From 2a805d9ceaa0d3c06eaedf71d9cd71b31eb63c4d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: John Kessenich <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2018 09:43:09 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Revert "GLSL: Fix #1279: refract does not have a double-type

This reverts commit ebec909487b8c44a8c28b40c9899857593cc9bb5.

Khronos decided glslang was originally correct, and the specifications
are incorrect.
 Test/400.geom                             |  14 +-
 Test/baseResults/400.geom.out             |  12 +-
 Test/baseResults/spv.400.frag.out         | 893 +++++++++++-----------
 Test/baseResults/spv.float64.frag.out     | 413 +++++-----
 Test/spv.400.frag                         |   8 +-
 Test/spv.float64.frag                     |   4 +-
 glslang/MachineIndependent/Initialize.cpp |   8 +-
 7 files changed, 674 insertions(+), 678 deletions(-)
 mode change 100755 => 100644 Test/spv.400.frag
 mode change 100755 => 100644 Test/spv.float64.frag

diff --git a/Test/400.geom b/Test/400.geom
index d0a43d78a..f8e89558c 100755
--- a/Test/400.geom
+++ b/Test/400.geom
@@ -285,10 +285,10 @@ void doubles()
     dvec3v  += reflect(dvec3v, dvec3v);
     dvec4v  += reflect(dvec4v, dvec4v);
-    doublev += refract(doublev, doublev, 1.3);
-    dvec2v  += refract(dvec2v, dvec2v,   1.3);
-    dvec3v  += refract(dvec3v, dvec3v,   1.3);
-    dvec4v  += refract(dvec4v, dvec4v,   1.3);
+    doublev += refract(doublev, doublev, doublev);
+    dvec2v  += refract(dvec2v, dvec2v, doublev);
+    dvec3v  += refract(dvec3v, dvec3v, doublev);
+    dvec4v  += refract(dvec4v, dvec4v, doublev);
     dmat2   dmat2v   = outerProduct(dvec2v, dvec2v);
     dmat3   dmat3v   = outerProduct(dvec3v, dvec3v);
@@ -300,9 +300,9 @@ void doubles()
     dmat3x4 dmat3x4v = outerProduct(dvec4v, dvec3v);
     dmat4x3 dmat4x3v = outerProduct(dvec3v, dvec4v);
-    dmat2v *= matrixCompMult(dmat2v, dmat2v);
-    dmat3v *= matrixCompMult(dmat3v, dmat3v);
-    dmat4v *= matrixCompMult(dmat4v, dmat4v);
+    dmat2v *= matrixCompMult(dmat2v, dmat2v);
+    dmat3v *= matrixCompMult(dmat3v, dmat3v);
+    dmat4v *= matrixCompMult(dmat4v, dmat4v);
     dmat2x3v = matrixCompMult(dmat2x3v, dmat2x3v);
     dmat2x4v = matrixCompMult(dmat2x4v, dmat2x4v);
     dmat3x2v = matrixCompMult(dmat3x2v, dmat3x2v);
diff --git a/Test/baseResults/400.geom.out b/Test/baseResults/400.geom.out
index d8f95f972..52ebebced 100644
--- a/Test/baseResults/400.geom.out
+++ b/Test/baseResults/400.geom.out
@@ -844,29 +844,25 @@ ERROR: node is still EOpNull!
 0:288        refract ( global double)
 0:288          'doublev' ( temp double)
 0:288          'doublev' ( temp double)
-0:288          Constant:
-0:288            1.300000
+0:288          'doublev' ( temp double)
 0:289      add second child into first child ( temp 2-component vector of double)
 0:289        'dvec2v' ( temp 2-component vector of double)
 0:289        refract ( global 2-component vector of double)
 0:289          'dvec2v' ( temp 2-component vector of double)
 0:289          'dvec2v' ( temp 2-component vector of double)
-0:289          Constant:
-0:289            1.300000
+0:289          'doublev' ( temp double)
 0:290      add second child into first child ( temp 3-component vector of double)
 0:290        'dvec3v' ( temp 3-component vector of double)
 0:290        refract ( global 3-component vector of double)
 0:290          'dvec3v' ( temp 3-component vector of double)
 0:290          'dvec3v' ( temp 3-component vector of double)
-0:290          Constant:
-0:290            1.300000
+0:290          'doublev' ( temp double)
 0:291      add second child into first child ( temp 4-component vector of double)
 0:291        'dvec4v' ( temp 4-component vector of double)
 0:291        refract ( global 4-component vector of double)
 0:291          'dvec4v' ( temp 4-component vector of double)
 0:291          'dvec4v' ( temp 4-component vector of double)
-0:291          Constant:
-0:291            1.300000
+0:291          'doublev' ( temp double)
 0:293      Sequence
 0:293        move second child to first child ( temp 2X2 matrix of double)
 0:293          'dmat2v' ( temp 2X2 matrix of double)
diff --git a/Test/baseResults/spv.400.frag.out b/Test/baseResults/spv.400.frag.out
index 537d59a02..9cb2c63a1 100644
--- a/Test/baseResults/spv.400.frag.out
+++ b/Test/baseResults/spv.400.frag.out
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // Module Version 10000
 // Generated by (magic number): 80007
-// Id's are bound by 1115
+// Id's are bound by 1118
                               Capability Shader
                               Capability Geometry
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ spv.400.frag
                               Capability SampledRect
                1:             ExtInstImport  "GLSL.std.450"
                               MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
-                              EntryPoint Fragment 4  "main" 13 1024 1030 1035 1047 1073 1094 1096 1102 1104 1113
+                              EntryPoint Fragment 4  "main" 13 1027 1033 1038 1050 1076 1097 1099 1105 1107 1116
                               ExecutionMode 4 OriginUpperLeft
                               Source GLSL 400
                               SourceExtension  "GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects"
@@ -28,41 +28,41 @@ spv.400.frag
                               Name 439  "bvec2v"
                               Name 448  "bvec3v"
                               Name 457  "bvec4v"
-                              Name 736  "dmat2v"
-                              Name 742  "dmat3v"
-                              Name 748  "dmat4v"
-                              Name 754  "dmat2x3v"
-                              Name 760  "dmat3x2v"
-                              Name 766  "dmat2x4v"
-                              Name 772  "dmat4x2v"
-                              Name 778  "dmat3x4v"
-                              Name 784  "dmat4x3v"
-                              Name 1016  "v"
-                              Name 1022  "arrayedSampler"
-                              Name 1024  "i"
-                              Name 1030  "c2D"
-                              Name 1035  "gl_ClipDistance"
-                              Name 1047  "uoutp"
-                              Name 1051  "samp2dr"
-                              Name 1073  "ioutp"
-                              Name 1077  "isamp2DA"
-                              Name 1094  "gl_FragCoord"
-                              Name 1096  "vl2"
-                              Name 1102  "uo"
-                              Name 1104  "u"
-                              Name 1112  "id"
-                              Name 1113  "gl_PrimitiveID"
+                              Name 739  "dmat2v"
+                              Name 745  "dmat3v"
+                              Name 751  "dmat4v"
+                              Name 757  "dmat2x3v"
+                              Name 763  "dmat3x2v"
+                              Name 769  "dmat2x4v"
+                              Name 775  "dmat4x2v"
+                              Name 781  "dmat3x4v"
+                              Name 787  "dmat4x3v"
+                              Name 1019  "v"
+                              Name 1025  "arrayedSampler"
+                              Name 1027  "i"
+                              Name 1033  "c2D"
+                              Name 1038  "gl_ClipDistance"
+                              Name 1050  "uoutp"
+                              Name 1054  "samp2dr"
+                              Name 1076  "ioutp"
+                              Name 1080  "isamp2DA"
+                              Name 1097  "gl_FragCoord"
+                              Name 1099  "vl2"
+                              Name 1105  "uo"
+                              Name 1107  "u"
+                              Name 1115  "id"
+                              Name 1116  "gl_PrimitiveID"
                               Decorate 17(u2drs) DescriptorSet 0
-                              Decorate 1022(arrayedSampler) DescriptorSet 0
-                              Decorate 1024(i) Flat
-                              Decorate 1035(gl_ClipDistance) BuiltIn ClipDistance
-                              Decorate 1051(samp2dr) DescriptorSet 0
-                              Decorate 1077(isamp2DA) DescriptorSet 0
-                              Decorate 1094(gl_FragCoord) BuiltIn FragCoord
-                              Decorate 1096(vl2) Location 6
-                              Decorate 1104(u) Flat
-                              Decorate 1113(gl_PrimitiveID) Flat
-                              Decorate 1113(gl_PrimitiveID) BuiltIn PrimitiveId
+                              Decorate 1025(arrayedSampler) DescriptorSet 0
+                              Decorate 1027(i) Flat
+                              Decorate 1038(gl_ClipDistance) BuiltIn ClipDistance
+                              Decorate 1054(samp2dr) DescriptorSet 0
+                              Decorate 1080(isamp2DA) DescriptorSet 0
+                              Decorate 1097(gl_FragCoord) BuiltIn FragCoord
+                              Decorate 1099(vl2) Location 6
+                              Decorate 1107(u) Flat
+                              Decorate 1116(gl_PrimitiveID) Flat
+                              Decorate 1116(gl_PrimitiveID) BuiltIn PrimitiveId
                2:             TypeVoid
                3:             TypeFunction 2
               10:             TypeFloat 32
@@ -109,144 +109,143 @@ spv.400.frag
              572:  437(bvec2) ConstantComposite 563 563
              581:  446(bvec3) ConstantComposite 563 563 563
              590:  455(bvec4) ConstantComposite 563 563 563 563
-             715:   10(float) Constant 1067869798
-             734:             TypeMatrix 43(f64vec2) 2
-             735:             TypePointer Function 734
-             740:             TypeMatrix 48(f64vec3) 3
-             741:             TypePointer Function 740
-             746:             TypeMatrix 53(f64vec4) 4
-             747:             TypePointer Function 746
-             752:             TypeMatrix 48(f64vec3) 2
-             753:             TypePointer Function 752
-             758:             TypeMatrix 43(f64vec2) 3
-             759:             TypePointer Function 758
-             764:             TypeMatrix 53(f64vec4) 2
-             765:             TypePointer Function 764
-             770:             TypeMatrix 43(f64vec2) 4
-             771:             TypePointer Function 770
-             776:             TypeMatrix 53(f64vec4) 3
-             777:             TypePointer Function 776
-             782:             TypeMatrix 48(f64vec3) 4
-             783:             TypePointer Function 782
-             951:     32(int) Constant 1
-             955:     32(int) Constant 2
-             959:     32(int) Constant 3
-             963:     23(int) Constant 1
-             967:     23(int) Constant 2
-             993:   10(float) Constant 1065353216
-            1015:             TypePointer Function 11(fvec4)
-            1017:             TypeImage 10(float) 2D sampled format:Unknown
-            1018:             TypeSampledImage 1017
-            1019:     32(int) Constant 5
-            1020:             TypeArray 1018 1019
-            1021:             TypePointer UniformConstant 1020
-1022(arrayedSampler):   1021(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
-            1023:             TypePointer Input 23(int)
-         1024(i):   1023(ptr) Variable Input
-            1026:             TypePointer UniformConstant 1018
-            1029:             TypePointer Input 20(fvec2)
-       1030(c2D):   1029(ptr) Variable Input
-            1033:             TypeArray 10(float) 955
-            1034:             TypePointer Input 1033
-1035(gl_ClipDistance):   1034(ptr) Variable Input
-            1036:             TypePointer Input 10(float)
-            1040:             TypeVector 10(float) 3
-            1045:             TypeVector 32(int) 4
-            1046:             TypePointer Output 1045(ivec4)
-     1047(uoutp):   1046(ptr) Variable Output
-            1048:             TypeImage 32(int) Rect sampled format:Unknown
-            1049:             TypeSampledImage 1048
-            1050:             TypePointer UniformConstant 1049
-   1051(samp2dr):   1050(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
-            1054:     32(int) Constant 4
-            1055:             TypeArray 24(ivec2) 1054
-            1056:   24(ivec2) ConstantComposite 963 967
-            1057:     23(int) Constant 15
-            1058:     23(int) Constant 16
-            1059:   24(ivec2) ConstantComposite 1057 1058
-            1060:     23(int) Constant 4294967294
-            1061:     23(int) Constant 0
+             737:             TypeMatrix 43(f64vec2) 2
+             738:             TypePointer Function 737
+             743:             TypeMatrix 48(f64vec3) 3
+             744:             TypePointer Function 743
+             749:             TypeMatrix 53(f64vec4) 4
+             750:             TypePointer Function 749
+             755:             TypeMatrix 48(f64vec3) 2
+             756:             TypePointer Function 755
+             761:             TypeMatrix 43(f64vec2) 3
+             762:             TypePointer Function 761
+             767:             TypeMatrix 53(f64vec4) 2
+             768:             TypePointer Function 767
+             773:             TypeMatrix 43(f64vec2) 4
+             774:             TypePointer Function 773
+             779:             TypeMatrix 53(f64vec4) 3
+             780:             TypePointer Function 779
+             785:             TypeMatrix 48(f64vec3) 4
+             786:             TypePointer Function 785
+             954:     32(int) Constant 1
+             958:     32(int) Constant 2
+             962:     32(int) Constant 3
+             966:     23(int) Constant 1
+             970:     23(int) Constant 2
+             996:   10(float) Constant 1065353216
+            1018:             TypePointer Function 11(fvec4)
+            1020:             TypeImage 10(float) 2D sampled format:Unknown
+            1021:             TypeSampledImage 1020
+            1022:     32(int) Constant 5
+            1023:             TypeArray 1021 1022
+            1024:             TypePointer UniformConstant 1023
+1025(arrayedSampler):   1024(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
+            1026:             TypePointer Input 23(int)
+         1027(i):   1026(ptr) Variable Input
+            1029:             TypePointer UniformConstant 1021
+            1032:             TypePointer Input 20(fvec2)
+       1033(c2D):   1032(ptr) Variable Input
+            1036:             TypeArray 10(float) 958
+            1037:             TypePointer Input 1036
+1038(gl_ClipDistance):   1037(ptr) Variable Input
+            1039:             TypePointer Input 10(float)
+            1043:             TypeVector 10(float) 3
+            1048:             TypeVector 32(int) 4
+            1049:             TypePointer Output 1048(ivec4)
+     1050(uoutp):   1049(ptr) Variable Output
+            1051:             TypeImage 32(int) Rect sampled format:Unknown
+            1052:             TypeSampledImage 1051
+            1053:             TypePointer UniformConstant 1052
+   1054(samp2dr):   1053(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
+            1057:     32(int) Constant 4
+            1058:             TypeArray 24(ivec2) 1057
+            1059:   24(ivec2) ConstantComposite 966 970
+            1060:     23(int) Constant 15
+            1061:     23(int) Constant 16
             1062:   24(ivec2) ConstantComposite 1060 1061
-            1063:        1055 ConstantComposite 1056 27 1059 1062
-            1071:             TypeVector 23(int) 4
-            1072:             TypePointer Output 1071(ivec4)
-     1073(ioutp):   1072(ptr) Variable Output
-            1074:             TypeImage 23(int) 2D array sampled format:Unknown
-            1075:             TypeSampledImage 1074
-            1076:             TypePointer UniformConstant 1075
-  1077(isamp2DA):   1076(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
-            1079:   10(float) Constant 1036831949
-            1080: 1040(fvec3) ConstantComposite 1079 1079 1079
-            1081:   24(ivec2) ConstantComposite 963 963
-            1093:             TypePointer Input 11(fvec4)
-1094(gl_FragCoord):   1093(ptr) Variable Input
-       1096(vl2):   1093(ptr) Variable Input
-            1101:             TypePointer Output 32(int)
-        1102(uo):   1101(ptr) Variable Output
-            1103:             TypePointer Input 32(int)
-         1104(u):   1103(ptr) Variable Input
-            1111:             TypePointer Function 23(int)
-1113(gl_PrimitiveID):   1023(ptr) Variable Input
+            1063:     23(int) Constant 4294967294
+            1064:     23(int) Constant 0
+            1065:   24(ivec2) ConstantComposite 1063 1064
+            1066:        1058 ConstantComposite 1059 27 1062 1065
+            1074:             TypeVector 23(int) 4
+            1075:             TypePointer Output 1074(ivec4)
+     1076(ioutp):   1075(ptr) Variable Output
+            1077:             TypeImage 23(int) 2D array sampled format:Unknown
+            1078:             TypeSampledImage 1077
+            1079:             TypePointer UniformConstant 1078
+  1080(isamp2DA):   1079(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
+            1082:   10(float) Constant 1036831949
+            1083: 1043(fvec3) ConstantComposite 1082 1082 1082
+            1084:   24(ivec2) ConstantComposite 966 966
+            1096:             TypePointer Input 11(fvec4)
+1097(gl_FragCoord):   1096(ptr) Variable Input
+       1099(vl2):   1096(ptr) Variable Input
+            1104:             TypePointer Output 32(int)
+        1105(uo):   1104(ptr) Variable Output
+            1106:             TypePointer Input 32(int)
+         1107(u):   1106(ptr) Variable Input
+            1114:             TypePointer Function 23(int)
+1116(gl_PrimitiveID):   1026(ptr) Variable Input
          4(main):           2 Function None 3
                5:             Label
-         1016(v):   1015(ptr) Variable Function
-        1112(id):   1111(ptr) Variable Function
-            1025:     23(int) Load 1024(i)
-            1027:   1026(ptr) AccessChain 1022(arrayedSampler) 1025
-            1028:        1018 Load 1027
-            1031:   20(fvec2) Load 1030(c2D)
-            1032:   11(fvec4) ImageSampleImplicitLod 1028 1031
-                              Store 1016(v) 1032
-            1037:   1036(ptr) AccessChain 1035(gl_ClipDistance) 963
-            1038:   10(float) Load 1037
-            1039:     34(ptr) AccessChain 13(outp) 33
-                              Store 1039 1038
-            1041:   11(fvec4) Load 1016(v)
-            1042: 1040(fvec3) VectorShuffle 1041 1041 1 2 3
-            1043:   11(fvec4) Load 13(outp)
-            1044:   11(fvec4) VectorShuffle 1043 1042 0 4 5 6
-                              Store 13(outp) 1044
-            1052:        1049 Load 1051(samp2dr)
-            1053:   20(fvec2) Load 1030(c2D)
-            1064: 1045(ivec4) ImageGather 1052 1053 967 ConstOffsets 1063
-                              Store 1047(uoutp) 1064
-            1065:   1026(ptr) AccessChain 1022(arrayedSampler) 1061
-            1066:        1018 Load 1065
-            1067:   20(fvec2) Load 1030(c2D)
-            1068:   11(fvec4) ImageGather 1066 1067 1061
-            1069:   11(fvec4) Load 13(outp)
-            1070:   11(fvec4) FAdd 1069 1068
-                              Store 13(outp) 1070
-            1078:        1075 Load 1077(isamp2DA)
-            1082: 1071(ivec4) ImageGather 1078 1080 25 ConstOffset 1081
-                              Store 1073(ioutp) 1082
-            1083:        1075 Load 1077(isamp2DA)
-            1084: 1071(ivec4) ImageGather 1083 1080 25 ConstOffset 1081
-            1085: 1071(ivec4) Load 1073(ioutp)
-            1086: 1071(ivec4) IAdd 1085 1084
-                              Store 1073(ioutp) 1086
-            1087:        1075 Load 1077(isamp2DA)
-            1088:     23(int) Load 1024(i)
-            1089:   24(ivec2) CompositeConstruct 1088 1088
-            1090: 1071(ivec4) ImageGather 1087 1080 1061 Offset 1089
-            1091: 1071(ivec4) Load 1073(ioutp)
-            1092: 1071(ivec4) IAdd 1091 1090
-                              Store 1073(ioutp) 1092
-            1095:   11(fvec4) Load 1094(gl_FragCoord)
-            1097:   11(fvec4) Load 1096(vl2)
-            1098:   11(fvec4) FAdd 1095 1097
-            1099:   11(fvec4) Load 13(outp)
-            1100:   11(fvec4) FAdd 1099 1098
-                              Store 13(outp) 1100
-            1105:     32(int) Load 1104(u)
-            1106:     23(int) Load 1024(i)
-            1107:     32(int) Bitcast 1106
-            1108:     32(int) UMod 1105 1107
-                              Store 1102(uo) 1108
-            1109:           2 FunctionCall 6(foo23()
-            1110:           2 FunctionCall 8(doubles()
-            1114:     23(int) Load 1113(gl_PrimitiveID)
-                              Store 1112(id) 1114
+         1019(v):   1018(ptr) Variable Function
+        1115(id):   1114(ptr) Variable Function
+            1028:     23(int) Load 1027(i)
+            1030:   1029(ptr) AccessChain 1025(arrayedSampler) 1028
+            1031:        1021 Load 1030
+            1034:   20(fvec2) Load 1033(c2D)
+            1035:   11(fvec4) ImageSampleImplicitLod 1031 1034
+                              Store 1019(v) 1035
+            1040:   1039(ptr) AccessChain 1038(gl_ClipDistance) 966
+            1041:   10(float) Load 1040
+            1042:     34(ptr) AccessChain 13(outp) 33
+                              Store 1042 1041
+            1044:   11(fvec4) Load 1019(v)
+            1045: 1043(fvec3) VectorShuffle 1044 1044 1 2 3
+            1046:   11(fvec4) Load 13(outp)
+            1047:   11(fvec4) VectorShuffle 1046 1045 0 4 5 6
+                              Store 13(outp) 1047
+            1055:        1052 Load 1054(samp2dr)
+            1056:   20(fvec2) Load 1033(c2D)
+            1067: 1048(ivec4) ImageGather 1055 1056 970 ConstOffsets 1066
+                              Store 1050(uoutp) 1067
+            1068:   1029(ptr) AccessChain 1025(arrayedSampler) 1064
+            1069:        1021 Load 1068
+            1070:   20(fvec2) Load 1033(c2D)
+            1071:   11(fvec4) ImageGather 1069 1070 1064
+            1072:   11(fvec4) Load 13(outp)
+            1073:   11(fvec4) FAdd 1072 1071
+                              Store 13(outp) 1073
+            1081:        1078 Load 1080(isamp2DA)
+            1085: 1074(ivec4) ImageGather 1081 1083 25 ConstOffset 1084
+                              Store 1076(ioutp) 1085
+            1086:        1078 Load 1080(isamp2DA)
+            1087: 1074(ivec4) ImageGather 1086 1083 25 ConstOffset 1084
+            1088: 1074(ivec4) Load 1076(ioutp)
+            1089: 1074(ivec4) IAdd 1088 1087
+                              Store 1076(ioutp) 1089
+            1090:        1078 Load 1080(isamp2DA)
+            1091:     23(int) Load 1027(i)
+            1092:   24(ivec2) CompositeConstruct 1091 1091
+            1093: 1074(ivec4) ImageGather 1090 1083 1064 Offset 1092
+            1094: 1074(ivec4) Load 1076(ioutp)
+            1095: 1074(ivec4) IAdd 1094 1093
+                              Store 1076(ioutp) 1095
+            1098:   11(fvec4) Load 1097(gl_FragCoord)
+            1100:   11(fvec4) Load 1099(vl2)
+            1101:   11(fvec4) FAdd 1098 1100
+            1102:   11(fvec4) Load 13(outp)
+            1103:   11(fvec4) FAdd 1102 1101
+                              Store 13(outp) 1103
+            1108:     32(int) Load 1107(u)
+            1109:     23(int) Load 1027(i)
+            1110:     32(int) Bitcast 1109
+            1111:     32(int) UMod 1108 1110
+                              Store 1105(uo) 1111
+            1112:           2 FunctionCall 6(foo23()
+            1113:           2 FunctionCall 8(doubles()
+            1117:     23(int) Load 1116(gl_PrimitiveID)
+                              Store 1115(id) 1117
        6(foo23():           2 Function None 3
@@ -278,15 +277,15 @@ spv.400.frag
              566:    438(ptr) Variable Function
              575:    447(ptr) Variable Function
              584:    456(ptr) Variable Function
-     736(dmat2v):    735(ptr) Variable Function
-     742(dmat3v):    741(ptr) Variable Function
-     748(dmat4v):    747(ptr) Variable Function
-   754(dmat2x3v):    753(ptr) Variable Function
-   760(dmat3x2v):    759(ptr) Variable Function
-   766(dmat2x4v):    765(ptr) Variable Function
-   772(dmat4x2v):    771(ptr) Variable Function
-   778(dmat3x4v):    777(ptr) Variable Function
-   784(dmat4x3v):    783(ptr) Variable Function
+     739(dmat2v):    738(ptr) Variable Function
+     745(dmat3v):    744(ptr) Variable Function
+     751(dmat4v):    750(ptr) Variable Function
+   757(dmat2x3v):    756(ptr) Variable Function
+   763(dmat3x2v):    762(ptr) Variable Function
+   769(dmat2x4v):    768(ptr) Variable Function
+   775(dmat4x2v):    774(ptr) Variable Function
+   781(dmat3x4v):    780(ptr) Variable Function
+   787(dmat4x3v):    786(ptr) Variable Function
                               Store 41(doublev) 42
                               Store 45(dvec2v) 47
                               Store 50(dvec3v) 52
@@ -1080,309 +1079,313 @@ spv.400.frag
                               Store 55(dvec4v) 712
              713:39(float64_t) Load 41(doublev)
              714:39(float64_t) Load 41(doublev)
+             715:39(float64_t) Load 41(doublev)
              716:39(float64_t) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 72(Refract) 713 714 715
              717:39(float64_t) Load 41(doublev)
              718:39(float64_t) FAdd 717 716
                               Store 41(doublev) 718
              719: 43(f64vec2) Load 45(dvec2v)
              720: 43(f64vec2) Load 45(dvec2v)
-             721: 43(f64vec2) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 72(Refract) 719 720 715
-             722: 43(f64vec2) Load 45(dvec2v)
-             723: 43(f64vec2) FAdd 722 721
-                              Store 45(dvec2v) 723
-             724: 48(f64vec3) Load 50(dvec3v)
+             721:39(float64_t) Load 41(doublev)
+             722: 43(f64vec2) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 72(Refract) 719 720 721
+             723: 43(f64vec2) Load 45(dvec2v)
+             724: 43(f64vec2) FAdd 723 722
+                              Store 45(dvec2v) 724
              725: 48(f64vec3) Load 50(dvec3v)
-             726: 48(f64vec3) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 72(Refract) 724 725 715
-             727: 48(f64vec3) Load 50(dvec3v)
-             728: 48(f64vec3) FAdd 727 726
-                              Store 50(dvec3v) 728
-             729: 53(f64vec4) Load 55(dvec4v)
-             730: 53(f64vec4) Load 55(dvec4v)
-             731: 53(f64vec4) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 72(Refract) 729 730 715
+             726: 48(f64vec3) Load 50(dvec3v)
+             727:39(float64_t) Load 41(doublev)
+             728: 48(f64vec3) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 72(Refract) 725 726 727
+             729: 48(f64vec3) Load 50(dvec3v)
+             730: 48(f64vec3) FAdd 729 728
+                              Store 50(dvec3v) 730
+             731: 53(f64vec4) Load 55(dvec4v)
              732: 53(f64vec4) Load 55(dvec4v)
-             733: 53(f64vec4) FAdd 732 731
-                              Store 55(dvec4v) 733
-             737: 43(f64vec2) Load 45(dvec2v)
-             738: 43(f64vec2) Load 45(dvec2v)
-             739:         734 OuterProduct 737 738
-                              Store 736(dmat2v) 739
-             743: 48(f64vec3) Load 50(dvec3v)
-             744: 48(f64vec3) Load 50(dvec3v)
-             745:         740 OuterProduct 743 744
-                              Store 742(dmat3v) 745
-             749: 53(f64vec4) Load 55(dvec4v)
-             750: 53(f64vec4) Load 55(dvec4v)
-             751:         746 OuterProduct 749 750
-                              Store 748(dmat4v) 751
-             755: 48(f64vec3) Load 50(dvec3v)
-             756: 43(f64vec2) Load 45(dvec2v)
-             757:         752 OuterProduct 755 756
-                              Store 754(dmat2x3v) 757
-             761: 43(f64vec2) Load 45(dvec2v)
-             762: 48(f64vec3) Load 50(dvec3v)
-             763:         758 OuterProduct 761 762
-                              Store 760(dmat3x2v) 763
-             767: 53(f64vec4) Load 55(dvec4v)
-             768: 43(f64vec2) Load 45(dvec2v)
-             769:         764 OuterProduct 767 768
-                              Store 766(dmat2x4v) 769
-             773: 43(f64vec2) Load 45(dvec2v)
-             774: 53(f64vec4) Load 55(dvec4v)
-             775:         770 OuterProduct 773 774
-                              Store 772(dmat4x2v) 775
-             779: 53(f64vec4) Load 55(dvec4v)
-             780: 48(f64vec3) Load 50(dvec3v)
-             781:         776 OuterProduct 779 780
-                              Store 778(dmat3x4v) 781
-             785: 48(f64vec3) Load 50(dvec3v)
-             786: 53(f64vec4) Load 55(dvec4v)
-             787:         782 OuterProduct 785 786
-                              Store 784(dmat4x3v) 787
-             788:         734 Load 736(dmat2v)
-             789:         734 Load 736(dmat2v)
-             790: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 788 0
-             791: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 789 0
-             792: 43(f64vec2) FMul 790 791
-             793: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 788 1
-             794: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 789 1
+             733:39(float64_t) Load 41(doublev)
+             734: 53(f64vec4) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 72(Refract) 731 732 733
+             735: 53(f64vec4) Load 55(dvec4v)
+             736: 53(f64vec4) FAdd 735 734
+                              Store 55(dvec4v) 736
+             740: 43(f64vec2) Load 45(dvec2v)
+             741: 43(f64vec2) Load 45(dvec2v)
+             742:         737 OuterProduct 740 741
+                              Store 739(dmat2v) 742
+             746: 48(f64vec3) Load 50(dvec3v)
+             747: 48(f64vec3) Load 50(dvec3v)
+             748:         743 OuterProduct 746 747
+                              Store 745(dmat3v) 748
+             752: 53(f64vec4) Load 55(dvec4v)
+             753: 53(f64vec4) Load 55(dvec4v)
+             754:         749 OuterProduct 752 753
+                              Store 751(dmat4v) 754
+             758: 48(f64vec3) Load 50(dvec3v)
+             759: 43(f64vec2) Load 45(dvec2v)
+             760:         755 OuterProduct 758 759
+                              Store 757(dmat2x3v) 760
+             764: 43(f64vec2) Load 45(dvec2v)
+             765: 48(f64vec3) Load 50(dvec3v)
+             766:         761 OuterProduct 764 765
+                              Store 763(dmat3x2v) 766
+             770: 53(f64vec4) Load 55(dvec4v)
+             771: 43(f64vec2) Load 45(dvec2v)
+             772:         767 OuterProduct 770 771
+                              Store 769(dmat2x4v) 772
+             776: 43(f64vec2) Load 45(dvec2v)
+             777: 53(f64vec4) Load 55(dvec4v)
+             778:         773 OuterProduct 776 777
+                              Store 775(dmat4x2v) 778
+             782: 53(f64vec4) Load 55(dvec4v)
+             783: 48(f64vec3) Load 50(dvec3v)
+             784:         779 OuterProduct 782 783
+                              Store 781(dmat3x4v) 784
+             788: 48(f64vec3) Load 50(dvec3v)
+             789: 53(f64vec4) Load 55(dvec4v)
+             790:         785 OuterProduct 788 789
+                              Store 787(dmat4x3v) 790
+             791:         737 Load 739(dmat2v)
+             792:         737 Load 739(dmat2v)
+             793: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 791 0
+             794: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 792 0
              795: 43(f64vec2) FMul 793 794
-             796:         734 CompositeConstruct 792 795
-             797:         734 Load 736(dmat2v)
-             798:         734 MatrixTimesMatrix 797 796
-                              Store 736(dmat2v) 798
-             799:         740 Load 742(dmat3v)
-             800:         740 Load 742(dmat3v)
-             801: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 799 0
-             802: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 800 0
-             803: 48(f64vec3) FMul 801 802
-             804: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 799 1
-             805: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 800 1
+             796: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 791 1
+             797: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 792 1
+             798: 43(f64vec2) FMul 796 797
+             799:         737 CompositeConstruct 795 798
+             800:         737 Load 739(dmat2v)
+             801:         737 MatrixTimesMatrix 800 799
+                              Store 739(dmat2v) 801
+             802:         743 Load 745(dmat3v)
+             803:         743 Load 745(dmat3v)
+             804: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 802 0
+             805: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 803 0
              806: 48(f64vec3) FMul 804 805
-             807: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 799 2
-             808: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 800 2
+             807: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 802 1
+             808: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 803 1
              809: 48(f64vec3) FMul 807 808
-             810:         740 CompositeConstruct 803 806 809
-             811:         740 Load 742(dmat3v)
-             812:         740 MatrixTimesMatrix 811 810
-                              Store 742(dmat3v) 812
-             813:         746 Load 748(dmat4v)
-             814:         746 Load 748(dmat4v)
-             815: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 813 0
-             816: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 814 0
-             817: 53(f64vec4) FMul 815 816
-             818: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 813 1
-             819: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 814 1
+             810: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 802 2
+             811: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 803 2
+             812: 48(f64vec3) FMul 810 811
+             813:         743 CompositeConstruct 806 809 812
+             814:         743 Load 745(dmat3v)
+             815:         743 MatrixTimesMatrix 814 813
+                              Store 745(dmat3v) 815
+             816:         749 Load 751(dmat4v)
+             817:         749 Load 751(dmat4v)
+             818: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 816 0
+             819: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 817 0
              820: 53(f64vec4) FMul 818 819
-             821: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 813 2
-             822: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 814 2
+             821: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 816 1
+             822: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 817 1
              823: 53(f64vec4) FMul 821 822
-             824: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 813 3
-             825: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 814 3
+             824: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 816 2
+             825: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 817 2
              826: 53(f64vec4) FMul 824 825
-             827:         746 CompositeConstruct 817 820 823 826
-             828:         746 Load 748(dmat4v)
-             829:         746 MatrixTimesMatrix 828 827
-                              Store 748(dmat4v) 829
-             830:         752 Load 754(dmat2x3v)
-             831:         752 Load 754(dmat2x3v)
-             832: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 830 0
-             833: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 831 0
-             834: 48(f64vec3) FMul 832 833
-             835: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 830 1
-             836: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 831 1
+             827: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 816 3
+             828: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 817 3
+             829: 53(f64vec4) FMul 827 828
+             830:         749 CompositeConstruct 820 823 826 829
+             831:         749 Load 751(dmat4v)
+             832:         749 MatrixTimesMatrix 831 830
+                              Store 751(dmat4v) 832
+             833:         755 Load 757(dmat2x3v)
+             834:         755 Load 757(dmat2x3v)
+             835: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 833 0
+             836: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 834 0
              837: 48(f64vec3) FMul 835 836
-             838:         752 CompositeConstruct 834 837
-                              Store 754(dmat2x3v) 838
-             839:         764 Load 766(dmat2x4v)
-             840:         764 Load 766(dmat2x4v)
-             841: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 839 0
-             842: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 840 0
-             843: 53(f64vec4) FMul 841 842
-             844: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 839 1
-             845: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 840 1
+             838: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 833 1
+             839: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 834 1
+             840: 48(f64vec3) FMul 838 839
+             841:         755 CompositeConstruct 837 840
+                              Store 757(dmat2x3v) 841
+             842:         767 Load 769(dmat2x4v)
+             843:         767 Load 769(dmat2x4v)
+             844: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 842 0
+             845: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 843 0
              846: 53(f64vec4) FMul 844 845
-             847:         764 CompositeConstruct 843 846
-                              Store 766(dmat2x4v) 847
-             848:         758 Load 760(dmat3x2v)
-             849:         758 Load 760(dmat3x2v)
-             850: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 848 0
-             851: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 849 0
-             852: 43(f64vec2) FMul 850 851
-             853: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 848 1
-             854: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 849 1
+             847: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 842 1
+             848: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 843 1
+             849: 53(f64vec4) FMul 847 848
+             850:         767 CompositeConstruct 846 849
+                              Store 769(dmat2x4v) 850
+             851:         761 Load 763(dmat3x2v)
+             852:         761 Load 763(dmat3x2v)
+             853: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 851 0
+             854: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 852 0
              855: 43(f64vec2) FMul 853 854
-             856: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 848 2
-             857: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 849 2
+             856: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 851 1
+             857: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 852 1
              858: 43(f64vec2) FMul 856 857
-             859:         758 CompositeConstruct 852 855 858
-                              Store 760(dmat3x2v) 859
-             860:         776 Load 778(dmat3x4v)
-             861:         776 Load 778(dmat3x4v)
-             862: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 860 0
-             863: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 861 0
-             864: 53(f64vec4) FMul 862 863
-             865: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 860 1
-             866: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 861 1
+             859: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 851 2
+             860: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 852 2
+             861: 43(f64vec2) FMul 859 860
+             862:         761 CompositeConstruct 855 858 861
+                              Store 763(dmat3x2v) 862
+             863:         779 Load 781(dmat3x4v)
+             864:         779 Load 781(dmat3x4v)
+             865: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 863 0
+             866: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 864 0
              867: 53(f64vec4) FMul 865 866
-             868: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 860 2
-             869: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 861 2
+             868: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 863 1
+             869: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 864 1
              870: 53(f64vec4) FMul 868 869
-             871:         776 CompositeConstruct 864 867 870
-                              Store 778(dmat3x4v) 871
-             872:         770 Load 772(dmat4x2v)
-             873:         770 Load 772(dmat4x2v)
-             874: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 872 0
-             875: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 873 0
-             876: 43(f64vec2) FMul 874 875
-             877: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 872 1
-             878: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 873 1
+             871: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 863 2
+             872: 53(f64vec4) CompositeExtract 864 2
+             873: 53(f64vec4) FMul 871 872
+             874:         779 CompositeConstruct 867 870 873
+                              Store 781(dmat3x4v) 874
+             875:         773 Load 775(dmat4x2v)
+             876:         773 Load 775(dmat4x2v)
+             877: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 875 0
+             878: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 876 0
              879: 43(f64vec2) FMul 877 878
-             880: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 872 2
-             881: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 873 2
+             880: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 875 1
+             881: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 876 1
              882: 43(f64vec2) FMul 880 881
-             883: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 872 3
-             884: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 873 3
+             883: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 875 2
+             884: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 876 2
              885: 43(f64vec2) FMul 883 884
-             886:         770 CompositeConstruct 876 879 882 885
-                              Store 772(dmat4x2v) 886
-             887:         782 Load 784(dmat4x3v)
-             888:         782 Load 784(dmat4x3v)
-             889: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 887 0
-             890: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 888 0
-             891: 48(f64vec3) FMul 889 890
-             892: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 887 1
-             893: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 888 1
+             886: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 875 3
+             887: 43(f64vec2) CompositeExtract 876 3
+             888: 43(f64vec2) FMul 886 887
+             889:         773 CompositeConstruct 879 882 885 888
+                              Store 775(dmat4x2v) 889
+             890:         785 Load 787(dmat4x3v)
+             891:         785 Load 787(dmat4x3v)
+             892: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 890 0
+             893: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 891 0
              894: 48(f64vec3) FMul 892 893
-             895: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 887 2
-             896: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 888 2
+             895: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 890 1
+             896: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 891 1
              897: 48(f64vec3) FMul 895 896
-             898: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 887 3
-             899: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 888 3
+             898: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 890 2
+             899: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 891 2
              900: 48(f64vec3) FMul 898 899
-             901:         782 CompositeConstruct 891 894 897 900
-                              Store 784(dmat4x3v) 901
-             902:         734 Load 736(dmat2v)
-             903:         734 Transpose 902
-             904:         734 Load 736(dmat2v)
-             905:         734 MatrixTimesMatrix 904 903
-                              Store 736(dmat2v) 905
-             906:         740 Load 742(dmat3v)
-             907:         740 Transpose 906
-             908:         740 Load 742(dmat3v)
-             909:         740 MatrixTimesMatrix 908 907
-                              Store 742(dmat3v) 909
-             910:         746 Load 748(dmat4v)
-             911:         746 Transpose 910
-             912:         746 Load 748(dmat4v)
-             913:         746 MatrixTimesMatrix 912 911
-                              Store 748(dmat4v) 913
-             914:         758 Load 760(dmat3x2v)
-             915:         752 Transpose 914
-                              Store 754(dmat2x3v) 915
-             916:         752 Load 754(dmat2x3v)
-             917:         758 Transpose 916
-                              Store 760(dmat3x2v) 917
-             918:         770 Load 772(dmat4x2v)
-             919:         764 Transpose 918
-                              Store 766(dmat2x4v) 919
-             920:         764 Load 766(dmat2x4v)
-             921:         770 Transpose 920
-                              Store 772(dmat4x2v) 921
-             922:         782 Load 784(dmat4x3v)
-             923:         776 Transpose 922
-                              Store 778(dmat3x4v) 923
-             924:         776 Load 778(dmat3x4v)
-             925:         782 Transpose 924
-                              Store 784(dmat4x3v) 925
-             926:         734 Load 736(dmat2v)
-             927:39(float64_t) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 33(Determinant) 926
-             928:39(float64_t) Load 41(doublev)
-             929:39(float64_t) FAdd 928 927
-                              Store 41(doublev) 929
-             930:         740 Load 742(dmat3v)
-             931:39(float64_t) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 33(Determinant) 930
-             932:39(float64_t) Load 41(doublev)
-             933:39(float64_t) FAdd 932 931
-                              Store 41(doublev) 933
-             934:         746 Load 748(dmat4v)
-             935:39(float64_t) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 33(Determinant) 934
-             936:39(float64_t) Load 41(doublev)
-             937:39(float64_t) FAdd 936 935
-                              Store 41(doublev) 937
-             938:         734 Load 736(dmat2v)
-             939:         734 ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 34(MatrixInverse) 938
-             940:         734 Load 736(dmat2v)
-             941:         734 MatrixTimesMatrix 940 939
-                              Store 736(dmat2v) 941
-             942:         740 Load 742(dmat3v)
-             943:         740 ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 34(MatrixInverse) 942
-             944:         740 Load 742(dmat3v)
-             945:         740 MatrixTimesMatrix 944 943
-                              Store 742(dmat3v) 945
-             946:         746 Load 748(dmat4v)
-             947:         746 ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 34(MatrixInverse) 946
-             948:         746 Load 748(dmat4v)
-             949:         746 MatrixTimesMatrix 948 947
-                              Store 748(dmat4v) 949
-             950:39(float64_t) Load 41(doublev)
-             952:     40(ptr) AccessChain 45(dvec2v) 951
-             953:39(float64_t) Load 952
-             954:39(float64_t) FAdd 950 953
-             956:     40(ptr) AccessChain 50(dvec3v) 955
-             957:39(float64_t) Load 956
-             958:39(float64_t) FAdd 954 957
-             960:     40(ptr) AccessChain 55(dvec4v) 959
-             961:39(float64_t) Load 960
-             962:39(float64_t) FAdd 958 961
-             964:     40(ptr) AccessChain 736(dmat2v) 963 951
-             965:39(float64_t) Load 964
-             966:39(float64_t) FAdd 962 965
-             968:     40(ptr) AccessChain 742(dmat3v) 967 955
-             969:39(float64_t) Load 968
-             970:39(float64_t) FAdd 966 969
-             971:     40(ptr) AccessChain 748(dmat4v) 25 959
+             901: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 890 3
+             902: 48(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 891 3
+             903: 48(f64vec3) FMul 901 902
+             904:         785 CompositeConstruct 894 897 900 903
+                              Store 787(dmat4x3v) 904
+             905:         737 Load 739(dmat2v)
+             906:         737 Transpose 905
+             907:         737 Load 739(dmat2v)
+             908:         737 MatrixTimesMatrix 907 906
+                              Store 739(dmat2v) 908
+             909:         743 Load 745(dmat3v)
+             910:         743 Transpose 909
+             911:         743 Load 745(dmat3v)
+             912:         743 MatrixTimesMatrix 911 910
+                              Store 745(dmat3v) 912
+             913:         749 Load 751(dmat4v)
+             914:         749 Transpose 913
+             915:         749 Load 751(dmat4v)
+             916:         749 MatrixTimesMatrix 915 914
+                              Store 751(dmat4v) 916
+             917:         761 Load 763(dmat3x2v)
+             918:         755 Transpose 917
+                              Store 757(dmat2x3v) 918
+             919:         755 Load 757(dmat2x3v)
+             920:         761 Transpose 919
+                              Store 763(dmat3x2v) 920
+             921:         773 Load 775(dmat4x2v)
+             922:         767 Transpose 921
+                              Store 769(dmat2x4v) 922
+             923:         767 Load 769(dmat2x4v)
+             924:         773 Transpose 923
+                              Store 775(dmat4x2v) 924
+             925:         785 Load 787(dmat4x3v)
+             926:         779 Transpose 925
+                              Store 781(dmat3x4v) 926
+             927:         779 Load 781(dmat3x4v)
+             928:         785 Transpose 927
+                              Store 787(dmat4x3v) 928
+             929:         737 Load 739(dmat2v)
+             930:39(float64_t) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 33(Determinant) 929
+             931:39(float64_t) Load 41(doublev)
+             932:39(float64_t) FAdd 931 930
+                              Store 41(doublev) 932
+             933:         743 Load 745(dmat3v)
+             934:39(float64_t) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 33(Determinant) 933
+             935:39(float64_t) Load 41(doublev)
+             936:39(float64_t) FAdd 935 934
+                              Store 41(doublev) 936
+             937:         749 Load 751(dmat4v)
+             938:39(float64_t) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 33(Determinant) 937
+             939:39(float64_t) Load 41(doublev)
+             940:39(float64_t) FAdd 939 938
+                              Store 41(doublev) 940
+             941:         737 Load 739(dmat2v)
+             942:         737 ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 34(MatrixInverse) 941
+             943:         737 Load 739(dmat2v)
+             944:         737 MatrixTimesMatrix 943 942
+                              Store 739(dmat2v) 944
+             945:         743 Load 745(dmat3v)
+             946:         743 ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 34(MatrixInverse) 945
+             947:         743 Load 745(dmat3v)
+             948:         743 MatrixTimesMatrix 947 946
+                              Store 745(dmat3v) 948
+             949:         749 Load 751(dmat4v)
+             950:         749 ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 34(MatrixInverse) 949
+             951:         749 Load 751(dmat4v)
+             952:         749 MatrixTimesMatrix 951 950
+                              Store 751(dmat4v) 952
+             953:39(float64_t) Load 41(doublev)
+             955:     40(ptr) AccessChain 45(dvec2v) 954
+             956:39(float64_t) Load 955
+             957:39(float64_t) FAdd 953 956
+             959:     40(ptr) AccessChain 50(dvec3v) 958
+             960:39(float64_t) Load 959
+             961:39(float64_t) FAdd 957 960
+             963:     40(ptr) AccessChain 55(dvec4v) 962
+             964:39(float64_t) Load 963
+             965:39(float64_t) FAdd 961 964
+             967:     40(ptr) AccessChain 739(dmat2v) 966 954
+             968:39(float64_t) Load 967
+             969:39(float64_t) FAdd 965 968
+             971:     40(ptr) AccessChain 745(dmat3v) 970 958
              972:39(float64_t) Load 971
-             973:39(float64_t) FAdd 970 972
-             974:     40(ptr) AccessChain 754(dmat2x3v) 963 951
+             973:39(float64_t) FAdd 969 972
+             974:     40(ptr) AccessChain 751(dmat4v) 25 962
              975:39(float64_t) Load 974
              976:39(float64_t) FAdd 973 975
-             977:     40(ptr) AccessChain 760(dmat3x2v) 963 951
+             977:     40(ptr) AccessChain 757(dmat2x3v) 966 954
              978:39(float64_t) Load 977
              979:39(float64_t) FAdd 976 978
-             980:     40(ptr) AccessChain 778(dmat3x4v) 967 955
+             980:     40(ptr) AccessChain 763(dmat3x2v) 966 954
              981:39(float64_t) Load 980
              982:39(float64_t) FAdd 979 981
-             983:     40(ptr) AccessChain 784(dmat4x3v) 967 955
+             983:     40(ptr) AccessChain 781(dmat3x4v) 970 958
              984:39(float64_t) Load 983
              985:39(float64_t) FAdd 982 984
-             986:     40(ptr) AccessChain 766(dmat2x4v) 963 951
+             986:     40(ptr) AccessChain 787(dmat4x3v) 970 958
              987:39(float64_t) Load 986
              988:39(float64_t) FAdd 985 987
-             989:     40(ptr) AccessChain 772(dmat4x2v) 963 951
+             989:     40(ptr) AccessChain 769(dmat2x4v) 966 954
              990:39(float64_t) Load 989
              991:39(float64_t) FAdd 988 990
-             992:   428(bool) Load 430(boolv)
-             994:   10(float) Select 992 993 21
-             995:39(float64_t) FConvert 994
-             996:39(float64_t) FAdd 991 995
-             997:    429(ptr) AccessChain 439(bvec2v) 33
-             998:   428(bool) Load 997
-             999:   10(float) Select 998 993 21
-            1000:39(float64_t) FConvert 999
-            1001:39(float64_t) FAdd 996 1000
-            1002:    429(ptr) AccessChain 448(bvec3v) 33
-            1003:   428(bool) Load 1002
-            1004:   10(float) Select 1003 993 21
-            1005:39(float64_t) FConvert 1004
-            1006:39(float64_t) FAdd 1001 1005
-            1007:    429(ptr) AccessChain 457(bvec4v) 33
-            1008:   428(bool) Load 1007
-            1009:   10(float) Select 1008 993 21
-            1010:39(float64_t) FConvert 1009
-            1011:39(float64_t) FAdd 1006 1010
-            1012:   10(float) FConvert 1011
-            1013:   11(fvec4) Load 13(outp)
-            1014:   11(fvec4) VectorTimesScalar 1013 1012
-                              Store 13(outp) 1014
+             992:     40(ptr) AccessChain 775(dmat4x2v) 966 954
+             993:39(float64_t) Load 992
+             994:39(float64_t) FAdd 991 993
+             995:   428(bool) Load 430(boolv)
+             997:   10(float) Select 995 996 21
+             998:39(float64_t) FConvert 997
+             999:39(float64_t) FAdd 994 998
+            1000:    429(ptr) AccessChain 439(bvec2v) 33
+            1001:   428(bool) Load 1000
+            1002:   10(float) Select 1001 996 21
+            1003:39(float64_t) FConvert 1002
+            1004:39(float64_t) FAdd 999 1003
+            1005:    429(ptr) AccessChain 448(bvec3v) 33
+            1006:   428(bool) Load 1005
+            1007:   10(float) Select 1006 996 21
+            1008:39(float64_t) FConvert 1007
+            1009:39(float64_t) FAdd 1004 1008
+            1010:    429(ptr) AccessChain 457(bvec4v) 33
+            1011:   428(bool) Load 1010
+            1012:   10(float) Select 1011 996 21
+            1013:39(float64_t) FConvert 1012
+            1014:39(float64_t) FAdd 1009 1013
+            1015:   10(float) FConvert 1014
+            1016:   11(fvec4) Load 13(outp)
+            1017:   11(fvec4) VectorTimesScalar 1016 1015
+                              Store 13(outp) 1017
diff --git a/Test/baseResults/spv.float64.frag.out b/Test/baseResults/spv.float64.frag.out
index 48af2bcd5..ebc0a40c5 100644
--- a/Test/baseResults/spv.float64.frag.out
+++ b/Test/baseResults/spv.float64.frag.out
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // Module Version 10300
 // Generated by (magic number): 80007
-// Id's are bound by 523
+// Id's are bound by 521
                               Capability Shader
                               Capability Float16
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ spv.float64.frag
                               Capability InterpolationFunction
                1:             ExtInstImport  "GLSL.std.450"
                               MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
-                              EntryPoint Fragment 4  "main" 461
+                              EntryPoint Fragment 4  "main" 458
                               ExecutionMode 4 OriginUpperLeft
                               Source GLSL 450
                               SourceExtension  "GL_KHX_shader_explicit_arithmetic_types"
@@ -67,63 +67,62 @@ spv.float64.frag
                               Name 372  "f64v1"
                               Name 376  "f64v2"
                               Name 382  "f64v3"
-                              Name 399  "f"
-                              Name 404  "f64m3"
-                              Name 405  "f64m1"
-                              Name 407  "f64m2"
-                              Name 416  "f64v1"
-                              Name 418  "f64v2"
-                              Name 423  "f64m4"
-                              Name 426  "f64"
-                              Name 429  "f64m5"
-                              Name 434  "f64m6"
-                              Name 435  "f64m7"
-                              Name 438  "bv"
-                              Name 439  "f64v1"
-                              Name 441  "f64v2"
-                              Name 459  "f64v"
-                              Name 461  "if64v"
-                              Name 510  "S"
-                              MemberName 510(S) 0  "x"
-                              MemberName 510(S) 1  "y"
-                              MemberName 510(S) 2  "z"
-                              Name 512  "B1"
-                              MemberName 512(B1) 0  "a"
-                              MemberName 512(B1) 1  "b"
-                              MemberName 512(B1) 2  "c"
-                              MemberName 512(B1) 3  "d"
-                              MemberName 512(B1) 4  "e"
-                              MemberName 512(B1) 5  "f"
-                              MemberName 512(B1) 6  "g"
-                              MemberName 512(B1) 7  "h"
-                              Name 514  ""
-                              Name 515  "sf16"
-                              Name 516  "sf"
-                              Name 517  "sd"
-                              Decorate 461(if64v) Flat
-                              Decorate 508 ArrayStride 16
-                              Decorate 509 ArrayStride 64
-                              MemberDecorate 510(S) 0 Offset 0
-                              MemberDecorate 510(S) 1 Offset 16
-                              MemberDecorate 510(S) 2 Offset 32
-                              Decorate 511 ArrayStride 64
-                              MemberDecorate 512(B1) 0 Offset 0
-                              MemberDecorate 512(B1) 1 Offset 16
-                              MemberDecorate 512(B1) 2 Offset 32
-                              MemberDecorate 512(B1) 3 Offset 64
-                              MemberDecorate 512(B1) 4 ColMajor
-                              MemberDecorate 512(B1) 4 Offset 96
-                              MemberDecorate 512(B1) 4 MatrixStride 32
-                              MemberDecorate 512(B1) 5 ColMajor
-                              MemberDecorate 512(B1) 5 Offset 160
-                              MemberDecorate 512(B1) 5 MatrixStride 32
-                              MemberDecorate 512(B1) 6 Offset 288
-                              MemberDecorate 512(B1) 7 Offset 352
-                              Decorate 512(B1) Block
-                              Decorate 514 DescriptorSet 0
-                              Decorate 515(sf16) SpecId 100
-                              Decorate 516(sf) SpecId 101
-                              Decorate 517(sd) SpecId 102
+                              Name 401  "f64m3"
+                              Name 402  "f64m1"
+                              Name 404  "f64m2"
+                              Name 413  "f64v1"
+                              Name 415  "f64v2"
+                              Name 420  "f64m4"
+                              Name 423  "f64"
+                              Name 426  "f64m5"
+                              Name 431  "f64m6"
+                              Name 432  "f64m7"
+                              Name 435  "bv"
+                              Name 436  "f64v1"
+                              Name 438  "f64v2"
+                              Name 456  "f64v"
+                              Name 458  "if64v"
+                              Name 507  "S"
+                              MemberName 507(S) 0  "x"
+                              MemberName 507(S) 1  "y"
+                              MemberName 507(S) 2  "z"
+                              Name 509  "B1"
+                              MemberName 509(B1) 0  "a"
+                              MemberName 509(B1) 1  "b"
+                              MemberName 509(B1) 2  "c"
+                              MemberName 509(B1) 3  "d"
+                              MemberName 509(B1) 4  "e"
+                              MemberName 509(B1) 5  "f"
+                              MemberName 509(B1) 6  "g"
+                              MemberName 509(B1) 7  "h"
+                              Name 511  ""
+                              Name 512  "sf16"
+                              Name 514  "sf"
+                              Name 515  "sd"
+                              Decorate 458(if64v) Flat
+                              Decorate 505 ArrayStride 16
+                              Decorate 506 ArrayStride 64
+                              MemberDecorate 507(S) 0 Offset 0
+                              MemberDecorate 507(S) 1 Offset 16
+                              MemberDecorate 507(S) 2 Offset 32
+                              Decorate 508 ArrayStride 64
+                              MemberDecorate 509(B1) 0 Offset 0
+                              MemberDecorate 509(B1) 1 Offset 16
+                              MemberDecorate 509(B1) 2 Offset 32
+                              MemberDecorate 509(B1) 3 Offset 64
+                              MemberDecorate 509(B1) 4 ColMajor
+                              MemberDecorate 509(B1) 4 Offset 96
+                              MemberDecorate 509(B1) 4 MatrixStride 32
+                              MemberDecorate 509(B1) 5 ColMajor
+                              MemberDecorate 509(B1) 5 Offset 160
+                              MemberDecorate 509(B1) 5 MatrixStride 32
+                              MemberDecorate 509(B1) 6 Offset 288
+                              MemberDecorate 509(B1) 7 Offset 352
+                              Decorate 509(B1) Block
+                              Decorate 511 DescriptorSet 0
+                              Decorate 512(sf16) SpecId 100
+                              Decorate 514(sf) SpecId 101
+                              Decorate 515(sd) SpecId 102
                2:             TypeVoid
                3:             TypeFunction 2
               26:             TypeFloat 64
@@ -175,38 +174,37 @@ spv.float64.frag
              214:             TypeVector 26(float64_t) 4
              215:             TypePointer Function 214(f64vec4)
     364(ResType):             TypeStruct 149(f64vec3) 183(ivec3)
-             397:             TypeFloat 32
-             398:             TypePointer Function 397(float)
-             402:             TypeMatrix 149(f64vec3) 2
-             403:             TypePointer Function 402
-             421:             TypeMatrix 27(f64vec2) 3
-             422:             TypePointer Function 421
-             427:             TypeMatrix 149(f64vec3) 3
-             428:             TypePointer Function 427
-             432:             TypeMatrix 214(f64vec4) 4
-             433:             TypePointer Function 432
-             460:             TypePointer Input 149(f64vec3)
-      461(if64v):    460(ptr) Variable Input
-             462:             TypePointer Input 26(float64_t)
-             499:    182(int) Constant 1
-             504:26(float64_t) Constant 0 1071644672
-             505: 27(f64vec2) ConstantComposite 504 504
-             507:     31(int) Constant 2
-             508:             TypeArray 26(float64_t) 507
-             509:             TypeArray 402 507
-          510(S):             TypeStruct 26(float64_t) 27(f64vec2) 149(f64vec3)
-             511:             TypeArray 510(S) 507
-         512(B1):             TypeStruct 26(float64_t) 27(f64vec2) 149(f64vec3) 508 402 509 510(S) 511
-             513:             TypePointer Uniform 512(B1)
-             514:    513(ptr) Variable Uniform
-       515(sf16):162(float16_t) SpecConstant 12288
-         516(sf):  397(float) SpecConstant 1048576000
-         517(sd):26(float64_t) SpecConstant 0 1071644672
-             518:  397(float) SpecConstantOp 115 515(sf16)
-             519:  397(float) SpecConstantOp 115 515(sf16)
-             520:26(float64_t) SpecConstantOp 115 519
-             521:162(float16_t) SpecConstantOp 115 516(sf)
-             522:162(float16_t) SpecConstantOp 115 517(sd)
+             399:             TypeMatrix 149(f64vec3) 2
+             400:             TypePointer Function 399
+             418:             TypeMatrix 27(f64vec2) 3
+             419:             TypePointer Function 418
+             424:             TypeMatrix 149(f64vec3) 3
+             425:             TypePointer Function 424
+             429:             TypeMatrix 214(f64vec4) 4
+             430:             TypePointer Function 429
+             457:             TypePointer Input 149(f64vec3)
+      458(if64v):    457(ptr) Variable Input
+             459:             TypePointer Input 26(float64_t)
+             496:    182(int) Constant 1
+             501:26(float64_t) Constant 0 1071644672
+             502: 27(f64vec2) ConstantComposite 501 501
+             504:     31(int) Constant 2
+             505:             TypeArray 26(float64_t) 504
+             506:             TypeArray 399 504
+          507(S):             TypeStruct 26(float64_t) 27(f64vec2) 149(f64vec3)
+             508:             TypeArray 507(S) 504
+         509(B1):             TypeStruct 26(float64_t) 27(f64vec2) 149(f64vec3) 505 399 506 507(S) 508
+             510:             TypePointer Uniform 509(B1)
+             511:    510(ptr) Variable Uniform
+       512(sf16):162(float16_t) SpecConstant 12288
+             513:             TypeFloat 32
+         514(sf):  513(float) SpecConstant 1048576000
+         515(sd):26(float64_t) SpecConstant 0 1071644672
+             516:  513(float) SpecConstantOp 115 512(sf16)
+             517:  513(float) SpecConstantOp 115 512(sf16)
+             518:26(float64_t) SpecConstantOp 115 517
+             519:162(float16_t) SpecConstantOp 115 514(sf)
+             520:162(float16_t) SpecConstantOp 115 515(sd)
          4(main):           2 Function None 3
                5:             Label
@@ -628,7 +626,6 @@ spv.float64.frag
       372(f64v1):    150(ptr) Variable Function
       376(f64v2):    150(ptr) Variable Function
       382(f64v3):    150(ptr) Variable Function
-          399(f):    398(ptr) Variable Function
              373:149(f64vec3) Load 372(f64v1)
              374:26(float64_t) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 66(Length) 373
                               Store 371(f64) 374
@@ -658,134 +655,134 @@ spv.float64.frag
                               Store 382(f64v3) 394
              395:149(f64vec3) Load 372(f64v1)
              396:149(f64vec3) Load 376(f64v2)
-             400:  397(float) Load 399(f)
-             401:149(f64vec3) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 72(Refract) 395 396 400
-                              Store 382(f64v3) 401
+             397:26(float64_t) Load 371(f64)
+             398:149(f64vec3) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 72(Refract) 395 396 397
+                              Store 382(f64v3) 398
 20(builtinMatrixFuncs():           2 Function None 3
               21:             Label
-      404(f64m3):    403(ptr) Variable Function
-      405(f64m1):    403(ptr) Variable Function
-      407(f64m2):    403(ptr) Variable Function
-      416(f64v1):    150(ptr) Variable Function
-      418(f64v2):     28(ptr) Variable Function
-      423(f64m4):    422(ptr) Variable Function
-        426(f64):     33(ptr) Variable Function
-      429(f64m5):    428(ptr) Variable Function
-      434(f64m6):    433(ptr) Variable Function
-      435(f64m7):    433(ptr) Variable Function
-             406:         402 Load 405(f64m1)
-             408:         402 Load 407(f64m2)
-             409:149(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 406 0
-             410:149(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 408 0
+      401(f64m3):    400(ptr) Variable Function
+      402(f64m1):    400(ptr) Variable Function
+      404(f64m2):    400(ptr) Variable Function
+      413(f64v1):    150(ptr) Variable Function
+      415(f64v2):     28(ptr) Variable Function
+      420(f64m4):    419(ptr) Variable Function
+        423(f64):     33(ptr) Variable Function
+      426(f64m5):    425(ptr) Variable Function
+      431(f64m6):    430(ptr) Variable Function
+      432(f64m7):    430(ptr) Variable Function
+             403:         399 Load 402(f64m1)
+             405:         399 Load 404(f64m2)
+             406:149(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 403 0
+             407:149(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 405 0
+             408:149(f64vec3) FMul 406 407
+             409:149(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 403 1
+             410:149(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 405 1
              411:149(f64vec3) FMul 409 410
-             412:149(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 406 1
-             413:149(f64vec3) CompositeExtract 408 1
-             414:149(f64vec3) FMul 412 413
-             415:         402 CompositeConstruct 411 414
-                              Store 404(f64m3) 415
-             417:149(f64vec3) Load 416(f64v1)
-             419: 27(f64vec2) Load 418(f64v2)
-             420:         402 OuterProduct 417 419
-                              Store 405(f64m1) 420
-             424:         402 Load 405(f64m1)
-             425:         421 Transpose 424
-                              Store 423(f64m4) 425
-             430:         427 Load 429(f64m5)
-             431:26(float64_t) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 33(Determinant) 430
-                              Store 426(f64) 431
-             436:         432 Load 435(f64m7)
-             437:         432 ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 34(MatrixInverse) 436
-                              Store 434(f64m6) 437
+             412:         399 CompositeConstruct 408 411
+                              Store 401(f64m3) 412
+             414:149(f64vec3) Load 413(f64v1)
+             416: 27(f64vec2) Load 415(f64v2)
+             417:         399 OuterProduct 414 416
+                              Store 402(f64m1) 417
+             421:         399 Load 402(f64m1)
+             422:         418 Transpose 421
+                              Store 420(f64m4) 422
+             427:         424 Load 426(f64m5)
+             428:26(float64_t) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 33(Determinant) 427
+                              Store 423(f64) 428
+             433:         429 Load 432(f64m7)
+             434:         429 ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 34(MatrixInverse) 433
+                              Store 431(f64m6) 434
 22(builtinVecRelFuncs():           2 Function None 3
               23:             Label
-         438(bv):    153(ptr) Variable Function
-      439(f64v1):    150(ptr) Variable Function
-      441(f64v2):    150(ptr) Variable Function
-             440:149(f64vec3) Load 439(f64v1)
-             442:149(f64vec3) Load 441(f64v2)
-             443:  152(bvec3) FOrdLessThan 440 442
-                              Store 438(bv) 443
-             444:149(f64vec3) Load 439(f64v1)
-             445:149(f64vec3) Load 441(f64v2)
-             446:  152(bvec3) FOrdLessThanEqual 444 445
-                              Store 438(bv) 446
-             447:149(f64vec3) Load 439(f64v1)
-             448:149(f64vec3) Load 441(f64v2)
-             449:  152(bvec3) FOrdGreaterThan 447 448
-                              Store 438(bv) 449
-             450:149(f64vec3) Load 439(f64v1)
-             451:149(f64vec3) Load 441(f64v2)
-             452:  152(bvec3) FOrdGreaterThanEqual 450 451
-                              Store 438(bv) 452
-             453:149(f64vec3) Load 439(f64v1)
-             454:149(f64vec3) Load 441(f64v2)
-             455:  152(bvec3) FOrdEqual 453 454
-                              Store 438(bv) 455
-             456:149(f64vec3) Load 439(f64v1)
-             457:149(f64vec3) Load 441(f64v2)
-             458:  152(bvec3) FOrdNotEqual 456 457
-                              Store 438(bv) 458
+         435(bv):    153(ptr) Variable Function
+      436(f64v1):    150(ptr) Variable Function
+      438(f64v2):    150(ptr) Variable Function
+             437:149(f64vec3) Load 436(f64v1)
+             439:149(f64vec3) Load 438(f64v2)
+             440:  152(bvec3) FOrdLessThan 437 439
+                              Store 435(bv) 440
+             441:149(f64vec3) Load 436(f64v1)
+             442:149(f64vec3) Load 438(f64v2)
+             443:  152(bvec3) FOrdLessThanEqual 441 442
+                              Store 435(bv) 443
+             444:149(f64vec3) Load 436(f64v1)
+             445:149(f64vec3) Load 438(f64v2)
+             446:  152(bvec3) FOrdGreaterThan 444 445
+                              Store 435(bv) 446
+             447:149(f64vec3) Load 436(f64v1)
+             448:149(f64vec3) Load 438(f64v2)
+             449:  152(bvec3) FOrdGreaterThanEqual 447 448
+                              Store 435(bv) 449
+             450:149(f64vec3) Load 436(f64v1)
+             451:149(f64vec3) Load 438(f64v2)
+             452:  152(bvec3) FOrdEqual 450 451
+                              Store 435(bv) 452
+             453:149(f64vec3) Load 436(f64v1)
+             454:149(f64vec3) Load 438(f64v2)
+             455:  152(bvec3) FOrdNotEqual 453 454
+                              Store 435(bv) 455
 24(builtinFragProcFuncs():           2 Function None 3
               25:             Label
-       459(f64v):    150(ptr) Variable Function
-             463:    462(ptr) AccessChain 461(if64v) 32
-             464:26(float64_t) Load 463
-             465:26(float64_t) DPdx 464
-             466:     33(ptr) AccessChain 459(f64v) 32
-                              Store 466 465
-             467:    462(ptr) AccessChain 461(if64v) 88
-             468:26(float64_t) Load 467
-             469:26(float64_t) DPdy 468
-             470:     33(ptr) AccessChain 459(f64v) 88
-                              Store 470 469
-             471:149(f64vec3) Load 461(if64v)
-             472: 27(f64vec2) VectorShuffle 471 471 0 1
-             473: 27(f64vec2) DPdxFine 472
-             474:149(f64vec3) Load 459(f64v)
-             475:149(f64vec3) VectorShuffle 474 473 3 4 2
-                              Store 459(f64v) 475
-             476:149(f64vec3) Load 461(if64v)
-             477: 27(f64vec2) VectorShuffle 476 476 0 1
-             478: 27(f64vec2) DPdyFine 477
-             479:149(f64vec3) Load 459(f64v)
-             480:149(f64vec3) VectorShuffle 479 478 3 4 2
-                              Store 459(f64v) 480
-             481:149(f64vec3) Load 461(if64v)
-             482:149(f64vec3) DPdxCoarse 481
-                              Store 459(f64v) 482
-             483:149(f64vec3) Load 461(if64v)
-             484:149(f64vec3) DPdxCoarse 483
-                              Store 459(f64v) 484
-             485:    462(ptr) AccessChain 461(if64v) 32
-             486:26(float64_t) Load 485
-             487:26(float64_t) Fwidth 486
-             488:     33(ptr) AccessChain 459(f64v) 32
-                              Store 488 487
-             489:149(f64vec3) Load 461(if64v)
-             490: 27(f64vec2) VectorShuffle 489 489 0 1
-             491: 27(f64vec2) FwidthFine 490
-             492:149(f64vec3) Load 459(f64v)
-             493:149(f64vec3) VectorShuffle 492 491 3 4 2
-                              Store 459(f64v) 493
-             494:149(f64vec3) Load 461(if64v)
-             495:149(f64vec3) FwidthCoarse 494
-                              Store 459(f64v) 495
-             496:    462(ptr) AccessChain 461(if64v) 32
-             497:26(float64_t) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 76(InterpolateAtCentroid) 496
-             498:     33(ptr) AccessChain 459(f64v) 32
-                              Store 498 497
-             500:149(f64vec3) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 77(InterpolateAtSample) 461(if64v) 499
-             501: 27(f64vec2) VectorShuffle 500 500 0 1
-             502:149(f64vec3) Load 459(f64v)
-             503:149(f64vec3) VectorShuffle 502 501 3 4 2
-                              Store 459(f64v) 503
-             506:149(f64vec3) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 78(InterpolateAtOffset) 461(if64v) 505
-                              Store 459(f64v) 506
+       456(f64v):    150(ptr) Variable Function
+             460:    459(ptr) AccessChain 458(if64v) 32
+             461:26(float64_t) Load 460
+             462:26(float64_t) DPdx 461
+             463:     33(ptr) AccessChain 456(f64v) 32
+                              Store 463 462
+             464:    459(ptr) AccessChain 458(if64v) 88
+             465:26(float64_t) Load 464
+             466:26(float64_t) DPdy 465
+             467:     33(ptr) AccessChain 456(f64v) 88
+                              Store 467 466
+             468:149(f64vec3) Load 458(if64v)
+             469: 27(f64vec2) VectorShuffle 468 468 0 1
+             470: 27(f64vec2) DPdxFine 469
+             471:149(f64vec3) Load 456(f64v)
+             472:149(f64vec3) VectorShuffle 471 470 3 4 2
+                              Store 456(f64v) 472
+             473:149(f64vec3) Load 458(if64v)
+             474: 27(f64vec2) VectorShuffle 473 473 0 1
+             475: 27(f64vec2) DPdyFine 474
+             476:149(f64vec3) Load 456(f64v)
+             477:149(f64vec3) VectorShuffle 476 475 3 4 2
+                              Store 456(f64v) 477
+             478:149(f64vec3) Load 458(if64v)
+             479:149(f64vec3) DPdxCoarse 478
+                              Store 456(f64v) 479
+             480:149(f64vec3) Load 458(if64v)
+             481:149(f64vec3) DPdxCoarse 480
+                              Store 456(f64v) 481
+             482:    459(ptr) AccessChain 458(if64v) 32
+             483:26(float64_t) Load 482
+             484:26(float64_t) Fwidth 483
+             485:     33(ptr) AccessChain 456(f64v) 32
+                              Store 485 484
+             486:149(f64vec3) Load 458(if64v)
+             487: 27(f64vec2) VectorShuffle 486 486 0 1
+             488: 27(f64vec2) FwidthFine 487
+             489:149(f64vec3) Load 456(f64v)
+             490:149(f64vec3) VectorShuffle 489 488 3 4 2
+                              Store 456(f64v) 490
+             491:149(f64vec3) Load 458(if64v)
+             492:149(f64vec3) FwidthCoarse 491
+                              Store 456(f64v) 492
+             493:    459(ptr) AccessChain 458(if64v) 32
+             494:26(float64_t) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 76(InterpolateAtCentroid) 493
+             495:     33(ptr) AccessChain 456(f64v) 32
+                              Store 495 494
+             497:149(f64vec3) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 77(InterpolateAtSample) 458(if64v) 496
+             498: 27(f64vec2) VectorShuffle 497 497 0 1
+             499:149(f64vec3) Load 456(f64v)
+             500:149(f64vec3) VectorShuffle 499 498 3 4 2
+                              Store 456(f64v) 500
+             503:149(f64vec3) ExtInst 1(GLSL.std.450) 78(InterpolateAtOffset) 458(if64v) 502
+                              Store 456(f64v) 503
diff --git a/Test/spv.400.frag b/Test/spv.400.frag
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 5cfba16ba..d64c4700e
--- a/Test/spv.400.frag
+++ b/Test/spv.400.frag
@@ -192,10 +192,10 @@ void doubles()
     dvec3v  += reflect(dvec3v, dvec3v);
     dvec4v  += reflect(dvec4v, dvec4v);
-    doublev += refract(doublev, doublev, 1.3);
-    dvec2v  += refract(dvec2v,  dvec2v,  1.3);
-    dvec3v  += refract(dvec3v,  dvec3v,  1.3);
-    dvec4v  += refract(dvec4v,  dvec4v,  1.3);
+    doublev += refract(doublev, doublev, doublev);
+    dvec2v  += refract(dvec2v, dvec2v, doublev);
+    dvec3v  += refract(dvec3v, dvec3v, doublev);
+    dvec4v  += refract(dvec4v, dvec4v, doublev);
     dmat2   dmat2v   = outerProduct(dvec2v, dvec2v);
     dmat3   dmat3v   = outerProduct(dvec3v, dvec3v);
diff --git a/Test/spv.float64.frag b/Test/spv.float64.frag
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 2c6c308df..efbec77d9
--- a/Test/spv.float64.frag
+++ b/Test/spv.float64.frag
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ void builtinGeometryFuncs()
     float64_t f64;
     f64vec3   f64v1, f64v2, f64v3;
-    float f;
     f64   = length(f64v1);
     f64   = distance(f64v1, f64v2);
     f64   = dot(f64v1, f64v2);
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ void builtinGeometryFuncs()
     f64v2 = normalize(f64v1);
     f64v3 = faceforward(f64v1, f64v2, f64v3);
     f64v3 = reflect(f64v1, f64v2);
-    f64v3 = refract(f64v1, f64v2, f);
+    f64v3 = refract(f64v1, f64v2, f64);
 void builtinMatrixFuncs()
diff --git a/glslang/MachineIndependent/Initialize.cpp b/glslang/MachineIndependent/Initialize.cpp
index a5ab09394..34341b0ea 100755
--- a/glslang/MachineIndependent/Initialize.cpp
+++ b/glslang/MachineIndependent/Initialize.cpp
@@ -603,10 +603,10 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
             "dvec3  reflect(dvec3 , dvec3 );"
             "dvec4  reflect(dvec4 , dvec4 );"
-            "double refract(double, double, float);"
-            "dvec2  refract(dvec2 , dvec2 , float);"
-            "dvec3  refract(dvec3 , dvec3 , float);"
-            "dvec4  refract(dvec4 , dvec4 , float);"
+            "double refract(double, double, double);"
+            "dvec2  refract(dvec2 , dvec2 , double);"
+            "dvec3  refract(dvec3 , dvec3 , double);"
+            "dvec4  refract(dvec4 , dvec4 , double);"
             "dmat2 matrixCompMult(dmat2, dmat2);"
             "dmat3 matrixCompMult(dmat3, dmat3);"