From 3b656c79f4e643ea4e58ed5667654ad17b263a91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alan Baker <>
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2018 17:07:55 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Move memory model scope tests to Vulkan 1.1 batch

Fixes #1610

* Updated expected result due to version change
 .../spv.memoryScopeSemantics.comp.out         | 132 +++++++++---------
 gtests/Spv.FromFile.cpp                       |   4 +-
 2 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Test/baseResults/spv.memoryScopeSemantics.comp.out b/Test/baseResults/spv.memoryScopeSemantics.comp.out
index 649b07755..4c79a109a 100644
--- a/Test/baseResults/spv.memoryScopeSemantics.comp.out
+++ b/Test/baseResults/spv.memoryScopeSemantics.comp.out
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-Validation failed
-// Module Version 10000
+// Module Version 10300
 // Generated by (magic number): 80007
-// Id's are bound by 142
+// Id's are bound by 143
                               Capability Shader
                               Capability Int64
@@ -40,36 +39,36 @@ Validation failed
                               Name 98  "BufferK"
                               MemberName 98(BufferK) 0  "x"
                               Name 100  "bufferk"
-                              Name 109  "imagej"
-                              Name 121  "samp"
-                              Name 132  "atomu64"
-                              Name 137  "atomi64"
+                              Name 110  "imagej"
+                              Name 122  "samp"
+                              Name 133  "atomu64"
+                              Name 138  "atomi64"
                               Decorate 36(imagei) DescriptorSet 0
                               Decorate 36(imagei) Binding 1
                               Decorate 45(imageu) DescriptorSet 0
                               Decorate 45(imageu) Binding 0
                               MemberDecorate 65(BufferU) 0 Offset 0
-                              Decorate 65(BufferU) BufferBlock
+                              Decorate 65(BufferU) Block
                               Decorate 67(bufferu) DescriptorSet 0
                               Decorate 67(bufferu) Binding 2
                               MemberDecorate 77(BufferI) 0 Offset 0
-                              Decorate 77(BufferI) BufferBlock
+                              Decorate 77(BufferI) Block
                               Decorate 79(bufferi) DescriptorSet 0
                               Decorate 79(bufferi) Binding 3
                               Decorate 82 ArrayStride 4
                               MemberDecorate 83(A) 0 Offset 0
                               MemberDecorate 84(BufferJ) 0 Offset 0
-                              Decorate 84(BufferJ) BufferBlock
+                              Decorate 84(BufferJ) Block
                               Decorate 87(bufferj) DescriptorSet 0
                               Decorate 87(bufferj) Binding 4
                               MemberDecorate 98(BufferK) 0 Offset 0
                               Decorate 98(BufferK) Block
                               Decorate 100(bufferk) DescriptorSet 0
                               Decorate 100(bufferk) Binding 7
-                              Decorate 109(imagej) DescriptorSet 0
-                              Decorate 109(imagej) Binding 5
-                              Decorate 121(samp) DescriptorSet 0
-                              Decorate 121(samp) Binding 6
+                              Decorate 110(imagej) DescriptorSet 0
+                              Decorate 110(imagej) Binding 5
+                              Decorate 122(samp) DescriptorSet 0
+                              Decorate 122(samp) Binding 6
                2:             TypeVoid
                3:             TypeFunction 2
                6:             TypeInt 32 1
@@ -111,47 +110,48 @@ Validation failed
               61:     15(int) Constant 10
               63:     15(int) Constant 322
      65(BufferU):             TypeStruct 15(int)
-              66:             TypePointer Uniform 65(BufferU)
-     67(bufferu):     66(ptr) Variable Uniform
-              68:             TypePointer Uniform 15(int)
+              66:             TypePointer StorageBuffer 65(BufferU)
+     67(bufferu):     66(ptr) Variable StorageBuffer
+              68:             TypePointer StorageBuffer 15(int)
               70:     15(int) Constant 1
      77(BufferI):             TypeStruct 15(int)
-              78:             TypePointer Uniform 77(BufferI)
-     79(bufferi):     78(ptr) Variable Uniform
+              78:             TypePointer StorageBuffer 77(BufferI)
+     79(bufferi):     78(ptr) Variable StorageBuffer
               82:             TypeArray 15(int) 26
            83(A):             TypeStruct 82
      84(BufferJ):             TypeStruct 83(A)
               85:             TypeArray 84(BufferJ) 26
-              86:             TypePointer Uniform 85
-     87(bufferj):     86(ptr) Variable Uniform
-              94:             TypePointer Uniform 83(A)
+              86:             TypePointer StorageBuffer 85
+     87(bufferj):     86(ptr) Variable StorageBuffer
+              94:             TypePointer StorageBuffer 83(A)
      98(BufferK):             TypeStruct 15(int)
               99:             TypePointer Uniform 98(BufferK)
     100(bufferk):     99(ptr) Variable Uniform
-             105:             TypeVector 6(int) 4
-             107:             TypeArray 34 26
-             108:             TypePointer UniformConstant 107
-     109(imagej):    108(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
-             115:  105(ivec4) ConstantComposite 38 38 38 38
-             116:             TypeFloat 32
-             117:             TypeImage 116(float) 2D sampled format:Unknown
-             118:             TypeSampledImage 117
-             119:             TypeArray 118 26
-             120:             TypePointer UniformConstant 119
-       121(samp):    120(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
-             122:             TypePointer UniformConstant 118
-             125:             TypeVector 116(float) 2
-             126:  116(float) Constant 0
-             127:  125(fvec2) ConstantComposite 126 126
-             128:             TypeVector 116(float) 4
-             130:             TypeInt 64 0
-             131:             TypePointer Workgroup 130(int64_t)
-    132(atomu64):    131(ptr) Variable Workgroup
-             133:130(int64_t) Constant 7 0
-             135:             TypeInt 64 1
-             136:             TypePointer Workgroup 135(int64_t)
-    137(atomi64):    136(ptr) Variable Workgroup
-             138:135(int64_t) Constant 10 0
+             101:             TypePointer Uniform 15(int)
+             106:             TypeVector 6(int) 4
+             108:             TypeArray 34 26
+             109:             TypePointer UniformConstant 108
+     110(imagej):    109(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
+             116:  106(ivec4) ConstantComposite 38 38 38 38
+             117:             TypeFloat 32
+             118:             TypeImage 117(float) 2D sampled format:Unknown
+             119:             TypeSampledImage 118
+             120:             TypeArray 119 26
+             121:             TypePointer UniformConstant 120
+       122(samp):    121(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
+             123:             TypePointer UniformConstant 119
+             126:             TypeVector 117(float) 2
+             127:  117(float) Constant 0
+             128:  126(fvec2) ConstantComposite 127 127
+             129:             TypeVector 117(float) 4
+             131:             TypeInt 64 0
+             132:             TypePointer Workgroup 131(int64_t)
+    133(atomu64):    132(ptr) Variable Workgroup
+             134:131(int64_t) Constant 7 0
+             136:             TypeInt 64 1
+             137:             TypePointer Workgroup 136(int64_t)
+    138(atomi64):    137(ptr) Variable Workgroup
+             139:136(int64_t) Constant 10 0
          4(main):           2 Function None 3
                5:             Label
         8(origi):      7(ptr) Variable Function
@@ -216,25 +216,25 @@ Validation failed
               96:       83(A) Load 95 Volatile MakePointerVisibleKHR NonPrivatePointerKHR 46
               97:     94(ptr) AccessChain 87(bufferj) 38 38
                               Store 97 96 Volatile MakePointerAvailableKHR NonPrivatePointerKHR 46
-             101:     68(ptr) AccessChain 100(bufferk) 38
-             102:     15(int) Load 101 NonPrivatePointerKHR 
-             103:     68(ptr) AccessChain 79(bufferi) 38
-                              Store 103 102 MakePointerAvailableKHR NonPrivatePointerKHR 16
-             104:          34 Load 36(imagei)
-             106:  105(ivec4) ImageRead 104 39 MakeTexelVisibleKHR NonPrivateTexelKHR VolatileTexelKHR 16
-             110:     35(ptr) AccessChain 109(imagej) 38
-             111:          34 Load 110
-             112:  105(ivec4) ImageRead 111 39 NonPrivateTexelKHR 
-             113:     35(ptr) AccessChain 109(imagej) 12
-             114:          34 Load 113
-                              ImageWrite 114 39 115 NonPrivateTexelKHR 
-             123:    122(ptr) AccessChain 121(samp) 38
-             124:         118 Load 123
-             129:  128(fvec4) ImageSampleExplicitLod 124 127 Lod NonPrivateTexelKHR 126
-             134:130(int64_t) AtomicUMax 132(atomu64) 12 17 133
-                              Store 132(atomu64) 134 MakePointerAvailableKHR NonPrivatePointerKHR 26
-             139:130(int64_t) Load 132(atomu64) MakePointerVisibleKHR NonPrivatePointerKHR 26
-             140:135(int64_t) Bitcast 139
-             141:135(int64_t) AtomicCompareExchange 137(atomi64) 12 63 63 140 138
+             102:    101(ptr) AccessChain 100(bufferk) 38
+             103:     15(int) Load 102 NonPrivatePointerKHR 
+             104:     68(ptr) AccessChain 79(bufferi) 38
+                              Store 104 103 MakePointerAvailableKHR NonPrivatePointerKHR 16
+             105:          34 Load 36(imagei)
+             107:  106(ivec4) ImageRead 105 39 MakeTexelVisibleKHR NonPrivateTexelKHR VolatileTexelKHR 16
+             111:     35(ptr) AccessChain 110(imagej) 38
+             112:          34 Load 111
+             113:  106(ivec4) ImageRead 112 39 NonPrivateTexelKHR 
+             114:     35(ptr) AccessChain 110(imagej) 12
+             115:          34 Load 114
+                              ImageWrite 115 39 116 NonPrivateTexelKHR 
+             124:    123(ptr) AccessChain 122(samp) 38
+             125:         119 Load 124
+             130:  129(fvec4) ImageSampleExplicitLod 125 128 Lod NonPrivateTexelKHR 127
+             135:131(int64_t) AtomicUMax 133(atomu64) 12 17 134
+                              Store 133(atomu64) 135 MakePointerAvailableKHR NonPrivatePointerKHR 26
+             140:131(int64_t) Load 133(atomu64) MakePointerVisibleKHR NonPrivatePointerKHR 26
+             141:136(int64_t) Bitcast 140
+             142:136(int64_t) AtomicCompareExchange 138(atomi64) 12 63 63 141 139
diff --git a/gtests/Spv.FromFile.cpp b/gtests/Spv.FromFile.cpp
index 6fb8d1b21..565eddd79 100644
--- a/gtests/Spv.FromFile.cpp
+++ b/gtests/Spv.FromFile.cpp
@@ -304,8 +304,6 @@ INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(
-        "spv.memoryScopeSemantics.comp",
-        "spv.memoryScopeSemantics_Error.comp",
@@ -404,6 +402,8 @@ INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(
+        "spv.memoryScopeSemantics.comp",
+        "spv.memoryScopeSemantics_Error.comp",