diff --git a/Test/130.vert b/Test/130.vert
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d5208cb12d5ae6a87b7b9d13a42d08514e401f39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/130.vert
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#version 130
+uniform int c;
+uniform usampler2D us2D;
+in ivec2 x;
+in vec2 v2a;
+in float c1D;
+in vec2  c2D;
+in vec3  c3D;
+smooth vec4  c4D;  // ??
+uniform vec4 v4;
+void main()
+    float f = 3;
+    switch (c) {     // full switch testing in switch.frag
+    case 1:
+        f = sin(f);
+        break;
+    case 2:
+        f = f * f;
+    default:
+        f = 3.0;
+    }
+    uint i;
+    i = texture(us2D, x).w;          // full uint testing in uint.frag
+    i << 3u | 0x8Au >> 1u & 0xFFu;
+    vec3 modfOut, modfIn;
+    vec3 v11 = modf(modfIn, modfOut);
+    float t = trunc(f);
+    vec2 v12 = round(v2a);
+    vec2 v13 = roundEven(v2a);
+    bvec2 b10 = isnan(v2a);
+    bvec4 b11 = isinf(v4);
+    sinh(c1D) +
+    cosh(c1D) * tanh(c2D);
+    asinh(c4D) + acosh(c4D);
+    atanh(c3D);
+    int id = gl_VertexID;
+    gl_ClipDistance[1] = 0.3;
+// version 140 features
+//uniform isamplerBuffer sbuf;
+//layout(std140) uniform blockName {
+//    int anonMem;
+void foo88()
+    int id = gl_InstanceID;    // ERROR
+    //id += anonMem;
+    id += texelFetch(id, 8);
+    gl_ClipVertex;         // these are all present...
+    gl_Color;
+    gl_LightSource[0];
+    gl_DepthRange.far;
+    gl_TexCoord;
+    gl_FogFragCoord;
+    gl_FrontColor;
+// token pasting
+#define mac abc##def
+int mac;
+#define macr(A,B) A##B
+int macr(qrs,tuv);
diff --git a/Test/140.vert b/Test/140.vert
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..627300043836ed72e4ed25fb11e27fc2de4bebe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/140.vert
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#version 140
+uniform isamplerBuffer sbuf;
+layout(std140) uniform blockName {
+    int anonMem;
+void main()
+    int id = gl_InstanceID;
+    id += anonMem;
+    id += texelFetch(sbuf, 8).w;
+    gl_ClipVertex;      // could be ERROR, but compiling under compatibility profile
+    gl_Color;           // could be ERROR, but compiling under compatibility profile
+    gl_LightSource[0];  // could be ERROR, but compiling under compatibility profile
+    gl_DepthRange.far;
+    gl_TexCoord;        // could be ERROR, but compiling under compatibility profile
+    gl_FogFragCoord;    // could be ERROR, but compiling under compatibility profile
+    gl_FrontColor;      // could be ERROR, but compiling under compatibility profile