diff --git a/scapy/contrib/http2.py b/scapy/contrib/http2.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7c632856a3821cb91058b6905afa5f3c9438f472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scapy/contrib/http2.py
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+##                                                                         ##
+## http2.py --- HTTP/2 support for Scapy                                   ##
+##              see RFC7540 and RFC7541                                    ##
+##              for more informations                                      ##
+##                                                                         ##
+## Copyright (C) 2016  Florian Maury <florian.maury@ssi.gouv.fr>           ##
+##                                                                         ##
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ##
+## under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as          ##
+## published by the Free Software Foundation.                              ##
+##                                                                         ##
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but     ##
+## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              ##
+## General Public License for more details.                                ##
+##                                                                         ##
+"""http2 Module
+Implements packets and fields required to encode/decode HTTP/2 Frames
+and HPack encoded headers
+scapy.contrib.description=HTTP/2 (RFC 7540, RFC 7541)
+import abc
+import types
+import re
+import StringIO
+import struct
+# Only required if using mypy-lang for static typing
+# Most symbols are used in mypy-interpreted "comments".
+# Sized must be one of the superclasses of a class implementing __len__
+    from typing import Optional, List, Union, Callable, Any, Tuple, Sized
+except ImportError:
+    class Sized(object): pass
+import scapy.fields as fields
+import scapy.packet as packet
+import scapy.config as config
+import scapy.base_classes as base_classes
+import scapy.volatile as volatile
+import scapy.error as error
+################################################ HPACK Integer Fields ##################################################
+class HPackMagicBitField(fields.BitField):
+    """ HPackMagicBitField is a BitField variant that cannot be assigned another
+    value than the default one. This field must not be used where there is
+    potential for fuzzing. OTOH, this field makes sense (for instance, if the
+    magic bits are used by a dispatcher to select the payload class)
+    """
+    __slots__ = ['_magic']
+    def __init__(self, name, default, size):
+        # type: (str, int, int) -> None
+        """
+        @param str name: this field instance name.
+        @param int default: this field only valid value.
+        @param int size: this bitfield bitlength.
+        @return None
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        assert(default >= 0)
+        # size can be negative if encoding is little-endian (see rev property of bitfields)
+        assert(size != 0)
+        self._magic = default
+        super(HPackMagicBitField, self).__init__(name, default, size)
+    def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], Union[str, Tuple[str, int, int]], int) -> Union[str, Tuple[str, int, int]]
+        """
+        @param packet.Packet|None pkt: the packet instance containing this field instance; probably unused.
+        @param str|(str, int, long) s: either a str if 0 == size%8 or a tuple with the string to add this field to, the
+          number of bits already generated and the generated value so far.
+        @param int val: unused; must be equal to default value
+        @return str|(str, int, long): the s string extended with this field machine representation
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        assert val == self._magic, 'val parameter must value {}; received: {}'.format(self._magic, val)
+        return super(HPackMagicBitField, self).addfield(pkt, s, self._magic)
+    def getfield(self, pkt, s):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], Union[str, Tuple[str, int]]) -> Tuple[Union[Tuple[str, int], str], int]
+        """
+        @param packet.Packet|None pkt: the packet instance containing this field instance; probably unused.
+        @param str|(str, int) s: either a str if size%8==0 or a tuple with the string to parse from and the number of
+          bits already consumed by previous bitfield-compatible fields.
+        @return (str|(str, int), int): Returns the remaining string and the parsed value. May return a tuple if there
+          are remaining bits to parse in the first byte. Returned value is equal to default value
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        r = super(HPackMagicBitField, self).getfield(pkt, s)
+        assert (
+            isinstance(r, tuple)
+            and len(r) == 2
+            and isinstance(r[1], (int, long))
+        ), 'Second element of BitField.getfield return value expected to be an int or a long; API change detected'
+        assert r[1] == self._magic, 'Invalid value parsed from s; error in class guessing detected!'
+        return r
+    def h2i(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], int) -> int
+        """
+        @param packet.Packet|None pkt: the packet instance containing this field instance; probably unused
+        @param int x: unused; must be equal to default value
+        @return int; default value
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        assert x == self._magic, \
+            'EINVAL: x: This field is magic. Do not attempt to modify it. Expected value: {}'.format(self._magic)
+        return super(HPackMagicBitField, self).h2i(pkt, self._magic)
+    def i2h(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], int) -> int
+        """
+        @param packet.Packet|None pkt: the packet instance containing this field instance; probably unused
+        @param int x: unused; must be equal to default value
+        @return int; default value
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        assert x == self._magic, \
+            'EINVAL: x: This field is magic. Do not attempt to modify it. Expected value: {}'.format(self._magic)
+        return super(HPackMagicBitField, self).i2h(pkt, self._magic)
+    def m2i(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], int) -> int
+        """
+        @param packet.Packet|None pkt: the packet instance containing this field instance; probably unused
+        @param int x: must be the machine representatino of the default value
+        @return int; default value
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        r = super(HPackMagicBitField, self).m2i(pkt, x)
+        assert r == self._magic, 'Invalid value parsed from m2i; error in class guessing detected!'
+        return r
+    def i2m(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], int) -> int
+        """
+        @param packet.Packet|None pkt: the packet instance containing this field instance; probably unused
+        @param int x: unused; must be equal to default value
+        @return int; default value
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        assert x == self._magic, \
+            'EINVAL: x: This field is magic. Do not attempt to modify it. Expected value: {}'.format(self._magic)
+        return super(HPackMagicBitField, self).i2m(pkt, self._magic)
+    def any2i(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], int) -> int
+        """
+        @param packet.Packet|None pkt: the packet instance containing this field instance; probably unused
+        @param int x: unused; must be equal to default value
+        @return int; default value
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        assert x == self._magic, \
+            'EINVAL: x: This field is magic. Do not attempt to modify it. Expected value: {}'.format(self._magic)
+        return super(HPackMagicBitField, self).any2i(pkt, self._magic)
+class AbstractUVarIntField(fields.Field):
+    """AbstractUVarIntField represents an integer as defined in RFC7541
+    """
+    __slots__ = ['_max_value', 'size', 'rev']
+    """
+    :var int size: the bit length of the prefix of this AbstractUVarIntField. It
+      represents the complement of the number of MSB that are used in the
+      current byte for other purposes by some other BitFields
+    :var int _max_value: the maximum value that can be stored in the
+      sole prefix. If the integer equals or exceeds this value, the max prefix
+      value is assigned to the size first bits and the multibyte representation
+      is used
+    :var bool rev: is a fake property, also emulated for the sake of
+      compatibility with Bitfields
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name, default, size):
+        # type: (str, Optional[int], int) -> None
+        """
+        @param str name: the name of this field instance
+        @param int|None default: positive, null or None default value for this field instance.
+        @param int size: the number of bits to consider in the first byte. Valid range is ]0;8]
+        @return None
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        assert(isinstance(default, types.NoneType) or (isinstance(default, (int, long)) and default >= 0))
+        assert(0 < size <= 8)
+        super(AbstractUVarIntField, self).__init__(name, default)
+        self.size = size
+        self._max_value = (1 << self.size) - 1
+        # Configuring the fake property that is useless for this class but that is
+        # expected from BitFields
+        self.rev = False
+    def h2i(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], Optional[int]) -> Optional[int]
+        """
+        @param packet.Packet|None pkt: unused.
+        @param int|None x: the value to convert.
+        @return int|None: the converted value.
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        assert(not isinstance(x, (int, long)) or x >= 0)
+        return x
+    def i2h(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], Optional[int]) -> Optional[int]
+        """
+        @param packet.Packet|None pkt: unused.
+        @param int|None x: the value to convert.
+        @return: int|None: the converted value.
+        """
+        return x
+    def _detect_multi_byte(self, fb):
+        # type: (str) -> bool
+        """ _detect_multi_byte returns whether the AbstractUVarIntField is represented on
+          multiple bytes or not.
+          A multibyte representation is indicated by all of the first size bits being set
+        @param str fb: first byte, as a character.
+        @return bool: True if multibyte repr detected, else False.
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        assert(len(fb) == 1)
+        return (ord(fb) & self._max_value) == self._max_value
+    def _parse_multi_byte(self, s):
+        # type: (str) -> int
+        """ _parse_multi_byte parses x as a multibyte representation to get the
+          int value of this AbstractUVarIntField.
+        @param str s: the multibyte string to parse.
+        @return int: The parsed int value represented by this AbstractUVarIntField.
+        @raise: AssertionError
+        @raise: Scapy_Exception if the input value encodes an integer larger than 1<<64
+        """
+        assert(len(s) >= 2)
+        l = len(s)
+        value = 0
+        i = 1
+        byte = ord(s[i])
+        # For CPU sake, stops at an arbitrary large number!
+        max_value = 1 << 64
+        # As long as the MSG is set, an another byte must be read
+        while byte & 0x80:
+            value += (byte ^ 0x80) << (7 * (i - 1))
+            if value > max_value:
+                raise error.Scapy_Exception(
+                    'out-of-bound value: the string encodes a value that is too large (>2^{64}): {}'.format(value)
+                )
+            i += 1
+            assert i < l, 'EINVAL: x: out-of-bound read: the string ends before the AbstractUVarIntField!'
+            byte = ord(s[i])
+        value += byte << (7 * (i - 1))
+        value += self._max_value
+        assert(value >= 0)
+        return value
+    def m2i(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], Union[str, Tuple[str, int]]) -> int
+        """
+          A tuple is expected for the "x" param only if "size" is different than 8. If a tuple is received, some bits
+          were consumed by another field. This field consumes the remaining bits, therefore the int of the tuple must
+          equal "size".
+        @param packet.Packet|None pkt: unused.
+        @param str|(str, int) x: the string to convert. If bits were consumed by a previous bitfield-compatible field.
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        assert(isinstance(x, str) or (isinstance(x, tuple) and x[1] >= 0))
+        if isinstance(x, tuple):
+            assert (8 - x[1]) == self.size, 'EINVAL: x: not enough bits remaining in current byte to read the prefix'
+            val = x[0]
+        else:
+            assert isinstance(x, str) and self.size == 8, 'EINVAL: x: tuple expected when prefix_len is not a full byte'
+            val = x
+        if self._detect_multi_byte(val[0]):
+            ret = self._parse_multi_byte(val)
+        else:
+            ret = ord(val[0]) & self._max_value
+        assert(ret >= 0)
+        return ret
+    def i2m(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], int) -> str
+        """
+        @param packet.Packet|None pkt: unused.
+        @param int x: the value to convert.
+        @return str: the converted value.
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        assert(x >= 0)
+        if x < self._max_value:
+            return chr(x)
+        else:
+            # The sl list join is a performance trick, because string
+            # concatenation is not efficient with Python immutable strings
+            sl = [chr(self._max_value)]
+            x -= self._max_value
+            while x >= 0x80:
+                sl.append(chr(0x80 | (x & 0x7F)))
+                x >>= 7
+            sl.append(chr(x))
+            return ''.join(sl)
+    def any2i(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], Union[None, str, int]) -> Optional[int]
+        """
+          A "x" value as a string is parsed as a binary encoding of a UVarInt. An int is considered an internal value.
+          None is returned as is.
+        @param packet.Packet|None pkt: the packet containing this field; probably unused.
+        @param str|int|None x: the value to convert.
+        @return int|None: the converted value.
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        if isinstance(x, types.NoneType):
+            return x
+        if isinstance(x, (int, long)):
+            assert(x >= 0)
+            ret = self.h2i(pkt, x)
+            assert(isinstance(ret, (int, long)) and ret >= 0)
+            return ret
+        elif isinstance(x, str):
+            ret = self.m2i(pkt, x)
+            assert (isinstance(ret, (int, long)) and ret >= 0)
+            return ret
+        assert False, 'EINVAL: x: No idea what the parameter format is'
+    def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], Optional[int]) -> str
+        """
+        @param packet.Packet|None pkt: probably unused.
+        @param x: int|None: the positive, null or none value to convert.
+        @return str: the representation of the value.
+        """
+        return repr(self.i2h(pkt, x))
+    def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], Union[str, Tuple[str, int, int]], int) -> str
+        """ An AbstractUVarIntField prefix always consumes the remaining bits
+          of a BitField;if no current BitField is in use (no tuple in
+          entry) then the prefix length is 8 bits and the whole byte is to
+          be consumed
+        @param packet.Packet|None pkt: the packet containing this field. Probably unused.
+        @param str|(str, int, long) s: the string to append this field to. A tuple indicates that some bits were already
+          generated by another bitfield-compatible field. This MUST be the case if "size" is not 8. The int is the
+          number of bits already generated in the first byte of the str. The long is the value that was generated by the
+          previous bitfield-compatible fields.
+        @param int val: the positive or null value to be added.
+        @return str: s concatenated with the machine representation of this field.
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        assert(val >= 0)
+        if isinstance(s, str):
+            assert self.size == 8, 'EINVAL: s: tuple expected when prefix_len is not a full byte'
+            return s + self.i2m(pkt, val)
+        # s is a tuple
+        assert(s[1] >= 0)
+        assert(s[2] >= 0)
+        assert (8 - s[1]) == self.size, 'EINVAL: s: not enough bits remaining in current byte to read the prefix'
+        if val >= self._max_value:
+            return s[0] + chr((s[2] << self.size) + self._max_value) + self.i2m(pkt, val)[1:]
+        # This AbstractUVarIntField is only one byte long; setting the prefix value
+        # and appending the resulting byte to the string
+        return s[0] + chr((s[2] << self.size) + ord(self.i2m(pkt, val)))
+    @staticmethod
+    def _detect_bytelen_from_str(s):
+        # type: (str) -> int
+        """ _detect_bytelen_from_str returns the length of the machine
+          representation of an AbstractUVarIntField starting at the beginning
+          of s and which is assumed to expand over multiple bytes
+          (value > _max_prefix_value).
+        @param str s: the string to parse. It is assumed that it is a multibyte int.
+        @return The bytelength of the AbstractUVarIntField.
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        assert(len(s) >= 2)
+        l = len(s)
+        i = 1
+        while ord(s[i]) & 0x80 > 0:
+            i += 1
+            assert i < l, 'EINVAL: s: out-of-bound read: unfinished AbstractUVarIntField detected'
+        ret = i + 1
+        assert(ret >= 0)
+        return ret
+    def i2len(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], int) -> int
+        """
+        @param packet.Packet|None pkt: unused.
+        @param int x: the positive or null value whose binary size if requested.
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        assert(x >= 0)
+        if x < self._max_value:
+            return 1
+        # x is expressed over multiple bytes
+        x -= self._max_value
+        i = 1
+        if x == 0:
+            i += 1
+        while x > 0:
+            x >>= 7
+            i += 1
+        ret = i
+        assert(ret >= 0)
+        return ret
+    def getfield(self, pkt, s):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], Union[str, Tuple[str, int]]) -> Tuple[str, int]
+        """
+        @param packet.Packet|None pkt: the packet instance containing this field; probably unused.
+        @param str|(str, int) s: the input value to get this field value from. If size is 8, s is a string, else
+        it is a tuple containing the value and an int indicating the number of bits already consumed in the first byte
+        of the str. The number of remaining bits to consume in the first byte must be equal to "size".
+        @return (str, int): the remaining bytes of s and the parsed value.
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        if isinstance(s, tuple):
+            assert(len(s) == 2)
+            temp = s  # type: Tuple[str, int]
+            ts, ti = temp
+            assert(ti >= 0)
+            assert 8 - ti == self.size, 'EINVAL: s: not enough bits remaining in current byte to read the prefix'
+            val = ts
+        else:
+            assert isinstance(s, str) and self.size == 8, 'EINVAL: s: tuple expected when prefix_len is not a full byte'
+            val = s
+        if self._detect_multi_byte(val[0]):
+            l = self._detect_bytelen_from_str(val)
+        else:
+            l = 1
+        ret = val[l:], self.m2i(pkt, s)
+        assert(ret[1] >= 0)
+        return ret
+    def randval(self):
+        # type: () -> volatile.VolatileValue
+        """
+        @return volatile.VolatileValue: a volatile value for this field "long"-compatible internal value.
+        """
+        return volatile.RandLong()
+class UVarIntField(AbstractUVarIntField):
+    def __init__(self, name, default, size):
+        # type: (str, int, int) -> None
+        """
+        @param str name: the name of this field instance.
+        @param default: the default value for this field instance. default must be positive or null.
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        assert(default >= 0)
+        assert(0 < size <= 8)
+        super(UVarIntField, self).__init__(name, default, size)
+        self.size = size
+        self._max_value = (1 << self.size) - 1
+        # Configuring the fake property that is useless for this class but that is
+        # expected from BitFields
+        self.rev = False
+    def h2i(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], int) -> int
+        """ h2i is overloaded to restrict the acceptable x values (not None)
+        @param packet.Packet|None pkt: the packet instance containing this field instance; probably unused.
+        @param int x: the value to convert.
+        @return int: the converted value.
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        ret = super(UVarIntField, self).h2i(pkt, x)
+        assert(not isinstance(ret, types.NoneType) and ret >= 0)
+        return ret
+    def i2h(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], int) -> int
+        """ i2h is overloaded to restrict the acceptable x values (not None)
+        @param packet.Packet|None pkt: the packet instance containing this field instance; probably unused.
+        @param int x: the value to convert.
+        @return int: the converted value.
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        ret = super(UVarIntField, self).i2h(pkt, x)
+        assert(not isinstance(ret, types.NoneType) and ret >= 0)
+        return ret
+    def any2i(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], Union[str, int]) -> int
+        """ any2i is overloaded to restrict the acceptable x values (not None)
+        @param packet.Packet|None pkt: the packet instance containing this field instance; probably unused.
+        @param str|int x: the value to convert.
+        @return int: the converted value.
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        ret = super(UVarIntField, self).any2i(pkt, x)
+        assert(not isinstance(ret, types.NoneType) and ret >= 0)
+        return ret
+    def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], int) -> str
+        """ i2repr is overloaded to restrict the acceptable x values (not None)
+        @param packet.Packet|None pkt: the packet instance containing this field instance; probably unused.
+        @param int x: the value to convert.
+        @return str: the converted value.
+        """
+        return super(UVarIntField, self).i2repr(pkt, x)
+class FieldUVarLenField(AbstractUVarIntField):
+    __slots__ = ['_length_of', '_adjust']
+    def __init__(self, name, default, size, length_of, adjust=lambda x: x):
+        # type: (str, Optional[int], int, str, Callable[[int], int]) -> None
+        """ Initializes a FieldUVarLenField
+        @param str name: The name of this field instance.
+        @param int|None default: the default value of this field instance.
+        @param int size: the number of bits that are occupied by this field in the first byte of a binary string.
+          size must be in the range ]0;8].
+        @param str length_of: The name of the field this field value is measuring/representing.
+        @param callable adjust: A function that modifies the value computed from the "length_of" field.
+        adjust can be used for instance to add a constant to the length_of field
+         length. For instance, let's say that i2len of the length_of field
+         returns 2. If adjust is lambda x: x+1 In that case, this field will
+         value 3 at build time.
+        @return None
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        assert(default is None or default >= 0)
+        assert(0 < size <= 8)
+        super(FieldUVarLenField, self).__init__(name, default, size)
+        self._length_of = length_of
+        self._adjust = adjust
+    def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], Union[str, Tuple[str, int, int]], Optional[int]) -> str
+        """
+        @param packet.Packet|None pkt: the packet instance containing this field instance. This parameter must not be
+          None if the val parameter is.
+        @param str|(str, int, long) s: the string to append this field to. A tuple indicates that some bits were already
+          generated by another bitfield-compatible field. This MUST be the case if "size" is not 8. The int is the
+          number of bits already generated in the first byte of the str. The long is the value that was generated by the
+          previous bitfield-compatible fields.
+        @param int|None val: the positive or null value to be added. If None, the value is computed from pkt.
+        @return str: s concatenated with the machine representation of this field.
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        if val is None:
+            assert isinstance(pkt, packet.Packet), \
+                'EINVAL: pkt: Packet expected when val is None; received {}'.format(type(pkt))
+            val = self._compute_value(pkt)
+        return super(FieldUVarLenField, self).addfield(pkt, s, val)
+    def i2m(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], Optional[int]) -> str
+        """
+        @param packet.Packet|None pkt: the packet instance containing this field instance. This parameter must not be
+          None if the x parameter is.
+        @param int|None x: the positive or null value to be added. If None, the value is computed from pkt.
+        @return str
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        if x is None:
+            assert isinstance(pkt, packet.Packet), \
+                'EINVAL: pkt: Packet expected when x is None; received {}'.format(type(pkt))
+            x = self._compute_value(pkt)
+        return super(FieldUVarLenField, self).i2m(pkt, x)
+    def _compute_value(self, pkt):
+        # type: (packet.Packet) -> int
+        """ Computes the value of this field based on the provided packet and
+        the length_of field and the adjust callback
+        @param packet.Packet pkt: the packet from which is computed this field value.
+        @return int: the computed value for this field.
+        @raise KeyError: the packet nor its payload do not contain an attribute
+          with the length_of name.
+        @raise AssertionError
+        @raise KeyError if _length_of is not one of pkt fields
+        """
+        fld, fval = pkt.getfield_and_val(self._length_of)
+        val = fld.i2len(pkt, fval)
+        ret = self._adjust(val)
+        assert(ret >= 0)
+        return ret
+################################################ HPACK String Fields ###################################################
+class HPackStringsInterface(Sized):
+    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def __str__(self): pass
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def origin(self): pass
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def __len__(self): pass
+class HPackLiteralString(HPackStringsInterface):
+    """ HPackLiteralString is a string. This class is used as a marker and
+    implements an interface in common with HPackZString
+    """
+    __slots__ = ['_s']
+    def __init__(self, s):
+        # type: (str) -> None
+        self._s = s
+    def __str__(self):
+        # type: () -> str
+        return self._s
+    def origin(self):
+        # type: () -> str
+        return self._s
+    def __len__(self):
+        # type: () -> int
+        return len(self._s)
+class EOS(object):
+    """ Simple "marker" to designate the End Of String symbol in the huffman table
+    """
+class HuffmanNode(object):
+    """ HuffmanNode is an entry of the binary tree used for encoding/decoding
+    HPack compressed HTTP/2 headers
+    """
+    __slots__ = ['l', 'r']
+    """@var l: the left branch of this node
+    @var r: the right branch of this Node
+    These variables can value None (leaf node), another HuffmanNode, or a
+     symbol. Symbols are either a character or the End Of String symbol (class
+     EOS)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, l, r):
+        # type: (Union[None, HuffmanNode, EOS, str], Union[None, HuffmanNode, EOS, str]) -> None
+        self.l = l
+        self.r = r
+    def __getitem__(self, b):
+        # type: (int) -> Union[None, HuffmanNode, EOS, str]
+        return self.r if b else self.l
+    def __setitem__(self, b, val):
+        # type: (int, Union[None, HuffmanNode, EOS, str]) -> None
+        if b:
+            self.r = val
+        else:
+            self.l = val
+    def __str__(self):
+        # type: () -> str
+        return self.__repr__()
+    def __repr__(self):
+        # type: () -> str
+        return '({}, {})'.format(self.l, self.r)
+class InvalidEncodingException(Exception):
+    """ InvalidEncodingException is raised when a supposedly huffman-encoded
+     string is decoded and a decoding error arises
+    """
+class HPackZString(HPackStringsInterface):
+    __slots__ = ['_s', '_encoded']
+    # From RFC 7541
+    # Tuple is (code,code bitlength)
+    # The bitlength is required to know how long the left padding
+    # (implicit 0's) there are
+    static_huffman_code = [
+        (0x1ff8, 13),
+        (0x7fffd8, 23),
+        (0xfffffe2, 28),
+        (0xfffffe3, 28),
+        (0xfffffe4, 28),
+        (0xfffffe5, 28),
+        (0xfffffe6, 28),
+        (0xfffffe7, 28),
+        (0xfffffe8, 28),
+        (0xffffea, 24),
+        (0x3ffffffc, 30),
+        (0xfffffe9, 28),
+        (0xfffffea, 28),
+        (0x3ffffffd, 30),
+        (0xfffffeb, 28),
+        (0xfffffec, 28),
+        (0xfffffed, 28),
+        (0xfffffee, 28),
+        (0xfffffef, 28),
+        (0xffffff0, 28),
+        (0xffffff1, 28),
+        (0xffffff2, 28),
+        (0x3ffffffe, 30),
+        (0xffffff3, 28),
+        (0xffffff4, 28),
+        (0xffffff5, 28),
+        (0xffffff6, 28),
+        (0xffffff7, 28),
+        (0xffffff8, 28),
+        (0xffffff9, 28),
+        (0xffffffa, 28),
+        (0xffffffb, 28),
+        (0x14, 6),
+        (0x3f8, 10),
+        (0x3f9, 10),
+        (0xffa, 12),
+        (0x1ff9, 13),
+        (0x15, 6),
+        (0xf8, 8),
+        (0x7fa, 11),
+        (0x3fa, 10),
+        (0x3fb, 10),
+        (0xf9, 8),
+        (0x7fb, 11),
+        (0xfa, 8),
+        (0x16, 6),
+        (0x17, 6),
+        (0x18, 6),
+        (0x0, 5),
+        (0x1, 5),
+        (0x2, 5),
+        (0x19, 6),
+        (0x1a, 6),
+        (0x1b, 6),
+        (0x1c, 6),
+        (0x1d, 6),
+        (0x1e, 6),
+        (0x1f, 6),
+        (0x5c, 7),
+        (0xfb, 8),
+        (0x7ffc, 15),
+        (0x20, 6),
+        (0xffb, 12),
+        (0x3fc, 10),
+        (0x1ffa, 13),
+        (0x21, 6),
+        (0x5d, 7),
+        (0x5e, 7),
+        (0x5f, 7),
+        (0x60, 7),
+        (0x61, 7),
+        (0x62, 7),
+        (0x63, 7),
+        (0x64, 7),
+        (0x65, 7),
+        (0x66, 7),
+        (0x67, 7),
+        (0x68, 7),
+        (0x69, 7),
+        (0x6a, 7),
+        (0x6b, 7),
+        (0x6c, 7),
+        (0x6d, 7),
+        (0x6e, 7),
+        (0x6f, 7),
+        (0x70, 7),
+        (0x71, 7),
+        (0x72, 7),
+        (0xfc, 8),
+        (0x73, 7),
+        (0xfd, 8),
+        (0x1ffb, 13),
+        (0x7fff0, 19),
+        (0x1ffc, 13),
+        (0x3ffc, 14),
+        (0x22, 6),
+        (0x7ffd, 15),
+        (0x3, 5),
+        (0x23, 6),
+        (0x4, 5),
+        (0x24, 6),
+        (0x5, 5),
+        (0x25, 6),
+        (0x26, 6),
+        (0x27, 6),
+        (0x6, 5),
+        (0x74, 7),
+        (0x75, 7),
+        (0x28, 6),
+        (0x29, 6),
+        (0x2a, 6),
+        (0x7, 5),
+        (0x2b, 6),
+        (0x76, 7),
+        (0x2c, 6),
+        (0x8, 5),
+        (0x9, 5),
+        (0x2d, 6),
+        (0x77, 7),
+        (0x78, 7),
+        (0x79, 7),
+        (0x7a, 7),
+        (0x7b, 7),
+        (0x7ffe, 15),
+        (0x7fc, 11),
+        (0x3ffd, 14),
+        (0x1ffd, 13),
+        (0xffffffc, 28),
+        (0xfffe6, 20),
+        (0x3fffd2, 22),
+        (0xfffe7, 20),
+        (0xfffe8, 20),
+        (0x3fffd3, 22),
+        (0x3fffd4, 22),
+        (0x3fffd5, 22),
+        (0x7fffd9, 23),
+        (0x3fffd6, 22),
+        (0x7fffda, 23),
+        (0x7fffdb, 23),
+        (0x7fffdc, 23),
+        (0x7fffdd, 23),
+        (0x7fffde, 23),
+        (0xffffeb, 24),
+        (0x7fffdf, 23),
+        (0xffffec, 24),
+        (0xffffed, 24),
+        (0x3fffd7, 22),
+        (0x7fffe0, 23),
+        (0xffffee, 24),
+        (0x7fffe1, 23),
+        (0x7fffe2, 23),
+        (0x7fffe3, 23),
+        (0x7fffe4, 23),
+        (0x1fffdc, 21),
+        (0x3fffd8, 22),
+        (0x7fffe5, 23),
+        (0x3fffd9, 22),
+        (0x7fffe6, 23),
+        (0x7fffe7, 23),
+        (0xffffef, 24),
+        (0x3fffda, 22),
+        (0x1fffdd, 21),
+        (0xfffe9, 20),
+        (0x3fffdb, 22),
+        (0x3fffdc, 22),
+        (0x7fffe8, 23),
+        (0x7fffe9, 23),
+        (0x1fffde, 21),
+        (0x7fffea, 23),
+        (0x3fffdd, 22),
+        (0x3fffde, 22),
+        (0xfffff0, 24),
+        (0x1fffdf, 21),
+        (0x3fffdf, 22),
+        (0x7fffeb, 23),
+        (0x7fffec, 23),
+        (0x1fffe0, 21),
+        (0x1fffe1, 21),
+        (0x3fffe0, 22),
+        (0x1fffe2, 21),
+        (0x7fffed, 23),
+        (0x3fffe1, 22),
+        (0x7fffee, 23),
+        (0x7fffef, 23),
+        (0xfffea, 20),
+        (0x3fffe2, 22),
+        (0x3fffe3, 22),
+        (0x3fffe4, 22),
+        (0x7ffff0, 23),
+        (0x3fffe5, 22),
+        (0x3fffe6, 22),
+        (0x7ffff1, 23),
+        (0x3ffffe0, 26),
+        (0x3ffffe1, 26),
+        (0xfffeb, 20),
+        (0x7fff1, 19),
+        (0x3fffe7, 22),
+        (0x7ffff2, 23),
+        (0x3fffe8, 22),
+        (0x1ffffec, 25),
+        (0x3ffffe2, 26),
+        (0x3ffffe3, 26),
+        (0x3ffffe4, 26),
+        (0x7ffffde, 27),
+        (0x7ffffdf, 27),
+        (0x3ffffe5, 26),
+        (0xfffff1, 24),
+        (0x1ffffed, 25),
+        (0x7fff2, 19),
+        (0x1fffe3, 21),
+        (0x3ffffe6, 26),
+        (0x7ffffe0, 27),
+        (0x7ffffe1, 27),
+        (0x3ffffe7, 26),
+        (0x7ffffe2, 27),
+        (0xfffff2, 24),
+        (0x1fffe4, 21),
+        (0x1fffe5, 21),
+        (0x3ffffe8, 26),
+        (0x3ffffe9, 26),
+        (0xffffffd, 28),
+        (0x7ffffe3, 27),
+        (0x7ffffe4, 27),
+        (0x7ffffe5, 27),
+        (0xfffec, 20),
+        (0xfffff3, 24),
+        (0xfffed, 20),
+        (0x1fffe6, 21),
+        (0x3fffe9, 22),
+        (0x1fffe7, 21),
+        (0x1fffe8, 21),
+        (0x7ffff3, 23),
+        (0x3fffea, 22),
+        (0x3fffeb, 22),
+        (0x1ffffee, 25),
+        (0x1ffffef, 25),
+        (0xfffff4, 24),
+        (0xfffff5, 24),
+        (0x3ffffea, 26),
+        (0x7ffff4, 23),
+        (0x3ffffeb, 26),
+        (0x7ffffe6, 27),
+        (0x3ffffec, 26),
+        (0x3ffffed, 26),
+        (0x7ffffe7, 27),
+        (0x7ffffe8, 27),
+        (0x7ffffe9, 27),
+        (0x7ffffea, 27),
+        (0x7ffffeb, 27),
+        (0xffffffe, 28),
+        (0x7ffffec, 27),
+        (0x7ffffed, 27),
+        (0x7ffffee, 27),
+        (0x7ffffef, 27),
+        (0x7fffff0, 27),
+        (0x3ffffee, 26),
+        (0x3fffffff, 30)
+    ]
+    static_huffman_tree = None
+    @classmethod
+    def _huffman_encode_char(cls, c):
+        # type: (Union[str, EOS]) -> Tuple[int, int]
+        """ huffman_encode_char assumes that the static_huffman_tree was
+        previously initialized
+        @param str|EOS c: a symbol to encode
+        @return (int, int): the bitstring of the symbol and its bitlength
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        if isinstance(c, EOS):
+            return cls.static_huffman_code[-1]
+        else:
+            assert(len(c) == 1)
+        return cls.static_huffman_code[ord(c)]
+    @classmethod
+    def huffman_encode(cls, s):
+        # type: (str) -> Tuple[int, int]
+        """ huffman_encode returns the bitstring and the bitlength of the
+        bitstring representing the string provided as a parameter
+        @param str s: the string to encode
+        @return (int, int): the bitstring of s and its bitlength
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        i = 0
+        ibl = 0
+        for c in s:
+            val, bl = cls._huffman_encode_char(c)
+            i = (i << bl) + val
+            ibl += bl
+        padlen = 8 - (ibl % 8)
+        if padlen != 8:
+            val, bl = cls._huffman_encode_char(EOS())
+            i = (i << padlen) + (val >> (bl - padlen))
+            ibl += padlen
+        ret = i, ibl
+        assert(ret[0] >= 0)
+        assert (ret[1] >= 0)
+        return ret
+    @classmethod
+    def huffman_decode(cls, i, ibl):
+        # type: (int, int) -> str
+        """ huffman_decode decodes the bitstring provided as parameters.
+        @param int i: the bitstring to decode
+        @param int ibl: the bitlength of i
+        @return str: the string decoded from the bitstring
+        @raise AssertionError, InvalidEncodingException
+        """
+        assert(i >= 0)
+        assert(ibl >= 0)
+        if isinstance(cls.static_huffman_tree, types.NoneType):
+            cls.huffman_compute_decode_tree()
+        assert(not isinstance(cls.static_huffman_tree, types.NoneType))
+        s = []
+        j = 0
+        interrupted = False
+        cur = cls.static_huffman_tree
+        cur_sym = 0
+        cur_sym_bl = 0
+        while j < ibl:
+            b = (i >> (ibl - j - 1)) & 1
+            cur_sym = (cur_sym << 1) + b
+            cur_sym_bl += 1
+            elmt = cur[b]
+            if isinstance(elmt, HuffmanNode):
+                interrupted = True
+                cur = elmt
+                if isinstance(cur, types.NoneType):
+                    raise AssertionError()
+            elif isinstance(elmt, EOS):
+                raise InvalidEncodingException('Huffman decoder met the full EOS symbol')
+            elif isinstance(elmt, str):
+                interrupted = False
+                s.append(elmt)
+                cur = cls.static_huffman_tree
+                cur_sym = 0
+                cur_sym_bl = 0
+            else:
+                raise InvalidEncodingException('Should never happen, so incidentally it will')
+            j += 1
+        if interrupted:
+            # Interrupted values true if the bitstring ends in the middle of a
+            # symbol; this symbol must be, according to RFC7541 par5.2 the MSB
+            # of the EOS symbol
+            if cur_sym_bl > 7:
+                raise InvalidEncodingException('Huffman decoder is detecting padding longer than 7 bits')
+            eos_symbol = cls.static_huffman_code[-1]
+            eos_msb = eos_symbol[0] >> (eos_symbol[1] - cur_sym_bl)
+            if eos_msb != cur_sym:
+                raise InvalidEncodingException('Huffman decoder is detecting unexpected padding format')
+        return ''.join(s)
+    @classmethod
+    def huffman_conv2str(cls, bit_str, bit_len):
+        # type: (int, int) -> str
+        """ huffman_conv2str converts a bitstring of bit_len bitlength into a
+        binary string. It DOES NOT compress/decompress the bitstring!
+        @param int bit_str: the bitstring to convert.
+        @param int bit_len: the bitlength of bit_str.
+        @return str: the converted bitstring as a bytestring.
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        assert(bit_str >= 0)
+        assert(bit_len >= 0)
+        byte_len = bit_len/8
+        rem_bit = bit_len % 8
+        if rem_bit != 0:
+            bit_str <<= 8 - rem_bit
+            byte_len += 1
+        # As usual the list/join tricks is a performance trick to build
+        # efficiently a Python string
+        s = []  # type: List[str]
+        i = 0
+        while i < byte_len:
+            s.insert(0, chr((bit_str >> (i*8)) & 0xFF))
+            i += 1
+        return ''.join(s)
+    @classmethod
+    def huffman_conv2bitstring(cls, s):
+        # type: (str) -> Tuple[int, int]
+        """ huffman_conv2bitstring converts a string into its bitstring
+        representation. It returns a tuple: the bitstring and its bitlength.
+        This function DOES NOT compress/decompress the string!
+        @param str s: the bytestring to convert.
+        @return (int, int): the bitstring of s, and its bitlength.
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        i = 0
+        ibl = len(s) * 8
+        for c in s:
+            i = (i << 8) + ord(c)
+        ret = i, ibl
+        assert(ret[0] >= 0)
+        assert(ret[1] >= 0)
+        return ret
+    @classmethod
+    def huffman_compute_decode_tree(cls):
+        # type: () -> None
+        """ huffman_compute_decode_tree initializes/builds the static_huffman_tree
+        @return None
+        @raise InvalidEncodingException if there is an encoding problem
+        """
+        cls.static_huffman_tree = HuffmanNode(None, None)
+        i = 0
+        for entry in cls.static_huffman_code:
+            parent = cls.static_huffman_tree
+            for idx in xrange(entry[1] - 1, -1, -1):
+                b = (entry[0] >> idx) & 1
+                if isinstance(parent[b], str):
+                    raise InvalidEncodingException('Huffman unique prefix violation :/')
+                if idx == 0:
+                    parent[b] = chr(i) if i < 256 else EOS()
+                elif parent[b] is None:
+                    parent[b] = HuffmanNode(None, None)
+                parent = parent[b]
+            i += 1
+    def __init__(self, s):
+        # type: (str) -> None
+        self._s = s
+        i, ibl = type(self).huffman_encode(s)
+        self._encoded = type(self).huffman_conv2str(i, ibl)
+    def __str__(self):
+        # type: () -> str
+        return self._encoded
+    def origin(self):
+        # type: () -> str
+        return self._s
+    def __len__(self):
+        # type: () -> int
+        return len(self._encoded)
+class HPackStrLenField(fields.Field):
+    """ HPackStrLenField is a StrLenField variant specialized for HTTP/2 HPack
+    This variant uses an internal representation that implements HPackStringsInterface.
+    """
+    __slots__ = ['_length_from', '_type_from']
+    def __init__(self, name, default, length_from, type_from):
+        # type: (str, HPackStringsInterface, Callable[[packet.Packet], int], str) -> None
+        super(HPackStrLenField, self).__init__(name, default)
+        self._length_from = length_from
+        self._type_from = type_from
+    def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], str, HPackStringsInterface) -> str
+        return s + self.i2m(pkt, val)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _parse(t, s):
+        # type: (bool, str) -> HPackStringsInterface
+        """
+        @param bool t: whether this string is a huffman compressed string.
+        @param str s: the string to parse.
+        @return HPackStringsInterface: either a HPackLiteralString or HPackZString, depending on t.
+        @raise InvalidEncodingException
+        """
+        if t:
+            i, ibl = HPackZString.huffman_conv2bitstring(s)
+            return HPackZString(HPackZString.huffman_decode(i, ibl))
+        return HPackLiteralString(s)
+    def getfield(self, pkt, s):
+        # type: (packet.Packet, str) -> Tuple[str, HPackStringsInterface]
+        """
+        @param packet.Packet pkt: the packet instance containing this field instance.
+        @param str s: the string to parse this field from.
+        @return (str, HPackStringsInterface): the remaining string after this field was carved out & the extracted
+          value.
+        @raise KeyError if "type_from" is not a field of pkt or its payloads.
+        @raise InvalidEncodingException
+        """
+        l = self._length_from(pkt)
+        t = pkt.getfieldval(self._type_from) == 1
+        return s[l:], self._parse(t, s[:l])
+    def i2h(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], HPackStringsInterface) -> str
+        fmt = ''
+        if isinstance(x, HPackLiteralString):
+            fmt = "HPackLiteralString({})"
+        elif isinstance(x, HPackZString):
+            fmt = "HPackZString({})"
+        return fmt.format(x.origin())
+    def h2i(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (packet.Packet, str) -> HPackStringsInterface
+        return HPackLiteralString(x)
+    def m2i(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (packet.Packet, str) -> HPackStringsInterface
+        """
+        @param packet.Packet pkt: the packet instance containing this field instance.
+        @param str x: the string to parse.
+        @return HPackStringsInterface: the internal type of the value parsed from x.
+        @raise AssertionError
+        @raise InvalidEncodingException
+        @raise KeyError if _type_from is not one of pkt fields.
+        """
+        t = pkt.getfieldval(self._type_from)
+        l = self._length_from(pkt)
+        assert t is not None and l is not None, 'Conversion from string impossible: no type or length specified'
+        return self._parse(t == 1, x[:l])
+    def any2i(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], Union[str, HPackStringsInterface]) -> HPackStringsInterface
+        """
+        @param packet.Packet|None pkt: the packet instance containing this field instance.
+        @param str|HPackStringsInterface x: the value to convert
+        @return HPackStringsInterface: the Scapy internal value for this field
+        @raise AssertionError, InvalidEncodingException
+        """
+        if isinstance(x, str):
+            assert(isinstance(pkt, packet.Packet))
+            return self.m2i(pkt, x)
+        assert(isinstance(x, HPackStringsInterface))
+        return x
+    def i2m(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], HPackStringsInterface) -> str
+        return str(x)
+    def i2len(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], HPackStringsInterface) -> int
+        return len(x)
+    def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
+        # type: (Optional[packet.Packet], HPackStringsInterface) -> str
+        return repr(self.i2h(pkt, x))
+################################################ HPACK Packets #########################################################
+class HPackHdrString(packet.Packet):
+    """ HPackHdrString is a packet that that is serialized into a RFC7541 par5.2
+    string literal repr.
+    """
+    name = 'HPack Header String'
+    fields_desc = [
+        fields.BitEnumField('type', None, 1, {0: 'Literal', 1: 'Compressed'}),
+        FieldUVarLenField('len', None, 7, length_of='data'),
+        HPackStrLenField(
+            'data', HPackLiteralString(''),
+            length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.getfieldval('len'),
+            type_from='type'
+        )
+    ]
+    def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
+        # type: (str) -> base_classes.Packet_metaclass
+        # Trick to tell scapy that the remaining bytes of the currently
+        # dissected string is not a payload of this packet but of some other
+        # underlayer packet
+        return config.conf.padding_layer
+    def self_build(self, field_pos_list=None):
+        # type: (Any) -> str
+        """self_build is overridden because type and len are determined at
+        build time, based on the "data" field internal type
+        """
+        if self.getfieldval('type') is None:
+            self.type = 1 if isinstance(self.getfieldval('data'), HPackZString) else 0
+        return super(HPackHdrString, self).self_build(field_pos_list)
+class HPackHeaders(packet.Packet):
+    """HPackHeaders uses the "dispatch_hook" trick of Packet_metaclass to select
+    the correct HPack header packet type. For this, the first byte of the string
+    to dissect is snooped on.
+    """
+    @classmethod
+    def dispatch_hook(cls, s=None, *_args, **_kwds):
+        # type: (Optional[str], *Any, **Any) -> base_classes.Packet_metaclass
+        """dispatch_hook returns the subclass of HPackHeaders that must be used
+        to dissect the string.
+        """
+        if s is None:
+            return config.conf.raw_layer
+        fb = ord(s[0])
+        if fb & 0x80 != 0:
+            return HPackIndexedHdr
+        if fb & 0x40 != 0:
+            return HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing
+        if fb & 0x20 != 0:
+            return HPackDynamicSizeUpdate
+        return HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing
+    def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
+        # type: (str) -> base_classes.Packet_metaclass
+        return config.conf.padding_layer
+class HPackIndexedHdr(HPackHeaders):
+    """ HPackIndexedHdr implements RFC 7541 par6.1
+    """
+    name = 'HPack Indexed Header Field'
+    fields_desc = [
+        HPackMagicBitField('magic', 1, 1),
+        UVarIntField('index', 2, 7)  # Default "2" is ":method GET"
+    ]
+class HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(HPackHeaders):
+    """ HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing implements RFC 7541 par6.2.1
+    """
+    name = 'HPack Literal Header With Incremental Indexing'
+    fields_desc = [
+        HPackMagicBitField('magic', 1, 2),
+        UVarIntField('index', 0, 6),  # Default is New Name
+        fields.ConditionalField(
+            fields.PacketField('hdr_name', None, HPackHdrString),
+            lambda pkt: pkt.getfieldval('index') == 0
+        ),
+        fields.PacketField('hdr_value', None, HPackHdrString)
+    ]
+class HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing(HPackHeaders):
+    """ HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing implements RFC 7541 par6.2.2
+    and par6.2.3
+    """
+    name = 'HPack Literal Header Without Indexing (or Never Indexing)'
+    fields_desc = [
+        HPackMagicBitField('magic', 0, 3),
+        fields.BitEnumField(
+            'never_index', 0, 1,
+            {0: "Don't Index", 1: 'Never Index'}
+        ),
+        UVarIntField('index', 0, 4),  # Default is New Name
+        fields.ConditionalField(
+            fields.PacketField('hdr_name', None, HPackHdrString),
+            lambda pkt: pkt.getfieldval('index') == 0
+        ),
+        fields.PacketField('hdr_value', None, HPackHdrString)
+    ]
+class HPackDynamicSizeUpdate(HPackHeaders):
+    """ HPackDynamicSizeUpdate implements RFC 7541 par6.3
+    """
+    name = 'HPack Dynamic Size Update'
+    fields_desc = [
+        HPackMagicBitField('magic', 1, 3),
+        UVarIntField('max_size', 0, 5)
+    ]
+############################################# HTTP/2 Frames ############################################################
+class H2FramePayload(packet.Packet):
+    """ H2FramePayload is an empty class that is a super class of all Scapy
+    HTTP/2 Frame Packets
+    """
+############################################# HTTP/2 Data Frame Packets ################################################
+class H2DataFrame(H2FramePayload):
+    """ H2DataFrame implements RFC7540 par6.1
+    This packet is the Data Frame to use when there is no padding.
+    """
+    type_id = 0
+    END_STREAM_FLAG = 0  # 0x1
+    PADDED_FLAG = 3  # 0x8
+    flags = {
+        END_STREAM_FLAG: fields.MultiFlagsEntry('ES', 'End Stream'),
+        PADDED_FLAG: fields.MultiFlagsEntry('P', 'Padded')
+    }
+    name = 'HTTP/2 Data Frame'
+    fields_desc = [
+        fields.StrField('data', '')
+    ]
+class H2PaddedDataFrame(H2DataFrame):
+    """ H2DataFrame implements RFC7540 par6.1
+    This packet is the Data Frame to use when there is padding.
+    """
+    __slots__ = ['s_len']
+    name = 'HTTP/2 Padded Data Frame'
+    fields_desc = [
+        fields.FieldLenField('padlen', None, length_of='padding', fmt="B"),
+        fields.StrLenField('data', '',
+            length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.get_data_len()
+        ),
+        fields.StrLenField('padding', '',
+            length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.getfieldval('padlen')
+        )
+    ]
+    def get_data_len(self):
+        # type: () -> int
+        """ get_data_len computes the length of the data field
+        To do this computation, the length of the padlen field and the actual
+        padding is subtracted to the string that was provided to the pre_dissect
+        fun of the pkt parameter
+        @return int; length of the data part of the HTTP/2 frame packet provided as parameter
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        padding_len = self.getfieldval('padlen')
+        fld, fval = self.getfield_and_val('padlen')
+        padding_len_len = fld.i2len(self, fval)
+        ret = self.s_len - padding_len_len - padding_len
+        assert(ret >= 0)
+        return ret
+    def pre_dissect(self, s):
+        # type: (str) -> str
+        """pre_dissect is filling the s_len property of this instance. This
+        property is later used during the getfield call of the "data" field when
+        trying to evaluate the length of the StrLenField! This "trick" works
+        because the underlayer packet (H2Frame) is assumed to override the
+        "extract_padding" method and to only provide to this packet the data
+        necessary for this packet. Tricky, tricky, will break some day probably!
+        """
+        self.s_len = len(s)
+        return s
+############################################# HTTP/2 Header Frame Packets ##############################################
+class H2AbstractHeadersFrame(H2FramePayload):
+    """Superclass of all variants of HTTP/2 Header Frame Packets.
+    May be used for type checking.
+    """
+class H2HeadersFrame(H2AbstractHeadersFrame):
+    """ H2HeadersFrame implements RFC 7540 par6.2 Headers Frame
+    when there is no padding and no priority informations
+    The choice of decomposing into four classes is probably preferable to having
+    numerous conditional fields based on the underlayer :/
+    """
+    type_id = 1
+    END_STREAM_FLAG = 0  # 0x1
+    END_HEADERS_FLAG = 2  # 0x4
+    PADDED_FLAG = 3  # 0x8
+    PRIORITY_FLAG = 5  # 0x20
+    flags = {
+        END_STREAM_FLAG: fields.MultiFlagsEntry('ES', 'End Stream'),
+        END_HEADERS_FLAG: fields.MultiFlagsEntry('EH', 'End Headers'),
+        PADDED_FLAG: fields.MultiFlagsEntry('P', 'Padded'),
+        PRIORITY_FLAG: fields.MultiFlagsEntry('+', 'Priority')
+    }
+    name = 'HTTP/2 Headers Frame'
+    fields_desc = [
+        fields.PacketListField('hdrs', [], HPackHeaders)
+    ]
+class H2PaddedHeadersFrame(H2AbstractHeadersFrame):
+    """ H2PaddedHeadersFrame is the variant of H2HeadersFrame where padding flag
+    is set and priority flag is cleared
+    """
+    __slots__ = ['s_len']
+    name = 'HTTP/2 Headers Frame with Padding'
+    fields_desc = [
+        fields.FieldLenField('padlen', None, length_of='padding', fmt='B'),
+        fields.PacketListField('hdrs', [], HPackHeaders,
+            length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.get_hdrs_len()
+        ),
+        fields.StrLenField('padding', '',
+            length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.getfieldval('padlen')
+        )
+    ]
+    def get_hdrs_len(self):
+        # type: () -> int
+        """ get_hdrs_len computes the length of the hdrs field
+        To do this computation, the length of the padlen field and the actual
+        padding is subtracted to the string that was provided to the pre_dissect
+        fun of the pkt parameter.
+        @return int; length of the data part of the HTTP/2 frame packet provided as parameter
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        padding_len = self.getfieldval('padlen')
+        fld, fval = self.getfield_and_val('padlen')
+        padding_len_len = fld.i2len(self, fval)
+        ret = self.s_len - padding_len_len - padding_len
+        assert(ret >= 0)
+        return ret
+    def pre_dissect(self, s):
+        # type: (str) -> str
+        """pre_dissect is filling the s_len property of this instance. This
+        property is later used during the parsing of the hdrs PacketListField
+        when trying to evaluate the length of the PacketListField! This "trick"
+        works because the underlayer packet (H2Frame) is assumed to override the
+        "extract_padding" method and to only provide to this packet the data
+        necessary for this packet. Tricky, tricky, will break some day probably!
+        """
+        self.s_len = len(s)
+        return s
+class H2PriorityHeadersFrame(H2AbstractHeadersFrame):
+    """ H2PriorityHeadersFrame is the variant of H2HeadersFrame where priority flag
+    is set and padding flag is cleared
+    """
+    __slots__ = ['s_len']
+    name = 'HTTP/2 Headers Frame with Priority'
+    fields_desc = [
+        fields.BitField('exclusive', 0, 1),
+        fields.BitField('stream_dependency', 0, 31),
+        fields.ByteField('weight', 0),
+        # This PacketListField will consume all remaining bytes; not a problem
+        # because the underlayer (H2Frame) overrides "extract_padding" so that
+        # this Packet only get to parser what it needs to
+        fields.PacketListField('hdrs', [], HPackHeaders),
+    ]
+class H2PaddedPriorityHeadersFrame(H2AbstractHeadersFrame):
+    """ H2PaddedPriorityHeadersFrame is the variant of H2HeadersFrame where
+    both priority and padding flags are set
+    """
+    __slots__ = ['s_len']
+    name = 'HTTP/2 Headers Frame with Padding and Priority'
+    fields_desc = [
+        fields.FieldLenField('padlen', None, length_of='padding', fmt='B'),
+        fields.BitField('exclusive', 0, 1),
+        fields.BitField('stream_dependency', 0, 31),
+        fields.ByteField('weight', 0),
+        fields.PacketListField('hdrs', [], HPackHeaders,
+            length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.get_hdrs_len()
+        ),
+        fields.StrLenField('padding', '',
+            length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.getfieldval('padlen')
+        )
+    ]
+    def get_hdrs_len(self):
+        # type: () -> int
+        """ get_hdrs_len computes the length of the hdrs field
+        To do this computation, the length of the padlen field, the priority
+        information fields and the actual padding is subtracted to the string
+        that was provided to the pre_dissect fun of the pkt parameter.
+        @return int: the length of the hdrs field
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        padding_len = self.getfieldval('padlen')
+        fld, fval = self.getfield_and_val('padlen')
+        padding_len_len = fld.i2len(self, fval)
+        bit_cnt = self.get_field('exclusive').size
+        bit_cnt += self.get_field('stream_dependency').size
+        fld, fval = self.getfield_and_val('weight')
+        weight_len = fld.i2len(self, fval)
+        ret = (self.s_len
+            - padding_len_len
+            - padding_len
+            - (bit_cnt / 8)
+            - weight_len
+        )
+        assert(ret >= 0)
+        return ret
+    def pre_dissect(self, s):
+        # type: (str) -> str
+        """pre_dissect is filling the s_len property of this instance. This
+        property is later used during the parsing of the hdrs PacketListField
+        when trying to evaluate the length of the PacketListField! This "trick"
+        works because the underlayer packet (H2Frame) is assumed to override the
+        "extract_padding" method and to only provide to this packet the data
+        necessary for this packet. Tricky, tricky, will break some day probably!
+        """
+        self.s_len = len(s)
+        return s
+########################################### HTTP/2 Priority Frame Packets ##############################################
+class H2PriorityFrame(H2FramePayload):
+    """ H2PriorityFrame implements RFC 7540 par6.3
+    """
+    type_id = 2
+    name = 'HTTP/2 Priority Frame'
+    fields_desc = [
+        fields.BitField('exclusive', 0, 1),
+        fields.BitField('stream_dependency', 0, 31),
+        fields.ByteField('weight', 0)
+    ]
+################################################# HTTP/2 Errors ########################################################
+class H2ErrorCodes(object):
+    """ H2ErrorCodes is an enumeration of the error codes defined in
+    RFC7540 par7.
+    This enumeration is not part of any frame because the error codes are in
+    common with H2ResetFrame and H2GoAwayFrame.
+    """
+    NO_ERROR = 0x0
+    STREAM_CLOSED = 0x5
+    CANCEL = 0x8
+    CONNECT_ERROR = 0xa
+    HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED = 0xd
+    literal = {
+        NO_ERROR: 'No error',
+        PROTOCOL_ERROR: 'Protocol error',
+        INTERNAL_ERROR: 'Internal error',
+        FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR: 'Flow control error',
+        SETTINGS_TIMEOUT: 'Settings timeout',
+        STREAM_CLOSED: 'Stream closed',
+        FRAME_SIZE_ERROR: 'Frame size error',
+        REFUSED_STREAM: 'Refused stream',
+        CANCEL: 'Cancel',
+        COMPRESSION_ERROR: 'Compression error',
+        CONNECT_ERROR: 'Control error',
+        ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM: 'Enhance your calm',
+        INADEQUATE_SECURITY: 'Inadequate security',
+        HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED: 'HTTP/1.1 required'
+    }
+########################################### HTTP/2 Reset Frame Packets #################################################
+class H2ResetFrame(H2FramePayload):
+    """ H2ResetFrame implements RFC 7540 par6.4
+    """
+    type_id = 3
+    name = 'HTTP/2 Reset Frame'
+    fields_desc = [
+        fields.EnumField('error', 0, H2ErrorCodes.literal, fmt='!I')
+    ]
+########################################### HTTP/2 Settings Frame Packets ##############################################
+class H2Setting(packet.Packet):
+    """ H2Setting implements a setting, as defined in RFC7540 par6.5.1
+    """
+    name = 'HTTP/2 Setting'
+    fields_desc = [
+        fields.EnumField('id', 0, {
+            SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE: 'Header table size',
+            SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH: 'Enable push',
+            SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS: 'Max concurrent streams',
+            SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE: 'Initial window size',
+            SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE: 'Max frame size',
+            SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE: 'Max header list size'
+        }, fmt='!H'),
+        fields.IntField('value', 0)
+    ]
+    def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
+        # type: (str) -> base_classes.Packet_metaclass
+        return config.conf.padding_layer
+class H2SettingsFrame(H2FramePayload):
+    """ H2SettingsFrame implements RFC7540 par6.5
+    """
+    type_id = 4
+    ACK_FLAG = 0  # 0x1
+    flags = {
+        ACK_FLAG: fields.MultiFlagsEntry('A', 'ACK')
+    }
+    name = 'HTTP/2 Settings Frame'
+    fields_desc = [
+        fields.PacketListField('settings', [], H2Setting)
+    ]
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """__init__ initializes this H2SettingsFrame
+        If a _pkt arg is provided (by keyword), then this is an initialization
+        from a string to dissect and therefore the length of the string to
+        dissect have distinctive characteristics that we might want to check.
+        This is possible because the underlayer packet (H2Frame) overrides
+        extract_padding method to provided only the string that must be parsed
+        by this packet!
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        # RFC7540 par6.5 p36
+        assert(
+            len(args) == 0 or (
+                isinstance(args[0], str)
+                and len(args[0]) % 6 == 0
+            )
+        ), 'Invalid settings frame; length is not a multiple of 6'
+        super(H2SettingsFrame, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+######################################## HTTP/2 Push Promise Frame Packets #############################################
+class H2PushPromiseFrame(H2FramePayload):
+    """ H2PushPromiseFrame implements RFC7540 par6.6. This packet
+    is the variant to use when the underlayer padding flag is cleared
+    """
+    type_id = 5
+    END_HEADERS_FLAG = 2  # 0x4
+    PADDED_FLAG = 3  # 0x8
+    flags = {
+        END_HEADERS_FLAG: fields.MultiFlagsEntry('EH', 'End Headers'),
+        PADDED_FLAG: fields.MultiFlagsEntry('P', 'Padded')
+    }
+    name = 'HTTP/2 Push Promise Frame'
+    fields_desc = [
+        fields.BitField('reserved', 0, 1),
+        fields.BitField('stream_id', 0, 31),
+        fields.PacketListField('hdrs', [], HPackHeaders)
+    ]
+class H2PaddedPushPromiseFrame(H2PushPromiseFrame):
+    """ H2PaddedPushPromiseFrame implements RFC7540 par6.6. This
+    packet is the variant to use when the underlayer padding flag is set
+    """
+    __slots__ = ['s_len']
+    name = 'HTTP/2 Padded Push Promise Frame'
+    fields_desc = [
+        fields.FieldLenField('padlen', None, length_of='padding', fmt='B'),
+        fields.BitField('reserved', 0, 1),
+        fields.BitField('stream_id', 0, 31),
+        fields.PacketListField('hdrs', [], HPackHeaders,
+            length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.get_hdrs_len()
+        ),
+        fields.StrLenField('padding', '',
+            length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.getfieldval('padlen')
+        )
+    ]
+    def get_hdrs_len(self):
+        # type: () -> int
+        """ get_hdrs_len computes the length of the hdrs field
+        To do this computation, the length of the padlen field, reserved,
+        stream_id and the actual padding is subtracted to the string that was
+        provided to the pre_dissect fun of the pkt parameter.
+        @return int: the length of the hdrs field
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        fld, padding_len = self.getfield_and_val('padlen')
+        padding_len_len = fld.i2len(self, padding_len)
+        bit_len = self.get_field('reserved').size
+        bit_len += self.get_field('stream_id').size
+        ret = (self.s_len
+            - padding_len_len
+            - padding_len
+            - (bit_len/8)
+        )
+        assert(ret >= 0)
+        return ret
+    def pre_dissect(self, s):
+        # type: (str) -> str
+        """pre_dissect is filling the s_len property of this instance. This
+        property is later used during the parsing of the hdrs PacketListField
+        when trying to evaluate the length of the PacketListField! This "trick"
+        works because the underlayer packet (H2Frame) is assumed to override the
+        "extract_padding" method and to only provide to this packet the data
+        necessary for this packet. Tricky, tricky, will break some day probably!
+        """
+        self.s_len = len(s)
+        return s
+############################################### HTTP/2 Ping Frame Packets ##############################################
+class H2PingFrame(H2FramePayload):
+    """ H2PingFrame implements the RFC 7540 par6.7
+    """
+    type_id = 6
+    ACK_FLAG = 0  # 0x1
+    flags = {
+        ACK_FLAG: fields.MultiFlagsEntry('A', 'ACK')
+    }
+    name = 'HTTP/2 Ping Frame'
+    fields_desc = [
+        fields.LongField('opaque', 0)
+    ]
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        # RFC7540 par6.7 p42
+        assert(
+            len(args) == 0 or (
+                isinstance(args[0], str)
+                and len(args[0]) == 8
+            )
+        ), 'Invalid ping frame; length is not 8'
+        super(H2PingFrame, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+############################################# HTTP/2 GoAway Frame Packets ##############################################
+class H2GoAwayFrame(H2FramePayload):
+    """ H2GoAwayFrame implements the RFC 7540 par6.8
+    """
+    type_id = 7
+    name = 'HTTP/2 Go Away Frame'
+    fields_desc = [
+        fields.BitField('reserved', 0, 1),
+        fields.BitField('last_stream_id', 0, 31),
+        fields.EnumField('error', 0, H2ErrorCodes.literal, fmt='!I'),
+        fields.StrField('additional_data', '')
+    ]
+###################################### HTTP/2 Window Update Frame Packets ##############################################
+class H2WindowUpdateFrame(H2FramePayload):
+    """ H2WindowUpdateFrame implements the RFC 7540 par6.9
+    """
+    type_id = 8
+    name = 'HTTP/2 Window Update Frame'
+    fields_desc = [
+        fields.BitField('reserved', 0, 1),
+        fields.BitField('win_size_incr', 0, 31)
+    ]
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        # RFC7540 par6.9 p46
+        assert(
+            len(args) == 0 or (
+                isinstance(args[0], str)
+                and len(args[0]) == 4
+            )
+        ), 'Invalid window update frame; length is not 4'
+        super(H2WindowUpdateFrame, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+####################################### HTTP/2 Continuation Frame Packets ##############################################
+class H2ContinuationFrame(H2FramePayload):
+    """ H2ContinuationFrame implements the RFC 7540 par6.10
+    """
+    type_id = 9
+    END_HEADERS_FLAG = 2  # Ox4
+    flags = {
+        END_HEADERS_FLAG: fields.MultiFlagsEntry('EH', 'End Headers')
+    }
+    name = 'HTTP/2 Continuation Frame'
+    fields_desc = [
+        fields.PacketListField('hdrs', [], HPackHeaders)
+    ]
+########################################## HTTP/2 Base Frame Packets ###################################################
+class H2Frame(packet.Packet):
+    """ H2Frame implements the frame structure as defined in RFC 7540 par4.1
+    This packet may have a payload (one of the H2FramePayload) or none, in some
+    rare cases such as settings acknowledgement)
+    """
+    name = 'HTTP/2 Frame'
+    fields_desc = [
+        fields.X3BytesField('len', None),
+        fields.EnumField('type', None, {
+            0: 'DataFrm',
+            1: 'HdrsFrm',
+            2: 'PrioFrm',
+            3: 'RstFrm',
+            4: 'SetFrm',
+            5: 'PushFrm',
+            6: 'PingFrm',
+            7: 'GoawayFrm',
+            8: 'WinFrm',
+            9: 'ContFrm'
+        }, "b"),
+        fields.MultiFlagsField('flags', set(), 8, {
+                H2DataFrame.type_id: H2DataFrame.flags,
+                H2HeadersFrame.type_id: H2HeadersFrame.flags,
+                H2PushPromiseFrame.type_id: H2PushPromiseFrame.flags,
+                H2SettingsFrame.type_id: H2SettingsFrame.flags,
+                H2PingFrame.type_id: H2PingFrame.flags,
+                H2ContinuationFrame.type_id: H2ContinuationFrame.flags,
+            },
+            depends_on=lambda pkt: pkt.getfieldval('type')
+        ),
+        fields.BitField('reserved', 0, 1),
+        fields.BitField('stream_id', 0, 31)
+    ]
+    def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
+        # type: (str) -> base_classes.Packet_metaclass
+        """ guess_payload_class returns the Class object to use for parsing a payload
+        This function uses the H2Frame.type field value to decide which payload to parse. The implement cannot be
+        performed using the simple bind_layers helper because sometimes the selection of which Class object to return
+        also depends on the H2Frame.flags value.
+        @param payload:
+        @return:
+        """
+        if len(payload) == 0:
+            return packet.NoPayload
+        t = self.getfieldval('type')
+        if t == H2DataFrame.type_id:
+            if H2DataFrame.flags[H2DataFrame.PADDED_FLAG].short in self.getfieldval('flags'):
+                return H2PaddedDataFrame
+            return H2DataFrame
+        if t == H2HeadersFrame.type_id:
+            if H2HeadersFrame.flags[H2HeadersFrame.PADDED_FLAG].short in self.getfieldval('flags'):
+                if H2HeadersFrame.flags[H2HeadersFrame.PRIORITY_FLAG].short in self.getfieldval('flags'):
+                    return H2PaddedPriorityHeadersFrame
+                else:
+                    return H2PaddedHeadersFrame
+            elif H2HeadersFrame.flags[H2HeadersFrame.PRIORITY_FLAG].short in self.getfieldval('flags'):
+                    return H2PriorityHeadersFrame
+            return H2HeadersFrame
+        if t == H2PriorityFrame.type_id:
+            return H2PriorityFrame
+        if t == H2ResetFrame.type_id:
+            return H2ResetFrame
+        if t == H2SettingsFrame.type_id:
+            return H2SettingsFrame
+        if t == H2PushPromiseFrame.type_id:
+            if H2PushPromiseFrame.flags[H2PushPromiseFrame.PADDED_FLAG].short in self.getfieldval('flags'):
+                return H2PaddedPushPromiseFrame
+            return H2PushPromiseFrame
+        if t == H2PingFrame.type_id:
+            return H2PingFrame
+        if t == H2GoAwayFrame.type_id:
+            return H2GoAwayFrame
+        if t == H2WindowUpdateFrame.type_id:
+            return H2WindowUpdateFrame
+        if t == H2ContinuationFrame.type_id:
+            return H2ContinuationFrame
+        return config.conf.padding_layer
+    def extract_padding(self, s):
+        # type: (str) -> Tuple[str, str]
+        """
+        @param str s: the string from which to tell the padding and the payload data apart
+        @return (str, str): the padding and the payload data strings
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        assert isinstance(self.len, (int, long)) and self.len >= 0, 'Invalid length: negative len?'
+        assert len(s) >= self.len, 'Invalid length: string too short for this length'
+        return s[:self.len], s[self.len:]
+    def post_build(self, p, pay):
+        # type: (str, str) -> str
+        """
+        @param str p: the stringified packet
+        @param str pay: the stringified payload
+        @return str: the stringified packet and payload, with the packet length field "patched"
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        # This logic, while awkward in the post_build and more reasonable in
+        # a self_build is implemented here for performance tricks reason
+        if self.getfieldval('len') is None:
+            assert(len(pay) < (1 << 24)), 'Invalid length: payload is too long'
+            p = struct.pack('!L', len(pay))[1:] + p[3:]
+        return super(H2Frame, self).post_build(p, pay)
+class H2Seq(packet.Packet):
+    """ H2Seq is a helper packet that contains several H2Frames and their
+    payload. This packet can be used, for instance, while reading manually from
+    a TCP socket.
+    """
+    name = 'HTTP/2 Frame Sequence'
+    fields_desc = [
+        fields.PacketListField('frames', [], H2Frame)
+    ]
+    def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
+        # type: (str) -> base_classes.Packet_metaclass
+        return config.conf.padding_layer
+packet.bind_layers(H2Frame, H2DataFrame, {'type': H2DataFrame.type_id})
+packet.bind_layers(H2Frame, H2PaddedDataFrame, {'type': H2DataFrame.type_id})
+packet.bind_layers(H2Frame, H2HeadersFrame, {'type': H2HeadersFrame.type_id})
+packet.bind_layers(H2Frame, H2PaddedHeadersFrame, {'type': H2HeadersFrame.type_id})
+packet.bind_layers(H2Frame, H2PriorityHeadersFrame, {'type': H2HeadersFrame.type_id})
+packet.bind_layers(H2Frame, H2PaddedPriorityHeadersFrame, {'type': H2HeadersFrame.type_id})
+packet.bind_layers(H2Frame, H2PriorityFrame, {'type': H2PriorityFrame.type_id})
+packet.bind_layers(H2Frame, H2ResetFrame, {'type': H2ResetFrame.type_id})
+packet.bind_layers(H2Frame, H2SettingsFrame, {'type': H2SettingsFrame.type_id})
+packet.bind_layers(H2Frame, H2PingFrame, {'type': H2PingFrame.type_id})
+packet.bind_layers(H2Frame, H2PushPromiseFrame, {'type': H2PushPromiseFrame.type_id})
+packet.bind_layers(H2Frame, H2PaddedPushPromiseFrame, {'type': H2PaddedPushPromiseFrame.type_id})
+packet.bind_layers(H2Frame, H2GoAwayFrame, {'type': H2GoAwayFrame.type_id})
+packet.bind_layers(H2Frame, H2WindowUpdateFrame, {'type': H2WindowUpdateFrame.type_id})
+packet.bind_layers(H2Frame, H2ContinuationFrame, {'type': H2ContinuationFrame.type_id})
+########################################## HTTP/2 Connection Preface ###################################################
+# From RFC 7540 par3.5
+H2_CLIENT_CONNECTION_PREFACE = '505249202a20485454502f322e300d0a0d0a534d0d0a0d0a'.decode('hex')
+################################################### HTTP/2 Helpers #####################################################
+class HPackHdrEntry(Sized):
+    """ HPackHdrEntry is an entry of the HPackHdrTable helper
+    Each HPackHdrEntry instance is a header line (name and value). Names are
+    normalized (lowercased), according to RFC 7540 par8.1.2
+    """
+    __slots__ = ['_name', '_len', '_value']
+    def __init__(self, name, value):
+        # type: (str, str) -> None
+        """
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        assert(len(name) > 0)
+        self._name = name.lower()
+        self._value = value
+        # 32 bytes is an RFC-hardcoded value: see RFC 7541 par4.1
+        self._len = (32 + len(self._name) + len(self._value))
+    def name(self):
+        # type: () -> str
+        return self._name
+    def value(self):
+        # type: () -> str
+        return self._value
+    def size(self):
+        # type: () -> int
+        """ size returns the "length" of the header entry, as defined in
+        RFC 7541 par4.1.
+        """
+        return self._len
+    __len__ = size
+    def __str__(self):
+        # type: () -> str
+        """ __str__ returns the header as it would be formated in textual format
+        """
+        if self._name.startswith(':'):
+            return "{} {}".format(self._name, self._value)
+        else:
+            return "{}: {}".format(self._name, self._value)
+class HPackHdrTable(Sized):
+    """ HPackHdrTable is a helper class that implements some of the logic
+    associated with indexing of headers (read and write operations in this
+    "registry". THe HPackHdrTable also implements convenience functions to easily
+    convert to and from textual representation and binary representation of
+    a HTTP/2 requests
+    """
+    __slots__ = [
+        '_dynamic_table',
+        '_dynamic_table_max_size',
+        '_dynamic_table_cap_size',
+        '_regexp'
+    ]
+    """:var _dynamic_table: the list containing entries requested to be added by
+    the peer and registered with a register() call
+    :var _dynamic_table_max_size: the current maximum size of the dynamic table
+    in bytes. This value is updated with the Dynamic Table Size Update messages
+    defined in RFC 7541 par6.3
+    :var _dynamic_table_cap_size: the maximum size of the dynamic table in
+    bytes. This value is updated with the SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE HTTP/2
+    setting.
+    """
+    # Manually imported from RFC 7541 Appendix A
+    _static_entries = {
+        1: HPackHdrEntry(':authority', ''),
+        2: HPackHdrEntry(':method', 'GET'),
+        3: HPackHdrEntry(':method', 'POST'),
+        4: HPackHdrEntry(':path', '/'),
+        5: HPackHdrEntry(':path', '/index.html'),
+        6: HPackHdrEntry(':scheme', 'http'),
+        7: HPackHdrEntry(':scheme', 'https'),
+        8: HPackHdrEntry(':status', '200'),
+        9: HPackHdrEntry(':status', '204'),
+        10: HPackHdrEntry(':status', '206'),
+        11: HPackHdrEntry(':status', '304'),
+        12: HPackHdrEntry(':status', '400'),
+        13: HPackHdrEntry(':status', '404'),
+        14: HPackHdrEntry(':status', '500'),
+        15: HPackHdrEntry('accept-charset', ''),
+        16: HPackHdrEntry('accept-encoding', 'gzip, deflate'),
+        17: HPackHdrEntry('accept-language', ''),
+        18: HPackHdrEntry('accept-ranges', ''),
+        19: HPackHdrEntry('accept', ''),
+        20: HPackHdrEntry('access-control-allow-origin', ''),
+        21: HPackHdrEntry('age', ''),
+        22: HPackHdrEntry('allow', ''),
+        23: HPackHdrEntry('authorization', ''),
+        24: HPackHdrEntry('cache-control', ''),
+        25: HPackHdrEntry('content-disposition', ''),
+        26: HPackHdrEntry('content-encoding', ''),
+        27: HPackHdrEntry('content-language', ''),
+        28: HPackHdrEntry('content-length', ''),
+        29: HPackHdrEntry('content-location', ''),
+        30: HPackHdrEntry('content-range', ''),
+        31: HPackHdrEntry('content-type', ''),
+        32: HPackHdrEntry('cookie', ''),
+        33: HPackHdrEntry('date', ''),
+        34: HPackHdrEntry('etag', ''),
+        35: HPackHdrEntry('expect', ''),
+        36: HPackHdrEntry('expires', ''),
+        37: HPackHdrEntry('from', ''),
+        38: HPackHdrEntry('host', ''),
+        39: HPackHdrEntry('if-match', ''),
+        40: HPackHdrEntry('if-modified-since', ''),
+        41: HPackHdrEntry('if-none-match', ''),
+        42: HPackHdrEntry('if-range', ''),
+        43: HPackHdrEntry('if-unmodified-since', ''),
+        44: HPackHdrEntry('last-modified', ''),
+        45: HPackHdrEntry('link', ''),
+        46: HPackHdrEntry('location', ''),
+        47: HPackHdrEntry('max-forwards', ''),
+        48: HPackHdrEntry('proxy-authenticate', ''),
+        49: HPackHdrEntry('proxy-authorization', ''),
+        50: HPackHdrEntry('range', ''),
+        51: HPackHdrEntry('referer', ''),
+        52: HPackHdrEntry('refresh', ''),
+        53: HPackHdrEntry('retry-after', ''),
+        54: HPackHdrEntry('server', ''),
+        55: HPackHdrEntry('set-cookie', ''),
+        56: HPackHdrEntry('strict-transport-security', ''),
+        57: HPackHdrEntry('transfer-encoding', ''),
+        58: HPackHdrEntry('user-agent', ''),
+        59: HPackHdrEntry('vary', ''),
+        60: HPackHdrEntry('via', ''),
+        61: HPackHdrEntry('www-authenticate', ''),
+    }
+    # The value of this variable cannot be determined at declaration time. It is
+    # initialized by an init_static_table call
+    _static_entries_last_idx = None
+    _regexp = None
+    @classmethod
+    def init_static_table(cls):
+        # type: () -> None
+        cls._static_entries_last_idx = max(cls._static_entries.keys())
+    def __init__(self, dynamic_table_max_size=4096, dynamic_table_cap_size=4096):
+        # type: (int, int) -> None
+        """
+        @param int dynamic_table_max_size: the current maximum size of the dynamic entry table in bytes
+        @param int dynamic_table_cap_size: the maximum-maximum size of the dynamic entry table in bytes
+        @raises AssertionError
+        """
+        if isinstance(type(self)._static_entries_last_idx, types.NoneType):
+            type(self).init_static_table()
+        assert dynamic_table_max_size <= dynamic_table_cap_size, \
+            'EINVAL: dynamic_table_max_size too large; expected value is less or equal to dynamic_table_cap_size'
+        self._dynamic_table = []  # type: List[HPackHdrEntry]
+        self._dynamic_table_max_size = dynamic_table_max_size
+        self._dynamic_table_cap_size = dynamic_table_cap_size
+    def __getitem__(self, idx):
+        # type: (int) -> HPackHdrEntry
+        """Gets an element from the header tables (static or dynamic indifferently)
+        @param int idx: the index number of the entry to retrieve. If the index
+        value is superior to the last index of the static entry table, then the
+        dynamic entry type is requested, following the procedure described in
+        RFC 7541 par2.3.3
+        @return HPackHdrEntry: the entry defined at this requested index. If the entry does not exist, KeyError is
+          raised
+        @raise KeyError, AssertionError
+        """
+        assert(idx >= 0)
+        if idx > type(self)._static_entries_last_idx:
+            idx -= type(self)._static_entries_last_idx + 1
+            if idx >= len(self._dynamic_table):
+                raise KeyError(
+                    'EINVAL: idx: out-of-bound read: {}; maximum index: {}'.format(idx, len(self._dynamic_table))
+                )
+            return self._dynamic_table[idx]
+        return type(self)._static_entries[idx]
+    def resize(self, ns):
+        # type: (int) -> None
+        """Resize the dynamic table. If the new size (ns) must be between 0 and
+        the cap size. If the new size is lower than the current size of the
+        dynamic table, entries are evicted.
+        @param int ns: the new size of the dynamic table
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        assert 0 <= ns <= self._dynamic_table_cap_size, \
+            'EINVAL: ns: out-of-range value; expected value is in the range [0;{}['.format(self._dynamic_table_cap_size)
+        old_size = self._dynamic_table_max_size
+        self._dynamic_table_max_size = ns
+        if old_size > self._dynamic_table_max_size:
+            self._reduce_dynamic_table()
+    def recap(self, nc):
+        # type: (int) -> None
+        """recap changes the maximum size limit of the dynamic table. It also
+        proceeds to a resize(), if the new size is lower than the previous one.
+        @param int nc: the new cap of the dynamic table (that is the maximum-maximum size)
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        assert(nc >= 0)
+        t = self._dynamic_table_cap_size > nc
+        self._dynamic_table_cap_size = nc
+        if t:
+            # The RFC is not clear about whether this resize should happen;
+            # we do it anyway
+            self.resize(nc)
+    def _reduce_dynamic_table(self, new_entry_size=0):
+        # type: (int) -> None
+        """_reduce_dynamic_table evicts entries from the dynamic table until it
+        fits in less than the current size limit. The optional parameter,
+        new_entry_size, allows the resize to happen so that a new entry of this
+        size fits in.
+        @param int new_entry_size: if called before adding a new entry, the size of the new entry in bytes (following
+        the RFC7541 definition of the size of an entry)
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        assert(new_entry_size >= 0)
+        cur_sz = len(self)
+        dyn_tbl_sz = len(self._dynamic_table)
+        while dyn_tbl_sz > 0 and cur_sz + new_entry_size > self._dynamic_table_max_size:
+            last_elmt_sz = len(self._dynamic_table[-1])
+            self._dynamic_table.pop()
+            dyn_tbl_sz -= 1
+            cur_sz -= last_elmt_sz
+    def register(self, hdrs):
+        # type: (Union[HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing, H2Frame, List[HPackHeaders]]) -> None
+        """register adds to this table the instances of
+        HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing provided as parameters.
+        A H2Frame with a H2HeadersFrame payload can be provided, as much as a
+        python list of HPackHeaders or a single HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing
+        instance.
+        @param HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing|H2Frame|list of HPackHeaders hdrs: the header(s) to register
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        if isinstance(hdrs, H2Frame):
+            hdrs = [hdr for hdr in hdrs.payload.hdrs if isinstance(hdr, HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing)]
+        elif isinstance(hdrs, HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing):
+            hdrs = [hdrs]
+        else:
+            hdrs = [hdr for hdr in hdrs if isinstance(hdr, HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing)]
+        for hdr in hdrs:
+            if hdr.index == 0:
+                hdr_name = hdr.hdr_name.getfieldval('data').origin()
+            else:
+                idx = int(hdr.index)
+                hdr_name = self[idx].name()
+            hdr_value = hdr.hdr_value.getfieldval('data').origin()
+            # Note: we do not delete any existing hdrentry with the same names
+            # and values, as dictated by RFC 7541 par2.3.2
+            entry = HPackHdrEntry(hdr_name, hdr_value)
+            # According to RFC7541 par4.4, "Before a new entry is added to
+            # the dynamic table, entries are evicted
+            # from the end of the dynamic table until the size of the dynamic
+            # table is less than or equal to (maximum size - new entry size)
+            # or until the table is empty"
+            # Also, "It is not an error to attempt to add an entry that is
+            # larger than the maximum size; an attempt to add an entry larger
+            # than the maximum size causes the table to be emptied of all
+            # existing entries and results in an empty table"
+            # For this reason, we first call the _reduce_dynamic_table and
+            # then throw an assertion error if the new entry does not fit in
+            new_entry_len = len(entry)
+            self._reduce_dynamic_table(new_entry_len)
+            assert(new_entry_len <= self._dynamic_table_max_size)
+            self._dynamic_table.insert(0, entry)
+    def get_idx_by_name(self, name):
+        # type: (str) -> Optional[int]
+        """ get_idx_by_name returns the index of a matching registered header
+        This implementation will prefer returning a static entry index whenever
+        possible. If multiple matching header name are found in the static
+        table, there is insurance that the first entry (lowest index number)
+        will be returned.
+        If no matching header is found, this method returns None.
+        """
+        name = name.lower()
+        for k in type(self)._static_entries.keys():
+            if type(self)._static_entries[k].name() == name:
+                return k
+        for k in xrange(0, len(self._dynamic_table)):
+            if self._dynamic_table[k].name() == name:
+                return type(self)._static_entries_last_idx + k + 1
+        return None
+    def get_idx_by_name_and_value(self, name, value):
+        # type: (str, str) -> Optional[int]
+        """ get_idx_by_name_and_value returns the index of a matching registered
+        header
+        This implementation will prefer returning a static entry index whenever
+        possible. If multiple matching headers are found in the dynamic table,
+        the lowest index is returned
+        If no matching header is found, this method returns None.
+        """
+        name = name.lower()
+        for k in type(self)._static_entries.keys():
+            elmt = type(self)._static_entries[k]
+            if elmt.name() == name and elmt.value() == value:
+                return k
+        for k in xrange(0, len(self._dynamic_table)):
+            elmt = self._dynamic_table[k]
+            if elmt.name() == name and elmt.value() == value:
+                return type(self)._static_entries_last_idx + k + 1
+        return None
+    def __len__(self):
+        # type: () -> int
+        """ __len__ returns the summed length of all dynamic entries
+        """
+        return sum([len(x) for x in self._dynamic_table])
+    def gen_txt_repr(self, hdrs, register=True):
+        # type: (Union[H2Frame, List[HPackHeaders]], Optional[bool]) -> str
+        """ gen_txt_repr returns a "textual" representation of the provided
+        headers.
+        The output of this function is compatible with the input of
+        parse_txt_hdrs.
+        @param H2Frame|list of HPackHeaders hdrs: the list of headers to convert to textual representation
+        @param bool: whether incremental headers should be added to the dynamic table as we generate the text
+            representation
+        @return str: the textual representation of the provided headers
+        @raise AssertionError
+        """
+        l = []
+        if isinstance(hdrs, H2Frame):
+            hdrs = hdrs.payload.hdrs
+        for hdr in hdrs:
+            try:
+                if isinstance(hdr, HPackIndexedHdr):
+                    l.append('{}'.format(self[hdr.index]))
+                elif isinstance(hdr, (
+                    HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing,
+                    HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing
+                )):
+                    if hdr.index != 0:
+                        name = self[hdr.index].name()
+                    else:
+                        name = hdr.hdr_name.getfieldval('data').origin()
+                    if name.startswith(':'):
+                        l.append(
+                            '{} {}'.format(
+                                name,
+                                hdr.hdr_value.getfieldval('data').origin()
+                            )
+                        )
+                    else:
+                        l.append(
+                            '{}: {}'.format(
+                                name,
+                                hdr.hdr_value.getfieldval('data').origin()
+                            )
+                        )
+                if register and isinstance(hdr, HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing):
+                    self.register(hdr)
+            except KeyError as e:  # raised when an index is out-of-bound
+                print(e)
+                continue
+        return '\n'.join(l)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _optimize_header_length_and_packetify(s):
+        # type: (str) -> HPackHdrString
+        # type: (str) -> HPackHdrString
+        zs = HPackZString(s)
+        if len(zs) >= len(s):
+            return HPackHdrString(data=HPackLiteralString(s))
+        return HPackHdrString(data=zs)
+    def _convert_a_header_to_a_h2_header(self, hdr_name, hdr_value, is_sensitive, should_index):
+        # type: (str, str, Callable[[str, str], bool], Callable[[str], bool]) -> Tuple[HPackHeaders, int]
+        """ _convert_a_header_to_a_h2_header builds a HPackHeaders from a header
+        name and a value. It returns a HPackIndexedHdr whenever possible. If not,
+        it returns a HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing or a
+        HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing, based on the should_index callback.
+        HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing is forced if the is_sensitive callback
+        returns True and its never_index bit is set.
+        """
+        # If both name and value are already indexed
+        idx = self.get_idx_by_name_and_value(hdr_name, hdr_value)
+        if idx is not None:
+            return HPackIndexedHdr(index=idx), len(self[idx])
+        # The value is not indexed for this headers
+        hdr_value = self._optimize_header_length_and_packetify(hdr_value)
+        # Searching if the header name is indexed
+        idx = self.get_idx_by_name(hdr_name)
+        if idx is not None:
+            if is_sensitive(
+                hdr_name,
+                hdr_value.getfieldval('data').origin()
+            ):
+                return HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing(
+                    never_index=1,
+                    index=idx,
+                    hdr_value=hdr_value
+                ), len(
+                    HPackHdrEntry(
+                        self[idx].name(),
+                        hdr_value.getfieldval('data').origin()
+                    )
+                )
+            if should_index(hdr_name):
+                return HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(
+                    index=idx,
+                    hdr_value=hdr_value
+                ), len(
+                    HPackHdrEntry(
+                        self[idx].name(),
+                        hdr_value.getfieldval('data').origin()
+                    )
+                )
+            return HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing(
+                index=idx,
+                hdr_value=hdr_value
+            ), len(
+                HPackHdrEntry(
+                    self[idx].name(),
+                    hdr_value.getfieldval('data').origin()
+                )
+            )
+        hdr_name = self._optimize_header_length_and_packetify(hdr_name)
+        if is_sensitive(
+            hdr_name.getfieldval('data').origin(),
+            hdr_value.getfieldval('data').origin()
+        ):
+            return HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing(
+                never_index=1,
+                index=0,
+                hdr_name=hdr_name,
+                hdr_value=hdr_value
+            ), len(
+                HPackHdrEntry(
+                    hdr_name.getfieldval('data').origin(),
+                    hdr_value.getfieldval('data').origin()
+                )
+            )
+        if should_index(hdr_name.getfieldval('data').origin()):
+            return HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(
+                index=0,
+                hdr_name=hdr_name,
+                hdr_value=hdr_value
+            ), len(
+                HPackHdrEntry(
+                    hdr_name.getfieldval('data').origin(),
+                    hdr_value.getfieldval('data').origin()
+                )
+            )
+        return HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing(
+            index=0,
+            hdr_name=hdr_name,
+            hdr_value=hdr_value
+        ), len(
+            HPackHdrEntry(
+                hdr_name.getfieldval('data').origin(),
+                hdr_value.getfieldval('data').origin()
+            )
+        )
+    def _parse_header_line(self, l):
+        # type: (str) -> Union[Tuple[None, None], Tuple[str, str]]
+        if type(self)._regexp is None:
+            type(self)._regexp = re.compile(r'^(?::([a-z\-0-9]+)|([a-z\-0-9]+):)\s+(.+)$')
+        hdr_line = l.rstrip()
+        grp = type(self)._regexp.match(hdr_line)
+        if grp is None or len(grp.groups()) != 3:
+            return None, None
+        if grp.group(1) is not None:
+            hdr_name = ':'+grp.group(1)
+        else:
+            hdr_name = grp.group(2)
+        return hdr_name.lower(), grp.group(3)
+    def parse_txt_hdrs(self,
+                       s,  # type: str
+                       stream_id=1,  # type: int
+                       body=None,  # type: Optional[str]
+                       max_frm_sz=4096,  # type: int
+                       max_hdr_lst_sz=0,  # type: int
+                       is_sensitive=lambda n, v: False,  # type: Callable[[str, str], bool]
+                       should_index=lambda x: False,  # type: Callable[[str], bool]
+                       register=True,  # type: bool
+    ):
+        # type: (...) -> H2Seq
+        """ parse_txt_hdrs parses headers expressed in text and converts them
+        into a series of H2Frames with the "correct" flags. A body can be provided
+        in which case, the data frames are added, bearing the End Stream flag,
+        instead of the H2HeadersFrame/H2ContinuationFrame. The generated frames
+        may respect max_frm_sz (SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE) and
+        max_hdr_lst_sz (SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE) if provided. The headers
+        are split into multiple headers fragment (and H2Frames) to respect these
+        limits. Also, a callback can be provided to tell if a header should be
+        never indexed (sensitive headers, such as cookies), and another callback
+        say if the header should be registered into the index table at all.
+        For an header to be registered, the is_sensitive callback must return
+        False AND the should_index callback should return True. This is the
+        default behavior.
+        @param str s: the string to parse for headers
+        @param int stream_id: the stream id to use in the generated H2Frames
+        @param str|None body: the eventual body of the request, that is added to the generated frames
+        @param int max_frm_sz: the maximum frame size. This is used to split the headers and data frames according to
+        the maximum frame size negociated for this connection
+        @param int max_hdr_lst_sz: the maximum size of a "header fragment" as defined in RFC7540
+        @param callable is_sensitive: callback that returns True if the provided header is sensible and must be stored
+        in a header packet requesting this header never to be indexed
+        @param callable should_index: callback that returns True if the provided header should be stored in a header
+        packet requesting indexation in the dynamic header table.
+        @param bool register: whether to register new headers with incremental indexing as we parse them
+        @raise Exception
+        """
+        sio = StringIO.StringIO(s)
+        base_frm_len = len(str(H2Frame()))
+        ret = H2Seq()
+        cur_frm = H2HeadersFrame()  # type: Union[H2HeadersFrame, H2ContinuationFrame]
+        cur_hdr_sz = 0
+        # For each line in the headers str to parse
+        for hdr_line in sio:
+            hdr_name, hdr_value = self._parse_header_line(hdr_line)
+            if hdr_name is None:
+                continue
+            new_hdr, new_hdr_len = self._convert_a_header_to_a_h2_header(
+                hdr_name, hdr_value, is_sensitive, should_index
+            )
+            new_hdr_bin_len = len(str(new_hdr))
+            if register and isinstance(new_hdr, HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing):
+                self.register(new_hdr)
+            # The new header binary length (+ base frame size) must not exceed
+            # the maximum frame size or it will just never fit. Also, the
+            # header entry length (as specified in RFC7540 par6.5.2) must not
+            # exceed the maximum length of a header fragment or it will just
+            # never fit
+            if (new_hdr_bin_len + base_frm_len > max_frm_sz
+                or (max_hdr_lst_sz != 0 and new_hdr_len > max_hdr_lst_sz)
+            ):
+                raise Exception('Header too long: {}'.format(hdr_name))
+            if (max_frm_sz < len(str(cur_frm)) + base_frm_len + new_hdr_len
+                or (
+                    max_hdr_lst_sz != 0
+                    and max_hdr_lst_sz < cur_hdr_sz + new_hdr_len
+                )
+            ):
+                flags = set()
+                if isinstance(cur_frm, H2HeadersFrame) and not body:
+                    flags.add('ES')
+                ret.frames.append(H2Frame(stream_id=stream_id, flags=flags)/cur_frm)
+                cur_frm = H2ContinuationFrame()
+                cur_hdr_sz = 0
+            hdr_list = cur_frm.hdrs
+            hdr_list += new_hdr
+            cur_hdr_sz += new_hdr_len
+        flags = {'EH'}
+        if isinstance(cur_frm, H2HeadersFrame) and not body:
+            flags.add('ES')
+        ret.frames.append(H2Frame(stream_id=stream_id, flags=flags)/cur_frm)
+        if body:
+            base_data_frm_len = len(str(H2DataFrame()))
+            sio = StringIO.StringIO(body)
+            frgmt = sio.read(max_frm_sz - base_data_frm_len - base_frm_len)
+            while frgmt:
+                nxt_frgmt = sio.read(max_frm_sz - base_data_frm_len - base_frm_len)
+                flags = set()
+                if len(nxt_frgmt) == 0:
+                    flags.add('ES')
+                ret.frames.append(
+                    H2Frame(stream_id=stream_id, flags=flags)/H2DataFrame(data=frgmt)
+                )
+                frgmt = nxt_frgmt
+        return ret
diff --git a/scapy/contrib/http2.uts b/scapy/contrib/http2.uts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..58cd91affdcf19d4e4002e92117d627cfebfd498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scapy/contrib/http2.uts
@@ -0,0 +1,2319 @@
+% HTTP/2 Campaign
+# Frames expressed as binary str were generated using the solicit and hpack-rs
+# Rust crates (https://github.com/mlalic/solicit, https://github.com/mlalic/hpack-rs)
+# except Continuation Frames, Priority Frames and Push Promise Frames that we generated
+# using Go x/net/http2 and x/net/http2/hpack modules.
++ Syntax check
+= Configuring Scapy
+~ http2 frame hpack build dissect data headers priority settings rststream pushpromise ping goaway winupdate continuation hpackhdrtable helpers
+import scapy.config
+import scapy.packet
+import scapy.fields
+import scapy.contrib.http2 as h2
+import re
+flags_bit_pattern = re.compile(r'''^\s+flags\s+=\s+\[.*['"]bit [0-9]+['"].*\]$''', re.M)
+def expect_exception(e, c):
+    try:
+        eval(c)
+        return False
+    except e:
+        return True
++ HTTP/2 UVarIntField Test Suite
+= HTTP/2 UVarIntField.any2i
+~ http2 frame field uvarintfield
+f = h2.UVarIntField('value', 0, 5)
+expect_exception(AssertionError, 'f.any2i(None, None)')
+assert(f.any2i(None, 0) == 0)
+assert(f.any2i(None, 3) == 3)
+assert(f.any2i(None, 1<<5) == 1<<5)
+assert(f.any2i(None, 1<<16) == 1<<16)
+f = h2.UVarIntField('value', 0, 8)
+assert(f.any2i(None, '\x1E') == 30)
+= HTTP/2 UVarIntField.m2i on full byte
+~ http2 frame field uvarintfield
+f = h2.UVarIntField('value', 0, 8)
+assert(f.m2i(None, '\x00') == 0)
+assert(f.m2i(None, '\x03') == 3)
+assert(f.m2i(None, '\xFE') == 254)
+assert(f.m2i(None, '\xFF\x00') == 255)
+assert(f.m2i(None, '\xFF\xFF\x03') == 766) #0xFF + (0xFF ^ 0x80) + (3<<7)
+= HTTP/2 UVarIntField.m2i on partial byte
+~ http2 frame field uvarintfield
+f = h2.UVarIntField('value', 0, 5)
+assert(f.m2i(None, ('\x00', 3)) == 0)
+assert(f.m2i(None, ('\x03', 3)) == 3)
+assert(f.m2i(None, ('\x1e', 3)) == 30)
+assert(f.m2i(None, ('\x1f\x00', 3)) == 31)
+assert(f.m2i(None, ('\x1f\xe1\xff\x03', 3)) == 65536)
+= HTTP/2 UVarIntField.getfield on full byte
+~ http2 frame field uvarintfield
+f = h2.UVarIntField('value', 0, 8)
+r = f.getfield(None, '\x00\x00')
+assert(r[0] == '\x00')
+assert(r[1] == 0)
+r = f.getfield(None, '\x03\x00')
+assert(r[0] == '\x00')
+assert(r[1] == 3)
+r = f.getfield(None, '\xFE\x00')
+assert(r[0] == '\x00')
+assert(r[1] == 254)
+r = f.getfield(None, '\xFF\x00\x00')
+assert(r[0] == '\x00')
+assert(r[1] == 255)
+r = f.getfield(None, '\xFF\xFF\x03\x00')
+assert(r[0] == '\x00')
+assert(r[1] == 766)
+= HTTP/2 UVarIntField.getfield on partial byte
+~ http2 frame field uvarintfield
+f = h2.UVarIntField('value', 0, 5)
+r = f.getfield(None, ('\x00\x00', 3))
+assert(r[0] == '\x00')
+assert(r[1] == 0)
+r = f.getfield(None, ('\x03\x00', 3))
+assert(r[0] == '\x00')
+assert(r[1] == 3)
+r = f.getfield(None, ('\x1e\x00', 3))
+assert(r[0] == '\x00')
+assert(r[1] == 30)
+r = f.getfield(None, ('\x1f\x00\x00', 3))
+assert(r[0] == '\x00')
+assert(r[1] == 31)
+r = f.getfield(None, ('\x1f\xe1\xff\x03\x00', 3))
+assert(r[0] == '\x00')
+assert(r[1] == 65536)
+= HTTP/2 UVarIntField.i2m on full byte
+~ http2 frame field uvarintfield
+f = h2.UVarIntField('value', 0, 8)
+assert(f.i2m(None, 0) == '\x00')
+assert(f.i2m(None, 3) == '\x03')
+assert(f.i2m(None, 254).lower() == '\xfe')
+assert(f.i2m(None, 255).lower() == '\xff\x00')
+assert(f.i2m(None, 766).lower() == '\xff\xff\x03')
+= HTTP/2 UVarIntField.i2m on partial byte
+~ http2 frame field uvarintfield
+f = h2.UVarIntField('value', 0, 5)
+assert(f.i2m(None, 0) == '\x00')
+assert(f.i2m(None, 3) == '\x03')
+assert(f.i2m(None, 30).lower() == '\x1e')
+assert(f.i2m(None, 31).lower() == '\x1f\x00')
+assert(f.i2m(None, 65536).lower() == '\x1f\xe1\xff\x03')
+= HTTP/2 UVarIntField.addfield on full byte
+~ http2 frame field uvarintfield
+f = h2.UVarIntField('value', 0, 8)
+assert(f.addfield(None, 'toto', 0) == 'toto\x00')
+assert(f.addfield(None, 'toto', 3) == 'toto\x03')
+assert(f.addfield(None, 'toto', 254).lower() == 'toto\xfe')
+assert(f.addfield(None, 'toto', 255).lower() == 'toto\xff\x00')
+assert(f.addfield(None, 'toto', 766).lower() == 'toto\xff\xff\x03')
+= HTTP/2 UVarIntField.addfield on partial byte
+~ http2 frame field uvarintfield
+f = h2.UVarIntField('value', 0, 5)
+assert(f.addfield(None, ('toto', 3, 4), 0) == 'toto\x80')
+assert(f.addfield(None, ('toto', 3, 4), 3) == 'toto\x83')
+assert(f.addfield(None, ('toto', 3, 4), 30).lower() == 'toto\x9e')
+assert(f.addfield(None, ('toto', 3, 4), 31).lower() == 'toto\x9f\x00')
+assert(f.addfield(None, ('toto', 3, 4), 65536).lower() == 'toto\x9f\xe1\xff\x03')
+= HTTP/2 UVarIntField.i2len on full byte
+~ http2 frame field uvarintfield
+f = h2.UVarIntField('value', 0, 8)
+assert(f.i2len(None, 0) == 1)
+assert(f.i2len(None, 3) == 1)
+assert(f.i2len(None, 254) == 1)
+assert(f.i2len(None, 255) == 2)
+assert(f.i2len(None, 766) == 3)
+= HTTP/2 UVarIntField.i2len on partial byte
+~ http2 frame field uvarintfield
+f = h2.UVarIntField('value', 0, 5)
+assert(f.i2len(None, 0) == 1)
+assert(f.i2len(None, 3) == 1)
+assert(f.i2len(None, 30) == 1)
+assert(f.i2len(None, 31) == 2)
+assert(f.i2len(None, 65536) == 4)
++ HTTP/2 FieldUVarLenField Test Suite
+= HTTP/2 FieldUVarLenField.i2m without adjustment
+~ http2 frame field fielduvarlenfield
+f = h2.FieldUVarLenField('len', None, 8, length_of='data')
+class TrivialPacket(Packet):
+    name = 'Trivial Packet'
+    fields_desc= [
+        f,
+        StrField('data', '')
+    ]
+assert(f.i2m(TrivialPacket(data='a'*5), None) == '\x05')
+assert(f.i2m(TrivialPacket(data='a'*255), None).lower() == '\xff\x00')
+assert(f.i2m(TrivialPacket(data='a'), 2) == '\x02')
+assert(f.i2m(None, 2) == '\x02')
+assert(f.i2m(None, 0) == '\x00')
+= HTTP/2 FieldUVarLenField.i2m with adjustment
+~ http2 frame field fielduvarlenfield
+class TrivialPacket(Packet):
+    name = 'Trivial Packet'
+    fields_desc= [
+        f,
+        StrField('data', '')
+    ]
+f = h2.FieldUVarLenField('value', None, 8, length_of='data', adjust=lambda x: x-1)
+assert(f.i2m(TrivialPacket(data='a'*5), None) == '\x04')
+assert(f.i2m(TrivialPacket(data='a'*255), None).lower() == '\xfe')
+#Adjustement does not affect non-None value!
+assert(f.i2m(TrivialPacket(data='a'*3), 2) == '\x02')
++ HTTP/2 HPackZString Test Suite
+= HTTP/2 HPackZString Compression
+~ http2 hpack huffman
+string = 'Test'
+s = h2.HPackZString(string)
+assert(len(s) == 3)
+assert(str(s) == "\xdeT'")
+assert(s.origin() == string)
+string = 'a'*65535
+s = h2.HPackZString(string)
+assert(len(s) == 40960)
+assert(str(s) == ('\x18\xc61\x8cc' * 8191) + '\x18\xc61\x8c\x7f')
+assert(s.origin() == string)
+= HTTP/2 HPackZString Decompression
+~ http2 hpack huffman
+s = "\xdeT'"
+i, ibl = h2.HPackZString.huffman_conv2bitstring(s)
+assert('Test' == h2.HPackZString.huffman_decode(i, ibl))
+s = ('\x18\xc61\x8cc' * 8191) + '\x18\xc61\x8c\x7f'
+i, ibl = h2.HPackZString.huffman_conv2bitstring(s)
+assert('a'*65535 == h2.HPackZString.huffman_decode(i, ibl))
+    expect_exception(h2.InvalidEncodingException,
+    'h2.HPackZString.huffman_decode(*h2.HPackZString.huffman_conv2bitstring("\xdeT"))')
++ HTTP/2 HPackStrLenField Test Suite
+= HTTP/2 HPackStrLenField.m2i
+~ http2 hpack field hpackstrlenfield
+f = h2.HPackStrLenField('data', h2.HPackLiteralString(''), length_from=lambda p: p.len, type_from='type')
+class TrivialPacket(Packet):
+    name = 'Trivial Packet'
+    fields_desc = [
+        IntField('type', None),
+        IntField('len', None),
+        f
+    ]
+s = f.m2i(TrivialPacket(type=0, len=4), 'Test')
+assert(isinstance(s, h2.HPackLiteralString))
+assert(s.origin() == 'Test')
+s = f.m2i(TrivialPacket(type=1, len=3), "\xdeT'")
+assert(isinstance(s, h2.HPackZString))
+assert(s.origin() == 'Test')
+= HTTP/2 HPackStrLenField.any2i
+~ http2 hpack field hpackstrlenfield
+f = h2.HPackStrLenField('data', h2.HPackLiteralString(''), length_from=lambda p: p.len, type_from='type')
+class TrivialPacket(Packet):
+    name = 'Trivial Packet'
+    fields_desc = [
+        IntField('type', None),
+        IntField('len', None),
+        f
+    ]
+s = f.any2i(TrivialPacket(type=0, len=4), 'Test')
+assert(isinstance(s, h2.HPackLiteralString))
+assert(s.origin() == 'Test')
+s = f.any2i(TrivialPacket(type=1, len=3), "\xdeT'")
+assert(isinstance(s, h2.HPackZString))
+assert(s.origin() == 'Test')
+s = h2.HPackLiteralString('Test')
+s2 = f.any2i(TrivialPacket(type=0, len=4), s)
+assert(s.origin() == s2.origin())
+s = h2.HPackZString('Test')
+s2 = f.any2i(TrivialPacket(type=1, len=3), s)
+assert(s.origin() == s2.origin())
+s = h2.HPackLiteralString('Test')
+s2 = f.any2i(None, s)
+assert(s.origin() == s2.origin())
+s = h2.HPackZString('Test')
+s2 = f.any2i(None, s)
+assert(s.origin() == s2.origin())
+# Verifies that one can fuzz
+s = h2.HPackLiteralString('Test')
+s2 = f.any2i(TrivialPacket(type=1, len=1), s)
+assert(s.origin() == s2.origin())
+= HTTP/2 HPackStrLenField.i2m
+~ http2 hpack field hpackstrlenfield
+f = h2.HPackStrLenField('data', h2.HPackLiteralString(''), length_from=lambda p: p.len, type_from='type')
+s = 'Test'
+s2 = f.i2m(None, h2.HPackLiteralString(s))
+assert(s == s2)
+s = 'Test'
+s2 = f.i2m(None, h2.HPackZString(s))
+assert(s2 == "\xdeT'")
+= HTTP/2 HPackStrLenField.addfield
+~ http2 hpack field hpackstrlenfield
+f = h2.HPackStrLenField('data', h2.HPackLiteralString(''), length_from=lambda p: p.len, type_from='type')
+s = 'Test'
+s2 = f.addfield(None, 'toto', h2.HPackLiteralString(s))
+assert('toto' + s == s2)
+s = 'Test'
+s2 = f.addfield(None, 'toto', h2.HPackZString(s))
+assert(s2 == "toto\xdeT'")
+= HTTP/2 HPackStrLenField.getfield
+~ http2 hpack field hpackstrlenfield
+f = h2.HPackStrLenField('data', h2.HPackLiteralString(''), length_from=lambda p: p.len, type_from='type')
+class TrivialPacket(Packet):
+    name = 'Trivial Packet'
+    fields_desc = [
+        IntField('type', None),
+        IntField('len', None),
+        f
+    ]
+r = f.getfield(TrivialPacket(type=0, len=4), 'TestToto')
+assert(isinstance(r, tuple))
+assert(r[0] == 'Toto')
+assert(isinstance(r[1], h2.HPackLiteralString))
+assert(r[1].origin() == 'Test')
+r = f.getfield(TrivialPacket(type=1, len=3), "\xdeT'Toto")
+assert(isinstance(r, tuple))
+assert(r[0] == 'Toto')
+assert(isinstance(r[1], h2.HPackZString))
+assert(r[1].origin() == 'Test')
+= HTTP/2 HPackStrLenField.i2h / i2repr
+~ http2 hpack field hpackstrlenfield
+f = h2.HPackStrLenField('data', h2.HPackLiteralString(''), length_from=lambda p: p.len, type_from='type')
+s = 'Test'
+assert(f.i2h(None, h2.HPackLiteralString(s)) == 'HPackLiteralString(Test)')
+assert(f.i2repr(None, h2.HPackLiteralString(s)) == repr('HPackLiteralString(Test)'))
+assert(f.i2h(None, h2.HPackZString(s)) == 'HPackZString(Test)')
+assert(f.i2repr(None, h2.HPackZString(s)) == repr('HPackZString(Test)'))
+= HTTP/2 HPackStrLenField.i2len
+~ http2 hpack field hpackstrlenfield
+f = h2.HPackStrLenField('data', h2.HPackLiteralString(''), length_from=lambda p: p.len, type_from='type')
+s = 'Test'
+assert(f.i2len(None, h2.HPackLiteralString(s)) == 4)
+assert(f.i2len(None, h2.HPackZString(s)) == 3)
++ HTTP/2 HPackMagicBitField Test Suite
+# Magic bits are not supposed to be modified and if they are anyway, they must
+# be assigned the magic|default value only...
+= HTTP/2 HPackMagicBitField.addfield
+~ http2 hpack field hpackmagicbitfield
+f = h2.HPackMagicBitField('value', 3, 2)
+r = f.addfield(None, 'toto', 3)
+assert(isinstance(r, tuple))
+assert(r[0] == 'toto')
+assert(r[1] == 2)
+assert(r[2] == 3)
+r = f.addfield(None, ('toto', 2, 1) , 3)
+assert(isinstance(r, tuple))
+assert(r[0] == 'toto')
+assert(r[1] == 4)
+assert(r[2] == 7)
+assert(expect_exception(AssertionError, 'f.addfield(None, "toto", 2)'))
+= HTTP/2 HPackMagicBitField.getfield
+~ http2 hpack field hpackmagicbitfield
+f = h2.HPackMagicBitField('value', 3, 2)
+r = f.getfield(None, '\xc0')
+assert(isinstance(r, tuple))
+assert(len(r) == 2)
+assert(isinstance(r[0], tuple))
+assert(len(r[0]) == 2)
+assert(r[0][0] == '\xc0')
+assert(r[0][1] == 2)
+assert(r[1] == 3)
+r = f.getfield(None, ('\x03', 6))
+assert(isinstance(r, tuple))
+assert(len(r) == 2)
+assert(isinstance(r[0], str))
+assert(r[0] == '')
+assert(r[1] == 3)
+expect_exception(AssertionError, 'f.getfield(None, "\x80")')
+= HTTP/2 HPackMagicBitField.h2i
+~ http2 hpack field hpackmagicbitfield
+f = h2.HPackMagicBitField('value', 3, 2)
+assert(f.h2i(None, 3) == 3)
+expect_exception(AssertionError, 'f.h2i(None, 2)')
+= HTTP/2 HPackMagicBitField.m2i
+~ http2 hpack field hpackmagicbitfield
+f = h2.HPackMagicBitField('value', 3, 2)
+assert(f.m2i(None, 3) == 3)
+expect_exception(AssertionError, 'f.m2i(None, 2)')
+= HTTP/2 HPackMagicBitField.i2m
+~ http2 hpack field hpackmagicbitfield
+f = h2.HPackMagicBitField('value', 3, 2)
+assert(f.i2m(None, 3) == 3)
+expect_exception(AssertionError, 'f.i2m(None, 2)')
+= HTTP/2 HPackMagicBitField.any2i
+~ http2 hpack field hpackmagicbitfield
+f = h2.HPackMagicBitField('value', 3, 2)
+assert(f.any2i(None, 3) == 3)
+expect_exception(AssertionError, 'f.any2i(None, 2)')
++ HTTP/2 HPackHdrString Test Suite
+= HTTP/2 Dissect HPackHdrString
+~ http2 pack dissect hpackhdrstring
+p = h2.HPackHdrString('\x04Test')
+assert(p.type == 0)
+assert(p.len == 4)
+assert(isinstance(p.getfieldval('data'), h2.HPackLiteralString))
+assert(p.getfieldval('data').origin() == 'Test')
+p = h2.HPackHdrString("\x83\xdeT'")
+assert(p.type == 1)
+assert(p.len == 3)
+assert(isinstance(p.getfieldval('data'), h2.HPackZString))
+assert(p.getfieldval('data').origin() == 'Test')
+= HTTP/2 Build HPackHdrString
+~ http2 hpack build hpackhdrstring
+p = h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('Test'))
+assert(str(p) == '\x04Test')
+p = h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString('Test'))
+assert(str(p) == "\x83\xdeT'")
+#Fuzzing-able tests
+p = h2.HPackHdrString(type=1, len=3, data=h2.HPackLiteralString('Test'))
+assert(str(p) == '\x83Test')
++ HTTP/2 HPackIndexedHdr Test Suite
+= HTTP/2 Dissect HPackIndexedHdr
+~ http2 hpack dissect hpackindexedhdr
+p = h2.HPackIndexedHdr('\x80')
+assert(p.magic == 1)
+assert(p.index == 0)
+p = h2.HPackIndexedHdr('\xFF\x00')
+assert(p.magic == 1)
+assert(p.index == 127)
+= HTTP/2 Build HPackIndexedHdr
+~ http2 hpack build hpackindexedhdr
+p = h2.HPackIndexedHdr(index=0)
+assert(str(p) == '\x80')
+p = h2.HPackIndexedHdr(index=127)
+assert(str(p) == '\xFF\x00')
++ HTTP/2 HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing Test Suite
+= HTTP/2 Dissect HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing without indexed name
+~ http2 hpack dissect hpacklithdrfldwithincrindexing
+p = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing('\x40\x04Test\x04Toto')
+assert(p.magic == 1)
+assert(p.index == 0)
+assert(isinstance(p.hdr_name, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(p.hdr_name.type == 0)
+assert(p.hdr_name.len == 4)
+assert(p.hdr_name.getfieldval('data').origin() == 'Test')
+assert(isinstance(p.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(p.hdr_value.type == 0)
+assert(p.hdr_value.len == 4)
+assert(p.hdr_value.getfieldval('data').origin() == 'Toto')
+= HTTP/2 Dissect HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing with indexed name
+~ http2 hpack dissect hpacklithdrfldwithincrindexing
+p = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing('\x41\x04Toto')
+assert(p.magic == 1)
+assert(p.index == 1)
+assert(p.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(p.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(p.hdr_value.type == 0)
+assert(p.hdr_value.len == 4)
+assert(p.hdr_value.getfieldval('data').origin() == 'Toto')
+= HTTP/2 Build HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing without indexed name
+~ http2 hpack build hpacklithdrfldwithincrindexing
+p = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(
+    hdr_name=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('Test')),
+    hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('Toto'))
+assert(str(p) == '\x40\x04Test\x04Toto')
+= HTTP/2 Build HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing with indexed name
+~ http2 hpack build hpacklithdrfldwithincrindexing
+p = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(
+    index=1,
+    hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('Toto'))
+assert(str(p) == '\x41\x04Toto')
++ HTTP/2 HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing Test Suite
+= HTTP/2 Dissect HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing : don't index and no index
+~ http2 hpack dissect hpacklithdrfldwithoutindexing
+p = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing('\x00\x04Test\x04Toto')
+assert(p.magic == 0)
+assert(p.never_index == 0)
+assert(p.index == 0)
+assert(isinstance(p.hdr_name, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(p.hdr_name.type == 0)
+assert(p.hdr_name.len == 4)
+assert(isinstance(p.hdr_name.getfieldval('data'), h2.HPackLiteralString))
+assert(p.hdr_name.getfieldval('data').origin() == 'Test')
+assert(isinstance(p.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(p.hdr_value.type == 0)
+assert(p.hdr_value.len == 4)
+assert(isinstance(p.hdr_value.getfieldval('data'), h2.HPackLiteralString))
+assert(p.hdr_value.getfieldval('data').origin() == 'Toto')
+= HTTP/2 Dissect HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing : never index index and no index
+~ http2 hpack dissect hpacklithdrfldwithoutindexing
+p = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing('\x10\x04Test\x04Toto')
+assert(p.magic == 0)
+assert(p.never_index == 1)
+assert(p.index == 0)
+assert(isinstance(p.hdr_name, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(p.hdr_name.type == 0)
+assert(p.hdr_name.len == 4)
+assert(isinstance(p.hdr_name.getfieldval('data'), h2.HPackLiteralString))
+assert(p.hdr_name.getfieldval('data').origin() == 'Test')
+assert(isinstance(p.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(p.hdr_value.type == 0)
+assert(p.hdr_value.len == 4)
+assert(isinstance(p.hdr_value.getfieldval('data'), h2.HPackLiteralString))
+assert(p.hdr_value.getfieldval('data').origin() == 'Toto')
+= HTTP/2 Dissect HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing : never index and indexed name
+~ http2 hpack dissect hpacklithdrfldwithoutindexing
+p = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing('\x11\x04Toto')
+assert(p.magic == 0)
+assert(p.never_index == 1)
+assert(p.index == 1)
+assert(p.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(p.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(p.hdr_value.type == 0)
+assert(p.hdr_value.len == 4)
+assert(isinstance(p.hdr_value.getfieldval('data'), h2.HPackLiteralString))
+assert(p.hdr_value.getfieldval('data').origin() == 'Toto')
+= HTTP/2 Build HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing : don't index and no index
+~ http2 hpack build hpacklithdrfldwithoutindexing
+p = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing(
+    hdr_name=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('Test')),
+    hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('Toto'))
+assert(str(p) == '\x00\x04Test\x04Toto')
+= HTTP/2 Build HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing : never index index and no index
+~ http2 hpack build hpacklithdrfldwithoutindexing
+p = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing(
+    never_index=1,
+    hdr_name=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('Test')),
+    hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('Toto'))
+assert(str(p) == '\x10\x04Test\x04Toto')
+= HTTP/2 Build HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing : never index and indexed name
+~ http2 hpack build hpacklithdrfldwithoutindexing
+p = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing(
+    never_index=1,
+    index=1,
+    hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('Toto'))
+assert(str(p) == '\x11\x04Toto')
++ HTTP/2 HPackDynamicSizeUpdate Test Suite
+= HTTP/2 Dissect HPackDynamicSizeUpdate
+~ http2 hpack dissect hpackdynamicsizeupdate
+p = h2.HPackDynamicSizeUpdate('\x25')
+assert(p.magic == 1)
+assert(p.max_size == 5)
+p = h2.HPackDynamicSizeUpdate('\x3F\x00')
+assert(p.magic == 1)
+assert(p.max_size == 31)
+= HTTP/2 Build HPackDynamicSizeUpdate
+~ http2 hpack build hpackdynamicsizeupdate
+p = h2.HPackDynamicSizeUpdate(max_size=5)
+assert(str(p) == '\x25')
+p = h2.HPackDynamicSizeUpdate(max_size=31)
+assert(str(p) == '\x3F\x00')
++ HTTP/2 Data Frame Test Suite
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Data Frame: Simple data frame
+~ http2 frame dissect data
+pkt = h2.H2Frame('\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01ABCD')
+assert(pkt.type == 0)
+assert(pkt.len == 4)
+assert(len(pkt.flags) == 0)
+assert(pkt.reserved == 0)
+assert(pkt.stream_id == 1)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload, h2.H2DataFrame))
+assert(pkt.payload.data == 'ABCD')
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload.payload, scapy.packet.NoPayload))
+= HTTP/2 Build Data Frame: Simple data frame
+~ http2 frame build data
+pkt = h2.H2Frame(stream_id = 1)/h2.H2DataFrame(data='ABCD')
+assert(str(pkt) == '\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01ABCD')
+    pkt.show2(dump=True)
+    assert(True)
+    assert(False)
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Data Frame: Simple data frame with padding
+~ http2 frame dissect data
+pkt = h2.H2Frame('\x00\x00\r\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\x01\x08ABCD\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') #Padded data frame
+assert(pkt.type == 0)
+assert(pkt.len == 13)
+assert(len(pkt.flags) ==  1)
+assert('P' in pkt.flags)
+assert(pkt.reserved == 0)
+assert(pkt.stream_id == 1)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload, h2.H2PaddedDataFrame))
+assert(pkt.payload.padlen == 8)
+assert(pkt.payload.data == 'ABCD')
+assert(pkt.payload.padding == '\x00'*8)
+assert(flags_bit_pattern.search(pkt.show(dump=True)) is None)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload.payload, scapy.packet.NoPayload))
+= HTTP/2 Build Data Frame: Simple data frame with padding
+~ http2 frame build data
+pkt = h2.H2Frame(flags = {'P'}, stream_id = 1)/h2.H2PaddedDataFrame(data='ABCD', padding='\x00'*8)
+assert(str(pkt) == '\x00\x00\r\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\x01\x08ABCD\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')
+    pkt.show2(dump=True)
+    assert(True)
+    assert(False)
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Data Frame: Simple data frame with padding and end stream flag
+~ http2 frame dissect data
+pkt = h2.H2Frame('\x00\x00\r\x00\t\x00\x00\x00\x01\x08ABCD\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') #Padded data frame with end stream flag
+assert(pkt.type == 0)
+assert(pkt.len == 13)
+assert(len(pkt.flags) == 2)
+assert('P' in pkt.flags)
+assert('ES' in pkt.flags)
+assert(pkt.reserved == 0)
+assert(pkt.stream_id == 1)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload, h2.H2PaddedDataFrame))
+assert(pkt.payload.padlen == 8)
+assert(pkt.payload.data == 'ABCD')
+assert(pkt.payload.padding == '\x00'*8)
+assert(flags_bit_pattern.search(pkt.show(dump=True)) is None)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload.payload, scapy.packet.NoPayload))
+= HTTP/2 Build Data Frame: Simple data frame with padding and end stream flag
+~ http2 frame build data
+pkt = h2.H2Frame(flags = {'P', 'ES'}, stream_id=1)/h2.H2PaddedDataFrame(data='ABCD', padding='\x00'*8)
+assert(str(pkt) == '\x00\x00\r\x00\t\x00\x00\x00\x01\x08ABCD\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')
+    pkt.show2(dump=True)
+    assert(True)
+    assert(False)
++ HTTP/2 Headers Frame Test Suite
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Headers Frame: Simple header frame
+~ http2 frame dissect headers
+pkt = h2.H2Frame('\x00\x00\x0e\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x88\x0f\x10\ntext/plain') #Header frame
+assert(pkt.type == 1)
+assert(pkt.len == 14)
+assert(len(pkt.flags) == 0)
+assert(pkt.reserved == 0)
+assert(pkt.stream_id == 1)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload, h2.H2HeadersFrame))
+hf = pkt[h2.H2HeadersFrame]
+assert(len(hf.hdrs) == 2)
+assert(isinstance(hf.hdrs[0], h2.HPackIndexedHdr))
+assert(hf.hdrs[0].magic == 1)
+assert(hf.hdrs[0].index == 8)
+assert(isinstance(hf.hdrs[1], h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hf.hdrs[1].magic == 0)
+assert(hf.hdrs[1].never_index == 0)
+assert(hf.hdrs[1].index == 31)
+assert(hf.hdrs[1].hdr_name is None)
+assert(expect_exception(AttributeError, 'hf.hdrs[1].non_existant'))
+assert(isinstance(hf.hdrs[1].hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+s = hf.hdrs[1].hdr_value
+assert(s.type == 0)
+assert(s.len == 10)
+assert(s.getfieldval('data').origin() == 'text/plain')
+assert(isinstance(hf.payload, scapy.packet.NoPayload))
+= HTTP/2 Build Headers Frame: Simple header frame
+~ http2 frame build headers
+p = h2.H2Frame(stream_id=1)/h2.H2HeadersFrame(hdrs=[
+        h2.HPackIndexedHdr(index=8),
+        h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing(
+            index=31,
+            hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('text/plain'))
+        )
+    ]
+assert(str(p) == '\x00\x00\x0e\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x88\x0f\x10\ntext/plain')
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Headers Frame: Header frame with padding
+~ http2 frame dissect headers
+pkt = h2.H2Frame('\x00\x00\x17\x01\x08\x00\x00\x00\x01\x08\x88\x0f\x10\ntext/plain\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') #Header frame with padding
+assert(pkt.type == 1)
+assert(pkt.len == 23)
+assert(len(pkt.flags) == 1)
+assert('P' in pkt.flags)
+assert(pkt.reserved == 0)
+assert(pkt.stream_id == 1)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload, h2.H2PaddedHeadersFrame))
+assert(flags_bit_pattern.search(pkt.show(dump=True)) is None)
+hf = pkt[h2.H2PaddedHeadersFrame]
+assert(hf.padlen == 8)
+assert(hf.padding == '\x00' * 8)
+assert(len(hf.hdrs) == 2)
+assert(isinstance(hf.hdrs[0], h2.HPackIndexedHdr))
+assert(hf.hdrs[0].magic == 1)
+assert(hf.hdrs[0].index == 8)
+assert(isinstance(hf.hdrs[1], h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hf.hdrs[1].magic == 0)
+assert(hf.hdrs[1].never_index == 0)
+assert(hf.hdrs[1].index == 31)
+assert(hf.hdrs[1].hdr_name is None)
+assert(expect_exception(AttributeError, 'hf.hdrs[1].non_existant'))
+assert(isinstance(hf.hdrs[1].hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+s = hf.hdrs[1].hdr_value
+assert(s.type == 0)
+assert(s.len == 10)
+assert(s.getfieldval('data').origin() == 'text/plain')
+assert(isinstance(hf.payload, scapy.packet.NoPayload))
+= HTTP/2 Build Headers Frame: Header frame with padding
+~ http2 frame build headers
+p = h2.H2Frame(flags={'P'}, stream_id=1)/h2.H2PaddedHeadersFrame(
+    hdrs=[
+        h2.HPackIndexedHdr(index=8),
+        h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing(
+            index=31,
+            hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('text/plain'))
+        )
+    ],
+    padding='\x00'*8,
+assert(str(p) == '\x00\x00\x17\x01\x08\x00\x00\x00\x01\x08\x88\x0f\x10\ntext/plain\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Headers Frame: Header frame with priority
+~ http2 frame dissect headers
+pkt = h2.H2Frame('\x00\x00\x13\x01 \x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x02d\x88\x0f\x10\ntext/plain') #Header frame with priority
+assert(pkt.type == 1)
+assert(pkt.len == 19)
+assert(len(pkt.flags) == 1)
+assert('+' in pkt.flags)
+assert(pkt.reserved == 0)
+assert(pkt.stream_id == 1)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload, h2.H2PriorityHeadersFrame))
+assert(flags_bit_pattern.search(pkt.show(dump=True)) is None)
+hf = pkt[h2.H2PriorityHeadersFrame]
+assert(hf.exclusive == 0)
+assert(hf.stream_dependency == 2)
+assert(hf.weight == 100)
+assert(len(hf.hdrs) == 2)
+assert(isinstance(hf.hdrs[0], h2.HPackIndexedHdr))
+assert(hf.hdrs[0].magic == 1)
+assert(hf.hdrs[0].index == 8)
+assert(isinstance(hf.hdrs[1], h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hf.hdrs[1].magic == 0)
+assert(hf.hdrs[1].never_index == 0)
+assert(hf.hdrs[1].index == 31)
+assert(hf.hdrs[1].hdr_name is None)
+assert(expect_exception(AttributeError, 'hf.hdrs[1].non_existant'))
+assert(isinstance(hf.hdrs[1].hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+s = hf.hdrs[1].hdr_value
+assert(s.type == 0)
+assert(s.len == 10)
+assert(s.getfieldval('data').origin() == 'text/plain')
+assert(isinstance(hf.payload, scapy.packet.NoPayload))
+= HTTP/2 Build Headers Frame: Header frame with priority
+~ http2 frame build headers
+p = h2.H2Frame(flags={'+'}, stream_id=1)/h2.H2PriorityHeadersFrame(
+    exclusive=0,
+    stream_dependency=2,
+    weight=100,
+    hdrs=[
+        h2.HPackIndexedHdr(index=8),
+        h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing(
+            index=31,
+            hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('text/plain'))
+        )
+    ]
+assert(str(p) == '\x00\x00\x13\x01 \x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x02d\x88\x0f\x10\ntext/plain')
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Headers Frame: Header frame with priority and padding and flags
+~ http2 frame dissect headers
+pkt = h2.H2Frame('\x00\x00\x1c\x01-\x00\x00\x00\x01\x08\x00\x00\x00\x02d\x88\x0f\x10\ntext/plain\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') #Header frame with priority and padding and flags ES|EH
+assert(pkt.type == 1)
+assert(pkt.len == 28)
+assert(len(pkt.flags) == 4)
+assert('+' in pkt.flags)
+assert('P' in pkt.flags)
+assert('ES' in pkt.flags)
+assert('EH' in pkt.flags)
+assert(pkt.reserved == 0)
+assert(pkt.stream_id == 1)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload, h2.H2PaddedPriorityHeadersFrame))
+assert(flags_bit_pattern.search(pkt.show(dump=True)) is None)
+hf = pkt[h2.H2PaddedPriorityHeadersFrame]
+assert(hf.padlen == 8)
+assert(hf.padding == '\x00' * 8)
+assert(hf.exclusive == 0)
+assert(hf.stream_dependency == 2)
+assert(hf.weight == 100)
+assert(len(hf.hdrs) == 2)
+assert(isinstance(hf.hdrs[0], h2.HPackIndexedHdr))
+assert(hf.hdrs[0].magic == 1)
+assert(hf.hdrs[0].index == 8)
+assert(isinstance(hf.hdrs[1], h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hf.hdrs[1].magic == 0)
+assert(hf.hdrs[1].never_index == 0)
+assert(hf.hdrs[1].index == 31)
+assert(hf.hdrs[1].hdr_name is None)
+assert(expect_exception(AttributeError, 'hf.hdrs[1].non_existant'))
+assert(isinstance(hf.hdrs[1].hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+s = hf.hdrs[1].hdr_value
+assert(s.type == 0)
+assert(s.len == 10)
+assert(s.getfieldval('data').origin() == 'text/plain')
+assert(isinstance(hf.payload, scapy.packet.NoPayload))
+= HTTP/2 Build Headers Frame: Header frame with priority and padding and flags
+~ http2 frame build headers
+p = h2.H2Frame(flags={'P', '+', 'ES', 'EH'}, stream_id=1)/h2.H2PaddedPriorityHeadersFrame(
+    exclusive=0,
+    stream_dependency=2,
+    weight=100,
+    padding='\x00'*8,
+    hdrs=[
+        h2.HPackIndexedHdr(index=8),
+        h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing(
+            index=31,
+            hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('text/plain'))
+        )
+    ]
++ HTTP/2 Priority Frame Test Suite
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Priority Frame
+~ http2 frame dissect priority
+pkt = h2.H2Frame('\x00\x00\x05\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03\x80\x00\x00\x01d')
+assert(pkt.type == 2)
+assert(pkt.len == 5)
+assert(len(pkt.flags) == 0)
+assert(pkt.reserved == 0)
+assert(pkt.stream_id == 3)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload, h2.H2PriorityFrame))
+pp = pkt[h2.H2PriorityFrame]
+assert(pp.stream_dependency == 1)
+assert(pp.exclusive == 1)
+assert(pp.weight == 100)
+= HTTP/2 Build Priority Frame
+~ http2 frame build priority
+p = h2.H2Frame(stream_id=3)/h2.H2PriorityFrame(
+    exclusive=1,
+    stream_dependency=1,
+    weight=100
+assert(str(p) == '\x00\x00\x05\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03\x80\x00\x00\x01d')
++ HTTP/2 Reset Stream Frame Test Suite
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Reset Stream Frame: Protocol Error
+~ http2 frame dissect rststream
+pkt = h2.H2Frame('\x00\x00\x04\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01') #Reset stream with protocol error
+assert(pkt.type == 3)
+assert(pkt.len == 4)
+assert(len(pkt.flags) == 0)
+assert(pkt.reserved == 0)
+assert(pkt.stream_id == 1)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload, h2.H2ResetFrame))
+rf = pkt[h2.H2ResetFrame]
+assert(rf.error == 1)
+assert(isinstance(rf.payload, scapy.packet.NoPayload))
+= HTTP/2 Build Reset Stream Frame: Protocol Error
+~ http2 frame build rststream
+p = h2.H2Frame(stream_id=1)/h2.H2ResetFrame(error='Protocol error')
+assert(str(p) == '\x00\x00\x04\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01')
+p = h2.H2Frame(stream_id=1)/h2.H2ResetFrame(error=1)
+assert(str(p) == '\x00\x00\x04\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01')
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Reset Stream Frame: Raw 123456 error
+~ http2 frame dissect rststream
+pkt = h2.H2Frame('\x00\x00\x04\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\xe2@') #Reset stream with raw error
+assert(pkt.type == 3)
+assert(pkt.len == 4)
+assert(len(pkt.flags) == 0)
+assert(pkt.reserved == 0)
+assert(pkt.stream_id == 1)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload, h2.H2ResetFrame))
+rf = pkt[h2.H2ResetFrame]
+assert(rf.error == 123456)
+assert(isinstance(rf.payload, scapy.packet.NoPayload))
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Reset Stream Frame: Raw 123456 error
+~ http2 frame dissect rststream
+p = h2.H2Frame(stream_id=1)/h2.H2ResetFrame(error=123456)
+assert(str(p) == '\x00\x00\x04\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\xe2@')
++ HTTP/2 Settings Frame Test Suite
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Settings Frame: Settings Frame
+~ http2 frame dissect settings
+pkt = h2.H2Frame('\x00\x00$\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x07[\xcd\x15\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00{\x00\x04\x00\x12\xd6\x87\x00\x05\x00\x01\xe2@\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00{') #Settings frame
+assert(pkt.type == 4)
+assert(pkt.len == 36)
+assert(len(pkt.flags) == 0)
+assert(pkt.reserved == 0)
+assert(pkt.stream_id == 0)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload, h2.H2SettingsFrame))
+sf = pkt[h2.H2SettingsFrame]
+assert(len(sf.settings) == 6)
+assert(isinstance(sf.settings[0], h2.H2Setting))
+assert(sf.settings[0].id == 1)
+assert(sf.settings[0].value == 123456789)
+assert(isinstance(sf.settings[1], h2.H2Setting))
+assert(sf.settings[1].id == 2)
+assert(sf.settings[1].value == 1)
+assert(isinstance(sf.settings[2], h2.H2Setting))
+assert(sf.settings[2].id == 3)
+assert(sf.settings[2].value == 123)
+assert(isinstance(sf.settings[3], h2.H2Setting))
+assert(sf.settings[3].id == 4)
+assert(sf.settings[3].value == 1234567)
+assert(isinstance(sf.settings[4], h2.H2Setting))
+assert(sf.settings[4].id == 5)
+assert(sf.settings[4].value == 123456)
+assert(isinstance(sf.settings[5], h2.H2Setting))
+assert(sf.settings[5].id == 6)
+assert(sf.settings[5].value == 123)
+assert(isinstance(sf.payload, scapy.packet.NoPayload))
+= HTTP/2 Build Settings Frame: Settings Frame
+~ http2 frame build settings
+p = h2.H2Frame()/h2.H2SettingsFrame(settings=[
+        h2.H2Setting(id='Header table size',value=123456789),
+        h2.H2Setting(id='Enable push', value=1),
+        h2.H2Setting(id='Max concurrent streams', value=123),
+        h2.H2Setting(id='Initial window size', value=1234567),
+        h2.H2Setting(id='Max frame size', value=123456),
+        h2.H2Setting(id='Max header list size', value=123)
+    ]
+assert(str(p) == '\x00\x00$\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x07[\xcd\x15\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00{\x00\x04\x00\x12\xd6\x87\x00\x05\x00\x01\xe2@\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00{')
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Settings Frame: Incomplete Settings Frame
+~ http2 frame dissect settings
+#We use here the decode('hex') method because null-bytes are rejected by eval()
+assert(expect_exception(AssertionError, 'h2.H2Frame("0000240400000000000001075bcd1500020000000100030000007b00040012d68700050001e2400006000000".decode("hex"))'))
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Settings Frame: Settings Frame acknowledgement
+~ http2 frame dissect settings
+pkt = h2.H2Frame('\x00\x00\x00\x04\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00') #Settings frame w/ ack flag
+assert(pkt.type == 4)
+assert(pkt.len == 0)
+assert(len(pkt.flags) == 1)
+assert('A' in pkt.flags)
+assert(pkt.reserved == 0)
+assert(pkt.stream_id == 0)
+assert(flags_bit_pattern.search(pkt.show(dump=True)) is None)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload, scapy.packet.NoPayload))
+= HTTP/2 Build Settings Frame: Settings Frame acknowledgement
+~ http2 frame build settings
+p = h2.H2Frame(type=h2.H2SettingsFrame.type_id, flags={'A'})
+assert(str(p) == '\x00\x00\x00\x04\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00')
++ HTTP/2 Push Promise Frame Test Suite
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Push Promise Frame: no flag & headers with compression and hdr_name
+~ http2 frame dissect pushpromise
+pkt = h2.H2Frame('\x00\x00\x15\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x03@\x8c\xfc[i{ZT$\xb2-\xc8\xc9\x9f\x02Me')
+assert(pkt.type == 5)
+assert(pkt.len == 21)
+assert(len(pkt.flags) == 0)
+assert(pkt.reserved == 0)
+assert(pkt.stream_id == 1)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload, h2.H2PushPromiseFrame))
+pf = pkt[h2.H2PushPromiseFrame]
+assert(pf.reserved == 0)
+assert(pf.stream_id == 3)
+assert(len(pf.hdrs) == 1)
+assert(isinstance(pf.payload, scapy.packet.NoPayload))
+hdr = pf.hdrs[0]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 0)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_name, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.type == 1)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.len == 12)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.getfieldval('data').origin() == 'X-Requested-With')
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.type == 0)
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.len == 2)
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.getfieldval('data').origin() == 'Me')
+= HTTP/2 Build Push Promise Frame: no flag & headers with compression and hdr_name
+~ http2 frame build pushpromise
+p = h2.H2Frame(stream_id=1)/h2.H2PushPromiseFrame(stream_id=3,hdrs=[
+    h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(
+        hdr_name=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString('X-Requested-With')),
+        hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('Me')),
+    )
+assert(str(p) == '\x00\x00\x15\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x03@\x8c\xfc[i{ZT$\xb2-\xc8\xc9\x9f\x02Me')
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Push Promise Frame: with padding, the flag END_Header & headers with compression and hdr_name
+~ http2 frame dissect pushpromise
+pkt = h2.H2Frame('\x00\x00\x1e\x05\x0c\x00\x00\x00\x01\x08\x00\x00\x00\x03@\x8c\xfc[i{ZT$\xb2-\xc8\xc9\x9f\x02Me\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')
+assert(pkt.type == 5)
+assert(pkt.len == 30)
+assert(len(pkt.flags) == 2)
+assert('P' in pkt.flags)
+assert('EH' in pkt.flags)
+assert(pkt.reserved == 0)
+assert(pkt.stream_id == 1)
+assert(flags_bit_pattern.search(pkt.show(dump=True)) is None)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload, h2.H2PaddedPushPromiseFrame))
+pf = pkt[h2.H2PaddedPushPromiseFrame]
+assert(pf.padlen == 8)
+assert(pf.padding == '\x00'*8)
+assert(pf.stream_id == 3)
+assert(len(pf.hdrs) == 1)
+hdr = pf.hdrs[0]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 0)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_name, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.type == 1)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.len == 12)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.getfieldval('data').origin() == 'X-Requested-With')
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.type == 0)
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.len == 2)
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.getfieldval('data').origin() == 'Me')
+= HTTP/2 Build Push Promise Frame: with padding, the flag END_Header & headers with compression and hdr_name
+~ http2 frame build pushpromise
+p = h2.H2Frame(flags={'P', 'EH'}, stream_id=1)/h2.H2PaddedPushPromiseFrame(
+    stream_id=3,
+    hdrs=[
+        h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(
+            hdr_name=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString('X-Requested-With')),
+            hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('Me'))
+        )
+    ],
+    padding='\x00'*8
+assert(str(p) == '\x00\x00\x1e\x05\x0c\x00\x00\x00\x01\x08\x00\x00\x00\x03@\x8c\xfc[i{ZT$\xb2-\xc8\xc9\x9f\x02Me\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')
++ HTTP/2 Ping Frame Test Suite
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Ping Frame: Ping frame
+~ http2 frame dissect ping
+pkt = h2.H2Frame('\x00\x00\x08\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\xe2@') #Ping frame with payload
+assert(pkt.type == 6)
+assert(pkt.len == 8)
+assert(len(pkt.flags) == 0)
+assert(pkt.reserved == 0)
+assert(pkt.stream_id == 0)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload, h2.H2PingFrame))
+pf = pkt[h2.H2PingFrame]
+assert(pf.opaque == 123456)
+assert(isinstance(pf.payload, scapy.packet.NoPayload))
+= HTTP/2 Build Ping Frame: Ping frame
+~ http2 frame build ping
+p = h2.H2Frame()/h2.H2PingFrame(opaque=123456)
+assert(str(p) == '\x00\x00\x08\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\xe2@')
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Ping Frame: Pong frame
+~ http2 frame dissect ping
+pkt = h2.H2Frame('\x00\x00\x08\x06\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\xe2@') #Pong frame
+assert(pkt.type == 6)
+assert(pkt.len == 8)
+assert(len(pkt.flags) == 1)
+assert('A' in pkt.flags)
+assert(pkt.reserved == 0)
+assert(pkt.stream_id == 0)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload, h2.H2PingFrame))
+assert(flags_bit_pattern.search(pkt.show(dump=True)) is None)
+pf = pkt[h2.H2PingFrame]
+assert(pf.opaque == 123456)
+assert(isinstance(pf.payload, scapy.packet.NoPayload))
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Ping Frame: Pong frame
+~ http2 frame dissect ping
+p = h2.H2Frame(flags={'A'})/h2.H2PingFrame(opaque=123456)
+assert(str(p) == '\x00\x00\x08\x06\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\xe2@')
++ HTTP/2 Go Away Frame Test Suite
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Go Away Frame: No error
+~ http2 frame dissect goaway
+pkt = h2.H2Frame('\x00\x00\x08\x07\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00') #Go Away for no particular reason :)
+assert(pkt.type == 7)
+assert(pkt.len == 8)
+assert(len(pkt.flags) == 0)
+assert(pkt.reserved == 0)
+assert(pkt.stream_id == 0)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload, h2.H2GoAwayFrame))
+gf = pkt[h2.H2GoAwayFrame]
+assert(gf.reserved == 0)
+assert(gf.last_stream_id == 1)
+assert(gf.error == 0)
+assert(len(gf.additional_data) == 0)
+assert(isinstance(gf.payload, scapy.packet.NoPayload))
+= HTTP/2 Build Go Away Frame: No error
+~ http2 frame build goaway
+p = h2.H2Frame()/h2.H2GoAwayFrame(last_stream_id=1, error='No error')
+assert(str(p) == '\x00\x00\x08\x07\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00')
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Go Away Frame: Arbitrary error with additional data
+~ http2 frame dissect goaway
+pkt = h2.H2Frame('\x00\x00\x10\x07\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x01\xe2@\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') #Go Away with debug data
+assert(pkt.type == 7)
+assert(pkt.len == 16)
+assert(len(pkt.flags) == 0)
+assert(pkt.reserved == 0)
+assert(pkt.stream_id == 0)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload, h2.H2GoAwayFrame))
+gf = pkt[h2.H2GoAwayFrame]
+assert(gf.reserved == 0)
+assert(gf.last_stream_id == 2)
+assert(gf.error == 123456)
+assert(gf.additional_data == 8*'\x00')
+assert(isinstance(gf.payload, scapy.packet.NoPayload))
+= HTTP/2 Build Go Away Frame: Arbitrary error with additional data
+~ http2 frame build goaway
+p = h2.H2Frame()/h2.H2GoAwayFrame(
+    last_stream_id=2,
+    error=123456,
+    additional_data='\x00'*8
+assert(str(p) == '\x00\x00\x10\x07\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x01\xe2@\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')
++ HTTP/2 Window Update Frame Test Suite
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Window Update Frame: global
+~ http2 frame dissect winupdate
+pkt = h2.H2Frame('\x00\x00\x04\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\xe2@') #Window update with increment for connection
+assert(pkt.type == 8)
+assert(pkt.len == 4)
+assert(len(pkt.flags) == 0)
+assert(pkt.reserved == 0)
+assert(pkt.stream_id == 0)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload, h2.H2WindowUpdateFrame))
+wf = pkt[h2.H2WindowUpdateFrame]
+assert(wf.reserved == 0)
+assert(wf.win_size_incr == 123456)
+assert(isinstance(wf.payload, scapy.packet.NoPayload))
+= HTTP/2 Build Window Update Frame: global
+~ http2 frame build winupdate
+p = h2.H2Frame()/h2.H2WindowUpdateFrame(win_size_incr=123456)
+assert(str(p) == '\x00\x00\x04\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\xe2@')
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Window Update Frame: a stream
+~ http2 frame dissect winupdate
+pkt = h2.H2Frame('\x00\x00\x04\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\xe2@') #Window update with increment for a stream
+assert(pkt.type == 8)
+assert(pkt.len == 4)
+assert(len(pkt.flags) == 0)
+assert(pkt.reserved == 0)
+assert(pkt.stream_id == 1)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload, h2.H2WindowUpdateFrame))
+wf = pkt[h2.H2WindowUpdateFrame]
+assert(wf.reserved == 0)
+assert(wf.win_size_incr == 123456)
+assert(isinstance(wf.payload, scapy.packet.NoPayload))
+= HTTP/2 Build Window Update Frame: a stream
+~ http2 frame build winupdate
+p = h2.H2Frame(stream_id=1)/h2.H2WindowUpdateFrame(win_size_incr=123456)
+assert(str(p) == '\x00\x00\x04\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\xe2@')
++ HTTP/2 Continuation Frame Test Suite
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Continuation Frame: no flag & headers with compression and hdr_name
+~ http2 frame dissect continuation
+pkt = h2.H2Frame('\x00\x00\x11\t\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01@\x8c\xfc[i{ZT$\xb2-\xc8\xc9\x9f\x02Me')
+assert(pkt.type == 9)
+assert(pkt.len == 17)
+assert(len(pkt.flags) == 0)
+assert(pkt.reserved == 0)
+assert(pkt.stream_id == 1)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload, h2.H2ContinuationFrame))
+hf = pkt[h2.H2ContinuationFrame]
+assert(len(hf.hdrs) == 1)
+assert(isinstance(hf.payload, scapy.packet.NoPayload))
+hdr = hf.hdrs[0]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 0)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_name, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.type == 1)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.len == 12)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.getfieldval('data').origin() == 'X-Requested-With')
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.type == 0)
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.len == 2)
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.getfieldval('data').origin() == 'Me')
+= HTTP/2 Build Continuation Frame: no flag & headers with compression and hdr_name
+~ http2 frame build continuation
+p = h2.H2Frame(stream_id=1)/h2.H2ContinuationFrame(
+    hdrs=[
+        h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(
+            hdr_name=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString('X-Requested-With')),
+            hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('Me'))
+        )
+    ]
+assert(str(p) == '\x00\x00\x11\t\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01@\x8c\xfc[i{ZT$\xb2-\xc8\xc9\x9f\x02Me')
+= HTTP/2 Dissect Continuation Frame: flag END_Header & headers with compression, sensitive flag and hdr_name
+~ http2 frame dissect continuation
+pkt = h2.H2Frame('\x00\x00\x11\t\x04\x00\x00\x00\x01\x10\x8c\xfc[i{ZT$\xb2-\xc8\xc9\x9f\x02Me')
+assert(pkt.type == 9)
+assert(pkt.len == 17)
+assert(len(pkt.flags) == 1)
+assert('EH' in pkt.flags)
+assert(pkt.reserved == 0)
+assert(pkt.stream_id == 1)
+assert(flags_bit_pattern.search(pkt.show(dump=True)) is None)
+assert(isinstance(pkt.payload, h2.H2ContinuationFrame))
+hf = pkt[h2.H2ContinuationFrame]
+assert(len(hf.hdrs) == 1)
+assert(isinstance(hf.payload, scapy.packet.NoPayload))
+hdr = hf.hdrs[0]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 0)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_name, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.type == 1)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.len == 12)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.getfieldval('data').origin() == 'X-Requested-With')
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.type == 0)
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.len == 2)
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.getfieldval('data').origin() == 'Me')
+= HTTP/2 Build Continuation Frame: flag END_Header & headers with compression, sensitive flag and hdr_name
+~ http2 frame build continuation
+p = h2.H2Frame(flags={'EH'}, stream_id=1)/h2.H2ContinuationFrame(
+    hdrs=[
+        h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing(
+            never_index=1,
+            hdr_name=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString('X-Requested-With')),
+            hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('Me'))
+        )
+    ]
+assert(str(p) == '\x00\x00\x11\t\x04\x00\x00\x00\x01\x10\x8c\xfc[i{ZT$\xb2-\xc8\xc9\x9f\x02Me')
++ HTTP/2 HPackHdrTable Test Suite
+= HTTP/2 HPackHdrEntry Tests
+~ http2 hpack hpackhdrtable
+n = 'X-Requested-With'
+v = 'Me'
+h = h2.HPackHdrEntry(n, v)
+assert(len(h) == 32 + len(n) + len(v))
+assert(h.name() == n.lower())
+assert(h.value() == v)
+assert(str(h) == '{}: {}'.format(n.lower(), v))
+n = ':status'
+v = '200'
+h = h2.HPackHdrEntry(n, v)
+assert(len(h) == 32 + len(n) + len(v))
+assert(h.name() == n.lower())
+assert(h.value() == v)
+assert(str(h) == '{} {}'.format(n.lower(), v))
+= HTTP/2 HPackHdrTable : Querying Static Entries
+~ http2 hpack hpackhdrtable
+# In RFC7541, the table is 1-based
+assert(expect_exception(KeyError, 'h2.HPackHdrTable()[0]'))
+h = h2.HPackHdrTable()
+assert(h[1].name() == ':authority')
+assert(h[7].name() == ':scheme')
+assert(h[7].value() == 'https')
+assert(str(h[14]) == ':status 500')
+assert(str(h[16]) == 'accept-encoding: gzip, deflate')
+assert(expect_exception(KeyError, 'h2.HPackHdrTable()[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+1]'))
+= HTTP/2 HPackHdrTable : Addind Dynamic Entries without overflowing the table
+~ http2 hpack hpackhdrtable
+tbl = h2.HPackHdrTable(dynamic_table_max_size=1<<32, dynamic_table_cap_size=1<<32)
+hdr = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(
+    index=32,
+    hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString('PHPSESSID=abcdef0123456789'))
+tbl = h2.HPackHdrTable(dynamic_table_max_size=1<<32, dynamic_table_cap_size=1<<32)
+hdr2 = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(
+    index=32,
+    hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString('JSESSID=abcdef0123456789'))
+tbl = h2.HPackHdrTable(dynamic_table_max_size=1<<32, dynamic_table_cap_size=1<<32)
+hdr3 = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(
+    index=32,
+    hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString('Test=abcdef0123456789'))
+frm = h2.H2Frame(stream_id=1)/h2.H2HeadersFrame(hdrs=[hdr, hdr2, hdr3])
+= HTTP/2 HPackHdrTable : Querying Dynamic Entries
+~ http2 hpack hpackhdrtable
+tbl = h2.HPackHdrTable(dynamic_table_max_size=1<<32, dynamic_table_cap_size=1<<32)
+hdrv = 'PHPSESSID=abcdef0123456789'
+hdr = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(
+    index=32,
+    hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString(hdrv))
+hdrv2 = 'JSESSID=abcdef0123456789'
+hdr2 = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(
+    index=32,
+    hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString(hdrv2))
+hdr3 = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(
+    index=0,
+    hdr_name=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('x-requested-by')),
+    hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString('me'))
+assert(tbl.get_idx_by_name('x-requested-by') == h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+1)
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+2].value() == hdrv2)
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+3].value() == hdrv)
+= HTTP/2 HPackHdrTable : Addind already registered Dynamic Entries without overflowing the table
+~ http2 hpack hpackhdrtable
+tbl = h2.HPackHdrTable(dynamic_table_max_size=1<<32, dynamic_table_cap_size=1<<32)
+assert(len(tbl) == 0)
+hdrv = 'PHPSESSID=abcdef0123456789'
+hdr = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(
+    index=32,
+    hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString(hdrv))
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+1].value() == hdrv)
+hdr2v = 'JSESSID=abcdef0123456789'
+hdr2 = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(
+    index=32,
+    hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString(hdr2v))
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+1].value() == hdr2v)
+l = len(tbl)
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+1].value() == hdrv)
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+2].value() == hdr2v)
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+3].value() == hdrv)
+= HTTP/2 HPackHdrTable : Addind Dynamic Entries and overflowing the table
+~ http2 hpack hpackhdrtable
+tbl = h2.HPackHdrTable(dynamic_table_max_size=80, dynamic_table_cap_size=80)
+hdrv = 'PHPSESSID=abcdef0123456789'
+hdr = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(
+    index=32,
+    hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString(hdrv))
+assert(len(tbl) <= 80)
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+1].value() == hdrv)
+hdrv2 = 'JSESSID=abcdef0123456789'
+hdr2 = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(
+    index=32,
+    hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString(hdrv2))
+assert(len(tbl) <= 80)
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+1].value() == hdrv2)
+    tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+2]
+    ret = False
+    ret = True
+= HTTP/2 HPackHdrTable : Resizing
+~ http2 hpack hpackhdrtable
+tbl = h2.HPackHdrTable()
+hdrv = 'PHPSESSID=abcdef0123456789'
+hdr = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(
+    index=32,
+    hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString(hdrv))
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+1].value() == hdrv)
+hdrv2 = 'JSESSID=abcdef0123456789'
+hdr2 = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(
+    index=32,
+    hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString(hdrv2))
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+1].value() == hdrv2)
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+2].value() == hdrv)
+#Resizing to a value higher than cap (default:4096)
+    tbl.resize(8192)
+    ret = False
+except AssertionError:
+    ret = True
+#Resizing to a lower value by that is not small enough to cause eviction
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+1].value() == hdrv2)
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+2].value() == hdrv)
+#Resizing to a higher value but thatt is lower than cap
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+1].value() == hdrv2)
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+2].value() == hdrv)
+#Resizing to a lower value that causes eviction
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+1].value() == hdrv2)
+    tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+2]
+    ret = False
+    ret = True
+= HTTP/2 HPackHdrTable : Recapping
+~ http2 hpack hpackhdrtable
+tbl = h2.HPackHdrTable()
+hdrv = 'PHPSESSID=abcdef0123456789'
+hdr = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(
+    index=32,
+    hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString(hdrv))
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+1].value() == hdrv)
+hdrv2 = 'JSESSID=abcdef0123456789'
+hdr2 = h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(
+    index=32,
+    hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString(hdrv2))
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+1].value() == hdrv2)
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+2].value() == hdrv)
+#Recapping to a higher value
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+1].value() == hdrv2)
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+2].value() == hdrv)
+#Recapping to a low value but without causing eviction
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+1].value() == hdrv2)
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+2].value() == hdrv)
+#Recapping to a low value that causes evictiontbl.recap(1024)
+assert(tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+1].value() == hdrv2)
+    tbl[h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+2]
+    ret = False
+    ret = True
+= HTTP/2 HPackHdrTable : Generating Textual Representation
+~ http2 hpack hpackhdrtable helpers
+h = h2.HPackHdrTable()
+        hdr_name=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString('X-Generation-Date')),
+        hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('2016-08-11'))
+hdrs_lst = [
+    h2.HPackIndexedHdr(index=2), #Method Get
+    h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(
+        index=h.get_idx_by_name(':path'),
+        hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('/index.php'))
+    ),
+    h2.HPackIndexedHdr(index=7), #Scheme HTTPS
+    h2.HPackIndexedHdr(index=h2.HPackHdrTable._static_entries_last_idx+2),
+    h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing(
+        index=58,
+        hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString('Mozilla/5.0 Generated by hand'))
+    ),
+    h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing(
+        hdr_name=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString('X-Generated-By')),
+        hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('Me'))
+    )
+p = h2.H2Frame(stream_id = 1)/h2.H2HeadersFrame(hdrs=hdrs_lst)
+expected_output = ''':method GET
+:path /index.php
+:scheme https
+x-generation-date: 2016-08-11
+user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 Generated by hand
+X-Generated-By: Me'''
+assert(h.gen_txt_repr(p) == expected_output)
+= HTTP/2 HPackHdrTable : Parsing Textual Representation
+~ http2 hpack hpackhdrtable helpers
+body = 'login=titi&passwd=toto'
+hdrs = ''':method POST
+:path /login.php
+:scheme https
+content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+content-length: {}
+user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 Generated by hand
+x-generated-by: Me
+x-generation-date: 2016-08-11
+x-generation-software: scapy
+h = h2.HPackHdrTable()
+        hdr_name=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString('X-Generation-Date')),
+        hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('2016-08-11'))
+seq = h.parse_txt_hdrs(
+    hdrs,
+    stream_id=1,
+    body=body,
+    should_index=lambda name: name in ['user-agent', 'x-generation-software'],
+    is_sensitive=lambda name, value: name in ['x-generated-by', ':path']
+assert(isinstance(seq, h2.H2Seq))
+assert(len(seq.frames) == 2)
+p = seq.frames[0]
+assert(isinstance(p, h2.H2Frame))
+assert(p.type == 1)
+assert(len(p.flags) == 1)
+assert('EH' in p.flags)
+assert(p.stream_id == 1)
+assert(isinstance(p.payload, h2.H2HeadersFrame))
+hdrs_frm = p[h2.H2HeadersFrame]
+assert(len(p.hdrs) == 9)
+hdr = p.hdrs[0]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackIndexedHdr))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 3)
+hdr = p.hdrs[1]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 1)
+assert(hdr.index in [4, 5])
+assert(hdr.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString(/login.php)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[2]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackIndexedHdr))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 7)
+hdr = p.hdrs[3]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index == 31)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString(application/x-www-form-urlencoded)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[4]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index == 28)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackLiteralString(22)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[5]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 58)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString(Mozilla/5.0 Generated by hand)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[6]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 0)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_name, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.data == 'HPackZString(x-generated-by)')
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackLiteralString(Me)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[7]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackIndexedHdr))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 63)
+hdr = p.hdrs[8]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 0)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_name, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.data == 'HPackZString(x-generation-software)')
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString(scapy)')
+p = seq.frames[1]
+assert(isinstance(p, h2.H2Frame))
+assert(p.type == 0)
+assert(len(p.flags) == 1)
+assert('ES' in p.flags)
+assert(p.stream_id == 1)
+assert(isinstance(p.payload, h2.H2DataFrame))
+pay = p[h2.H2DataFrame]
+assert(pay.data == body)
+= HTTP/2 HPackHdrTable : Parsing Textual Representation without body
+~ http2 hpack hpackhdrtable helpers
+hdrs = ''':method POST
+:path /login.php
+:scheme https
+user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 Generated by hand
+x-generated-by: Me
+x-generation-date: 2016-08-11
+h = h2.HPackHdrTable()
+        hdr_name=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString('X-Generation-Date')),
+        hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('2016-08-11'))
+# Without body
+seq = h.parse_txt_hdrs(hdrs, stream_id=1)
+assert(isinstance(seq, h2.H2Seq))
+#This is the first major difference with the first test
+assert(len(seq.frames) == 1)
+p = seq.frames[0]
+assert(isinstance(p, h2.H2Frame))
+assert(p.type == 1)
+assert(len(p.flags) == 2)
+assert('EH' in p.flags)
+#This is the second major difference with the first test
+assert('ES' in p.flags)
+assert(p.stream_id == 1)
+assert(isinstance(p.payload, h2.H2HeadersFrame))
+hdrs_frm = p[h2.H2HeadersFrame]
+assert(len(p.hdrs) == 6)
+hdr = p.hdrs[0]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackIndexedHdr))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 3)
+hdr = p.hdrs[1]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index in [4, 5])
+assert(hdr.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString(/login.php)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[2]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackIndexedHdr))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 7)
+hdr = p.hdrs[3]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index == 58)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString(Mozilla/5.0 Generated by hand)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[4]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index == 0)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_name, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.data == 'HPackZString(x-generated-by)')
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackLiteralString(Me)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[5]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackIndexedHdr))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 62)
+= HTTP/2 HPackHdrTable : Parsing Textual Representation with too small max frame
+~ http2 hpack hpackhdrtable helpers
+body = 'login=titi&passwd=toto'
+hdrs = ''':method POST
+:path /login.php
+:scheme https
+content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+content-length: {}
+user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 Generated by hand
+x-generated-by: Me
+x-generation-date: 2016-08-11
+x-long-header: {}
+'''.format(len(body), 'a'*5000)
+h = h2.HPackHdrTable()
+        hdr_name=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString('X-Generation-Date')),
+        hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('2016-08-11'))
+#x-long-header is too long to fit in any frames (whose default max size is 4096)
+expect_exception(Exception, "seq = h.parse_txt_hdrs('''{}''', stream_id=1)".format(hdrs))
+= HTTP/2 HPackHdrTable : Parsing Textual Representation with very large header and a large authorized frame size
+~ http2 hpack hpackhdrtable helpers
+body = 'login=titi&passwd=toto'
+hdrs = ''':method POST
+:path /login.php
+:scheme https
+content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+content-length: {}
+user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 Generated by hand
+x-generated-by: Me
+x-generation-date: 2016-08-11
+x-long-header: {}
+'''.format(len(body), 'a'*5000)
+h = h2.HPackHdrTable()
+        hdr_name=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString('X-Generation-Date')),
+        hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('2016-08-11'))
+# Now trying to parse it with a max frame size large enough for x-long-header to
+# fit in a frame
+seq = h.parse_txt_hdrs(hdrs, stream_id=1, max_frm_sz=8192)
+assert(isinstance(seq, h2.H2Seq))
+assert(len(seq.frames) == 1)
+p = seq.frames[0]
+assert(isinstance(p, h2.H2Frame))
+assert(p.type == 1)
+assert(len(p.flags) == 2)
+assert('EH' in p.flags)
+assert('ES' in p.flags)
+assert(p.stream_id == 1)
+assert(isinstance(p.payload, h2.H2HeadersFrame))
+hdrs_frm = p[h2.H2HeadersFrame]
+assert(len(p.hdrs) == 9)
+hdr = p.hdrs[0]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackIndexedHdr))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 3)
+hdr = p.hdrs[1]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index in [4, 5])
+assert(hdr.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString(/login.php)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[2]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackIndexedHdr))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 7)
+hdr = p.hdrs[3]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index == 31)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString(application/x-www-form-urlencoded)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[4]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index == 28)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackLiteralString(22)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[5]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index == 58)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString(Mozilla/5.0 Generated by hand)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[6]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index == 0)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_name, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.data == 'HPackZString(x-generated-by)')
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackLiteralString(Me)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[7]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackIndexedHdr))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 62)
+hdr = p.hdrs[8]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index == 0)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_name, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.data == 'HPackZString(x-long-header)')
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString({})'.format('a'*5000))
+= HTTP/2 HPackHdrTable : Parsing Textual Representation with two very large headers and a large authorized frame size
+~ http2 hpack hpackhdrtable helpers
+body = 'login=titi&passwd=toto'
+hdrs = ''':method POST
+:path /login.php
+:scheme https
+content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+content-length: {}
+user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 Generated by hand
+x-generated-by: Me
+x-generation-date: 2016-08-11
+x-long-header: {}
+x-long-header: {}
+'''.format(len(body), 'a'*5000, 'b'*5000)
+h = h2.HPackHdrTable()
+        hdr_name=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString('X-Generation-Date')),
+        hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('2016-08-11'))
+# Now trying to parse it with a max frame size large enough for x-long-header to
+# fit in a frame but a maximum header fragment size that is not large enough to
+# store two x-long-header
+seq = h.parse_txt_hdrs(hdrs, stream_id=1, max_frm_sz=8192)
+assert(isinstance(seq, h2.H2Seq))
+assert(len(seq.frames) == 2)
+p = seq.frames[0]
+assert(isinstance(p, h2.H2Frame))
+assert(p.type == 1)
+assert(len(p.flags) == 1)
+assert('ES' in p.flags)
+assert(p.stream_id == 1)
+assert(isinstance(p.payload, h2.H2HeadersFrame))
+hdrs_frm = p[h2.H2HeadersFrame]
+assert(len(p.hdrs) == 9)
+hdr = p.hdrs[0]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackIndexedHdr))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 3)
+hdr = p.hdrs[1]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index in [4, 5])
+assert(hdr.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString(/login.php)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[2]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackIndexedHdr))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 7)
+hdr = p.hdrs[3]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index == 31)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString(application/x-www-form-urlencoded)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[4]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index == 28)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackLiteralString(22)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[5]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index == 58)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString(Mozilla/5.0 Generated by hand)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[6]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index == 0)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_name, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.data == 'HPackZString(x-generated-by)')
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackLiteralString(Me)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[7]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackIndexedHdr))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 62)
+hdr = p.hdrs[8]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index == 0)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_name, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.data == 'HPackZString(x-long-header)')
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString({})'.format('a'*5000))
+p = seq.frames[1]
+assert(isinstance(p, h2.H2Frame))
+assert(p.type == 9)
+assert(len(p.flags) == 1)
+assert('EH' in p.flags)
+assert(p.stream_id == 1)
+assert(isinstance(p.payload, h2.H2ContinuationFrame))
+hdrs_frm = p[h2.H2ContinuationFrame]
+assert(len(p.hdrs) == 1)
+hdr = p.hdrs[0]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index == 0)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_name, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.data == 'HPackZString(x-long-header)')
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString({})'.format('b'*5000))
+= HTTP/2 HPackHdrTable : Parsing Textual Representation with two very large headers, a large authorized frame size and a "small" max header list size
+~ http2 hpack hpackhdrtable helpers
+body = 'login=titi&passwd=toto'
+hdrs = ''':method POST
+:path /login.php
+:scheme https
+content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+content-length: {}
+user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 Generated by hand
+x-generated-by: Me
+x-generation-date: 2016-08-11
+x-long-header: {}
+x-long-header: {}
+'''.format(len(body), 'a'*5000, 'b'*5000)
+h = h2.HPackHdrTable()
+        hdr_name=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackZString('X-Generation-Date')),
+        hdr_value=h2.HPackHdrString(data=h2.HPackLiteralString('2016-08-11'))
+# Now trying to parse it with a max frame size large enough for x-long-header to
+# fit in a frame but and a max header list size that is large enough to fit one
+# but not two
+seq = h.parse_txt_hdrs(hdrs, stream_id=1, max_frm_sz=8192, max_hdr_lst_sz=5050)
+assert(isinstance(seq, h2.H2Seq))
+assert(len(seq.frames) == 3)
+p = seq.frames[0]
+assert(isinstance(p, h2.H2Frame))
+assert(p.type == 1)
+assert(len(p.flags) == 1)
+assert('ES' in p.flags)
+assert(p.stream_id == 1)
+assert(isinstance(p.payload, h2.H2HeadersFrame))
+hdrs_frm = p[h2.H2HeadersFrame]
+assert(len(p.hdrs) == 8)
+hdr = p.hdrs[0]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackIndexedHdr))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 3)
+hdr = p.hdrs[1]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index in [4, 5])
+assert(hdr.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString(/login.php)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[2]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackIndexedHdr))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 7)
+hdr = p.hdrs[3]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index == 31)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString(application/x-www-form-urlencoded)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[4]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index == 28)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackLiteralString(22)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[5]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index == 58)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString(Mozilla/5.0 Generated by hand)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[6]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index == 0)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_name, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.data == 'HPackZString(x-generated-by)')
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackLiteralString(Me)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[7]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackIndexedHdr))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 62)
+p = seq.frames[1]
+assert(isinstance(p, h2.H2Frame))
+assert(p.type == 9)
+assert(len(p.flags) == 0)
+assert(p.stream_id == 1)
+assert(isinstance(p.payload, h2.H2ContinuationFrame))
+hdrs_frm = p[h2.H2ContinuationFrame]
+assert(len(p.hdrs) == 1)
+hdr = p.hdrs[0]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index == 0)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_name, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.data == 'HPackZString(x-long-header)')
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString({})'.format('a'*5000))
+p = seq.frames[2]
+assert(isinstance(p, h2.H2Frame))
+assert(p.type == 9)
+assert(len(p.flags) == 1)
+assert('EH' in p.flags)
+assert(p.stream_id == 1)
+assert(isinstance(p.payload, h2.H2ContinuationFrame))
+hdrs_frm = p[h2.H2ContinuationFrame]
+assert(len(p.hdrs) == 1)
+hdr = p.hdrs[0]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index == 0)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_name, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.data == 'HPackZString(x-long-header)')
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString({})'.format('b'*5000))
+= HTTP/2 HPackHdrTable : Parsing Textual Representation with sensitive headers and non-indexable ones
+~ http2 hpack hpackhdrtable helpers
+hdrs = ''':method POST
+:path /login.php
+:scheme https
+content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+content-length: {}
+user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 Generated by hand
+x-generated-by: Me
+x-generation-date: 2016-08-11
+h = h2.HPackHdrTable()
+seq = h.parse_txt_hdrs(hdrs, stream_id=1, body=body, is_sensitive=lambda n,v: n in ['x-generation-date'], should_index=lambda x: x != 'x-generated-by')
+assert(isinstance(seq, h2.H2Seq))
+assert(len(seq.frames) == 2)
+p = seq.frames[0]
+assert(isinstance(p, h2.H2Frame))
+assert(p.type == 1)
+assert(len(p.flags) == 1)
+assert('EH' in p.flags)
+assert(p.stream_id == 1)
+assert(isinstance(p.payload, h2.H2HeadersFrame))
+hdrs_frm = p[h2.H2HeadersFrame]
+assert(len(p.hdrs) == 8)
+hdr = p.hdrs[0]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackIndexedHdr))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 3)
+hdr = p.hdrs[1]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index in [4, 5])
+assert(hdr.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString(/login.php)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[2]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackIndexedHdr))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 7)
+hdr = p.hdrs[3]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 31)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString(application/x-www-form-urlencoded)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[4]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 28)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackLiteralString(22)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[5]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithIncrIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 58)
+assert(hdr.hdr_name is None)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString(Mozilla/5.0 Generated by hand)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[6]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 0)
+assert(hdr.index == 0)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_name, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.data == 'HPackZString(x-generated-by)')
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackLiteralString(Me)')
+hdr = p.hdrs[7]
+assert(isinstance(hdr, h2.HPackLitHdrFldWithoutIndexing))
+assert(hdr.magic == 0)
+assert(hdr.never_index == 1)
+assert(hdr.index == 0)
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_name, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_name.data == 'HPackZString(x-generation-date)')
+assert(isinstance(hdr.hdr_value, h2.HPackHdrString))
+assert(hdr.hdr_value.data == 'HPackZString(2016-08-11)')
+p = seq.frames[1]
+assert(isinstance(p, h2.H2Frame))
+assert(p.type == 0)
+assert(len(p.flags) == 1)
+assert('ES' in p.flags)
+assert(p.stream_id == 1)
+assert(isinstance(p.payload, h2.H2DataFrame))
+pay = p[h2.H2DataFrame]
+assert(pay.data == body)