diff --git a/StandAlone/StandAlone.cpp b/StandAlone/StandAlone.cpp
index 07a3856383a79f9660277d71e2e4661161e1b2d9..554ea8fa8dea1e0eb414b9531bf18acda85674aa 100755
--- a/StandAlone/StandAlone.cpp
+++ b/StandAlone/StandAlone.cpp
@@ -483,8 +483,8 @@ void ProcessArguments(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<glslang::TWorkItem>>& workItem
                                lowerword == "sib") {
                         ProcessBindingBase(argc, argv, glslang::EResImage);
                     } else if (lowerword == "shift-sampler-bindings" || // synonyms
-                        lowerword == "shift-sampler-binding"  ||
-                        lowerword == "ssb") {
+                               lowerword == "shift-sampler-binding"  ||
+                               lowerword == "ssb") {
                         ProcessBindingBase(argc, argv, glslang::EResSampler);
                     } else if (lowerword == "shift-uav-bindings" ||  // synonyms
                                lowerword == "shift-uav-binding"  ||
@@ -1326,22 +1326,22 @@ void usage()
            "  -C          cascading errors; risk crash from accumulation of error recoveries\n"
-           "  -D          input is HLSL (default when any suffix is .hlsl)\n"
+           "  -D          input is HLSL (this is the default when any suffix is .hlsl)\n"
            "  -D<macro=def>\n"
            "  -D<macro>   define a pre-processor macro\n"
            "  -E          print pre-processed GLSL; cannot be used with -l;\n"
-           "              errors will appear on stderr.\n"
+           "              errors will appear on stderr\n"
            "  -G[ver]     create SPIR-V binary, under OpenGL semantics; turns on -l;\n"
-           "              default file name is <stage>.spv (-o overrides this)\n"
+           "              default file name is <stage>.spv (-o overrides this);\n"
            "              'ver', when present, is the version of the input semantics,\n"
-           "              which will appear in #define GL_SPIRV ver\n"
-           "              '--client opengl100' is the same as -G100\n"
+           "              which will appear in #define GL_SPIRV ver;\n"
+           "              '--client opengl100' is the same as -G100;\n"
            "              a '--target-env' for OpenGL will also imply '-G'\n"
            "  -H          print human readable form of SPIR-V; turns on -V\n"
            "  -I<dir>     add dir to the include search path; includer's directory\n"
            "              is searched first, followed by left-to-right order of -I\n"
-           "  -Od         disables optimization. May cause illegal SPIR-V for HLSL.\n"
-           "  -Os         optimizes SPIR-V to minimize size.\n"
+           "  -Od         disables optimization; may cause illegal SPIR-V for HLSL\n"
+           "  -Os         optimizes SPIR-V to minimize size\n"
            "  -S <stage>  uses specified stage rather than parsing the file extension\n"
            "              choices for <stage> are vert, tesc, tese, geom, frag, or comp\n"
            "  -U<macro>   undefine a pre-processor macro\n"
@@ -1355,11 +1355,11 @@ void usage()
            "              creates the default configuration file (redirect to a .conf file)\n"
            "  -d          default to desktop (#version 110) when there is no shader #version\n"
            "              (default is ES version 100)\n"
-           "  --entry-point <name>\n"
-           "  -e <name>   specify <name> as the entry-point function name\n"
+           "  -e <name> | --entry-point <name>\n"
+           "              specify <name> as the entry-point function name\n"
            "  -f{hlsl_functionality1}\n"
            "              'hlsl_functionality1' enables use of the\n"
-           "                  SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1 extension\n"
+           "              SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1 extension\n"
            "  -g          generate debug information\n"
            "  -h          print this usage message\n"
            "  -i          intermediate tree (glslang AST) is printed out\n"
@@ -1367,80 +1367,81 @@ void usage()
            "  -m          memory leak mode\n"
            "  -o <file>   save binary to <file>, requires a binary option (e.g., -V)\n"
            "  -q          dump reflection query database\n"
-           "  -r          synonym for --relaxed-errors\n"
+           "  -r | --relaxed-errors"
+           "              relaxed GLSL semantic error-checking mode\n"
            "  -s          silence syntax and semantic error reporting\n"
            "  -t          multi-threaded mode\n"
-           "  -v          print version strings\n"
-           "  -w          synonym for --suppress-warnings\n"
+           "  -v | --version\n"
+           "              print version strings\n"
+           "  -w | --suppress-warnings\n"
+           "              suppress GLSL warnings, except as required by \"#extension : warn\"\n"
            "  -x          save binary output as text-based 32-bit hexadecimal numbers\n"
-           "  --auto-map-bindings                  automatically bind uniform variables\n"
-           "                                       without explicit bindings.\n"
-           "  --amb                                synonym for --auto-map-bindings\n"
-           "  --auto-map-locations                 automatically locate input/output lacking\n"
-           "                                       'location' (fragile, not cross stage)\n"
-           "  --aml                                synonym for --auto-map-locations\n"
-           "  --client {vulkan<ver>|opengl<ver>}   see -V and -G\n"
-           "  -dumpfullversion                     print bare major.minor.patchlevel\n"
-           "  -dumpversion                         same as -dumpfullversion\n"
-           "  --flatten-uniform-arrays             flatten uniform texture/sampler arrays to\n"
-           "                                       scalars\n"
-           "  --fua                                synonym for --flatten-uniform-arrays\n"
-           "  --hlsl-offsets                       Allow block offsets to follow HLSL rules\n"
-           "                                       Works independently of source language\n"
-           "  --hlsl-iomap                         Perform IO mapping in HLSL register space\n"
-           "  --hlsl-enable-16bit-types            Allow use of 16-bit types in SPIR-V for HLSL\n"
-           "  --invert-y | --iy                    invert position.Y output in vertex shader\n"
-           "  --keep-uncalled                      don't eliminate uncalled functions\n"
-           "  --ku                                 synonym for --keep-uncalled\n"
-           "  --no-storage-format                  use Unknown image format\n"
-           "  --nsf                                synonym for --no-storage-format\n"
-           "  --relaxed-errors                     relaxed GLSL semantic error-checking mode\n"
+           "  --auto-map-bindings | --amb       automatically bind uniform variables\n"
+           "                                    without explicit bindings\n"
+           "  --auto-map-locations | --aml      automatically locate input/output lacking\n"
+           "                                    'location' (fragile, not cross stage)\n"
+           "  --client {vulkan<ver>|opengl<ver>} see -V and -G\n"
+           "  -dumpfullversion | -dumpversion   print bare major.minor.patchlevel\n"
+           "  --flatten-uniform-arrays | --fua  flatten uniform texture/sampler arrays to\n"
+           "                                    scalars\n"
+           "  --hlsl-offsets                    allow block offsets to follow HLSL rules\n"
+           "                                    works independently of source language\n"
+           "  --hlsl-iomap                      perform IO mapping in HLSL register space\n"
+           "  --hlsl-enable-16bit-types         allow 16-bit types in SPIR-V for HLSL\n"
+           "  --invert-y | --iy                 invert position.Y output in vertex shader\n"
+           "  --keep-uncalled | --ku            don't eliminate uncalled functions\n"
+           "  --no-storage-format | --nsf       use Unknown image format\n"
            "  --resource-set-binding [stage] name set binding\n"
-           "              Set descriptor set and binding for individual resources\n"
+           "                                    set descriptor set and binding for\n"
+           "                                    individual resources\n"
            "  --resource-set-binding [stage] set\n"
-           "              Set descriptor set for all resources\n"
-           "  --rsb [stage] type set binding       synonym for --resource-set-binding\n"
-           "  --shift-image-binding [stage] num    base binding number for images (uav)\n"
-           "  --shift-image-binding [stage] [num set]... per-descriptor-set shift values\n"
-           "  --sib [stage] num                    synonym for --shift-image-binding\n"
-           "  --shift-sampler-binding [stage] num  base binding number for samplers\n"
-           "  --shift-sampler-binding [stage] [num set]... per-descriptor-set shift values\n"
-           "  --ssb [stage] num                    synonym for --shift-sampler-binding\n"
-           "  --shift-ssbo-binding [stage] num     base binding number for SSBOs\n"
-           "  --shift-ssbo-binding [stage] [num set]... per-descriptor-set shift values\n"
-           "  --sbb [stage] num                    synonym for --shift-ssbo-binding\n"
-           "  --shift-texture-binding [stage] num  base binding number for textures\n"
-           "  --shift-texture-binding [stage] [num set]... per-descriptor-set shift values\n"
-           "  --stb [stage] num                    synonym for --shift-texture-binding\n"
-           "  --shift-uav-binding [stage] num      base binding number for UAVs\n"
-           "  --shift-uav-binding [stage] [num set]... per-descriptor-set shift values\n"
-           "  --suavb [stage] num                  synonym for --shift-uav-binding\n"
-           "  --shift-UBO-binding [stage] num      base binding number for UBOs\n"
-           "  --shift-UBO-binding [stage] [num set]... per-descriptor-set shift values\n"
-           "  --shift-cbuffer-binding [stage] num  synonym for --shift-UBO-binding\n"
-           "  --shift-cbuffer-binding [stage] [num set]... per-descriptor-set shift values\n"
-           "  --spirv-dis                          output standard form disassembly; works only\n"
-           "                                       when a SPIR-V generation option is also used\n"
-           "  --sub [stage] num                    synonym for --shift-UBO-binding\n"
-           "  --source-entrypoint <name>           the given shader source function is\n"
-           "                                       renamed to be the <name> given in -e\n"
-           "  --sep                                synonym for --source-entrypoint\n"
-           "  --stdin                              Read from stdin instead of from a file.\n"
-           "                                       You'll have to provide the shader stage\n"
-           "                                       using -S.\n"
-           "  --suppress-warnings                  suppress GLSL warnings\n"
-           "                                       (except as required by #extension : warn)\n"
+           "                                    set descriptor set for all resources\n"
+           "  --rsb                             synonym for --resource-set-binding\n"
+           "  --shift-image-binding [stage] num\n"
+           "                                    base binding number for images (uav)\n"
+           "  --shift-image-binding [stage] [num set]...\n"
+           "                                    per-descriptor-set shift values\n"
+           "  --sib                             synonym for --shift-image-binding\n"
+           "  --shift-sampler-binding [stage] num\n"
+           "                                    base binding number for samplers\n"
+           "  --shift-sampler-binding [stage] [num set]...\n"
+           "                                    per-descriptor-set shift values\n"
+           "  --ssb                             synonym for --shift-sampler-binding\n"
+           "  --shift-ssbo-binding [stage] num  base binding number for SSBOs\n"
+           "  --shift-ssbo-binding [stage] [num set]...\n"
+           "                                    per-descriptor-set shift values\n"
+           "  --sbb                             synonym for --shift-ssbo-binding\n"
+           "  --shift-texture-binding [stage] num\n"
+           "                                    base binding number for textures\n"
+           "  --shift-texture-binding [stage] [num set]...\n"
+           "                                    per-descriptor-set shift values\n"
+           "  --stb                             synonym for --shift-texture-binding\n"
+           "  --shift-uav-binding [stage] num   base binding number for UAVs\n"
+           "  --shift-uav-binding [stage] [num set]...\n"
+           "                                    per-descriptor-set shift values\n"
+           "  --suavb                           synonym for --shift-uav-binding\n"
+           "  --shift-UBO-binding [stage] num   base binding number for UBOs\n"
+           "  --shift-UBO-binding [stage] [num set]...\n"
+           "                                    per-descriptor-set shift values\n"
+           "  --sub                             synonym for --shift-UBO-binding\n"
+           "  --shift-cbuffer-binding | --scb   synonyms for --shift-UBO-binding\n"
+           "  --spirv-dis                       output standard-form disassembly; works only\n"
+           "                                    when a SPIR-V generation option is also used\n"
+           "  --source-entrypoint <name>        the given shader source function is\n"
+           "                                    renamed to be the <name> given in -e\n"
+           "  --sep                             synonym for --source-entrypoint\n"
+           "  --stdin                           read from stdin instead of from a file;\n"
+           "                                    requires providing the shader stage using -S\n"
            "  --target-env {vulkan1.0 | vulkan1.1 | opengl} \n"
-           "                                       set execution environment that emitted code\n"
-           "                                       will execute in (as opposed to the language\n"
-           "                                       semantics selected by --client) defaults:\n"
-           "                                          'vulkan1.0' under '--client vulkan<ver>'\n"
-           "                                          'opengl' under '--client opengl<ver>'\n"
-           "  --variable-name <name>               Creates a C header file that contains a\n"
-           "                                       uint32_t array named <name>\n"
-           "                                       initialized with the shader binary code.\n"
-           "  --version                            synonym for -v\n"
-           "  --vn <name>                          synonym for --variable-name <name>\n"
+           "                                    set execution environment that emitted code\n"
+           "                                    will execute in (as opposed to the language\n"
+           "                                    semantics selected by --client) defaults:\n"
+           "                                     * 'vulkan1.0' under '--client vulkan<ver>'\n"
+           "                                     * 'opengl' under '--client opengl<ver>'\n"
+           "  --variable-name <name>\n"
+           "  --vn <name>                       creates a C header file that contains a\n"
+           "                                    uint32_t array named <name>\n"
+           "                                    initialized with the shader binary code\n"