.version == other.version and
 class GTPEchoRequest(Packet):
     # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12)
     name = "GTP Echo Request"
@@ -174,79 +203,83 @@ class GTPEchoRequest(Packet):
     def hashret(self):
         return struct.pack("H", self.seq)
-class IE_Cause(Packet):
-    name = "Cause"
-    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 1, IEType),
-                    BitField("Response", None, 1),
-                    BitField("Rejection", None, 1),
-                    BitEnumField("CauseValue", None, 6,  CauseValues) ]
+class IE_Base(Packet):
     def extract_padding(self, pkt):
-        return "",pkt
+        return "", pkt
-class IE_IMSI(Packet):
+class IE_Cause(IE_Base):
+    name = "Cause"
+    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 1, IEType),
+                   ByteEnumField("CauseValue", None, CauseValues)]
+class IE_IMSI(IE_Base):
     name = "IMSI - Subscriber identity of the MS"
-    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 2, IEType),
-                    TBCDByteField("imsi", str(RandNum(0, 999999999999999)), 8) ]
-    def extract_padding(self, pkt):
-        return "",pkt
+    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 2, IEType),
+                   TBCDByteField("imsi", str(RandNum(0, 999999999999999)), 8)]
-class IE_Routing(Packet):
+class IE_Routing(IE_Base):
     name = "Routing Area Identity"
     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 3, IEType),
                     TBCDByteField("MCC", "", 2),
-                    # MNC: if the third digit of MCC is 0xf, then the length of MNC is 1 byte
+                    # MNC: if the third digit of MCC is 0xf,
+                    # then the length of MNC is 1 byte
                     TBCDByteField("MNC", "", 1),
                     ShortField("LAC", None),
                     ByteField("RAC", None) ]
-    def extract_padding(self, pkt):
-        return "",pkt
-class IE_Recovery(Packet):
+class IE_ReorderingRequired(IE_Base):
+    name = "Recovery"
+    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 8, IEType),
+                   ByteEnumField("reordering_required", 254, TrueFalse_value)]
+class IE_Recovery(IE_Base):
     name = "Recovery"
     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 14, IEType),
-                    ByteField("res-counter", 24) ]
-    def extract_padding(self, pkt):
-        return "",pkt
+                    ByteField("restart_counter", 24) ]
-class IE_SelectionMode(Packet):
+class IE_SelectionMode(IE_Base):
     # Indicates the origin of the APN in the message
     name = "Selection Mode"
     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 15, IEType),
-                    BitEnumField("SelectionMode", "MS or APN", 8, Selection_Mode) ]
-    def extract_padding(self, pkt):
-        return "",pkt
+                    BitEnumField("SelectionMode", "MS or APN", 
+                                 8, Selection_Mode) ]
-class IE_TEIDI(Packet):
+class IE_TEIDI(IE_Base):
     name = "Tunnel Endpoint Identifier Data"
     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 16, IEType),
                     XIntField("TEIDI", RandInt()) ]
-    def extract_padding(self, pkt):
-        return "",pkt
-class IE_TEICP(Packet):
+class IE_TEICP(IE_Base):
     name = "Tunnel Endpoint Identifier Control Plane"
     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 17, IEType),
                     XIntField("TEICI", RandInt())]
-    def extract_padding(self, pkt):
-        return "",pkt
-class IE_Teardown(Packet):
+class IE_Teardown(IE_Base):
     name = "Teardown Indicator"
     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 19, IEType),
-                    ByteEnumField("indicator", "True", TeardownInd_value) ]
-    def extract_padding(self, pkt):
-        return "",pkt
+                    ByteEnumField("indicator", "True", TrueFalse_value) ]
-class IE_NSAPI(Packet):
+class IE_NSAPI(IE_Base):
     # Identifies a PDP context in a mobility management context specified by TEICP
     name = "NSAPI"
     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 20, IEType),
                     XBitField("sparebits", 0x0000, 4),
                     XBitField("NSAPI", RandNum(0, 15), 4) ]
-    def extract_padding(self, pkt):
-        return "",pkt
-class IE_ChargingCharacteristics(Packet):
+class IE_ChargingCharacteristics(IE_Base):
     # Way of informing both the SGSN and GGSN of the rules for 
     name = "Charging Characteristics"
     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 26, IEType),
@@ -263,26 +296,28 @@ class IE_ChargingCharacteristics(Packet):
                     XBitField("flat_rate_charging", None, 1),
                     XBitField("hot_billing_charging", None, 1),
                     XBitField("Ch_ChReserved", 0, 8) ]
-    def extract_padding(self, pkt):
-        return "",pkt
-class IE_TraceReference(Packet):
+class IE_TraceReference(IE_Base):
     # Identifies a record or a collection of records for a particular trace.
     name = "Trace Reference"
     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 27, IEType),
                     XBitField("Trace_reference", None, 16) ]
-    def extract_padding(self, pkt):
-        return "",pkt
-class IE_TraceType(Packet):
+class IE_TraceType(IE_Base):
     # Indicates the type of the trace
     name = "Trace Type"
     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 28, IEType),
                     XBitField("Trace_type", None, 16) ]
-    def extract_padding(self, pkt):
-        return "",pkt
-class IE_EndUserAddress(Packet):
+class IE_ChargingId(IE_Base):
+    name = "Charging ID"
+    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 127, IEType),
+                   XIntField("Charging_id", RandInt())]
+class IE_EndUserAddress(IE_Base):
     # Supply protocol specific information of the external packet 
     name = "End User Addresss"
     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 128, IEType),
@@ -294,12 +329,13 @@ class IE_EndUserAddress(Packet):
                     #                5    PDP Type Number    
                     #            - Response
                     #                6-n    PDP Address
-                    BitField("EndUserAddressLength", 2, 16),
-                    BitField("EndUserAddress", 1111, 4),
+                    ShortField("length", 2),
+                    BitField("SPARE", 15, 4),
                     BitField("PDPTypeOrganization", 1, 4),
-                    XByteField("PDPTypeNumber", None) ]
-    def extract_padding(self, pkt):
-        return "",pkt
+                    XByteField("PDPTypeNumber", None),
+                    ConditionalField(IPField("PDPAddress", RandIP()),
+                                     lambda pkt: pkt.length > 2)]
 class APNStrLenField(StrLenField):
     # Inspired by DNSStrField
@@ -321,46 +357,183 @@ class APNStrLenField(StrLenField):
         return s
-class IE_AccessPointName(Packet):
+class IE_AccessPointName(IE_Base):
     # Sent by SGSN or by GGSN as defined in 3GPP TS 23.060
     name = "Access Point Name"
     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 131, IEType),
                     ShortField("length",  None),
                     APNStrLenField("APN", "nternet", length_from=lambda x: x.length) ]
-    def extract_padding(self, pkt):
-        return "",pkt
     def post_build(self, p, pay):
         if self.length is None:
             l = len(p)-3
             p = p[:2] + struct.pack("!B", l)+ p[3:]
         return p
-class IE_ProtocolConfigurationOptions(Packet):
+class IE_ProtocolConfigurationOptions(IE_Base):
     name = "Protocol Configuration Options"
     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 132, IEType),
             ShortField("length", 4),
-            StrLenField("Protocol Configuration", "", length_from=lambda x: x.length) ]
-    def extract_padding(self, pkt):
-        return "",pkt
+            StrLenField("Protocol_Configuration", "", 
+                        length_from=lambda x: x.length) ]
-class IE_GSNAddress(Packet):
+class IE_GSNAddress(IE_Base):
     name = "GSN Address"
     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 133, IEType),
                     ShortField("length", 4),
                     IPField("address", RandIP()) ]
-    def extract_padding(self, pkt):
-        return "",pkt
-class IE_MSInternationalNumber(Packet):
+class IE_MSInternationalNumber(IE_Base):
     name = "MS International Number"
     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 134, IEType),
                     ShortField("length", None),
                     FlagsField("flags", 0x91, 8, ["Extension","","","International Number","","","","ISDN numbering"]),
                     TBCDByteField("digits", "33607080910", length_from=lambda x: x.length-1) ]
-    def extract_padding(self, pkt):
-        return "",pkt
-class IE_UserLocationInformation(Packet):
+class QoS_Profile(IE_Base):
+    name = "QoS profile"
+    fields_desc = [ByteField("qos_ei", 0),
+                   ByteField("length", None),
+                   XBitField("spare", 0x00, 2),
+                   XBitField("delay_class", 0x000, 3),
+                   XBitField("reliability_class", 0x000, 3),
+                   XBitField("peak_troughput", 0x0000, 4),
+                   BitField("spare", 0, 1),
+                   XBitField("precedence_class", 0x000, 3),
+                   XBitField("spare", 0x000, 3),
+                   XBitField("mean_troughput", 0x00000, 5),
+                   XBitField("traffic_class", 0x000, 3),
+                   XBitField("delivery_order", 0x00, 2),
+                   XBitField("delivery_of_err_sdu", 0x000, 3),
+                   ByteField("max_sdu_size", None),
+                   ByteField("max_bitrate_up", None),
+                   ByteField("max_bitrate_down", None),
+                   XBitField("redidual_ber", 0x0000, 4),
+                   XBitField("sdu_err_ratio", 0x0000, 4),
+                   XBitField("transfer_delay", 0x00000, 5),
+                   XBitField("traffic_handling_prio", 0x000, 3),
+                   ByteField("guaranteed_bit_rate_up", None),
+                   ByteField("guaranteed_bit_rate_down", None)]
+class IE_QoS(IE_Base):
+    name = "QoS"
+    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 135, IEType),
+                   ShortField("length", None),
+                   ByteField("allocation_retention_prioiry", 1),
+                   ConditionalField(XBitField("spare", 0x00, 2),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 1),
+                   ConditionalField(XBitField("delay_class", 0x000, 3),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 1),
+                   ConditionalField(XBitField("reliability_class", 0x000, 3),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 1),
+                   ConditionalField(XBitField("peak_troughput", 0x0000, 4),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 2),
+                   ConditionalField(BitField("spare", 0, 1),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 2),
+                   ConditionalField(XBitField("precedence_class", 0x000, 3),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 2),
+                   ConditionalField(XBitField("spare", 0x000, 3),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 3),
+                   ConditionalField(XBitField("mean_troughput", 0x00000, 5),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 3),
+                   ConditionalField(XBitField("traffic_class", 0x000, 3),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 4),
+                   ConditionalField(XBitField("delivery_order", 0x00, 2),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 4),
+                   ConditionalField(XBitField("delivery_of_err_sdu", 0x000, 3),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 4),
+                   ConditionalField(ByteField("max_sdu_size", None),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 5),
+                   ConditionalField(ByteField("max_bitrate_up", None),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 6),
+                   ConditionalField(ByteField("max_bitrate_down", None),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 7),
+                   ConditionalField(XBitField("redidual_ber", 0x0000, 4),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 8),
+                   ConditionalField(XBitField("sdu_err_ratio", 0x0000, 4),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 8),
+                   ConditionalField(XBitField("transfer_delay", 0x00000, 6),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 9),
+                   ConditionalField(XBitField("traffic_handling_prio",
+                                              0x000,
+                                              2),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 9),
+                   ConditionalField(ByteField("guaranteed_bit_rate_up", None),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 10),
+                   ConditionalField(ByteField("guaranteed_bit_rate_down",
+                                              None),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 11),
+                   ConditionalField(XBitField("spare", 0x000, 3),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 12),
+                   ConditionalField(BitField("signaling_indication", 0, 1),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 12),
+                   ConditionalField(XBitField("source_stats_desc", 0x0000, 4),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 12),
+                   ConditionalField(ByteField("max_bitrate_down_ext", None),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 13),
+                   ConditionalField(ByteField("guaranteed_bitrate_down_ext",
+                                              None),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 14),
+                   ConditionalField(ByteField("max_bitrate_up_ext", None),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 15),
+                   ConditionalField(ByteField("guaranteed_bitrate_up_ext",
+                                              None),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 16),
+                   ConditionalField(ByteField("max_bitrate_down_ext2", None),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 17),
+                   ConditionalField(ByteField("guaranteed_bitrate_down_ext2",
+                                              None),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 18),
+                   ConditionalField(ByteField("max_bitrate_up_ext2", None),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 19),
+                   ConditionalField(ByteField("guaranteed_bitrate_up_ext2",
+                                              None),
+                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length > 20)]
+class IE_CommonFlags(IE_Base):
+    name = "Common Flags"
+    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 148, IEType),
+                   ShortField("length", None),
+                   BitField("dual_addr_bearer_fl", 0, 1),
+                   BitField("upgrade_qos_supported", 0, 1),
+                   BitField("nrsn", 0, 1),
+                   BitField("no_qos_nego", 0, 1),
+                   BitField("mbms_cnting_info", 0, 1),
+                   BitField("ran_procedure_ready", 0, 1),
+                   BitField("mbms_service_type", 0, 1),
+                   BitField("prohibit_payload_compression", 0, 1)]
+class IE_APNRestriction(IE_Base):
+    name = "APN Restriction"
+    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 149, IEType),
+                   ShortField("length", 1),
+                   ByteField("restriction_type_value", 0)]
+class IE_RATType(IE_Base):
+    name = "Rat Type"
+    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 151, IEType),
+                   ShortField("length", 1),
+                   ByteEnumField("RAT_Type", None, RATType)]
+class IE_UserLocationInformation(IE_Base):
     name = "User Location Information"
     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 152, IEType),
                     ShortField("length", None),
@@ -371,16 +544,87 @@ class IE_UserLocationInformation(Packet):
                     TBCDByteField("MNC", "", 1),
                     ShortField("LAC", None),
                     ShortField("SAC", None) ]
-    def extract_padding(self, pkt):
-        return "",pkt
-class IE_IMEI(Packet):
+class IE_MSTimeZone(IE_Base):
+    name = "MS Time Zone"
+    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 153, IEType),
+                   ShortField("length", None),
+                   ByteField("timezone", 0),
+                   BitField("Spare", 0, 1),
+                   BitField("Spare", 0, 1),
+                   BitField("Spare", 0, 1),
+                   BitField("Spare", 0, 1),
+                   BitField("Spare", 0, 1),
+                   BitField("Spare", 0, 1),
+                   XBitField("daylight_saving_time", 0x00, 2)]
+class IE_IMEI(IE_Base):
     name = "IMEI"
     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 154, IEType),
                     ShortField("length", None),
                     TBCDByteField("IMEI", "", length_from=lambda x: x.length) ]
-    def extract_padding(self, pkt):
-        return "",pkt
+class IE_MSInfoChangeReportingAction(IE_Base):
+    name = "MS Info Change Reporting Action"
+    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 181, IEType),
+                   ShortField("length", 1),
+                   ByteField("Action", 0)]
+class IE_DirectTunnelFlags(IE_Base):
+    name = "Direct Tunnel Flags"
+    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 182, IEType),
+                   ShortField("length", 1),
+                   BitField("Spare", 0, 1),
+                   BitField("Spare", 0, 1),
+                   BitField("Spare", 0, 1),
+                   BitField("Spare", 0, 1),
+                   BitField("Spare", 0, 1),
+                   BitField("EI", 0, 1),
+                   BitField("GCSI", 0, 1),
+                   BitField("DTI", 0, 1)]
+class IE_BearerControlMode(IE_Base):
+    name = "Bearer Control Mode"
+    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 184, IEType),
+                   ShortField("length", 1),
+                   ByteField("bearer_control_mode", 0)]
+class IE_EvolvedAllocationRetentionPriority(IE_Base):
+    name = "Evolved Allocation/Retention Priority"
+    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 191, IEType),
+                   ShortField("length", 1),
+                   BitField("Spare", 0, 1),
+                   BitField("PCI", 0, 1),
+                   XBitField("PL", 0x0000, 4),
+                   BitField("Spare", 0, 1),
+                   BitField("PVI", 0, 1)]
+class IE_CharginGatewayAddress(IE_Base):
+    name = "Chargin Gateway Address"
+    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 251, IEType),
+                   ShortField("length", 4),
+                   ConditionalField(IPField("ipv4_address", ""),
+                                    lambda
+                                    pkt: pkt.length == 4),
+                   ConditionalField(IP6Field("ipv6_address", "::1"), lambda
+                                    pkt: pkt.length == 16)]
+class IE_PrivateExtension(IE_Base):
+    name = "Private Extension"
+    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 255, IEType),
+                   ShortField("length", 1),
+                   ByteField("extension identifier", 0),
+                   StrLenField("extention_value", "",
+                               length_from=lambda x: x.length)]
 class IE_NotImplementedTLV(Packet):
     name = "IE not implemented"
@@ -390,11 +634,40 @@ class IE_NotImplementedTLV(Packet):
     def extract_padding(self, pkt):
         return "",pkt
-ietypecls = {   1: IE_Cause, 2: IE_IMSI, 3: IE_Routing, 14: IE_Recovery, 15: IE_SelectionMode, 16: IE_TEIDI,
-               17: IE_TEICP, 19: IE_Teardown, 20: IE_NSAPI, 26: IE_ChargingCharacteristics,
-               27: IE_TraceReference, 28: IE_TraceType,
-              128: IE_EndUserAddress, 131: IE_AccessPointName, 132: IE_ProtocolConfigurationOptions,
-              133: IE_GSNAddress, 134: IE_MSInternationalNumber, 152: IE_UserLocationInformation, 154: IE_IMEI } 
+ietypecls = {1: IE_Cause,
+             2: IE_IMSI,
+             3: IE_Routing,
+             8: IE_ReorderingRequired,
+             14: IE_Recovery,
+             15: IE_SelectionMode,
+             16: IE_TEIDI,
+             17: IE_TEICP,
+             19: IE_Teardown,
+             20: IE_NSAPI,
+             26: IE_ChargingCharacteristics,
+             27: IE_TraceReference,
+             28: IE_TraceType,
+             127: IE_ChargingId,
+             128: IE_EndUserAddress,
+             131: IE_AccessPointName,
+             132: IE_ProtocolConfigurationOptions,
+             133: IE_GSNAddress,
+             134: IE_MSInternationalNumber,
+             135: IE_QoS,
+             148: IE_CommonFlags,
+             149: IE_APNRestriction,
+             151: IE_RATType,
+             152: IE_UserLocationInformation,
+             153: IE_MSTimeZone,
+             154: IE_IMEI,
+             181: IE_MSInfoChangeReportingAction,
+             182: IE_DirectTunnelFlags,
+             184: IE_BearerControlMode,
+             191: IE_EvolvedAllocationRetentionPriority,
+             251: IE_CharginGatewayAddress,
+             255: IE_PrivateExtension}
 def IE_Dispatcher(s):
   """Choose the correct Information Element class."""
@@ -454,6 +727,51 @@ class GTPCreatePDPContextResponse(Packet):
     def answers(self, other):
         return self.seq == other.seq
+class GTPUpdatePDPContextRequest(Packet):
+    # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12)
+    name = "GTP Update PDP Context Request"
+    fields_desc = [ShortField("seq", RandShort()),
+                   ByteField("npdu", 0),
+                   ByteField("next_ex", 0),
+                   PacketListField("IE_list", [
+                       IE_Cause(),
+                       IE_Recovery(),
+                       IE_TEIDI(),
+                       IE_TEICP(),
+                       IE_ChargingId(),
+                       IE_ProtocolConfigurationOptions(),
+                       IE_GSNAddress(),
+                       IE_GSNAddress(),
+                       IE_GSNAddress(),
+                       IE_GSNAddress(),
+                       IE_QoS(),
+                       IE_CharginGatewayAddress(),
+                       IE_CharginGatewayAddress(),
+                       IE_CommonFlags(),
+                       IE_APNRestriction(),
+                       IE_BearerControlMode(),
+                       IE_MSInfoChangeReportingAction(),
+                       IE_EvolvedAllocationRetentionPriority(),
+                       IE_PrivateExtension()],
+        IE_Dispatcher)]
+    def hashret(self):
+        return struct.pack("H", self.seq)
+class GTPUpdatePDPContextResponse(Packet):
+    # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12)
+    name = "GTP Update PDP Context Response"
+    fields_desc = [ShortField("seq", RandShort()),
+                   ByteField("npdu", 0),
+                   ByteField("next_ex", 0),
+                   PacketListField("IE_list", None, IE_Dispatcher)]
+    def hashret(self):
+        return struct.pack("H", self.seq)
 class GTPErrorIndication(Packet):
     # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12)
     name = "GTP Error Indication"
@@ -527,13 +845,15 @@ class GTPmorethan1500(Packet):
 # Bind GTP-C
 bind_layers(UDP, GTPHeader, dport = 2123)
 bind_layers(UDP, GTPHeader, sport = 2123)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPEchoRequest, gtp_type = 1)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPEchoResponse, gtp_type = 2)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPCreatePDPContextRequest, gtp_type = 16)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPCreatePDPContextResponse, gtp_type = 17)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPDeletePDPContextRequest, gtp_type = 20)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPDeletePDPContextResponse, gtp_type = 21)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPPDUNotificationRequest, gtp_type = 27)
+bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPEchoRequest, gtp_type=1)
+bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPEchoResponse, gtp_type=2)
+bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPCreatePDPContextRequest, gtp_type=16)
+bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPCreatePDPContextResponse, gtp_type=17)
+bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPUpdatePDPContextRequest, gtp_type=18)
+bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPUpdatePDPContextResponse, gtp_type=19)
+bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPDeletePDPContextRequest, gtp_type=20)
+bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPDeletePDPContextResponse, gtp_type=21)
+bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPPDUNotificationRequest, gtp_type=27)
 # Bind GTP-U
 bind_layers(UDP, GTP_U_Header, dport = 2152)
diff --git a/scapy/contrib/gtp.uts b/scapy/contrib/gtp.uts
index 007ad764357ab2d7288cf5beeb56af739a7b2d3e..9d4da9df4698d895babc1ad15555feb7bc1e679c 100644
--- a/scapy/contrib/gtp.uts
+++ b/scapy/contrib/gtp.uts
@@ -12,3 +12,278 @@ gtp.dport == 2123 and gtp.teid == 2807 and len(gtp.IE_list) == 5
 = GTPCreatePDPContextRequest(), basic dissection
 str(gtp) == "E\x00\x00O\x00\x01\x00\x00@\x11|\x9b\x7f\x00\x00\x01\x7f\x00\x00\x01\x08K\x08K\x00;\xb9{2\x10\x00+\x00\x00\n\xf7\x8d\x9e\x00\x00\x10\xa6\xb2\xdc.\x14\t\x85\x00\x04\x83~:N\x85\x00\x04\xe0^\x96\xe7\x87\x00\x0fRmhqmG3QvzvsT3G"
+= GTPV1UpdatePDPContextRequest(), dissect
+h = "3333333333332222222222228100a38408004588006800000000fd1134820a2a00010a2a00024aa5084b005408bb32120044ed99aea9386f0000100000530514058500040a2a00018500040a2a000187000c0213921f739680fe74f2ffff94000130970001019800080112f41004d204d29900024000b6000101"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+gtp.gtp_type == 18
+= GTPV1UpdatePDPContextResponse(), dissect
+h = "3333333333332222222222228100838408004588005400000000fd1182850a2a00010a2a0002084b084b00406b46321300305843da17f07300000180100000032c7f4a0f58108500040a2a00018500040a2a000187000f0213921f7396d1fe7482ffff004a00f7a71e0a"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+gtp.gtp_type == 19
+= IE_Cause(), dissect
+h = "3333333333332222222222228100838408004588005400000000fd1182850a2a00010a2a0002084b084b00406b4632130030f15422be19ed0000018010000046a97f4a0f58108500040a2a00018500040a2a000187000f0213921f7396d1fe7482ffff004a00f7a71e0a"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+ie = gtp.IE_list[0]
+ie.ietype == 1 and ie.CauseValue == 128
+= IE_Cause(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_Cause(CauseValue='IMSI not known')
+ie.ietype == 1 and ie.CauseValue == 194
+= IE_IMSI(), dissect
+h = "333333333333222222222222810083840800458800ba00000000fc1185060a2a00010a2a00024ace084b00a68204321000960eeec43e99ae00000202081132547600000332f42004d27b0ffc102c0787b611b2f9023914051a0400800002f1218300070661616161616184001480802110010100108106000000008306000000008500040a2a00018500040a2a00018600079111111111111187000d0213621f7396737374f2ffff0094000120970001029800080032f42004d204d299000240009a00081111111111110000d111193b"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+ie = gtp.IE_list[0]
+ie.ietype == 2 and ie.imsi == '2080112345670000'
+= IE_IMSI(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_IMSI(imsi='208103397660354')
+ie.ietype == 2 and ie.imsi == '208103397660354'
+= IE_Routing(), dissect
+h = "33333333333322222222222281008384080045880072647100003e11dcf60a2a00010a2a0002084b084b005e78d93212004ef51a4ac3a291ff000332f42004d27b10eb3981b414058500040a2a00018500040a2a000187000f0213921f7396d1fe7482ffff004a0094000110970001019800080132f42004d204d299000240fcb60001015bf2090f"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+ie = gtp.IE_list[0]
+ie.ietype == 3 and ie.MCC == '234' and ie.MNC == '02' and ie.LAC == 1234 and ie.RAC == 123
+= IE_Routing(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_Routing(MCC='234', MNC='02', LAC=1234, RAC=123)
+ie.ietype == 3 and ie.MCC == '234' and ie.MNC == '02' and ie.LAC == 1234 and ie.RAC == 123
+= IE_Recovery(), dissect
+h = "3333333333332222222222228100038408004500002ac6e60000fd11ccbc0a2a00010a2a0002084b084b001659db32020006c192a26c8cb400000e0e00000000f4b40b31"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+ie = gtp.IE_list[0]
+ie.ietype == 14 and ie.restart_counter == 14
+= IE_Recovery(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_Recovery(restart_counter=14)
+ie.ietype == 14 and ie.restart_counter == 14
+= IE_SelectionMode(), dissect
+h = "333333333333222222222222810083840800458800c500000000fc1184df0a2a00010a2a00024a55084b00b1f62a321000a11c025b77dccc00000202081132547600000332f42004d27b0ffc1055080923117c347b6a14051a0a00800002f1218300070661616161616184001d8080211001000010810600000000830600000000000d00000a000005008500040a2a00018500040a2a00018600079111111111111187000f0213921f7396d3fe74f2ffff00640094000120970001019800080132f42004d204d299000240009a00081111111111110000eea69220"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+ie = gtp.IE_list[2]
+ie.ietype == 15 and ie.SelectionMode == 252
+= IE_SelectionMode(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_SelectionMode(SelectionMode=252)
+ie.ietype == 15 and ie.SelectionMode == 252
+= IE_TEIDI(), dissect
+h = "3333333333332222222222228100838408004588005400000000fd1182850a2a00010a2a0002084b084b00406b46321300303f0ff4fb966f00000180109a0f08ef7f3af826978500040a2a00018500040a2a000187000f0213921f7396d1fe7482ffff004a00f7a71e0a"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+ie = gtp.IE_list[1]
+ie.ietype == 16 and ie.TEIDI == 0x9a0f08ef
+= IE_TEIDI(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_TEIDI(TEIDI=0x9a0f08ef)
+ie.ietype == 16 and ie.TEIDI == 0x9a0f08ef
+= IE_TEICP(), dissect
+h = "333333333333222222222222810083840800458800c500000000fc1184df0a2a00010a2a00024a55084b00b1f62a321000a1b75eb617464800000202081132547600000332f42004d27b0ffc10db5c765711ba5d87ba14051a0a00800002f1218300070661616161616184001d8080211001000010810600000000830600000000000d00000a000005008500040a2a00018500040a2a00018600079111111111111187000f0213921f7396d3fe74f2ffff00640094000120970001019800080132f42004d204d299000240009a00081111111111110000eea69220"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+ie = gtp.IE_list[4]
+ie.ietype == 17 and ie.TEICI == 0xba5d87ba
+= IE_TEICP(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_TEICP(TEICI=0xba5d87ba)
+ie.ietype == 17 and ie.TEICI == 0xba5d87ba
+= IE_Teardown(), dissect
+h = "3333333333332222222222228100838408004588002c00000000fd1184640a2a00010a2a00023d66084b00184c2232140008ba66ce5b6efe000013ff14050000c309006c"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+ie = gtp.IE_list[0]
+ie.ietype == 19 and ie.indicator == 255
+= IE_Teardown(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_Teardown(indicator='True')
+ie.ietype == 19 and ie.indicator == 255
+= IE_NSAPI(), dissect
+h = "3333333333332222222222228100838408004588002c00000000fd1184640a2a00010a2a00023d66084b00184c2232140008dafc273ee7ab000013ff14050000c309006c"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+ie = gtp.IE_list[1]
+ie.ietype == 20 and ie.NSAPI == 5
+= IE_NSAPI(), basic instantiation
+ie.ietype == 20 and ie.NSAPI == 5
+= IE_ChargingCharacteristics(), dissect
+h = "333333333333222222222222810083840800458800bc00000000fc1184c90a2a00010a2a00024acf084b00a87bbb32100098a3e2565004a400000202081132547600000332f42004d27b0ffc10b87f17ad11c53c5e1b14051a0400800002f1218300070661616161616184001480802110010000108106000000008306000000008500040a2a00018500040a2a00018600079111111111111187000f0213921f7396d3fe74f2ffff004a0094000120970001019800080132f42004d204d299000240009a00081111111111110000951c5bbe"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+ie = gtp.IE_list[6]
+ie.ietype == 26 and ie.normal_charging == 0 and ie.prepaid_charging == 1 and ie.flat_rate_charging == 0
+= IE_ChargingCharacteristics(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_ChargingCharacteristics(
+    normal_charging=0, prepaid_charging=1, flat_rate_charging=0)
+ie.ietype == 26 and ie.normal_charging == 0 and ie.prepaid_charging == 1 and ie.flat_rate_charging == 0
+= IE_TraceReference(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_TraceReference(Trace_reference=0x1212)
+ie.ietype == 27 and ie.Trace_reference == 0x1212
+= IE_TraceType(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_TraceType(Trace_type=0x1212)
+ie.ietype == 28 and ie.Trace_type == 0x1212
+= IE_ChargingId(), dissect
+h = "3333333333332222222222228100838408004588005400000000fd1182850a2a00010a2a0002084b084b00406b4632130030e77ffb7e30410000018010ed654ff37fff1bc3f28500040a2a00018500040a2a000187000f0213921f7396d1fe7482ffff004a00f7a71e0a"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+ie = gtp.IE_list[2]
+ie.ietype == 127 and ie.Charging_id == 0xff1bc3f2
+= IE_ChargingId(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_ChargingId(Charging_id=0xff1bc3f2)
+ie.ietype == 127 and ie.Charging_id == 0xff1bc3f2
+= IE_EndUserAddress(), dissect
+h = "3333333333332222222222228100838408004588008500000000fd11840b0a2a00010a2a0002084b4a6c00717c8a32110061c1b9728f356a0000018008fe10af709e9011e3cb6a4b7fb60e1b28800006f1210a2a00038400218080210a0301000a03060ab0aa93802110030100108106ac14020a8306ac1402278500040a2a00018500040a2a000187000c0213621f7396486874f2ffff44ded108"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+ie = gtp.IE_list[5]
+ie.ietype == 128 and ie.length == 6 and ie.PDPTypeOrganization == 1 and ie.PDPTypeNumber == 0x21 and ie.PDPAddress == ''
+= IE_EndUserAddress(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_EndUserAddress(
+    length=6, PDPTypeOrganization=1, PDPTypeNumber=0x21, PDPAddress='')
+ie.ietype == 128 and ie.length == 6 and ie.PDPTypeOrganization == 1 and ie.PDPTypeNumber == 0x21 and ie.PDPAddress == ''
+= IE_AccessPointName(), dissect
+h = "333333333333222222222222810083840800458800bc00000000fc1184c90a2a00010a2a00024acf084b00a87bbb3210009867fe972185e800000202081132547600000332f42004d27b0ffc1093b20c3f11940eb2bf14051a0400800002f1218300070661616161616184001480802110010000108106000000008306000000008500040a2a00018500040a2a00018600079111111111111187000f0213921f7396d3fe74f2ffff004a0094000120970001019800080132f42004d204d299000240009a000811111111111100001b1212951c5bbe"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+ie = gtp.IE_list[8]
+ie.ietype == 131 and ie.APN == 'aaaaaa'
+= IE_AccessPointName(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_AccessPointName(APN='aaaaaa')
+ie.ietype == 131 and ie.APN == 'aaaaaa'
+= IE_ProtocolConfigurationOptions(), dissect
+h = "333333333333222222222222810083840800458800c300000000fc1184e50a2a00010a2a00024a4d084b00af41993210009fdef90e15440900000202081132547600000332f42004d27b0ffc10c29998b81145c6c9ee14051a0a00800002f1218300070661616161616184001d80c02306010100060000802110010100108106000000008306000000008500040a2a00018500040a2a00018600079111111111111187000d0213621f73967373741affff0094000120970001029800080032f42004d204d299000240009a0008111111111111000081182fb2"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+ie = gtp.IE_list[9]
+ie.ietype == 132 and ie.Protocol_Configuration == '\x80\xc0#\x06\x01\x01\x00\x06\x00\x00\x80!\x10\x01\x01\x00\x10\x81\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x83\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+= IE_ProtocolConfigurationOptions(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_ProtocolConfigurationOptions(
+    length=29, Protocol_Configuration='\x80\xc0#\x06\x01\x01\x00\x06\x00\x00\x80!\x10\x01\x01\x00\x10\x81\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x83\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00')
+ie.ietype == 132 and ie.Protocol_Configuration == '\x80\xc0#\x06\x01\x01\x00\x06\x00\x00\x80!\x10\x01\x01\x00\x10\x81\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x83\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+= IE_GSNAddress(), dissect
+h = "3333333333332222222222228100838408004588005400000000fd1182850a2a00010a2a0002084b084b00406b463213003031146413c18000000180109181ba027fcf701a8c8500040a2a00018500040a2a000187000f0213921f7396d1fe7482ffff004a00f7a71e0a"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+ie = gtp.IE_list[3]
+ie.ietype == 133 and ie.address == ''
+= IE_GSNAddress(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_GSNAddress(address='')
+ie.ietype == 133 and ie.address == ''
+= IE_MSInternationalNumber(), dissect
+h = "333333333333222222222222810083840800458800c300000000fc1184e50a2a00010a2a00024a4d084b00af41993210009f79504a3e048e00000202081132547600000332f42004d27b0ffc10a692773d1158da9e2214051a0a00800002f1218300070661616161616184001d80c02306010100060000802110010100108106000000008306000000008500040a2a00018500040a2a00018600079111111111111187000d0213621f73967373741affff0094000120970001029800080032f42004d204d299000240009a0008111111111111000081182fb2"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+ie = gtp.IE_list[12]
+ie.ietype == 134 and ie.flags == 145 and ie.digits == '111111111111'
+= IE_MSInternationalNumber(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_MSInternationalNumber(flags=145, digits='111111111111')
+ie.ietype == 134 and ie.flags == 145 and ie.digits == '111111111111'
+= IE_QoS(), dissect
+h = "3333333333332222222222228100838408004588005400000000fd1182850a2a00010a2a0002084b084b00406b4632130030afe9d3a3317e0000018010bd82f3997f9febcaf58500040a2a00018500040a2a000187000f0213921f7396d1fe7482ffff004a00f7a71e0a"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+ie = gtp.IE_list[5]
+ie.ietype == 135 and ie.allocation_retention_prioiry == 2 and ie.delay_class == 2 and ie.traffic_class == 3
+= IE_QoS(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_QoS(
+    allocation_retention_prioiry=2, delay_class=2, traffic_class=3)
+ie.ietype == 135 and ie.allocation_retention_prioiry == 2 and ie.delay_class == 2 and ie.traffic_class == 3
+= IE_CommonFlags(), dissect
+h = "3333333333332222222222228100a38408004588006800000000fd1134820a2a00010a2a00024aa5084b005408bb32120044623f97e3ac610000104d82c69214058500040a2a00018500040a2a000187000c0213921f739680fe74f2ffff94000130970001019800080132f42004d204d29900024000b6000101"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+ie = gtp.IE_list[5]
+ie.ietype == 148 and ie.nrsn == 1 and ie.no_qos_nego == 1 and ie.prohibit_payload_compression == 0
+= IE_CommonFlags(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_CommonFlags(nrsn=1, no_qos_nego=1)
+ie.ietype == 148 and ie.nrsn == 1 and ie.no_qos_nego == 1 and ie.prohibit_payload_compression == 0
+= IE_APNRestriction(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_APNRestriction(restriction_type_value=12)
+ie.ietype == 149 and ie.restriction_type_value == 12
+= IE_RATType(), dissect
+h = "3333333333332222222222228100a38408004588006800000000fd1134820a2a00010a2a00024aa5084b005408bb321200442f686a89d33c000010530ec20a14058500040a2a00018500040a2a000187000c0213921f739680fe74f2ffff94000130970001019800080132f42004d204d29900024000b6000101"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+ie = gtp.IE_list[6]
+ie.ietype == 151 and ie.RAT_Type == 1
+= IE_RATType(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_RATType(RAT_Type=1)
+ie.ietype == 151 and ie.RAT_Type == 1
+= IE_UserLocationInformation(), dissect
+h = "3333333333332222222222228100a38408004588006800000000fd1134820a2a00010a2a00024aa5084b005408bb32120044981eb5dcb29400001016e85d9f14058500040a2a00018500040a2a000187000c0213921f739680fe74f2ffff94000130970001019800080132f42004d204d29900024000b6000101"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+ie = gtp.IE_list[7]
+ie.MCC == '234' and ie.MNC == '02' and ie.LAC == 1234 and ie.SAC == 1234
+= IE_UserLocationInformation(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_UserLocationInformation(MCC='234', MNC='02', LAC=1234, SAC=1234)
+ie.ietype == 152 and ie.MCC == '234' and ie.MNC == '02' and ie.LAC == 1234 and ie.SAC == 1234
+= IE_MSTimeZone(), dissect
+h = "3333333333332222222222228100a38408004588006800000000fd1134820a2a00010a2a00024aa5084b005408bb32120044f24a4d5825290000102ca9c8c314058500040a2a00018500040a2a000187000c0213921f739680fe74f2ffff94000130970001019800080132f42004d204d29900024000b6000101"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+ie = gtp.IE_list[8]
+ie.ietype == 153 and ie.timezone == 64 and ie.daylight_saving_time == 0
+= IE_MSTimeZone(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_MSTimeZone(timezone=64)
+ie.ietype == 153 and ie.timezone == 64 and ie.daylight_saving_time == 0
+= IE_IMEI(), dissect
+h = "333333333333222222222222810083840800458800c300000000fc1184e50a2a00010a2a00024a4d084b00af41993210009f2f3ae0eb7b9c00000202081132547600000332f42004d27b0ffc10424a10c8117ca21aba14051a0a00800002f1218300070661616161616184001d80c02306010100060000802110010100108106000000008306000000008500040a2a00018500040a2a00018600079111111111111187000d0213621f73967373741affff0094000120970001029800080032f42004d204d299000240009a0008111111111111000081182fb2"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+ie = gtp.IE_list[18] and ie.ietype == 154 and ie.IMEI == '0132750094080322'
+= IE_IMEI(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_IMEI(IMEI='0132750094080322')
+ie.ietype == 154 and ie.IMEI == '0132750094080322'
+= IE_MSInfoChangeReportingAction(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_MSInfoChangeReportingAction(Action=12)
+ie.ietype == 181 and ie.Action == 12
+= IE_DirectTunnelFlags(), dissect
+h = "3333333333332222222222228100a38408004588006800000000fd1134820a2a00010a2a00024aa5084b005408bb32120044d2a7dffabfb70000108caa6b0b14058500040a2a00018500040a2a000187000c0213921f739680fe74f2ffff94000130970001019800080132f42004d204d29900024000b6000101"
+gtp = Ether(h.decode('hex'))
+ie = gtp.IE_list[9]
+ie.ietype == 182 and ie.EI == 0 and ie.GCSI == 0 and ie.DTI == 1
+= IE_DirectTunnelFlags(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_DirectTunnelFlags(DTI=1)
+ie.ietype == 182 and ie.EI == 0 and ie.GCSI == 0 and ie.DTI == 1
+= IE_BearerControlMode(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_BearerControlMode(bearer_control_mode=1)
+ie.ietype == 184 and ie.bearer_control_mode == 1
+= IE_EvolvedAllocationRetentionPriority(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_EvolvedAllocationRetentionPriority(PCI=1)
+ie.ietype == 191 and ie.PCI == 1
+= IE_CharginGatewayAddress(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_CharginGatewayAddress()
+ie.ietype == 251 and ie.ipv4_address == '' and ie.ipv6_address == '::1'
+= IE_PrivateExtension(), basic instantiation
+ie = IE_PrivateExtension(extention_value='hello')
+ie.ietype == 255 and ie.extention_value == 'hello'