diff --git a/scapy/automaton.py b/scapy/automaton.py
index a10f02292f7b7dbd8a083764be06a961d8fe27d7..5cf02f56f0396cdbecebad1ccae7b3269dc1f6b1 100644
--- a/scapy/automaton.py
+++ b/scapy/automaton.py
@@ -324,12 +324,18 @@ class Automaton_metaclass(type):
         s += "}\n"
         return do_graph(s, **kargs)
-def select_objects(inputs, remain):
+def select_objects(inputs, remain, customTypes=()):
+    """
+    Select object that have checkRecv function.
+    inputs: objects to process
+    remain: timeout. If 0, return [].
+    customTypes: types of the objects that have the checkRecv function.
+    """
     if WINDOWS:
         r = []
         def look_for_select():
-            for fd in inputs:
-                if isinstance(fd, ObjectPipe) or isinstance(fd, Automaton._IO_fdwrapper):
+            for fd in list(inputs):
+                if isinstance(fd, (ObjectPipe, Automaton._IO_fdwrapper) + customTypes):
                     if fd.checkRecv():
diff --git a/scapy/pipetool.py b/scapy/pipetool.py
index 03d452e987a5c84c1e03523f12cd0b1b89656a00..5f86d73d60f7777ca4e8e782a4ebd3408e2443ef 100644
--- a/scapy/pipetool.py
+++ b/scapy/pipetool.py
@@ -5,16 +5,21 @@
 ## Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <phil@secdev.org>
 ## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
-import os, thread, select
+import os
 import subprocess
 import itertools
 import collections
 import time
 import Queue
-import scapy.utils
+from threading import Lock, Thread
+from scapy.automaton import Message, select_objects
+from scapy.consts import WINDOWS
 from scapy.error import log_interactive, warning
 from scapy.config import conf
+from scapy.utils import get_temp_file, do_graph
+import scapy.arch
 class PipeEngine:
     pipes = {}
@@ -39,8 +44,9 @@ class PipeEngine:
         self.active_drains = set()
         self.active_sinks = set()
-        self.thread_lock = thread.allocate_lock()
-        self.command_lock = thread.allocate_lock()
+        self.thread_lock = Lock()
+        self.command_lock = Lock()
+        self.__fd_queue = []
         self.__fdr,self.__fdw = os.pipe()
         self.threadid = None
     def __getattr__(self, attr):
@@ -55,6 +61,22 @@ class PipeEngine:
                 return f
         raise AttributeError(attr)
+    def checkRecv(self):
+        """As select.select is not available, we check if there
+        is some data to read by using a list that stores pointers."""
+        return len(self.__fd_queue) > 0
+    def fileno(self):
+        return self.__fdr
+    def _read_cmd(self):
+        self.__fd_queue.pop()
+        return os.read(self.__fdr,1)
+    def _write_cmd(self, _cmd):
+        os.write(self.__fdw, _cmd)
+        self.__fd_queue.append("X")
     def add_one_pipe(self, pipe):
         if isinstance(pipe, Source):
@@ -90,15 +112,15 @@ class PipeEngine:
             for p in self.active_pipes:
             sources = self.active_sources
-            sources.add(self.__fdr)
+            sources.add(self)
             exhausted = set([])
             STOP_IF_EXHAUSTED = False
             while RUN and (not STOP_IF_EXHAUSTED or len(sources) > 1):
-                fds,fdo,fde=select.select(sources,[],[])
+                fds = select_objects(sources, 2, customTypes=(AutoSource, PipeEngine))
                 for fd in fds:
-                    if fd is self.__fdr:
-                        cmd = os.read(self.__fdr,1)
+                    if fd is self:
+                        cmd = self._read_cmd()
                         if cmd == "X":
@@ -106,7 +128,7 @@ class PipeEngine:
                             STOP_IF_EXHAUSTED = True
                         elif cmd == "A":
                             sources = self.active_sources-exhausted
-                            sources.add(self.__fdr)
+                            sources.add(self)
                             warning("Unknown internal pipe engine command: %r. Ignoring." % cmd)
                     elif fd in sources:
@@ -130,7 +152,9 @@ class PipeEngine:
     def start(self):
         if self.thread_lock.acquire(0):
-            self.threadid = thread.start_new_thread(self.run,())
+            _t = Thread(target=self.run)
+            _t.start()
+            self.threadid = _t.ident
             warning("Pipe engine already running")
     def wait_and_stop(self):
@@ -139,7 +163,7 @@ class PipeEngine:
             with self.command_lock:
                 if self.threadid is not None:
-                    os.write(self.__fdw, _cmd)
+                    self._write_cmd(_cmd)
                     while not self.thread_lock.acquire(0):
                         time.sleep(0.01) # interruptible wait for thread to terminate
                     self.thread_lock.release() # (not using .join() because it needs 'threading' module)
@@ -154,7 +178,7 @@ class PipeEngine:
             if self.threadid is not None:
                 for p in pipes:
-                os.write(self.__fdw, "A")
+                self._write_cmd("A")
     def graph(self,**kargs):
         g=['digraph "pipe" {',"\tnode [shape=rectangle];",]
@@ -177,7 +201,7 @@ class PipeEngine:
                 g.append('\t"%i" -> "%i";' % (id(p), id(q)))
         graph = "\n".join(g)
-        scapy.utils.do_graph(graph, **kargs) 
+        do_graph(graph, **kargs) 
 class _ConnectorLogic(object):
@@ -286,13 +310,14 @@ class Source(Pipe):
         Pipe.__init__(self, name=name)
         self.is_exhausted = False
     def _read_message(self):
-        from scapy.automaton import Message
         return Message()
     def deliver(self):
         msg = self._read_message
     def fileno(self):
         return None
+    def checkRecv(self):
+        return False
     def exhausted(self):
         return self.is_exhausted
     def start(self):
@@ -335,6 +360,8 @@ class AutoSource(Source):
         self._queue = collections.deque()
     def fileno(self):
         return self.__fdr
+    def checkRecv(self):
+        return len(self._queue) > 0
     def _gen_data(self, msg):
@@ -363,7 +390,7 @@ class ThreadGenSource(AutoSource):
     def start(self):
         self.RUN = True
-        thread.start_new_thread(self.generate,())
+        Thread(target=self.generate).start()
     def stop(self):
         self.RUN = False
@@ -393,14 +420,15 @@ class RawConsoleSink(Sink):
     def __init__(self, name=None, newlines=True):
         Sink.__init__(self, name=name)
         self.newlines = newlines
+        self._write_pipe = 1
     def push(self, msg):
         if self.newlines:
             msg += "\n"
-        os.write(1, str(msg))
+        os.write(self._write_pipe, str(msg))
     def high_push(self, msg):
         if self.newlines:
             msg += "\n"
-        os.write(1, str(msg))
+        os.write(self._write_pipe, str(msg))
 class CLIFeeder(AutoSource):
     """Send messages from python command line
@@ -470,8 +498,19 @@ class TermSink(Sink):
         self.opened = False
         if self.openearly:
-    def start(self):
+    def _start_windows(self):
+        if not self.opened:
+            self.opened = True
+            self.__f = get_temp_file()
+            self.name = "Scapy" if self.name is None else self.name
+            # Start a powershell in a new window and print the PID
+            cmd = "$app = Start-Process PowerShell -ArgumentList '-command &{$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle=\\\"%s\\\";Get-Content \\\"%s\\\" -wait}' -passthru; echo $app.Id" % (self.name, self.__f.replace("\\", "\\\\"))
+            _p = subprocess.Popen([conf.prog.powershell, cmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+            _output, _stderr = _p.communicate()
+            # This is the process PID
+            self.__p = int(_output)
+            print("PID:" + str(self.__p))
+    def _start_unix(self):
         if not self.opened:
             self.opened = True
             self.__r,self.__w = os.pipe()
@@ -481,19 +520,43 @@ class TermSink(Sink):
             if self.keepterm:
             cmd.extend(["-e", "cat 0<&%i" % self.__r])
-            self.__p = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
+            self.__p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, executable="/bin/bash")
-    def stop(self):
+    def start(self):
+        if WINDOWS:
+            return self._start_windows()
+        else:
+            return self._start_unix()
+    def _stop_windows(self):
+        if not self.keepterm:
+            self.opened = False
+            # Recipe to kill process with PID
+            # http://code.activestate.com/recipes/347462-terminating-a-subprocess-on-windows/
+            import ctypes
+            PROCESS_TERMINATE = 1
+            handle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, False, self.__p)
+            ctypes.windll.kernel32.TerminateProcess(handle, -1)
+            ctypes.windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(handle)
+    def _stop_unix(self):
         if not self.keepterm:
             self.opened = False
+    def stop(self):
+        if WINDOWS:
+            return self._stop_windows()
+        else:
+            return self._stop_unix()
     def _print(self, s):
         if self.newlines:
-        os.write(self.__w, s)
+        if WINDOWS:
+            self.__w = open(self.__f, "a")
+            self.__w.write(s)
+            self.__w.close()
+        else:
+            os.write(self.__w, s)
     def push(self, msg):
     def high_push(self, msg):
@@ -564,27 +627,3 @@ class DownDrain(Drain):
     def high_push(self, msg):
-def _testmain():
-    s = PeriodicSource("hello", 1, name="src")
-    d1 = Drain(name="d1")
-    c = ConsoleSink(name="c")
-    tf = TransformDrain(lambda x:"Got %r" % x)
-    t = TermSink(name="t", keepterm=False)
-    s > d1 > c
-    d1 > tf > t
-    p = PipeEngine(s)
-    p.graph(type="png",target="> /tmp/pipe.png")
-    p.start()
-    print p.threadid
-    time.sleep(5)
-    p.stop()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    _testmain()
diff --git a/scapy/utils.py b/scapy/utils.py
index f20888642a90388d1070d826b58e47e3aa9a5eb5..d24a2523ad7b2040a135960eef173005e4eb641c 100644
--- a/scapy/utils.py
+++ b/scapy/utils.py
@@ -436,7 +436,10 @@ def do_graph(graph,prog=None,format=None,target=None,type=None,string=None,optio
         format = "-T %s" % format
     w,r = os.popen2("%s %s %s %s" % (prog,options or "", format or "", target))
-    w.close()
+    try:
+        w.close()
+    except IOError:
+        pass
     if start_viewer:
         # Workaround for file not found error: We wait until tempfile is written.
         waiting_start = time.time()
diff --git a/test/pipetool.uts b/test/pipetool.uts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5b0a7103babbc9dc4f158028d7862bea00d121eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pipetool.uts
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+% Pipetool related tests
++ Basic tests
+= Test default test case
+s = PeriodicSource("hello", 1, name="src")
+d1 = Drain(name="d1")
+c = ConsoleSink(name="c")
+tf = TransformDrain(lambda x:"Got %r" % x)
+t = TermSink(name="t", keepterm=False)
+s > d1 > c
+d1 > tf > t
+p = PipeEngine(s)
+p.graph(type="png",target="> /tmp/pipe.png")
+= Test add_pipe
+s = AutoSource()
+p = PipeEngine(s)
+assert len(p.active_pipes) == 2
+x = p.spawn_Pipe()
+assert len(p.active_pipes) == 3
+assert isinstance(x, Pipe)
+= Test exhausted source
+s = AutoSource()
+s.is_exhausted = True
+d1 = Drain(name="d1")
+c = ConsoleSink(name="c")
+s > d1 > c
+p = PipeEngine(s)
+= Test add_pipe on running instance
+test_val = None
+class TestSink(Sink):
+    def push(self, msg):
+        global test_val
+        test_val = msg
+p = PipeEngine()
+s = AutoSource()
+s.is_exhausted = True
+d1 = Drain(name="d1")
+c = TestSink(name="c")
+s > d1 > c
+assert test_val == "hello"
+= Test Operators
+s = AutoSource()
+p = PipeEngine(s)
+assert p == p
+assert not p < p
+assert not p > p
+a = AutoSource()
+b = AutoSource()
+a >> b
+assert len(a.high_sinks) == 1
+assert len(a.high_sources) == 0
+assert len(b.high_sinks) == 0
+assert len(b.high_sources) == 1
+a = AutoSource()
+b = AutoSource()
+a << b
+assert len(a.high_sinks) == 0
+assert len(a.high_sources) == 1
+assert len(b.high_sinks) == 1
+assert len(b.high_sources) == 0
+a = AutoSource()
+b = AutoSource()
+a == b
+assert len(a.sinks) == 1
+assert len(a.sources) == 1
+assert len(b.sinks) == 1
+assert len(b.sources) == 1
+a = AutoSource()
+b = AutoSource()
+assert len(a.high_sinks) == 1
+assert len(a.high_sources) == 1
+assert len(b.high_sinks) == 1
+assert len(b.high_sources) == 1
+a = AutoSource()
+b = AutoSource()
+assert len(b.trigger_sources) == 1
+assert len(a.trigger_sinks) == 1
+= Test doc
+s = AutoSource()
+p = PipeEngine(s)
+= Test RawConsoleSink with CLIFeeder
+p = PipeEngine()
+s = CLIFeeder()
+s.is_exhausted = True
+r, w = os.pipe()
+d1 = Drain(name="d1")
+c = RawConsoleSink(name="c")
+c._write_pipe = w
+s > d1 > c
+assert os.read(r, 20) == "hello\n"
+= Test QueueSink with CLIFeeder
+p = PipeEngine()
+s = CLIFeeder()
+s.is_exhausted = True
+d1 = Drain(name="d1")
+c = QueueSink(name="c")
+s > d1 > c
+assert c.recv() == "hello"
+= Test UpDrain
+test_val = None
+class TestSink(Sink):
+    def high_push(self, msg):
+        global test_val
+        test_val = msg
+p = PipeEngine()
+s = CLIFeeder()
+s.is_exhausted = True
+d1 = UpDrain(name="d1")
+c = TestSink(name="c")
+s > d1
+d1 >> c
+assert test_val == "hello"
+= Test DownDrain
+test_val = None
+class TestSink(Sink):
+    def push(self, msg):
+        global test_val
+        test_val = msg
+p = PipeEngine()
+s = CLIHighFeeder()
+s.is_exhausted = True
+d1 = DownDrain(name="d1")
+c = TestSink(name="c")
+s >> d1
+d1 > c
+assert test_val == "hello"