diff --git a/scapy/fields.py b/scapy/fields.py
index ffd0209d579eea2233c3fe9bbe5ed48888260d48..cbe155342da01b05ad5d889a3fc8d2ce27b60381 100644
--- a/scapy/fields.py
+++ b/scapy/fields.py
@@ -257,26 +257,25 @@ class SourceIPField(IPField):
     def __init__(self, name, dstname):
         IPField.__init__(self, name, None)
         self.dstname = dstname
+    def __findaddr(self, pkt):
+        if conf.route is None:
+            # unused import, only to initialize conf.route
+            import scapy.route
+        dst = ("" if self.dstname is None
+               else getattr(pkt, self.dstname))
+        if isinstance(dst, (Gen, list)):
+            r = {conf.route.route(daddr) for daddr in dst}
+            if len(r) > 1:
+                warning("More than one possible route for %r" % (dst,))
+            return min(r)[1]
+        return conf.route.route(dst)[1]
     def i2m(self, pkt, x):
         if x is None:
-            iff,x,gw = pkt.route()
-            if x is None:
-                x = ""
+            x = self.__findaddr(pkt)
         return IPField.i2m(self, pkt, x)
     def i2h(self, pkt, x):
         if x is None:
-            if conf.route is None:
-                # unused import, only to initialize conf.route
-                import scapy.route
-            dst = ("" if self.dstname is None else
-                   getattr(pkt, self.dstname))
-            if isinstance(dst, (Gen, list)):
-                r = {conf.route.route(daddr) for daddr in dst}
-                if len(r) > 1:
-                    warning("More than one possible route for %r" % (dst,))
-                x = min(r)[1]
-            else:
-                x = conf.route.route(dst)[1]
+            x = self.__findaddr(pkt)
         return IPField.i2h(self, pkt, x)
diff --git a/scapy/layers/hsrp.py b/scapy/layers/hsrp.py
index 3558bbf9a31ff69788821ca2e479ed5457693ea0..9fa09c1db3aa32e196a59f706af6e6593537278e 100644
--- a/scapy/layers/hsrp.py
+++ b/scapy/layers/hsrp.py
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class HSRPmd5(Packet):
         ByteEnumField("algo", 0, {1: "MD5"}),
         ByteField("padding", 0x00),
         XShortField("flags", 0x00),
-        IPField("sourceip", ""),
+        SourceIPField("sourceip", None),
         XIntField("keyid", 0x00),
         StrFixedLenField("authdigest", "\00" * 16, 16)]
diff --git a/test/regression.uts b/test/regression.uts
index 25c7ec5fec0250beca11e6aae6ca6086dc0b7a1f..a2cd5a5bf442397c7a81eef40ad9ffe5ca2f2be7 100644
--- a/test/regression.uts
+++ b/test/regression.uts
@@ -279,6 +279,20 @@ assert( _ == ("ABCD","") )
 i.addfield(None, "FOO", "")
 assert( _ == "FOO\x01\x02\x03\x04" )
+= SourceIPField
+~ core field
+defaddr = conf.route.route('')[1]
+class Test(Packet): fields_desc = [SourceIPField("sourceip", None)]
+assert Test().sourceip == defaddr
+assert Test(str(Test())).sourceip == defaddr
+assert IP(dst="").src == defaddr
+assert IP(str(IP(dst=""))).src == defaddr
+assert IP(dst="").src == defaddr
+assert IP(str(IP(dst=""))).src == defaddr
 #= ByteField
 #~ core field
 #b = ByteField("foo", None)
@@ -7171,13 +7185,12 @@ L2TP in p and p[L2TP].len == 14 and p.tunnel_id == 0 and p[UDP].chksum == 0xf465
 + HSRP tests
-= HSRP - build
-s = str(IP(src="")/UDP(dport=1985, sport=1985)/HSRP()/HSRPmd5())
-s == 'E\x00\x00N\x00\x01\x00\x00@\x11\x1b\x9b\x7f\x00\x00\x01\xe0\x00\x00\x02\x07\xc1\x07\xc1\x00:\xeb\x00\x00\x00\x10\x03\nx\x01\x00cisco\x00\x00\x00\xc0\xa8\x01\x01\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x7f\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
-= HSRP - dissection
-p = IP(s)
-p[IP].dst == "" and HSRPmd5 in p and p[HSRPmd5].sourceip == ""
+= HSRP - build & dissection
+defaddr = conf.route.route('')[1]
+pkt = IP(str(IP()/UDP(dport=1985, sport=1985)/HSRP()/HSRPmd5()))
+assert pkt[IP].dst == "" and pkt[UDP].sport == pkt[UDP].dport == 1985
+assert pkt[HSRP].opcode == 0 and pkt[HSRP].state == 16
+assert pkt[HSRPmd5].type == 4 and pkt[HSRPmd5].sourceip == defaddr