diff --git a/scapy/pipetool.py b/scapy/pipetool.py
index 56c0de75f397ebeb14703fa376b570f03ca132ef..903c885773cc6d7fdc0c7886ef9ed145e9eefc85 100644
--- a/scapy/pipetool.py
+++ b/scapy/pipetool.py
@@ -316,6 +316,8 @@ class Source(Pipe):
     def fileno(self):
         return None
+    def checkRecv(self):
+        return False
     def exhausted(self):
         return self.is_exhausted
     def start(self):
@@ -418,14 +420,15 @@ class RawConsoleSink(Sink):
     def __init__(self, name=None, newlines=True):
         Sink.__init__(self, name=name)
         self.newlines = newlines
+        self._write_pipe = 1
     def push(self, msg):
         if self.newlines:
             msg += "\n"
-        os.write(1, str(msg))
+        os.write(self._write_pipe, str(msg))
     def high_push(self, msg):
         if self.newlines:
             msg += "\n"
-        os.write(1, str(msg))
+        os.write(self._write_pipe, str(msg))
 class CLIFeeder(AutoSource):
     """Send messages from python command line
diff --git a/test/pipetool.uts b/test/pipetool.uts
index 7b25042b93eadaaa7968709952261da7a8eec0b0..5b0a7103babbc9dc4f158028d7862bea00d121eb 100644
--- a/test/pipetool.uts
+++ b/test/pipetool.uts
@@ -126,3 +126,94 @@ s = AutoSource()
 p = PipeEngine(s)
+= Test RawConsoleSink with CLIFeeder
+p = PipeEngine()
+s = CLIFeeder()
+s.is_exhausted = True
+r, w = os.pipe()
+d1 = Drain(name="d1")
+c = RawConsoleSink(name="c")
+c._write_pipe = w
+s > d1 > c
+assert os.read(r, 20) == "hello\n"
+= Test QueueSink with CLIFeeder
+p = PipeEngine()
+s = CLIFeeder()
+s.is_exhausted = True
+d1 = Drain(name="d1")
+c = QueueSink(name="c")
+s > d1 > c
+assert c.recv() == "hello"
+= Test UpDrain
+test_val = None
+class TestSink(Sink):
+    def high_push(self, msg):
+        global test_val
+        test_val = msg
+p = PipeEngine()
+s = CLIFeeder()
+s.is_exhausted = True
+d1 = UpDrain(name="d1")
+c = TestSink(name="c")
+s > d1
+d1 >> c
+assert test_val == "hello"
+= Test DownDrain
+test_val = None
+class TestSink(Sink):
+    def push(self, msg):
+        global test_val
+        test_val = msg
+p = PipeEngine()
+s = CLIHighFeeder()
+s.is_exhausted = True
+d1 = DownDrain(name="d1")
+c = TestSink(name="c")
+s >> d1
+d1 > c
+assert test_val == "hello"