From 6e9b02642b4a5d31f1db071769ac5b5f107b6aa3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Guillaume Valadon <>
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2016 18:08:20 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] More regression tests

 test/regression.uts | 242 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 240 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/regression.uts b/test/regression.uts
index a2cd5a5b..16baaeb9 100644
--- a/test/regression.uts
+++ b/test/regression.uts
@@ -89,6 +89,47 @@ save_session(fname="scapySession1")
 = Test load_session
+= Test utility functions
+tmpfile =  get_temp_file(autoext=".ut")
+get_temp_file(True).startswith("/tmp/scapy") and len(conf.temp_files) == 0
+sane("A\x00\xFFB") == "A..B"
+linehexdump(Ether(), dump=True) == "FFFFFFFFFFFF0242D077E8129000 .......B.w...."
+chexdump(Ether(), dump=True) == "0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x02, 0x42, 0xd0, 0x77, 0xe8, 0x12, 0x90, 0x00"
+hexstr("A\x00\xFFB") == "41 00 ff 42  A..B"
+fletcher16_checksum("\x28\x07") == 22319
+tex_escape("$#_") == "\\$\\#\\_"
+f = colgen(range(3))
+len([ for i in range(2)]) == 2
+f = incremental_label()
+[ for i in range(2)] == ["tag00000", "tag00001"]
+import random
+corrupt_bytes("ABCDE") == "ABCDW"
+sane(corrupt_bytes("ABCDE", n=3)) == "A.8D4"
+corrupt_bits("ABCDE") == "EBCDE"
+sane(corrupt_bits("ABCDE", n=3)) == "AF.EE"
+= Test utility functions - network related
+~ netaccess
+atol("") == 3642339845
 + Basic tests
@@ -2844,14 +2885,24 @@ if not len(conf.route6.routes):
     conf.route6.routes.append(("::1", 128, "::", LOOPBACK_NAME, ["::1"]))
+= Route6 - Route6.make_route
+r6 = Route6()
+r6.make_route("2001:db8::1", dev=LOOPBACK_NAME) == ("2001:db8::1", 128, "::", LOOPBACK_NAME, [])
+len_r6 = len(r6.routes)
+= Route6 - Route6.add & Route6.delt
+r6.add(dst="2001:db8:cafe:f000::/64", gw="2001:db8:cafe::1", dev="eth0")
+print len(r6.routes) == len_r6 + 1
+r6.delt(dst="2001:db8:cafe:f000::/64", gw="2001:db8:cafe::1")
+len(r6.routes) == len_r6
-# There are many other to do.
 # Below is our Homework : here is the mountain ...
-########### Net6 Class ##############################################
 ########### ICMPv6MLQuery Class #####################################
 ########### ICMPv6MLReport Class ####################################
 ########### ICMPv6MLDone Class ######################################
@@ -7219,3 +7270,190 @@ s == 'E\x00\x007\x00\x01\x00\x00@\x11|\xb3\x7f\x00\x00\x01\x7f\x00\x00\x01\x07\x
 = Radius - dissection
 p = IP(s)
 Radius in p and len(p[Radius].attributes) == 1 and p[Radius].attributes[0].value == "scapy"
++ Addresses generators
+= Net
+n1 = Net("")
+[ip for ip in n1] == ["", ""]
+n2 = Net("192.168.0.*")
+len([ip for ip in n2]) == 256
+n3 = Net("")
+len([ip for ip in n3]) == 5
+(n1 == n3) == False
+(n3 in n2) == True
+= OID
+oid = OID("")
+len([ o for o in oid ]) == 3
+= Net6
+n1 = Net6("2001:db8::/127")
+len([ip for ip in n1]) == 2
++ IPv6 helpers
+= in6_getLocalUniquePrefix()
+p = in6_getLocalUniquePrefix()
+len(p) == 16 and p.startswith("fd")
+= Misc addresses manipulation functions
+teredoAddrExtractInfo("2001:0:0a0b:0c0d:0028:f508:f508:08f5") == ("", 40, "", 2807)
+in6_iseui64("fe80::bae8:58ff:fed4:e5f6") == True
+in6_isanycast("2001:db8::fdff:ffff:ffff:ff80") == True
+a = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, "2001:db8::2807")
+in6_xor(a, a) == "\x00" * 16
+a = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, "fe80::bae8:58ff:fed4:e5f6")
+r = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, in6_getnsma(a)) 
+r == "ff02::1:ffd4:e5f6"
+in6_isllsnmaddr(r) == True
+in6_isdocaddr("2001:db8::2807") == True
+in6_isaddrllallnodes("ff02::1") == True
+in6_isaddrllallservers("ff02::2") == True
+= in6_getscope()
+in6_getscope("2001:db8::2807") == IPV6_ADDR_GLOBAL
+in6_getscope("fec0::2807") == IPV6_ADDR_SITELOCAL
+in6_getscope("fe80::2807") == IPV6_ADDR_LINKLOCAL
+in6_getscope("ff02::2807") == IPV6_ADDR_LINKLOCAL
+in6_getscope("ff0e::2807") == IPV6_ADDR_GLOBAL
+in6_getscope("ff05::2807") == IPV6_ADDR_SITELOCAL
+in6_getscope("ff01::2807") == IPV6_ADDR_LOOPBACK
+in6_getscope("::1") == IPV6_ADDR_LOOPBACK
++ Test Route class
+= make_route()
+r4 = Route()
+len_r4 = len(r4.routes)
+r4.make_route(host="") == (168561934, 4294967295L, '', LOOPBACK_NAME, '')
+r4.make_route(net="") == (168561920, 4294967040L, '', LOOPBACK_NAME, '')
+r4.make_route(net="", dev="dummy0") == (168558592, 4294901760L, '', 'dummy0', '')
+= add() & delt()
+r4.add(net="", gw="", dev="dummy0")
+len(r4.routes) == len_r4 + 1
+r4.delt(net="", gw="", dev="dummy0")
+len(r4.routes) == len_r4
+= ifchange()
+r4.add(net="", gw="", dev="dummy0")
+r4.ifchange("dummy0", "")
+r4.routes[-1][-1] == ""
+= ifdel()
+len(r4.routes) == len_r4
+= ifadd() & get_if_bcast()
+r4.ifadd("dummy0", "")
+r4.get_if_bcast("dummy0") == ""
+len(r4.routes) == len_r4
++ Random objects
+= RandomEnumeration
+re = RandomEnumeration(0, 7, seed=0x2807, forever=False)
+[x for x in re] == [3, 4, 2, 5, 1, 6, 0, 7]
+= RandIP6
+r6 = RandIP6()
+str(r6) == "d279:1205:e445:5a9f:db28:efc9:afd7:f594"
+r6 = RandIP6("2001:db8::-") 
+print r6 == "2001:0db8::9e9c"
+r6 = RandIP6("2001:db8::*")
+print r6 == "2001:0db8::9ccb"
+= RandMAC
+rm = RandMAC() 
+rm == "12:5a:ef:f5:91:44"
+rm = RandMAC("00:01:02:03:04:0-7")
+rm == "00:01:02:03:04:01"
+= RandOID
+ro = RandOID()
+ro == ""
+ro = RandOID("1.2.3.*")
+ro == ""
+ro = RandOID("")
+ro == ""
+= RandRegExp
+re = RandRegExp("[g-v]* @? [0-9]{3} . (g|v)")
+print re == "vmuvr @ 906  g"
+= Corrupted(Bytes|Bits)
+cb = CorruptedBytes("ABCDE", p=0.5)
+sane(cb) == "pB..E"
+cb = CorruptedBits("ABCDE", p=0.2)
+sane(cb) == "E.Kl`"
+= Rand*
+rs = RandSingNum(-28, 07)
+print rs == -7
+rss = RandSingString()
+rss == "CON:"
+rek = RandEnumKeys({'a': 1, 'b': 2})
+str(rek) == 'b'
+rts = RandTermString(4, "scapy")
+sane(str(rts)) == "[...scapy"