diff --git a/SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.cpp b/SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.cpp
index 5deb43bd6fda45c48df32da0194b099891432f03..96904965532be65b8170cf71d365ce369e993a09 100755
--- a/SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.cpp
+++ b/SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.cpp
@@ -6086,6 +6086,8 @@ void GlslangToSpv(const glslang::TIntermediate& intermediate, std::vector<unsign
+        optimizer.RegisterPass(CreateEliminateDeadFunctionsPass());
+        optimizer.RegisterPass(CreateScalarReplacementPass());
diff --git a/Test/baseLegalResults/hlsl.aliasOpaque.frag.out b/Test/baseLegalResults/hlsl.aliasOpaque.frag.out
index def6a5df26889ea0b8f0a5a6103cc2fe7c081906..d69c296300e2740c91174ae6d926594c4497ce8e 100644
--- a/Test/baseLegalResults/hlsl.aliasOpaque.frag.out
+++ b/Test/baseLegalResults/hlsl.aliasOpaque.frag.out
@@ -15,11 +15,9 @@ WARNING: AST will form illegal SPIR-V; need to transform to legalize
                               MemberName 9(OS) 0  "ss"
                               MemberName 9(OS) 1  "a"
                               MemberName 9(OS) 2  "tex"
-                              Name 44  "gss2"
                               Name 47  "gss"
                               Name 51  "gtex"
                               Name 62  "@entryPointOutput"
-                              Decorate 44(gss2) DescriptorSet 0
                               Decorate 47(gss) DescriptorSet 0
                               Decorate 51(gtex) DescriptorSet 0
                               Decorate 62(@entryPointOutput) Location 0
@@ -36,7 +34,6 @@ WARNING: AST will form illegal SPIR-V; need to transform to legalize
               36:    7(float) Constant 1050253722
               37:   34(fvec2) ConstantComposite 35 36
               43:             TypePointer UniformConstant 6
-        44(gss2):     43(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
          47(gss):     43(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
               50:             TypePointer UniformConstant 8
         51(gtex):     50(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
diff --git a/Test/baseLegalResults/hlsl.flattenSubset.frag.out b/Test/baseLegalResults/hlsl.flattenSubset.frag.out
index 6872bb39354f4deedf07cb7cc1428ad7eab21613..8eedabae77ede746cc22f547b8bddec35dabd45a 100755
--- a/Test/baseLegalResults/hlsl.flattenSubset.frag.out
+++ b/Test/baseLegalResults/hlsl.flattenSubset.frag.out
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ hlsl.flattenSubset.frag
 WARNING: AST will form illegal SPIR-V; need to transform to legalize
 // Module Version 10000
 // Generated by (magic number): 80003
-// Id's are bound by 66
+// Id's are bound by 72
                               Capability Shader
                1:             ExtInstImport  "GLSL.std.450"
diff --git a/Test/baseLegalResults/hlsl.flattenSubset2.frag.out b/Test/baseLegalResults/hlsl.flattenSubset2.frag.out
index e8348a98dc5e5192db673d2b0db30dd2db7fb7ea..af394c70a52a1921172c3c573a1a6a76d770da33 100755
--- a/Test/baseLegalResults/hlsl.flattenSubset2.frag.out
+++ b/Test/baseLegalResults/hlsl.flattenSubset2.frag.out
@@ -20,10 +20,8 @@ WARNING: AST will form illegal SPIR-V; need to transform to legalize
                               Name 25  "B"
                               MemberName 25(B) 0  "n"
                               MemberName 25(B) 1  "tex"
-                              Name 36  "someTex"
                               Name 49  "vpos"
                               Name 52  "@entryPointOutput"
-                              Decorate 36(someTex) DescriptorSet 0
                               Decorate 49(vpos) Location 0
                               Decorate 52(@entryPointOutput) Location 0
                2:             TypeVoid
@@ -34,8 +32,6 @@ WARNING: AST will form illegal SPIR-V; need to transform to legalize
       14(Nested):             TypeStruct 6(float) 13
            15(A):             TypeStruct 14(Nested) 6(float)
            25(B):             TypeStruct 14(Nested) 13
-              35:             TypePointer UniformConstant 13
-     36(someTex):     35(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
               43:    6(float) Constant 0
               44:    7(fvec4) ConstantComposite 43 43 43 43
               48:             TypePointer Input 7(fvec4)
diff --git a/Test/baseLegalResults/hlsl.partialFlattenLocal.vert.out b/Test/baseLegalResults/hlsl.partialFlattenLocal.vert.out
index 6d7d08b646559b3feb4a5566ee8adf54a1b4537c..d3e6660810410b2df178bc5228b79b87ddf64a3b 100755
--- a/Test/baseLegalResults/hlsl.partialFlattenLocal.vert.out
+++ b/Test/baseLegalResults/hlsl.partialFlattenLocal.vert.out
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ hlsl.partialFlattenLocal.vert
 WARNING: AST will form illegal SPIR-V; need to transform to legalize
 // Module Version 10000
 // Generated by (magic number): 80003
-// Id's are bound by 132
+// Id's are bound by 165
                               Capability Shader
                1:             ExtInstImport  "GLSL.std.450"
@@ -16,10 +16,8 @@ WARNING: AST will form illegal SPIR-V; need to transform to legalize
                               MemberName 22(Packed) 2  "uv"
                               MemberName 22(Packed) 3  "x"
                               MemberName 22(Packed) 4  "n"
-                              Name 27  "tex"
                               Name 83  "pos"
                               Name 86  "@entryPointOutput"
-                              Decorate 27(tex) DescriptorSet 0
                               Decorate 83(pos) Location 0
                               Decorate 86(@entryPointOutput) BuiltIn Position
                2:             TypeVoid
@@ -36,72 +34,59 @@ WARNING: AST will form illegal SPIR-V; need to transform to legalize
               20:             TypeArray 18(fvec2) 19
               21:             TypeInt 32 1
       22(Packed):             TypeStruct 13 17 20 6(float) 21(int)
-              23:             TypePointer Function 22(Packed)
               25:     21(int) Constant 0
-              26:             TypePointer UniformConstant 13
-         27(tex):     26(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
-              29:             TypePointer Function 13
               31:     21(int) Constant 1
               32:    6(float) Constant 0
               33:   14(fvec3) ConstantComposite 32 32 32
               34:             TypePointer Function 14(fvec3)
-              36:     21(int) Constant 2
               37:    6(float) Constant 1065353216
               38:   18(fvec2) ConstantComposite 32 37
               39:             TypePointer Function 18(fvec2)
-              41:     21(int) Constant 3
-              42:             TypePointer Function 6(float)
-              44:     21(int) Constant 4
-              45:             TypePointer Function 21(int)
               54:             TypeBool
               82:             TypePointer Input 7(fvec4)
          83(pos):     82(ptr) Variable Input
               85:             TypePointer Output 7(fvec4)
 86(@entryPointOutput):     85(ptr) Variable Output
+             130:             TypePointer Function 17
+             132:             TypePointer Function 20
          4(main):           2 Function None 3
                5:             Label
-              90:     23(ptr) Variable Function
+             133:    132(ptr) Variable Function
+             131:    130(ptr) Variable Function
               84:    7(fvec4) Load 83(pos)
-              94:          13 Load 27(tex)
-              95:     29(ptr) AccessChain 90 25
-                              Store 95 94
-              96:     34(ptr) AccessChain 90 31 25
-                              Store 96 33
-              97:     39(ptr) AccessChain 90 36 25
-                              Store 97 38
-              98:     42(ptr) AccessChain 90 41
-                              Store 98 37
-              99:     45(ptr) AccessChain 90 44
-                              Store 99 41
+             136:     34(ptr) AccessChain 131 25
+                              Store 136 33
+             137:     39(ptr) AccessChain 133 25
+                              Store 137 38
                               Branch 100
              100:             Label
-             131:     21(int) Phi 25 5 119 102
+             164:     21(int) Phi 25 5 119 102
                               LoopMerge 101 102 None
                               Branch 103
              103:             Label
-             105:    54(bool) SLessThan 131 31
+             105:    54(bool) SLessThan 164 31
                               BranchConditional 105 106 101
              106:               Label
-             109:     39(ptr)   AccessChain 90 36 131
-             110:   18(fvec2)   Load 109
-             111:     34(ptr)   AccessChain 90 31 131
-             112:   14(fvec3)   Load 111
+             138:     39(ptr)   AccessChain 133 164
+             110:   18(fvec2)   Load 138
+             139:     34(ptr)   AccessChain 131 164
+             112:   14(fvec3)   Load 139
              113:   18(fvec2)   VectorShuffle 112 112 0 1
              114:   18(fvec2)   FAdd 113 110
-             115:     34(ptr)   AccessChain 90 31 131
-             116:   14(fvec3)   Load 115
+             140:     34(ptr)   AccessChain 131 164
+             116:   14(fvec3)   Load 140
              117:   14(fvec3)   VectorShuffle 116 114 3 4 2
-                                Store 115 117
+                                Store 140 117
                                 Branch 102
              102:               Label
-             119:     21(int)   IAdd 131 31
+             119:     21(int)   IAdd 164 31
                                 Branch 100
              101:             Label
-             120:  22(Packed) Load 90
-             130:   14(fvec3) CompositeExtract 120 1 0
-             124:    6(float) CompositeExtract 130 0
-             125:    6(float) CompositeExtract 130 1
-             126:    6(float) CompositeExtract 130 2
+             142:          17 Load 131
+             161:   14(fvec3) CompositeExtract 142 0
+             124:    6(float) CompositeExtract 161 0
+             125:    6(float) CompositeExtract 161 1
+             126:    6(float) CompositeExtract 161 2
              127:    7(fvec4) CompositeConstruct 124 125 126 32
              128:    7(fvec4) FAdd 84 127
                               Store 86(@entryPointOutput) 128
diff --git a/Test/baseLegalResults/hlsl.partialFlattenMixed.vert.out b/Test/baseLegalResults/hlsl.partialFlattenMixed.vert.out
index b7e23f6489f7d5f9278271be71f02af98c4a9257..3ad1763190d51259ce493b66fe1c1ca5f459cf42 100755
--- a/Test/baseLegalResults/hlsl.partialFlattenMixed.vert.out
+++ b/Test/baseLegalResults/hlsl.partialFlattenMixed.vert.out
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ hlsl.partialFlattenMixed.vert
 WARNING: AST will form illegal SPIR-V; need to transform to legalize
 // Module Version 10000
 // Generated by (magic number): 80003
-// Id's are bound by 36
+// Id's are bound by 45
                               Capability Shader
                1:             ExtInstImport  "GLSL.std.450"
@@ -14,10 +14,8 @@ WARNING: AST will form illegal SPIR-V; need to transform to legalize
                               MemberName 18(Packed) 0  "a"
                               MemberName 18(Packed) 1  "membTex"
                               MemberName 18(Packed) 2  "b"
-                              Name 23  "tex"
                               Name 32  "pos"
                               Name 35  "@entryPointOutput"
-                              Decorate 23(tex) DescriptorSet 0
                               Decorate 32(pos) Location 0
                               Decorate 35(@entryPointOutput) BuiltIn Position
                2:             TypeVoid
@@ -30,8 +28,6 @@ WARNING: AST will form illegal SPIR-V; need to transform to legalize
               16:     15(int) Constant 2
               17:             TypeArray 14 16
       18(Packed):             TypeStruct 13(int) 17 13(int)
-              22:             TypePointer UniformConstant 17
-         23(tex):     22(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
               31:             TypePointer Input 7(fvec4)
          32(pos):     31(ptr) Variable Input
               34:             TypePointer Output 7(fvec4)