diff --git a/scapy/contrib/bgp.uts b/scapy/contrib/bgp.uts
index 3a2997df266576d2396ed749c6eb9d756cce05b6..5ccdf9ff29fc702e8fb4cbff91ca8cd960478c14 100644
--- a/scapy/contrib/bgp.uts
+++ b/scapy/contrib/bgp.uts
@@ -97,6 +97,20 @@ str(BGPCapability()) == b'\x00\x00'
 c = BGPCapability(code = 70)
 assert(str(c) == b'F\x00')
+= BGPCapability - Check exception
+from scapy.contrib.bgp import _BGPInvalidDataException
+  BGPCapability("\x00")
+  False
+except _BGPInvalidDataException:
+  True
+= BGPCapability - Test haslayer()
+BGPCapFourBytesASN().haslayer(BGPCapability) == True
+= BGPCapability - Test getlayer()
+isinstance(BGPCapFourBytesASN().getlayer(BGPCapability), BGPCapFourBytesASN)
 ############################ BGPCapMultiprotocol ##############################
 + BGPCapMultiprotocol class tests
@@ -185,6 +199,10 @@ c.code == 3 and c.length == 0
 c = BGPCapORF(orf = [BGPCapORFBlock(afi = 1, safi = 1, entries = [BGPCapORFBlock.ORFTuple(orf_type = 64, send_receive = 3)]), BGPCapORFBlock(afi = 2, safi = 1, entries = [BGPCapORFBlock.ORFTuple(orf_type = 64, send_receive = 3)])])
 c.code == 3 and c.orf[0].afi == 1 and c.orf[0].safi == 1 and c.orf[0].entries[0].orf_type == 64 and c.orf[0].entries[0].send_receive == 3 and c.orf[1].afi == 2 and c.orf[1].safi == 1 and c.orf[1].entries[0].orf_type == 64 and c.orf[1].entries[0].send_receive == 3
+= BGPCapORF - Dissection
+p = BGPCapORF(b'\x03\x07\x00\x01\x00\x01\x01@\x03')
+assert(len(p.orf) == 1)
 ####################### BGPCapGracefulRestart.GRTuple #########################
 + BGPCapGracefulRestart.GRTuple class tests
@@ -615,6 +633,10 @@ assert(m.path_attr[0].attribute.safi == 1)
 assert(m.path_attr[0].attribute.afi_safi_specific.withdrawn_routes[0].prefix == "6000::/3")
 assert(m.nlri == [])
+= BGPUpdate - with BGPHeader
+p = BGP(str(BGPHeader()/BGPUpdate()))
+assert(BGPHeader in p and BGPUpdate in p)
 ########## BGPNotification Class ###################################
 + BGPNotification class tests
diff --git a/test/regression.uts b/test/regression.uts
index 843088abaefa4f6ac4d768e35482ab4691ef1b82..a4bd3bb66b0092149b4c778199026f030cb0a448 100644
--- a/test/regression.uts
+++ b/test/regression.uts
@@ -331,6 +331,7 @@ if not WINDOWS:
 ~ manufdb
 assert(MANUFDB._resolve_MAC("00:00:0F:01:02:03") == "Next:01:02:03")
 assert(MANUFDB._get_short_manuf("00:00:0F:01:02:03") == "Next")
 = Test utility functions - network related
 ~ netaccess