diff --git a/.travis/install.sh b/.travis/install.sh
index 56d1f908844e9ffdb6a85ab16fcaedb1a07483ce..880acdeec74446f9342b5cd314175ac6812cbbf9 100644
--- a/.travis/install.sh
+++ b/.travis/install.sh
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ fi
 if [ "$SCAPY_COVERAGE" = "yes" ]
   $SCAPY_SUDO pip install $PIP_INSTALL_FLAGS coverage
+  $SCAPY_SUDO apt-get install python-pyx
 # Install pcap & dnet
diff --git a/test/regression.uts b/test/regression.uts
index eb61f31631643b6cdb6ed3112ca202e22a9493ee..80c166819cfca98f25651a62cc416d0472df17f3 100644
--- a/test/regression.uts
+++ b/test/regression.uts
@@ -8928,4 +8928,169 @@ if WINDOWS:
\ No newline at end of file
++ PacketList methods
+= plot()
+import mock
+def test_plot(mock_plt):
+    def fake_plot(data, **kwargs):
+        return data
+    mock_plt.plot = fake_plot
+    plist = PacketList([IP(id=i)/TCP() for i in xrange(10)])
+    lines = plist.plot(lambda p: (p.time, p.id))
+    assert(len(lines) == 10)
+= diffplot()
+import mock
+def test_diffplot(mock_plt):
+    def fake_plot(data, **kwargs):
+        return data
+    mock_plt.plot = fake_plot
+    plist = PacketList([IP(id=i)/TCP() for i in xrange(10)])
+    lines = plist.diffplot(lambda x,y: (x.time, y.id-x.id))
+    assert(len(lines) == 9)
+= multiplot()
+import mock
+def test_multiplot(mock_plt):
+    def fake_plot(data, **kwargs):
+        return data
+    mock_plt.plot = fake_plot
+    tmp = [IP(id=i)/TCP() for i in xrange(10)]
+    plist = PacketList([tuple(tmp[i-2:i]) for i in xrange(2, 10, 2)])
+    lines = plist.multiplot(lambda x: (x[1][IP].src, (x[1].time, x[1][IP].id)))
+    assert(len(lines) == 1)
+    assert(len(lines[0]) == 4)
+= rawhexdump()
+def test_rawhexdump():
+    with ContextManagerCaptureOutput() as cmco:
+        p = PacketList([IP()/TCP() for i in xrange(2)])
+        p.rawhexdump()
+        result_pl_rawhexdump = cmco.get_output()
+    assert(len(result_pl_rawhexdump.split('\n')) == 7)
+    assert(result_pl_rawhexdump.startswith("0000  45000028"))
+= hexraw()
+def test_hexraw():
+    with ContextManagerCaptureOutput() as cmco:
+        p = PacketList([IP()/Raw(str(i)) for i in xrange(2)])
+        p.hexraw()
+        result_pl_hexraw = cmco.get_output()
+    assert(len(result_pl_hexraw.split('\n')) == 5)
+    assert("0000  30" in result_pl_hexraw)
+= hexdump()
+def test_hexdump():
+    with ContextManagerCaptureOutput() as cmco:
+        p = PacketList([IP()/Raw(str(i)) for i in xrange(2)])
+        p.hexdump()
+        result_pl_hexdump = cmco.get_output()
+    assert(len(result_pl_hexdump.split('\n')) == 7)
+    assert("0010  7F00000131" in result_pl_hexdump)
+= padding()
+def test_padding():
+    with ContextManagerCaptureOutput() as cmco:
+        p = PacketList([IP()/conf.padding_layer(str(i)) for i in xrange(2)])
+        p.padding()
+        result_pl_padding = cmco.get_output()
+    assert(len(result_pl_padding.split('\n')) == 5)
+    assert("0000  30" in result_pl_padding)
+= nzpadding()
+def test_nzpadding():
+    with ContextManagerCaptureOutput() as cmco:
+        p = PacketList([IP()/conf.padding_layer("A%s" % i) for i in xrange(2)])
+        p.nzpadding()
+        result_pl_nzpadding = cmco.get_output()
+    assert(len(result_pl_nzpadding.split('\n')) == 5)
+    assert("0000  4130" in result_pl_nzpadding)
+= conversations()
+import mock
+def test_conversations(mock_do_graph):
+    def fake_do_graph(graph, **kwargs):
+        return graph
+    mock_do_graph.side_effect = fake_do_graph
+    plist = PacketList([IP(dst="")/TCP(dport=i) for i in xrange(2)])
+    plist.extend([IP(src="")/TCP(sport=i) for i in xrange(2)])
+    result_conversations = plist.conversations()
+    assert(len(result_conversations.split('\n')) == 5)
+    assert(result_conversations.startswith('digraph "conv" {'))
+= afterglow()
+import mock
+def test_afterglow(mock_do_graph):
+    def fake_do_graph(graph, **kwargs):
+        return graph
+    mock_do_graph.side_effect = fake_do_graph
+    plist = PacketList([IP(dst="")/TCP(dport=i) for i in xrange(2)])
+    plist.extend([IP(src="")/TCP(sport=i) for i in xrange(2)])
+    result_afterglow = plist.afterglow()
+    assert(len(result_afterglow.split('\n')) == 19)
+    assert(result_afterglow.startswith('digraph "afterglow" {'))
+= psdump()
+if test_pyx():
+    import tempfile
+    import os
+    filename = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".ps")
+    plist = PacketList([IP()/TCP()])
+    plist.psdump(filename)
+    assert(os.path.exists(filename))
+    os.unlink(filename)
+= pdfdump()
+if test_pyx():
+    import tempfile
+    import os
+    filename = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".pdf")
+    plist = PacketList([IP()/TCP()])
+    plist.pdfdump(filename)
+    assert(os.path.exists(filename))
+    os.unlink(filename)